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Interview with Tiffani Thiessen of "White Collar" on USA
This is the second time I have had the pleasure of
speaking with Ms. Thiessen. She is always so nice and seems a lot like
her character on this show, plus she is very clearly a good mom as well.
White Collar is a really enjoyable show that I never miss. Make sure to watch
it if you're not already doing so.
Final Transcript
MEREDITH CORPORATION: White Collar Q&A With Tiffani Thiessen
February 4, 2011/2:30 p.m. EST
Cathy Choe – New Media Strategies
Tiffani Thiessen – White Collar
Moderator Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by and welcome to
the White Collar Q&A With Tiffani Thiessen conference call. At this time
all participants are in a listen-only mode. Later we will conduct a
question and answer session. Instructions will be given at that time. As
a reminder, and per your host, this conference is being recorded.
I would now like to turn the conference over to our host, Miss Cathy
Choe. Please go ahead.
C. Choe: Thank you, Nancy. Good afternoon. This is Cathy
Choe from New Media Strategies. I’d like to thank everyone for joining
us for today’s White Collar Q&A session and start things off by thanking
Tiffani Thiessen for being with us today to answer questions.
As you know, Tiffani stars as Elizabeth Burke on the hit series White
Collar, which airs Tuesdays at 10/9 Central on USA. In a moment we’ll
begin the Q&A session. I’d like to remind all participants that you will
receive a copy of this transcript within the next 24 to 48 hours. I
would also like to remind everyone to please limit yourselves to one
question and then re-enter the question queue for any additional
questions. This will ensure that we field as many questions as possible
within the allotted time.
I would now like to turn this call back over to our Moderator: to begin
the formal Q&A session. Please go ahead.
Moderator: Thank you. The first question is from Pattye Grippo from
P. Grippo: It’s actually Pazsaz.com, but thanks. Hi, thanks for talking
with us today.
T. Thiessen: Oh, thank you. I’m so sorry you guys, everybody, for me
being a little late. I’m kind of here by myself with my little girl, so
she was a little fussy, so I had to be a little late and I apologize
P. Grippo: Oh, it’s no problem at all. So, let me ask you, your character
of Elizabeth, in what ways would you say you are most like and least
like her, your character that you play?
T. Thiessen: I think I’ve said this before in an interview that as one of
the first characters that I’ve played in the 20 some odd years I’ve been
doing this business, crazy business, that I feel most like my character
this time. I inspire to be Elizabeth Burke every day.
I love that she really is a very career driven woman, I love that she
puts her relationship and her marriage first. I love the relationship
that she does have with her husband where there’s a lot of love between
the two of them, there’s a lot of trust. But there’s also a great
friendship between the two of them, so I definitely feel like a lot of
those aspects, I definitely feel like I have in my own life.
The really only difference that I see, and a big difference, is the fact
that they don’t have children and I, of course, now have a little seven
and a half month old myself, so I think those are the only real big
P. Grippo: Okay, well, thank you very much.
T. Thiessen: Yeah.
Moderator: Now we have a question from Jamie Steinberg from Starry
Constellation. I’m sorry, go ahead.
J. Steinberg: Starry Constellation, thank you so much for taking your
time to talk to me.
T. Thiessen: Oh, thank you for having me.
J. Steinberg: I was wondering, what keeps challenging you about playing
your role?
T. Thiessen: What’s been challenging about playing the role? It’s hard;
it’s actually one of the nicest, you know, I think I had said this in
the first question that was asked to me that it’s one of the closest
roles to myself that I’ve played in my, probably in my entire career.
So, I have to say it’s not really been a tough role in this sense
because I do feel like it’s kind of close to home for me. I think
probably the hardest thing is the juggling aspect of my personal life,
now having a baby and going to work and I think that’s really probably I
have to say, really the hardest thing right now is just the juggling of
baby and work and doing all that, you know. Everything else has been
really quite nice and fun and it’s really one of the nicest jobs that
I’ve had in a very, very long time.
We, I feel very blessed to have the cast and crew that I do, so.
J. Steinberg: Well, there’s some amazing guest starts coming up. Is there
anyone you’d like to see come on that hasn’t been on?
T. Thiessen: Oh, we welcome all great actors to come on our show. I think
any show that’s been running for a few years, I think they tend to
always love to have some really interesting, fun people and the fact
that we have Billy Dee Williams coming on next week.
And he was so much fun. I actually had done a movie with him years and
years ago. I did a movie called Ladies Man, which was a Saturday Night
Live movie.
J. Steinberg: Yes.
T. Thiessen: And he was in it and so it was really nice to actually see
him again and work with him again. So, I can’t even say anything
specific, but it’s nice to have legends like that, too, to come onto our
J. Steinberg: Well, please send Harper my best.
T. Thiessen: Oh, I will. She’s sitting right here.
J. Steinberg: I can hear.
T. Thiessen: Oh, I’m sure you guys can hear her.
J. Steinberg: Thank you.
Moderator: All right. Now we have Brittney Frederick from Digital
Airwaves. Go ahead.
B. Frederick: Hi, Tiffani. It’s great to talk to you.
T. Thiessen: Oh, thank you.
B. Frederick: One of the things I love most about your character is you
actually have a normal, healthy marriage on TV, which we never see
T. Thiessen: That’s exactly what I say all the time. I said it’s one of
the first scripts that I’ve read in a really long time, when I read the
pilot, that it was actually a marriage that actually works on TV because
most of the time marriages on TV are filled with drama and affairs and
distrusting each other and it’s all the opposite with the Burkes, which
is what I really, really enjoy about the relationship.
B. Frederick: What’s that like to play for you on a weekly basis, you
know, building that relationship with Tim and so on?
T. Thiessen: Oh, Tim is - I’ll tell you he is such an amazing man. I fell
in love with him the moment I met him. I was always such a big fan of
his work, watched a lot of his shows in the past and so when we had our
first chemistry read we hit it off from day one.
And, funny enough, it’s like he and my real husband, they have a lot of
similar qualities about each other, so it actually kind of just fits and
it was just a really great relationship that took off from really day
B. Frederick: Awesome. Well, thank you so much and best of luck with the
T. Thiessen: Oh, thank you.
Moderator: Now we have Lauren Fishman from PopCultureMadness. Please go
L. Fishman: Hi, Tiffani. Thanks so much for taking the time out.
T. Thiessen: Oh, thank you for having me.
L. Fishman: So, after all of your experience on various sets, so you have
a chance to offer your input or say into your character?
T. Thiessen: We have a great relationship with our writers and our
producers and creators of our show and they always welcome our ideas,
which is actually really nice because not every show is like that. And
there’s been a few little inputs that I have - at the very beginning
they had Elizabeth have a different career.
At the time I think when the pilot was written she was an accountant and
they ended up scratching that during the pilot and shooting and that’s
why in the pilot you really don’t know what she does for a living
because they couldn’t figure it out.
And so when the show got picked up I sat down with Jeff Eastin, the
creator, and we kind of went around some ideas of what possibly could be
her job and her career and I’ve always thought that if I wasn’t an actor
I always wanted to be an event planner, an event coordinator.
So, that’s where that idea came from. I told him and he was like I love
it, so that’s actually, it was definitely a big input of mine.
L. Fishman: Well, that’s definitely one of the reasons I watch the show
because I love, I wanted to be an event planner, too.
T. Thiessen: Oh, see, there you go. I love it. Yeah, I’ve always dreamed
about doing that if I stopped the whole acting craze. I always thought
that it would be such a fun kind of thing to do.
L. Fishman: Well, we can start a company together.
T. Thiessen: I love it. Great idea.
L. Fishman: Thanks so much.
T. Thiessen: Thank you.
Moderator: Now we have Kelly Dimincho. Please go ahead.
K. Dimarzio: Dimarzio.
Moderator: Oh, I’m sorry.
K. Dimarzio: That’s all right. Hi, Tiffani.
T. Thiessen: Hi, how are you?
K. Dimarzio: Good. I really enjoyed Elizabeth’s role in the “Burke 7.”
T. Thiessen: Oh, thank you.
K. Dimarzio: And I was wondering what it was like to finally get to be
part of the con?
T. Thiessen: It was actually really fun and you actually get to see even
more of that towards the end of this season. I was a little absent the
first half of the second season because, of course, I was pregnant and I
had my daughter at the time. But I always love to get into the mix with
the guys. I mean, how much fun is it to work with Tim on his actual
business/career side of things and with Matt, he’s adorable.
And then Willie, you know, they’ve actually started doing more and more
scenes with Willie, which has been really quite fun.
K. Dimarzio: It’s great chemistry.
T. Thiessen: Yeah, we all have really great chemistry. It’s actually a
very; it’s a rarity I believe that all of us really have such great
chemistry and we actually really enjoy each other, which makes work so
much nicer.
K. Dimarzio: That’s great. Thank you so much.
T. Thiessen: Thank you.
Moderator: Now we have Suzanne; say your last name, Suzanne, I’m sorry.
S. Lanoue: Lanoue.
Moderator: Go right ahead, Suzanne.
S. Lanoue: Oh, hi.
T. Thiessen: Hi.
S. Lanoue: I was wondering if you had taken your baby in to see the set
and how they all reacted?
T. Thiessen: Oh, no, my child goes with me everywhere. I made a little
joke actually on a – I see you, sweetie – as you can hear her.
S. Lanoue: She thinks we’re talking about her.
T. Thiessen: Yes, but wherever myself goes she goes and she’s pretty much
attached to my hip these days and has been from day one. So, she
actually, and my mom, who helped me a lot last year when I came back
after having her, they came to the set with me every day because I was
nursing and I’m still nursing, so she goes with me everywhere. So, she’s
a definite little veteran already on set.
S. Lanoue: Aw, that’s great.
T. Thiessen: Yeah.
S. Lanoue: Do you think that if Peter and Elizabeth ever had children
that they would have more reasons, well, not reasons, occasion to fight
because Elizabeth said before that they never fought.
T. Thiessen: That they never fought? You know, I think they.
S. Lanoue: They bicker a little. I mean, who doesn’t bicker, right?
T. Thiessen: You know, and it’s funny. I even look at my own marriage and
really my husband and I really don’t fight. We bicker, of course, we
have disagreements, but that’s normal in every marriage and I think
that’s the same with the Burkes.
I do think, though, when you add children definitely I think there’s
more stress put into, you know, I can speak for ourselves right now,
we’re so tired because when you have an infant you don’t sleep, and so
that definitely puts more stress in a relationship and I’m sure
probably, but I just, again, I go back to I love the way Jeff has
created this relationship between the two of them, that they have such
great communication skills and they really are there for each other and
that’s what’s important.
S. Lanoue: That would be a great addition, actually, to the show when you
think about it because it would give them, it would give Peter more to
worry about, having a kid.
T. Thiessen: Having a kid.
S. Lanoue: To suddenly worry about and then.
T. Thiessen: It’s funny; I thought that to a certain degree.
S. Lanoue: Well, he’s FBI, you know, the threat.
T. Thiessen: But I really actually enjoy them not having children.
Interesting enough they remind me of a few friends of mine who have been
married for a long time and have such a great relationship that their
dog is their child and each other is their priority and it’s kind of
just their relationship and I actually really enjoy that.
S. Lanoue: Well, plus you have Neal and he’s kind of a big kid.
T. Thiessen: Exactly.
S. Lanoue: Thank you.
Moderator: All right. We have Gilamar Paz from Series on TV.
G. Paz: Hi, how are you, Tiffani?
T. Thiessen: I’m good. How are you?
G. Paz: Great, thanks. The name actually is Guillermo Paz. I’m from
T. Thiessen: Oh, nice to be here.
G. Paz: Thanks. There are a lot of White Collar fans here. I wanted to
ask you what’s the best thing about being in White Collar and what would
you say to recommend the show to someone who isn’t already watching it?
T. Thiessen: Oh, wow. My favorite thing about the show is my cast, the
guys and people, the actors that I get to work with every day are really
what is the pure joy for me. It’s one of the greatest casts that I’ve
ever worked with, so.
And for people who aren’t watching the show, it’s one of the most
entertaining TV shows on TV right now. It has a lot of suspense, it has
a lot of comedy. It has a little bit of everything and it’s a really fun
show and I think there’s a reason why it’s gotten such good reviews and
I think that’s why the show is doing so well is it’s got a little bit of
everything, which is nice.
G. Paz: Great. I’m also doing a little documentary piece about how to
make it in the industry. I just want to ask you what’s the best advice
you could give to a struggling actor who’s just starting?
T. Thiessen: Say that again, repeat yourself, I’m sorry.
G. Paz: I said I’m doing a documentary piece about how to make it in the
T. Thiessen: Oh, how to make it in the industry.
G. Paz: Yeah, and I would like to know what’s the best advice you could
give to struggling actors who are just starting?
T. Thiessen: I think determination, being resilient is probably the only
thing that you can really tell somebody because it really is one of the
hardest businesses to make it and to crack, but the more that you can
kind of push yourself and stay into it, the better chances you have.
G. Paz: Great. Thanks so much, Tiffani.
T. Thiessen: Mm hm.
Moderator: All right, now we have Lena Lamoray from Lenalamoray.com.
Please go ahead.
L. Lamoray: Hey, Tiffani. It’s a pleasure to speak with you.
T. Thiessen: Oh, thank you.
L. Lamoray: One of my favorite scenes in “Forging Bonds” is when I get to
meet Elizabeth and puppy Satchmo. What did you think about that episode
and about the back stories of all the characters?
T. Thiessen: You know, it was fun because at the beginning you kind of
come up with your own story of how things started, the characters and
like the relationships that started and things like that. And sometimes
they’re different than what the creator had envisioned.
So, it was actually kind of fun to see what his true vision was with all
the characters and how Elizabeth and Peter met and how their
relationship started and how the whole relationship with Neal’s
character and my husband and all of that, and Willie, and all of that it
was actually quite fun. It was one of my favorite episodes as well.
L. Lamoray: Are there any surprises in it for you?
T. Thiessen: Any surprises; no, it’s funny, I never thought a mustache
would be part of the episode, but I think Tim looks great in a mustache.
I don’t know why we actually got rid of it.
L. Lamoray: Thank you very much.
T. Thiessen: You’re welcome.
Moderator: All right. Now we have Kimberly Workman from Spoiler TV.
Please go ahead.
K. Workman: Hi, Tiffani. Thanks for talking to us.
T. Thiessen: Oh, thank you.
K. Workman: Your character has emerged as a strong and very positive role
model for women. Did you approach the role with this potential in mind
or did it just happen organically as a result of the writing?
T. Thiessen: Well, it was definitely written that way and that was one of
the reasons why I loved the character so much and I go back to the fact
that, and I’ve said this a few times that you don’t see a lot of strong
women have strong marriage relationships on TV. You just don’t see it
very often, so that was one thing that I really, really enjoyed reading
the script about and really falling in love with Elizabeth in that
So, absolutely, it was the writing for sure and then of course every
actor puts their own two cents into a character to make it their own.
K. Workman: Well, thank you very much.
Moderator: Now we have Erica Blake from multipleverses.com.
E. Blake: Hi, Tiffani. Thanks for talking to us today.
T. Thiessen: Thank you.
E. Blake: I wanted to know if you could go ahead and tell us the
differences between working in L.A. versus New York.
T. Thiessen: The weather. That is the biggest difference as it’s like 75
degrees here today and it’s freezing back in New York City. That is
probably the biggest difference. But what’s really nice, I’ve always
wanted to be bicoastal, it’s so funny; and then, so when this job came
about I kind of had like a little wish come true where we get to spend
six months in New York and six months in L.A. and two great cities, I
And now that I have a kid it’s even fun to be able to have her kind of
really have both cities because they are so, so different in the sense,
the noise and the lights and the excitement of New York City it’s such
an amazing city and the restaurants and everything that it has to offer,
the arts and all that.
And then L.A., we have great weather. I mean, it’s like 75 degrees year
round it seems like here in Los Angeles and it’s beautiful and you’re
outside all the time. So, she’s got the best of both worlds, so it’s
just really nice.
E. Blake: Do you find that being an actress it’s easier to work, though,
in one city versus another or the attitudes are different?
T. Thiessen: Yeah, it used to be that it was easier to find work in Los
Angeles, but that’s really shifting now. It’s shifting a lot, where I
find a lot of my friends who are actors are not even shooting in Los
Angeles anymore, which is, I think, actually a very big problem.
As you know and everybody knows, our state is broke. So, hopefully, the
big guys will kind of figure something out and try to get our
entertainment industry here in California up and running again because
it really has, it’s hard for a lot of people, the economy and stuff, and
so it’s funny that every single one of us from the show is from Los
Angeles and we technically all live in L.A. and so we actually commute
and uproot ourselves to New York City every time we go back for the
E. Blake: Okay, well, thank you.
Moderator: Right now we have Karen Mull from www.scifivision.com.
K. Mull: Great. Hi, Tiffani.
T. Thiessen: Hi, sweetheart.
K. Mull: I’m kind of new to White Collar.
T. Thiessen: Okay, you’re a newbie.
K. Mull: I am. I’ve watched the last several episodes. I was interested
in watching “Burke 7.” Elizabeth plays that small role in the con. It
was interesting; it came so spontaneously and so naturally to her.
T. Thiessen: Oh, thank you.
K. Mull: To just grab the phone and I’m wondering where do you think that
comes from in Elizabeth that she sort of was able to do that and what
does that maybe signal?
T. Thiessen: Well I think for her it’s been that she’s been around her
husband’s business their whole entire relationship and if you did season
one, you would actually even from the very beginning, from the pilot,
you saw that she was the kind of wife he would bring home his work a lot
and actually bounce a lot of ideas off of her.
So, she was very, very involved with a lot of his cases and got involved
and knew very much about Neal being that he was a character in both
their lives for a very long time. So, I think it did come naturally
because I think she’s around it constantly with him. And that’s kind of
where I take it from.
K. Mull: Well, I have to tell you, I spent 20 years working as an event
T. Thiessen: Oh, did you? I love it.
K. Mull: And I saw that as a very natural; an event planner is a
troubleshooter and I just saw it as a natural.
T. Thiessen: Well, I mean, she’s a producer, basically. You know, that’s
what event planning is. You produce, you definitely try to dodge bullets
and make things okay for people, so I agree with you.
K. Mull: That’s right. Think we’ll see her play a bigger role in some
future cons?
T. Thiessen: I think so. Last year, I told everybody I had a baby and so
I had to miss a lot of the episodes and I was gone and back in Los
Angeles having the child and then when I came back after six weeks of
having her, you know, it was still kind of a big transition for me, so
you’ll see a lot of me towards the end of this season, because I am back
after having the baby and then we actually start season three in like
six weeks, so.
K. Mull: Oh, great. Well, good luck. Thank you very much.
T. Thiessen: Thank you.
Moderator: Now we have Lance Carter from Daily Actor. Please go ahead.
L. Carter: Hey, nice talking to you.
T. Thiessen: Nice talking to you.
L. Carter: So, when you do a show for a long period of time how do you
keep your character fresh for you?
T. Thiessen: I think it’s a dance between the writers definitely keeping
the words fresh and putting, you know, constantly exploring the
character as you kind of peel the layers back like an onion almost and
really kind of digging more and more, which is actually kind of funny
how the last episode of White Collar was very much that way of kind of
going into the past of a lot of these characters and figuring out how
the relationship started and stuff and I think that has a lot to do with
keeping characters interesting for the audience to watch.
L. Carter: Cool. Thanks.
T. Thiessen: Mm hm.
Moderator: Now we have Katherine Welch from Televixen. Please go ahead.
K. Welch: Hi, Tifanni. Thanks for talking to us.
T. Thiessen: Thank you.
K. Welch: I really enjoyed seeing the friendship between Elizabeth and
Neal develop over the show and have you enjoyed playing that dynamic and
do we have any?
T. Thiessen: Oh, absolutely. Well, we certainly don’t want to stand next
to Matt and work with him.
K. Welch: Really. Is there any good stuff between them coming up soon?
T. Thiessen: There is actually. Towards the end of this season, I think
it’s either the second to the last episode or the last episode – I can’t
remember the order number, I have a little baby brain still these days –
but we actually do the whole entire episode pretty much the two of us
together, which is actually quite fun and I don’t want to give it away
because it’s actually a really great episode, but we actually work a lot
K. Welch: Great. Can’t wait to see that.
T. Thiessen: Yeah.
K. Welch: Thanks very much.
T. Thiessen: Uh huh.
Moderator: All right, we have Kelly Dimarzio again from Thevoiceoftv.com.
Please go ahead.
K. Dimarzio: Some of the former cast of Saved By The Bell have done
Dancing With The Stars. Have you been approached or is it something
you’d ever consider doing?
T. Thiessen: I’ve been approached quite often and it’s not something I’d
consider actually. It’s just, it’s not in my future I see. I give a lot
of credit to people who actually do it because it looks like it’s a lot
of work, but right now for me my life is about my show and acting and my
kid now and my husband.
K. Dimarzio: Sure.
T. Thiessen: That’s not really a part of my world at this point.
K. Dimarzio: Great. Thank you.
T. Thiessen: Mm hm.
Moderator: All right. And we have Guillermo Paz from Series on TV. Go
G. Paz: Hi. It seems my name is very difficult. I wanted to ask you, you
have an extended resume on some of the most iconic shows of the last 20
years perhaps. Do you think maybe we’ll get to see a little wink or
reference to any of the shows?
T. Thiessen: Meaning going back and doing one of the shows, is that what
you mean?
G. Paz: No, no, in White Collar, doing, I don’t know, a crossing the
T. Thiessen: Oh, in White Collar, oh, I see. You know, honestly I’d never
even thought about it. I don’t know if the producers have thought about
it either. That’s a good question. It wouldn’t be really a question for
me, it would be a question probably for Jeff Eastin.
G. Paz: Okay. And who would be your dream guest star for White Collar?
T. Thiessen: Who would be my biggest what, I’m sorry?
G. Paz: Guest star.
T. Thiessen: My biggest guest star, oh wow. We’ve had a lot of great
guest stars and we have more. Like I just had mentioned that Billy Dee
Williams is on the next episode and he’s such an icon. It was quite fun
to actually have him on the show and work with Diahann Carroll and the
two of them, actually they have such a real history together where they
actually went to high school together, which was actually kind of fun to
I mean he’s amazing and I had done a movie with him years ago, so it was
really fun to actually work with him and see him again.
G. Paz: Oh, okay, great. Thanks.
T. Thiessen: Mm hm.
Moderator: All right, we have Karen Mull from www.scifivision.com again.
K. Mull: Hi. You grew up in the business. I think you’ve been working
since you were maybe eight years old or something like that. And now
you’re a mom.
T. Thiessen: I am.
K. Mull: And I’m wondering if you, how you feel about maybe getting your
daughter started or if she came to you and wanted to get started at such
a young age?
T. Thiessen: I know. I’ve actually gotten asked this a lot lately and
it’s nothing I would encourage. And the reason being, you know, 20, 30
years ago when I was in the business it was a lot different than it is
nowadays. And nowadays, with the tabloids being as aggressive as they
are and people making money off of the misfortunes of actors, I just
would not want her to be susceptible for that kind of stuff.
I mean, and when she’s old enough and over 18 and can make those
decisions then, of course, I would support her in whatever she wanted to
do. But when she’s under 18 I would definitely not advise it. It’s not
something I would wish for her at this point.
K. Mull: Well, you sound like a very smart, sensible mom.
T. Thiessen: Thanks.
Moderator: No additional questions, Miss Choe.
C. Choe: Great, thank you so much. Ladies and gentlemen, that will
conclude today’s session. I’d like to once again thank Tiffani for
joining us and remind everyone to tune into new episodes of White Collar
on Tuesdays at 10/9 Central on USA Network.
Thanks, again, and enjoy the rest of your day.
T. Thiessen: Thank you, guys.
C. Choe: Thanks, Tiffani.
T. Thiessen: Thanks, everybody. Have a great Friday. Sorry, again, for
being late.
C. Choe: That’s okay, no problem.
T. Thiessen: All right, have a great day, you guys. Have a good weekend.
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