Interview with Lawrence Saint-Victor and Karla Mosley of "Wed-locked" - Primetime TV Show Articles From The TV MegaSite

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By Suzanne

Lawrence St. Victor and Karla Mosley - pic from his Instagram

Interview with Lawrence Saint-victor and Karla Mosley of "Wed-Locked" web series and "Bold & The Beautiful" on CBS 6/1/17

It was great speaking with these two yesterday on the phone! They're awesome actors that I've followed for years on the soaps "Guiding Light" and then "Bold & The Beautiful". Both are so talented. They had their web series "Wed-Locked" in 2009 and now they're trying to get funding to do a real follow-up series. They were pioneers in web series back then. I hope they're able to get the right funding for it because it's a funny, enjoyable series about being married. Check it out!

Here's a recording of our interview. Below is a transcription, but it has some errors. I hope to proofread it more soon.

Suzanne:              Hi, how are you?

Lawrence:              Good [inaudible]

Suzanne:              I'm sorry. I couldn't get that.

Lawrence:              Hello?

Suzanne:              Yes? What did you say, I'm sorry?

Karla:                    Hello...

Suzanne:              Oh hi.

Lawrence:              I was saying, Karla [inaudible] she's on the other line.

Suzanne:              Great. How are you, Karla?

Karla:                    I'm great. How are you?

Suzanne:              Good, thanks. Big fan of both of you guys. I used to watch Guiding Light when you were on, and I've been watching Bold and the Beautiful since the 90's so ...

Lawrence:              Oh, wow. Yeah.

Suzanne:              Long time.

Karla:                    I think that's amazing.

Suzanne:              Yeah, actually, I had quit watching the show (B&B) awhile back because I didn't like what was going on, and when I heard about the transgender story, I started watching again, and it got me interested in the show again.

Lawrence:              [crosstalk] That was a powerful story.

Karla:                    Yeah.

Suzanne:              Yeah, I know. It was very good. I wish they would do more with that now. They seem to have a tendency to put couples together and then they sort of shove them off to the side for awhile.

Lawrence:              Yeah.

Suzanne:              Well, that's what I-

Karla:                    I also think that there would-

Suzanne:              I'm sorry. Go ahead.

Karla:                    It goes in cycles.

Suzanne:              Yeah. I'm sure it's frustrating for the actors.

Karla:                    Well, you know, that was such a juicy story I can't really complain.

Suzanne:              Yeah.

Karla:                    It was such a gift. But yeah, I do hope that they tell more of it because there is more to explore.  What I love about "Wed-Locked" is that we are able to explore marriage.

Suzanne:              Exactly.

Karla:                    So there is more to dig into once a couple is together.

Suzanne:              Right, and I think a lot of times, and I think this is all the soaps, they don't seem to want to do anything once people are married, except break them up. You know, have them cheat on each other. There is so much drama that you can mine from any marriage, whether you break them up or not.

Lawrence:              Absolutely. Absolutely.

Suzanne:              That is what is good about your series, and I hope to see more of it. It was a web series in 2009. Why did you wait til now to try it again?

Lawrence:              Well, back in 2009, we barely knew what a web series was.

Suzanne:              Right.

Lawrence:              We were just kind of migrating YouTube and looking out at people who started doing their shows like Crystal Chappell with Venice, something like that, so the idea of becoming like episodes and monetizing it, it was just all very confusing.  Now ... we were on to it back then and now the playing field is open to this concept and there is a way to distribute it. There is a way to finance it to keep making more. We just felt like now was the perfect time. Way back in 2009 it was like a no-man's land.

Suzanne:              Right. I read an article from back then that said you're both married to other people in real life, that you were newlyweds then. How did they feel about "Wed-Locked"?

Karla:                    They really enjoyed it, and that's sort of why we brought it back was because people kept bringing it up. Now it's nine years later, and we just had people that were always asking us about "Wed-Locked", so finally we were like, maybe it's worth looking at again. Maybe there is a desire and a need for it. Like you say, a lot of those shows that we watch, people are breaking up, people are cheating on each other, people are single [inaudible] fun and interesting and dramatic, so many of us are in long term relationships or marriages and there is a wealth of story and opportunity for storytelling in that.

Suzanne:              Right. Did you use parts of your real-life marriages in the first "Wed-Locked"?

Lawrence:              [inaudible] I mean... a little bit.

Karla:                    Yeah, I think what's fun about this round is that the note that we got [inaudible] in the web world, you can go far, you can be real, we can be edgy, we can be, you know? I think everything of course comes from your own experience.  The first time we were a little more on the surface, and this time we dipped into personal experience and we won't tell you-

Lawrence:              Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Karla:                    Whose experience is what.

Lawrence:              Yeah.

Karla:                    But it makes it a little riskier, but also more relatable.

Lawrence:              It's like back in 2009 when we made it, we just had so much fun writing and talking about the concept. This time around we had fun, but we were also like, Um, I had to tell you my business. Karla doesn't know about my business. It's almost like we kind of have to start from that place of, oooh, there's a mixture that's unique and interesting, and back then, I feel like we .... We were also very young in our relationships, too. We've now got a lot more experiences. But now we were totally... I was like, telling her some of these stories, and I'm sitting there sweating like "Oh my God" which means we were at a good place.

Karla:                    Right.

Suzanne:              Do either of you have kids in your real-life marriages?

Lawrence:             No, not yet.

Karla:                    Nope.

Suzanne:              Not yet. Well, all right, I understand. I don't have kids-

Karla:                    We're both aunts ... I'm an aunt and he's an uncle.

Lawrence:              Yeah. We got, we got.

Suzanne:              You're both what? I'm sorry.

Lawrence:              We both have nieces, so we're getting to practice, and we love our nieces.

Karla:                    Yeah, it's like family picture time.

Lawrence:              Yeah, video.

Suzanne:              I understand. So what do you think ... I want each of you to tell me what keeps you happily married.

Lawrence:              I think, honesty. There is [inaudible] about "Wed-Locked" two, where me and Karla are pulling the romanticism and gloss off of marriage. I think sometimes we got to delve into that and know it's gonna be hard, there's going to be bumps, but if you can just stay the course and be honest with each other, that's kind of how it works. It's gonna be uncomfortable sometimes. That's normal. Just keep it real.

Suzanne:              Karla?

Karla:                    I think the key to a long term partnership is communication. People grow and shift and change, and life happens, and I think commitment to staying in the conversation and continuing to find each other.

Suzanne:              Well, I have to agree with both of you. This July I'll have been married 35 years. I agree.

Lawrence:              Oh, wow. Congratulations!

Suzanne:              Thank you. I think after a certain point you have lots more, like you said, lots more material you could use in your show.

Karla:                    Right.

Lawrence:              A lot more.

Karla:                    We may have to ask you for some show ideas.

Suzanne:              Yeah? Oh, good, I get writing credit. Now do you have a script already for the new series?

Lawrence:              [crosstalk] We do. We do.

Suzanne:              Great, great. Will there be other soap actors in the new series that we know?

Lawrence:              Right now, just starting out, we kind of want the audience to get ... for those that were a fan of the old one, we want them to get reacquainted with Robert and Denise. For those that are watching for the first time, we wanted to spend some time on our main characters. So the first bunch, is primarily, for the most part, will be us. But there might be some cameos popping up. But for the most part, we're getting you used to this couple.

Suzanne:              Great, right. So now lets-

Karla:                    [inaudible]

Suzanne:              Sorry, go ahead.

Karla:                    I was just gonna say... if we end up shooting more episodes, people enjoy it and we shoot some more, then we do have ideas of several other characters who might come in, and we usually end up using our friends.

Suzanne:              Right, sure.

Karla:                    [inaudible] the people that you know.

Suzanne:              Cool. So let's say that you get the money to make the series, you produce it, and then what? Does it air on YouTube or somewhere else?  How do you make money from it?

Lawrence:              I think we're gonna explore streaming on distribution outlets first. Hulu, Netflix, Crackle, Amazon, Funny or Die, YouTube Red... there's so many great things going on online when it comes to being able to push market and distribute content.

Suzanne:              Sure.

Lawrence:              What I think with these, we're gonna use these in order to pitch. We don't want to just throw it up online and have them go into the ether. We really want a team and support behind it and that's what we will be going for and pushing what [inaudible]

Suzanne:              Great. I hope it does well. You see so many series ... I review all the new shows from my site, and I see a lot of series on regular TV, as well as Netflix and they said "Oh, this use to be a web series" and half the time I'm like, "Why? Why did people like this?" I would actually watch yours.

Lawrence:              Awww.

Karla:                    Awww.

Suzanne:              If it's anything like the ones I saw. Sorry go ahead.

Karla:                    I just said, that means a lot because you see a lot. You appreciate what we're putting out. That's a good sign.

Suzanne:              Thank you. I do because I've watched soap operas since 1984 and I've watched a lot of prime time shows as well. A lot of the prime time series are like soap operas.

Lawrence:              Yeah, yeah.

Suzanne:              They have a lot of soap elements-

Karla:                    So true.

Suzanne:              And yet ... I think a lot of the prime time shows do get it right now, and I love watching the daytime soaps still, but they don't seem to grow and progress as much. I mean, they do very slowly. I think something like your show, if they put it on TV or Netflix, it would really shake things up, I think. I mean, look how long it took for them to get African-American characters on "The Bold and the Beautiful. "

Lawrence:              We know...

Suzanne:              It's set in L.A. and they still don't have ... aside from the one transgender character, they don't have any gay characters. It's a fashion house!

Karla:                    It's definitely [inaudible]

Lawrence:              Yeah. When I think of that ... like Brad Bell, I love him, he's telling his story. He's telling his point of view, his vision, and sometimes we can't depend on him to tell our story. We tell the story. We got to hit the pavement, hit the scripts with pen and paper and now we got to tell our story.

Suzanne:              That's great.

Karla:                    But he's been, to his credit, he is a lover of "Wed-Locked" and-

Suzanne:              Oh good.

Lawrence:              Yeah.

Karla:                    He was writing a spin-off web series for and that was sort of a sister show to "Wed-Locked". While he is telling his story from his perspective, and that's a really good point, Lawrence, and he does value each other's perspective and interested in encouraging them in other ways.

Suzanne:              That's great. I'm not putting down his writing. I'm sure the network has a lot to do with it. What I really liked about watching the parts of "Wed-Locked" that I saw online was you guys. I mean, you make funny faces, there's a lot of humor, and but, seriously in a good way, and your personalities come through. I liked what they do with Maya. But with Carter it's like they make the character so boring. You're not boring!

Lawrence:              What do I say to that? Well, it's interesting. Yeah. What do I ... what is my comment today.  I think ... Karla?

Karla:                    No, that is the gift of .... Lawrence and I have a real gift and from the beginning, from the first day that we worked together, we realized that we have the same kind of comedy. We have the same kind of worth ethic. We have the same sort of life and life experience. So it's really fun to be able to create a show with someone where it's easy, where our low is easy, where we're really on the same page. So it's a gift. It's a light. We as actors get to play lots of different characters, but when that feels right towards our own gift and strengths, it's the best.

Suzanne:              Yeah, that's good. That's a good answer. I think all shows, even dramas, could use a lot more humor, and that's good you are able to mix those things together.

Lawrence:              Yeah, yeah. For Carter, I think the thing about it is soaps are about family. It's about family, always about family. Why it works so well is because she is tied into the Foresters and she's going through [inaudible] everyone by her connection. I think the thing with Carter that this wasn't as developed is, he's not family. He's not connected to anyone that would cause impact, so we're not getting as much from him as we can. But, that being said, I have to give him so much credit because for me to be without family for four years, like technically, seriously you don't last that long.

Suzanne:              That's true.

Lawrence:              Without family. So yeah. So I'm grateful.

Suzanne:              I do like the way they try to weave you into the story. You're always there at the weddings and that kind of thing, becoming the person who marries people.

Lawrence:              I don't know where it started. I've become the moral compass. I don't know where ... I'm always telling Ridge he's doing something wrong or telling Maya she was a gold digger.

Suzanne:              Well, she kind of was.

Lawrence:              Yeah, she was. She was, she was, she was.

Karla:                    [inaudible]

Suzanne:              Who knows maybe in the future ... like I said they always break up the couples, if she and Rick have trouble down the road, she can go back to Carter for awhile.

Lawrence:              Listen, she'll have to earn it, though. She treated me awful.

Suzanne:              She did.!

Lawrence:              She'll have to like, earn it.

Suzanne:              Well, it would be good because they didn't really have much of a chance there before she went chasing after the Forresters. So anyway, getting back to "Wed-Locked", what else would you like to tell us about it? Anything you really want to tell us?

Lawrence:              I think when me and Karla-- when we worked on our  [inaudible], I think it kind of really reinvigorated like "Yo, let's go" and now it's four weeks before "Wed-Locked", the more I realized this just isn't on television. It's just not here, and it's not here, with people of color. We have "black-ish," we have other shows where they're single and they're dating and they're figuring it out. But I'm like, where is this show about married people stumbling through this thing.

Suzanne:              Right. Realistically, too.

Lawrence:              Realistically, yeah. I felt like, speaking for myself and my marriage, especially in the first few years, my ups and downs, I thought I was weird. Everyone else either looked perfect or in shambles. So I must be weird. No one else is going through what I'm going through. I feel good that we get to use our personal lives. It's not all our personal lives, but it inspires us, and we can do it in a funny way, and people can watch it, married couples can watch it, couples can watch it, they go "oh, I do that, too." Off that teaser, I can't tell you how many dudes was like "Yeah, I shaved, and yeah, I did that." I was like, oooh.

Karla:                    It's really, really true. Every time I [inaudible] they're like I've had that experience.

Suzanne:              I think that might be an L.A. thing. I don't know. That one thing.

Karla:                    I know, I know. Yes, I'm not gonna out them.

Suzanne:              Karla, I love-

Lawrence:              For real.

Suzanne:              Oh, go ahead.

Karla:                    Because when you're with someone for a long time, I mean, whether it's that or something else, it's the idea of [inaudible] something. You know, trying to spice things up in some ways, you perform and sometimes falling a little flat.

Lawrence:              Uh.

Suzanne:              You don't have to tell me, I've been married 35 years!

Lawrence:              So you know! You know!

Suzanne:              I know. Karla I loved your singing at the Daytime Emmys. Will you be singing in "Wed-Locked", or on B&B, do you think?

Karla:                    That's a good question. I don't know that Denise is a singer. But that being said, if we do some music for the show, sing a song or something like that, you never know there's a possibility. I always love when they ask me to sing on Bold. They know that I'm always wanting to do it.

Suzanne:              That was really great at the Daytime Emmys having you all up there. It's like "Why didn't they do this before?" There's so many wonderful singers in day time.

Karla:                    Exactly. It was so nice for us to get to know some of the people from the other shows and spend time with them. It's usually like fast and furious, you sort of see them in passing, and it was really fun to be able to get to know them in another creative way.

Suzanne:              Yeah, and I bet most of the fans didn't even know some of you could sing. I knew Jacob was a singer because I have his album from way back.

Lawrence:              Whoa.

Suzanne:              I knew you could sing, from the show, but I had no idea about some of the others, so it was kind of cool, and that song was great. I loved it. You have such a pretty - beautiful actually - soprano voice.. and I'm a soprano so I love that.

Karla:                    Well you [know me then?]. I appreciate other fellow singers. You really know.

Suzanne:              Yes, yes. I'm sure all of you were nervous singing in front of your peers.

Karla:                    Yeah, but again, it's fun. The Daytime Emmys is such a good time. It's a wonderful time to celebrate each other, to be together and dress up and eat some yummy food and just relax.

Suzanne:              Yeah. Now, Lawrence, do you know if anything ... I noticed that you had some other little films and things on your YouTube channel. Is "Wed-Locked" the main focus of your work, or do you have other things that you're working on?

Lawrence:              I have other things that I'm working on. "Wed-Locked" is the only one in this stage of production. But I also have this fitness show that I'm gonna put on. I'm gonna put this on YouTube I think. But it's gonna show you online ... it's kind of like, you sit down with actors, and you find out what makes them tick, and you do their work-out with them. So you're kind of getting insight of what makes them tick artistically, but also, what inspires them to be fit, too. I've been shooting those, and they are in kind of in post-production, and then I have this script I'm working on that kind of is in development, not pre-production yet. That's the only one that's like ... that's [inaudible]

Suzanne:              Right, right. Okay great. There's a lot of actors that do fitness stuff, I noticed.

Lawrence:              I mean, nowadays, it's almost like you got to.

Suzanne:              But I mean, I meant-

Lawrence:              In this industry.

Suzanne:              I meant more like, they do it as a second job.

Lawrence:              Oh, absolutely, because being in California, too, is like, it's always beautiful outside, you can always find something, an activity you enjoy doing, you enjoy teaching. You get a good peace of mind living an active life, and if you can help others and teach others, you might as well do it.

Suzanne:              That's great. That's great. Well, there's some good use for that gym there at Bold and Beautiful.

Lawrence:              That's Sky Lounge. Yeah. Those weights are real too. That's funny. We're really working out when we're filmed working out that.

Suzanne:             Wow! I always thought it was just like, fake, and then they sprayed the sweat on you. 

Lawrence:              Sometimes they glisten us, but after the first rehearsal, yeah. The sweat is real.

Suzanne:              That's good to know. Well, listen, it was great talking to you guys.

Lawrence:              So great talking to you too.

Karla:                    Thank you for taking the time.

Suzanne:              Oh, no problem. I will make sure to keep telling people about "Wed-Locked", and I look forward to seeing what happens.

Lawrence:              Aw, thank you so much.

Suzanne:              All right thanks a lot. I appreciate it.

Karla:                    Great.

Suzanne:              Bye, bye.

Karla:                    Bye Bye.

Lawrence:              Bye.

Transcribed by Regina I. of

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