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Sign the petition
against Netflix VPN ban….. Or just look for another solution
Netflix recently
began cracking down on users of Virtual Private Networks
(VPNs). This means that people outside of the US can no
longer spoof their geographic locations to access Netflix’s
US catalog.
The decision was met
with outrage as thousands
signed a petition. Many customers are lamenting the fact
that customers who use VPNs to stay safe online are being
unfairly targeted in the clampdown.
When Netflix warned
about the ban initially, most people took it for empty
threats. However, recent evidence
has shown that Netflix might lose
its paying customers as a growing number of VPN providers
are finding their networks on the blacklist.
Why are Netflix
customers using VPNs?
Netflix customers
outside of the US are using VPNs to changing the appearance
of their geographic location to a US IP address to access
the US Netfix. It is commonly
known that the US Netflix library has the widest range of
shows and movies, even though
Netflix customers all pay the same amount in subscription.
Thousands of people in the UK, Australia and Canada use this
technique to watch shows not available as part of their
native subscription.
What are the
petitions saying?
Petitioners say that
the ban is an affront on their ability to get value for
their money while undermining overall online privacy. They
also feel that the current situation is a push towards
illegal alternatives, such as
torrent sites. The claims are understandable as
Netflix is applying a blanket approach where all
users of VPNs are banned,
irrespective of whether they are bypassing geographical
restrictions with the VPN or not.
The privacy concerns
are legitimate because VPNs direct traffic through other
networks, ensuring anonymous web surfing and avoiding
Why did Netflix
initiate the ban?
The reasoning behind
the ban is to find a way of appeasing copyright holders who
make money by selling films and shows across different
countries. (This is a legitimate concern
because copyright laws in the U.S. are tough, and Netflix
could get into a lot of trouble if they don't comply with
the laws, which could have a major impact on their business)
What has Netflix
done in reaction to petitions?
They have always
maintained the fact that restrictions will remain in place
until they can negotiate license models that will make
content available to everybody.
Industry experts believe it is only a matter of time
before they arrive at such an agreement with copyright
In the meantime,
users are being forced to make the decision between Netflix
and their privacy. People who can’t do away with the
security offered by VPNs have left the service. Many of
those who only subscribed to VPNs for spoofing their
location have been forced to choose between a more limited
library of shows or have cancelled their Netflix
There is,
however, a third group who have
simply ignored Netflix and gone for an alternative. The
alternative that is currently being used by many is Smart
as a
workaround to the Netflix VPN Ban. This is a proxy
service that masks IP address and location of the user,
making it possible to bypass geographic restrictions
(although it doesn’t offer the same
security and privacy benefits as a VPN).
Netflix’s engineers haven’t been able to clamp down on this
alternative, also known as DNS
proxy. Until they do something to address privacy concerns
and complaints over restricted content, this alternative is
likely to remain in use.
Will the VPN Ban
be lifted?
Despite growing
discord among a segment of Netflix customers,
CEO Reed Hastings has described VPN users
as inconsequential, meaning it's
highly unlikely the ban will be reversed any time soon.
The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.
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