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Interview with Emily and Zooey Deschanel of "Bones"
November 30, 2009/1:00 p.m. EST
Alex Kinzig
Zooey Deschanel
Emily Deschanel
Moderator Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by. Welcome to
the Bones conference with Emily Deschanel, as well as Zooey Deschanel.
At this time all participants are in a listen-only mode. Soon we’ll
conduct a question and answer session with instructions given at that
time. As a reminder this conference call is being recorded. At this
point, I’d like to turn the conference over to Alex Kinzig. Please go
A. Kinzig Hello, everybody. I just want to thank everyone for
participating in this call with Emily Deschanel and Zooey Deschanel.
Zooey will be guest starring in the holiday episode of Bones airing
Thursday, December 10th. They’re here to answer all of your questions.
Moderator Our first question is going to come from the line of Alice
Shapman-Newgen with The Times Courier. Please go ahead.
A. Shapman-Newgen Of course, an obvious question would be what was it
like working together as sisters?
E. Deschanel It was fun.
E. Deschanel It was great, especially I think that first day was less
hectic. We had a scene. It was just Ryan O’Neill and the two of us. It
was really nice. It was great. We’ve never worked together before,
except for our own plays that we’ve done together, right?
A. Shapman-Newgen Was it like a learning experience as far as did you
guys learn anything about each other that you didn’t know before during
the process?
Z. Deschanel …..things about acting, wouldn’t you say?
E. Deschanel Yes, right.
Z. Deschanel I don’t know if I would say I learned anything. But I
definitely had a really good time.
A. Shapman-Newgen Now so close to the holidays, is there a memorable
Christmas that you two as sisters can look back on with fond memories,
any traditions or anything?
Z. Deschanel Emily likes to sleep in on Christmas morning and I like to
wake up early, so Christmas was a day of compromise.
E. Deschanel Yes, for sure.
Z. Deschanel I don’t know if there was any Christmas that comes to mind.
I know that we both love Christmas.
E. Deschanel They all kind of blend together.
Z. Deschanel Yes, exactly. I think that Christmas is always used at any
point in the year to cheer us up, like each other up. We would use that
to cheer each other up if we were in a sad mood or something, we’d just
start talking about Christmas. So we always have loved Christmas. I
don’t think there’s any particular Christmas that comes to mind.
Moderator We do have a question from the line of David Martindale with
Hearst Newspapers. Please go ahead.
D. Martindale First, which of the two of you was the first to be turned
on to acting? Did one of you liking it in the other or how did it work
for you two?
Z. Deschanel I feel like even though I’m younger, I started working
first professionally, but we both were interested in acting as kids.
Emily finished school first.
E. Deschanel I think we both loved doing plays since we were really
young. But I didn’t think of it as doing it as a profession. I think
Zooey knew she wanted to be an actress from when she was very young.
Whereas I didn’t think I wanted to do that—
Z. Deschanel Yes, you wanted to be an architect.
E. Deschanel Yes. So I held on to that dream for a while.
Z. Deschanel I think you liked the way it sounded, maybe.
E. Deschanel No, I love architecture. I just love the combination
between art and science, I guess.
Z. Deschanel Engineering.
E. Deschanel Engineering, exactly, mathematics. So I don’t know, but
then I started doing plays in high school and really loved it and
considered it as a profession as I got later in high school.
D. Martindale I’ve written four books and my girlfriend has not read a
single one of them, claims that she’s heard every anecdote in them and
doesn’t need to read them. I was wondering if that sort of vibes works
for you all, do you watch each other’s work to keep up with it or if
she’s working, she’s fine?
Z. Deschanel I think we try to do as much as we can. Emily, obviously,
being on a show, there’s so much more output. I mostly do movies, so
it’s like I’ll come out with something like once or twice a year and
Emily has something on every week. So it’s a lot to keep up with, but I
try the best I can.
E. Deschanel And I try to see pretty much everything Zooey does. Some
things are harder to see because they’re either—they only have a limited
release or whatever.
Z. Deschanel I think we’re relaxed, but we try to---
E. Deschanel We’re supportive, but not fanatical.
Moderator We do have a question from the line of Meg Hemphill with
Blush. Please go ahead.
M. Hemphill Are there any other successful sibling sisters that you guys
admire, siblings or sisters?
Z. Deschanel Dylan Fontaine and—
E. Deschanel They did not get along, though.
E. Deschanel The Kardashians, of course.
Z. Deschanel The Olson twins.
E. Deschanel That’s such an interesting question—I’m trying to think,
there’s the Arquettes.
E. Deschanel They’re cool. We like them. I don’t know. My mind goes
(Overlapping voices)
M. Hemphill There’s Sienna Miller and her sister Savanna.
Z. Deschanel I don’t think I know her sister.
M. Hemphill She designs their clothing.
E. Deschanel She’s a designer.
Z. Deschanel Oh, okay. So it can be beyond—
M. Hemphill Anything, yes.
Z. Deschanel I like those sisters who design Rodarte. They’re cool.
E. Deschanel I didn’t know sisters designed it.
M. Hemphill Yes, they’re sisters.
E. Deschanel I think that there’s—I don’t know. I guess the Arquettes in
terms of actors, but I don’t know. I think it’s limited. I don’t know,
yes. It’s not like I’m going around thinking of all the sibling sisters
that we can admire, so it’s hard to think of that, I guess.
M. Hemphill Is there something in your DNA or what have you that you
guys think helps makes you guys successful?
Z. Deschanel It’s hard to separate nature from nurture.
E. Deschanel Yes, because we both grew up in the same household. I think
of things that are more nurture in that, we grew up in a household where
our mother is an actress, so our parents couldn’t really tell us not to
be actors, because that would be hypocritical. But yet we were also—saw
a lot of actors, family friends and our mother. We saw lots of people
struggle. It’s a hard business. It’s a hard profession to pursue, so we
didn’t have any delusions, I guess, about it going in, so we knew that
we had to be really perseverant and work hard.
Z. Deschanel I think, too, there was no sense that this wasn’t a job
that you had to work at. There was no delusion of glamour, really.
E. Deschanel Yes, I think a lot of times people go into the profession
and think that it is about glamour. It is about—that it’s easy, an easy
job to do. That’s it’s easy to get jobs. I think we never thought any of
those things.
Z. Deschanel That it’s all about how you look.
E. Deschanel Yes, there’s so many things people think about acting that
we knew the reality. I think we both just fell in love with acting and
performing and all of that. So I don’t know. I think that that really
helped certainly. And it’s nice to have family who understands what
you’re going through when you’re going through it.
Moderator We do have a question from the line Vlada Gelman with the LA
Times. Please go ahead.
V. Gelman Now that you guys have acted together, would you consider
recording some music together?
E. Deschanel You’d have to ask Zooey if she’d be willing to record
something with me.
Z. Deschanel We’ve never done music together so much, not something I’ve
ever considered. Emily is a very good singer, but I hadn’t thought about
it, so I don’t know.
E. Deschanel So, no, we haven’t considered it.
V. Gelman Emily, the Bones Christmas episode, they’re always really
special and bring everyone together. How do Booth and Brennan grow
closer this Christmas?
E. Deschanel That’s a good question. It’s so funny because we’re several
episodes beyond the Christmas episode, so I have to think back. I think
that the episode brings up a lot of questions for Booth and Brennan.
Brennan opens up and has a new level of compassion that you’ll see in
the episode. I think any time characters have a breakthrough on some
level, that either Booth or Brennan has some kind of break though, then
that brings both of us together.
I think that brings us closer and you’ll see in the episode Brennan has
a new level of compassion and starts to have a paradigm shift in how
she’s looking at certain situations. So Booth holds her hand through
that. I think when you go through something, it changes you, it’s
profound in a way. And if somebody is there helping you, that brings you
closer together. I think that’s definitely what happens in this episode.
Christmas brings people together, so as much as Brennan resists that
aspect, she usually ends up together with people in the end on
Moderator Our next question comes from the line of Rick Porter with Zap
2 It.
R. Porter I’m just curious. Why has it taken until now for you two to
work together professionally?
Z. Deschanel I think that we’ve had different career paths. It seems
weird, but it’s sort of difficult to schedule. I talked about doing a
Bones episode for a couple of years now, but it never ended up working
in my schedule because with films, you end up getting a job and you have
to leave and go somewhere the next week sometimes.
For instance, when we shot this a couple weeks ago, we had scheduled it
thinking that I would have two weeks off after I came back from Ireland.
I was shooting a movie in Ireland. I ended up having to stay there
another eight days or nine days. So I literally came back on Friday and
we started shooting on Tuesday or something. They were packed up against
each other, so it’s hard to schedule.
I think that both of us like to let each other have our space because
there’s a certain—there’s always the one thing that I would fear of
working with a family member is you always want to make sure you don’t
bring any silly bickering or anything like that to the set. We don’t
really do so much anymore, but you worry that it will bring up your
little family things.
I was hesitant, not hesitant, but I just wanted to make sure that
everything was right. It was really fun. Emily was extremely welcoming
and accommodating and very sweet. It ended up being really fun. I was
glad I did it.
R. Porter Is the story at all open-ended for you or is this strictly a
Z. Deschanel I don’t die at the end of the episode.
(Overlapping voices)
E. Deschanel Don’t give anything away now. I’m joking.
Z. Deschanel It’s Emily’s set. I like—
E. Deschanel We’d love to have you back.
Z. Deschanel Thanks.
E. Deschanel Anytime, so I think it is open-ended. I think it’s
open-ended for a reason. We’ll see. It took us five seasons to figure
out when Zooey could come on the show and it may take five more seasons.
Z. Deschanel Season ten.
E. Deschanel We’re so happy it worked out. It was something we’ve been
trying to do for the beginning, but it’s scheduling. It’s hard.
Moderator You have a question from the line of Amy Amatangelo with the
Boston Herald. Please go ahead.
A. Amantangelo I wanted to ask how involved were you coming up with a
character that Zooey would play? Did you guys get any input about that
she would be a relative of Brennan’s and anything like that?
E. Deschanel Hart came with the idea. He had the idea for a Christmas
episode and told me some things about it. That she would be my relative,
one of the two living relatives in my life.
Z. Deschanel See, I never signed on—they said do you want to do it and
this is the time when we could do it. It seemed like, good with my
schedule, but I’ve never ever said yes to anything without reading,
knowing what the character is first. So it was a little bit scary for me
because, obviously, I knew all the writers on the show are really good.
And that they weren’t going to hang me out to dry, but—
E. Deschanel Put you in a compromising position.
Z. Deschanel It was a leap of faith, because I’m just not used to that.
But they were very receptive and let me give some of my ideas and we
were able to come up with a cool character, I think.
A. Amantangelo Does the relationship mirror at all your real life
Z. Deschanel No.
E. Deschanel No, not at all.
A. Amantangelo Emily, just for you, I wanted to ask you a little bit
about the storylines of this season. The show has really kind of
directly addressed the Bones Booth romantic aspect of the show and their
relationship and Booth coming to terms with his feelings for Bones. I
just wanted to ask you what you thought of this new direction the show
seems to be going—maybe not new, but more forceful that it’s been before
about their potential romance.
E. Deschanel I think it makes sense. We’re in the fifth season of the
show where the two characters have this chemistry together. Yet nothing
has happened and I think that it’s a great way to explore this
relationship and take it to another level without actually necessarily
having some physical connection, I guess, to put it that way. I think
it’s clever. I like this aspect.
It takes the relationship in a new direction and it takes it to a deeper
place. The fact that both Booth and Brennan had that—well, Brennan wrote
the book while Booth was in the coma and then Booth had the coma dream
that was inspired by the book. The fact that it didn’t happen in reality
almost doesn’t matter that much because it happened in their minds and
they can’t get it out of their minds, especially we’ve been exploring
Booth because his feelings are a little more on the surface. I think
it’s an interesting dynamic and I welcome it. I think it’s a clever way
to deepen the relationship and explore the couple in a new relationship
in a way. It’s almost like a new relationship.
Moderator Our next question comes from the line of Ann Murray with
Fancast. Please go ahead.
A. Murray My question for the both of you. Is there any type of romantic
flirty thing going on between Margaret and Booth?
E. Deschanel No.
A. Murray And also, any other upcoming guest stars that you would like
to share with us?
E. Deschanel Other guest stars? We had Richard T. Jones do an episode,
Diedrich Bader came back and is doing an episode. I’m trying to think of
other people who were doing the show. Those are the two that come to
mind off the top of my head. Richard T. Jones is an episode; it’s really
interesting when we get locked into the lab by these government agents.
They’re insisting that we tell them cause of death with these bones that
they brought. We start investigating and there are a lot of things lead
us to believe that the bones, the remains that they brought are that of
John F. Kennedy. So we go into what happened with the Kennedy
assassination, so that’s a fun episode that Richard T. Jones is in and
actually Diedrich Bader is also in that episode.
Moderator We have a question from the line of Scott Rosenberg with A.M.
New York. Please go ahead.
S. Rosenberg So you’re both very accomplished actresses, but was there
any kind of—did the older sister, younger sister dynamic play a role on
the set at all?
Z. Deschanel It’s more like it was Emily’s set, so I was happy to be
working for her to some degree, I guess. You’re a producer on the show,
E. Deschanel I guess that’s true. You are performing—you’re one of my
favorite employees.
Z. Deschanel Thanks. So, it was actually really very smooth and I had a
great time. I loved working with Emily. It was really fun.
S. Rosenberg Were there any other non-Bones related collaborations that
you would like to do? Are there any scripts or anything that you ever
think that would be great for the two of you to work on?
E. Deschanel We don’t have anything like that.
Z. Deschanel ….no.
E. Deschanel Besides this experience, our business, we have our own
relationship that has nothing to do with business.
Z. Deschanel Yes, I think it’s better. It’s so fun to do Bones, but I
think it’s like in a lot of ways, it’s just nice that I can stand back
and just see Emily and be proud of her and stuff without having to be in
business so much. I just feel like it makes more sense for us to both
have our own little things that we do and—
E. Deschanel We can be supportive, but we don’t have to work together.
Z. Deschanel Exactly, yes, the less politics involved in your
relationship, you don’t want—I always think it’s better to be able to be
supportive from.
E. Deschanel From a distance.
Z. Deschanel I think it adds stress to the relationship do something
like that. I just think that we don’t need that. It’s better to have a
relationship and have that stress with other people.
E. Deschanel Exactly.
Moderator That’s all the time we have for questions. Do you have any
concluding remarks?
E. Deschanel And in conclusion, we enjoyed working together.
Z. Deschanel It was fun.
E. Deschanel We had fun and hope to do it again sometime, but—
Z. Deschanel But not for too long.
E. Deschanel Exactly.
Z. Deschanel But it was fun, it was really fun to watch Emily work and I
enjoyed it and I’m excited to see the episode.
E. Deschanel Me, too.
Z. Deschanel Thank you, all.
E. Deschanel Yes, thank you. They’re probably all gone. I feel like
we’re just talking to ourselves, but thank you, all, for joining this
conference call.
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