Nashville Finale - Primetime Article From The TV MegaSite

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Nashville Season Finale By Sundi

photo from the season finale

I was NOT emotionally prepared for the season finale of Nashville. Between Deacon and Raynas’ stuff, the funeral of Juliette’s mom and the possible rekindling of Scarlett and Avery, and the impending proposal, I was a snivelling mess .As one of my favorite network shows, Nashville, knocks my socks off every week and the the season one finale did not disappoint.


The Deacon Claybourne character is by far, one of my favorite male leads right now. I root for him no matter what, and I’ve been holding my breath since episode one  to see Rayna and Deacon finally come back together. So, lucky for me, the finale was the “Deacon Show.” Even though his fall off the wagon was a little predictable and felt like a cop-out, it was great TV (thanks, in no small part, to the brilliant Charles Esten). Since Deacon is the show’s hero (well, maybe the rakish anti-hero) I am naturally drawn to him and watching him unravel at the revelation that Maddie is his daughter was so raw and personal that I excused the melodrama and just went with it . Anytime the hero is tested it is especially hard to manage, so when a character is as beloved, as sensitive and carefully wrought as Deacon is (well, WAS)  it is unsettling to see him fall apart. His spiral to rock bottom culminates in the last scene ( after we’ve watched him wash down a handful of Advil with whiskey) in which he and Rayna are arguing violently in his car. We can’t hear what they are yelling because the argument is set to music, suggesting this argument is something they’ve been through before, like the words aren’t important enough for us to hear.  The episode ends there, with a crash, as we see Deacon’s car spinning in the air.


Julliette, on the other hand, is participating in an upward trajectory. We see her dealing with her mother’s death in a handful of scenes that should earn Hayden Panitierre an emmy nod. We see something real from Julliette in this episode; something vulnerable that transcends the previous fits that come off as bratty and petulant. She has one such fit backstage at the CMAs as Marshall and Glenn try to offer some consolation, but then she slips out of it after she spits the line, “I should be celebrating that it is finally over, “ referring to her mother’s death. She regrets her own behavior as she crumbles under the weight of her own emotions and finally relents in the next scene as she sits next to her mother’s casket. Tears all around as she says to her dead mother: “Now, I have no one.” For most of the season, I’ve just wanted to shake Julliette, but at that moment I wanted to grab her and hug her.


Even though the premise of the show has been to pit Rayna and Julliette against each other, the finale allows a break in the tension. They share a very tender moment at the memorial service and we start to see Rayna melt towards Julliette. You would have to have a heart of stone not to feel for the girl as she told Rayna, “I grew up in the dirt; everything was filthy,” I see something changing in their relationship, and I am predicting a paradigm shift coming in season two.


The other subplots ramped up in the finale as well, although I can’t get myself to care as much about Teddy’s Cumberland scam or even that Peggy is pregnant, really.But as an accessory to the who’s-the-dad story, he’s turning out to be pretty stand up. Sure, it’s mildly entertaining to see Scarlett come out of her doe-eyed phase enough to make the men in her life  work for her affections a little. But I am far less interested in Gunnar’s proposal or the new and improved Avery, as I am in the Rayna/Deacon storyline.


Whatever you want to say about this show, you have to admit it is one of the soapiest, juiciest dramas airing right now. Melodrama aside, the actors are exquisite... I didn’t even have enough space here to extol the beautiful and talented Connie Britton -- on whom I have the biggest lady crush; and those Stella sisters who play her daughters have enough musical talent to sustain three careers. Nashville is merely a starter home for them.  So, I am happy with the finale; even though that cliffhanger ending was a little cheap I will still be tuning in in the fall to see how they resolve it. I certainly hope you will too.


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