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Transcript of Interview with Matt Bomer and Tim
Dekay of
"White Collar" on USA Network 7/6/10
This is a great show that I always love! I enjoyed
speaking with Tim Dekay last year, but I missed this one. I hope you
enjoy the transcript!
White Collar Q&A Session
July 6, 2010/1:00 p.m. EDT
Moderator Our first question coming in is from Stevie Wilson at LA-Story.com
Stevie Watching the two episodes that were coming in, you did some time
Matt Yes.
Stevie That’s kind of interesting. Then as that particular episode
progresses, obviously Willie and Tim’s character have a conversation at
the very end about how they’re kind of watching your back and making
sure that you’re being able to adjust to the fact that Kate’s been
killed, which is all this new information all in one episode that one
has to process, and how is your character dealing with this?
Matt What I think those particular events sort of set in motion this
season is that Neal’s big struggle is between doing what’s legally right
and what he thinks is just. So his big struggle this season in terms of
avenging Kate’s death is whether to do the right thing legally or what
he feels is right and just.
Stevie Okay, and that’s pretty much how the season’s going to go?
Matt Well, in terms of that particular storyline; yes. Is that what
you’re asking?
Stevie Well, yes, kind of. What I’m asking really kind of the justice
that he is seeking versus what is legally doable given his personal
situation, and having a nice little tag around his—the little thing
around his ankle, makes it difficult to do that.
Matt Well, I think you just asked and summed up your own question.
Stevie Yes, I think I did. Sorry about that.
Matt Is there anything else I can answer for you?
Stevie Yes. You’ve got new additions to your cast.
Matt Yes. We’re very excited about that. First of all, we have Marsha
Thomason back on a regular basis, which is wonderful. She’s a fantastic
actress and gorgeous and so great to have on this show. And then we have
Hilarie Burton who makes a recurring guest arc this season as sort of—I
guess from my character’s eyes, she plays a high class repo man, an
insurance repo man, who’s basically out to settle an old score between
herself and Neal. So it’s kind of fun and contentious and slightly
flirtatious and all those things, hopefully.
Moderator And our next question is from Joshua Maloni with Niagara
Frontier. Go ahead please.
Joshua Matt, I just was wondering, so many of my magazines coming in the
mail these days have you on the cover or featured very prominently. How
does it sort of feel to be the center of the cable universe these days?
Matt Well, I don’t perceive myself that way in any light. Thankfully,
I’m so busy with work that I don’t have time to process too much of that
stuff. But it’s great that people are responding to the show and Jeff’s
writing, most importantly, and know we’re hopefully getting the word
about our show out there because we work really hard on it, and I speak
for myself and Tim and the cast and Jeff when I say that we’re really
proud of the stuff we’re working hard to put out there, and thankfully,
or hopefully, the word is getting out.
Joshua I want to ask you sort of a, I guess, philosophical TV question.
I really enjoyed season one, but there were a couple of things that I
was kind of surprised to see. I mean, obviously you’ve been around TV.
You know sort of that it takes a long time usually for there to be
payoffs in a series, and I thought there were fairly big payoffs last
year. You know, Peter, you guys had the mid season break. He could have
been a bad guy. You sort of wrapped that up in the next episode. Neal
and Kate; obviously that’s not going to happen now. What do you think
about the payoffs and I guess the quick reveals for the audience?
Matt I love that Jeff Eastin answers the question he asked in the first
episode, and I agree with you. There were big payoffs and I think Tim
and I were both were looking at each other going, “Where are we going to
go from here?” But then we did, and now we’re at the mid season finale
this season going, “Oh my God! Where are we going to go from here?” So,
fortunately we have a great writer in Jeff Eastin who likes to answer
the questions he presents pretty concisely and pretty briefly, so I’m
just happy to be along for the ride.
Moderator Ladies and gentlemen, we have been joined by Mr. Tim DeKay as
well. Our next question is from Mr. Matt Carter with Examiner.com.
Matt C. This question actually goes out to both of you and that’s how do
you guys see Neal and Peter’s relationship kind of shifting and evolving
now, especially with kind of the changing dynamics with Kate, and even
with Mozzie having a little bit more of a role now?
Tim I think it’s like any other relationship that changes and evolves,
but at the base of it, I just get the feeling that these two care for
each other very much, and with that, they’re going to have a good time
together. They’re going to be hurt by each other, and are going to
possibly not trust each other to greater degrees than previously or
lesser degrees than previously. But I think that’s to Jeff Eastin’s
credit, in writing a very complex—you know, people have said, “Oh, this
is a buddy-cop relationship that these two have.” I think yes, it is.
But, I think it’s much more than that and that’s because Jeff Eastin has
said, “No, no, no. I want it to be more than that.” And I think he’s
written something more than that.
Matt I would echo that sentiment and just say yes, it’s about two guys
who have a mutual respect for each other, who have a lot of differences
but who compensate for each other’s differences in interesting ways, and
who always end up, at the end of the day, having a pretty good time
together. But the one dynamic that’s always shifting and changing
between our relationship and between the series at large is that of
Tim Yes.
Matt C. Well, final question is just kind of a quick thing to satisfy
both the White Collar and Chuck fan in me, and that’s Matt, do you think
that Neal Caffrey could take down Bryce Larkin in a fight?
Matt Oh! Neal could outsmart him, but if you’re talking about a UFC cage
match, Bryce would definitely win.
Moderator And our next question is from Rosa Cordero with
Rosa Hi guys! I’m happy that I have you both on the line. What’s up? My
first question is for Matt. Jeff Eastin teased us that you and your
fabulous co-star, Diahann Carroll, would be singing on an episode this
season. Has it already been shot and what can you tell us about it?
Matt He teased me too. I’ve heard rumor. It would be an honor. She’s a
legend and it’d be really, really fun to get to do something like that.
I have no idea if it’s actually going to come to fruition. We still have
eight episodes to find out or seven episodes to find out. So I guess as
soon as I know, I’ll let you know.
Rosa And Tim, in episode two of season two, there was that running gag
about you and the mustache. Was this the creation of the writers, or did
you just show up one day a little fuzzy and inspire the episode?
Tim Yes, I showed up—that happens a lot. I’ll show up fuzzy and it will
inspire people. No. It was completely by Jeff. I honestly think the
twisted mind of Jeff Eastin thought, “Oh, I bet DeKay would look goofy
with a mustache. Let me write that.”
Rosa It was a great episode. I’m really excited to see how the season—
season one was such a solid season, but it just seems like, with these
two episodes that we have been able to preview, the show is just getting
better. And I’m really loving the banter between Peter and Neal. It’s
just coming out to be—and we’re seeing a lot more Willie Garson, which I
love. I’m very excited for the season. Good luck.
Moderator Our next question is from Mr. Jim Halterman with
JimHalterman.com. Go ahead, please.
Jim With a lot of these plot twists that come up anywhere in this
season, do you guys always know they’re coming ahead of time so you can
play that, or are you guys kind of in the dark too as well as the
upcoming plot lines?
Tim Jeff Eastin is good in that he’ll tell me a plot twist that’s coming
up if he thinks it would be something Peter would know ahead of time,
and if it’s something that would be a surprise to Peter, I’ll tell Jeff,
“Oh, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.” And then it’s exciting to
read it and exciting to play it. This one kind of came up on me, the one
for the mid season, only because I think we’ve been so entrenched in
shooting these first eight episodes, that when I got the next episode—Oh
wow! Oh right, this is the mid season, and then it was a page turner, I
have to say.
Matt I like not to know unless it’s something that I need to know
specifically for how I color a performance, but at the beginning of the
year, basically I just talk with Jeff and say, “What’s the overall
motivation for Neal for this season?” And then we go from there, and I
get pleasantly surprised when I get the script, five minutes before we
shoot it.
Jim And Matt, the show’s definitely put you out there and everybody kind
of knows who you are now. Have you adjusted to the kind of scrutiny on
you and your personal life through all this?
Matt To be honest with you, I don’t really pay any attention to it. My
personal life is a source of incredible happiness for me, but it’s just
that; it’s personal and I would never—it’s not for me to hock, or shop
around to the highest bidder, and plus, it could never live up to the
amazing mythology that everyone online has created for me. So, I’ll keep
mum about it.
Moderator Thank you. Our next question is from Pattye Grippo with
Pattye The two of you have this great onscreen chemistry, and I was
wondering, what is your relationship like in real life and do you spend
time together outside of the show?
Matt I don’t let Tim look at me, unless we’re shooting.
Tim Yes, it’s just better for me, that way I know the rule. Matt will
have other production assistants come up to me and remind me, “Mr. Bomer
does not want you to make eye contact with him.”
Matt Until they call action.
Tim Until they—
Matt No, Tim is actually my life coach. He doesn’t know it, but he is.
Tim Oh, likewise.
Matt I rely on him for advice and information on life on a seven day a
week basis basically.
Tim We have a good time.
Matt We do.
Tim Yes, we have a very good time.
Matt There aren’t many days when we’re not laughing pretty hard, so how
could we complain?
Tim There aren’t. Matt Bomer’s the funniest man—
Pattye So let’s just say that you guys were put on the stand and asked
to be a character witness for each other’s characters. What would you
say about them?
Tim Ah, so Peter would be a character witness for Neal?
Pattye Exactly, and vice-versa.
Tim It’s going to seem odd, but this is my first instinct and I think I
have to go with it. One is smartest individual I’ve met. And two, one of
the most devoted. Yes, he’s one of the—oh my gosh! I think because of
this question, I’ve hit something here that I think that Peter sees in
Neal; that he respects and adores, for lack of a better word.
Matt Oh, s…. We’ve got to do these blogger calls on a more regular
Tim Yes. He sees a strong devotion in Neal. And it makes sense. Look how
devoted he was to Kate. Look how strong he stayed with Kate and was
devoted to her. And if he can do that for her, he can do that for the
bureau, and certainly for his friends.
Pattye Makes sense. And what about the other way around? What does Neal
Tim Peter the player.
Matt He’s a player.
Tim He’s slept with every single woman in the bureau.
Matt One lady to the next, Peter. I would say that Peter is incredibly
intelligent, dedicated, devoted, a family man. I mean, he has the white
picket existence that I completely admire and respect and wish that I
could have, but don’t really ultimately believe that I can.
Tim And Peter’s funny.
Pattye Well, yes.
Matt And he’s funny!
Tim And he wears really good ties.
Matt And he puts up with my bull….
Moderator Mr. Curt Wagner with RedEye Show Patrol. Go ahead.
Curt I wanted to ask what it’s like having Willie and Mozzie in more
scenes and working with Peter, and you know, that for the season.
Matt He’s a real pain in the ….
Tim Yes, he is. It’s great because—I just love the relationship of Peter
and Mozzie. He’s this nuisance, but we need him every so often, and he’s
good to go to. And he’s also one of these guys who does some—he goes
above and beyond every so often, and Peter hates to say it, but he says
thank you to him.
And here’s the other thing about the world of White Collar is that even
though Mozzie is a conspiracy theorist and there is a combative element
between Mozzie and Peter, never, never, never would Peter ever not trust
him with—no, let me rephrase this. There isn’t that element of violence,
and because that element is not there between certainly Neal and Mozzie
and Peter, it gives it great flexibility. It gives that relationship a
great flexibility. Peter’s never worrying, “Oh, Mozzie might draw a gun
on somebody.” That’s just not there. And because of that, you’ve got
much more leeway in the relationship.
Matt I think Willie is great and fun and he always brings something
extra to the role, and it’s been fun for Neal to get to bridge two
worlds that were very different for him in the first season, and to see
people who he respects and admires and likes working with in two very
different ways, come together and sort of being the intermediary in
their dynamic at times, and also watching them get along famously at
other times.
Curt The followup: Tim, when are we going to see you in a wet t-shirt ….
Tim I don’t know what you’ll—if this weather keeps up, you will see Tim
in a wet suit because I will just sweat through everything and you’ll
see Peter dripping as he does a walk and talk with Neal.
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