Interview with H. John Benjamin of "Archer" on FX - Primetime TV Show Articles From The TV MegaSite

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By Suzanne

H. Jon Benjamin, voice of Archer

Interview with H. Jon Benjamin of "Archer" on FX 1/13/12

This is HILARIOUS just reading it... he seemed to do this interview in character as Archer...

January 13, 2012/12:00 p.m. PST

Erika Bouso, FX Media Relations Coordinator
Kristy Silvernail, FX Media Relations Manager
H. Jon Benjamin, “Agent Sterling Archer” / Archer


Moderator Welcome to the Archer Conference call. At this time, all participants are in a listen-only mode. Later, we will conduct a question and answer session. Instructions will be given at that time. I would now like to turn our conference over to your host, Ms. Erika Bouso. Please go ahead.

Erika Hey everyone. This is Erika from FX. Welcome to our Archer Season Three Conference call with H. Jon Benjamin, the voice of ‘Agent Sterling Archer.’ Thanks, everybody, for taking the time to dial in today, and Jon, thanks for taking time to answer people’s questions.  Due to overwhelming response, we ask that everybody just asks one question at a time. If you have any follow-up questions, just get back into the queue, and the operator will come back to you.

Jon How do you get to the operator? Sorry.

Erika You will not be asking any questions, Jon.

Jon I just want to get the operator, if you don’t mind.

Erika You’ll just press zero. And everyone, just a reminder, the third season—

Jon It’s not working.

Erika It’s not working for you?

Jon Trying to get to the operator. Could I please get to the operator?

Erika Operator, are you there?

Moderator Yes, I am.

Jon Oh hey. How are you?

Moderator Good. How are you?

Jon It’s Jon. This woman has too many rules. It’s not fair for anybody to have to sit through that.

Moderator I can disconnect her line.

Jon Yeah. Let’s do it.

Erika Okay, everyone. Well, they’re unable to disconnect my line, so I’m going to go ahead and let you know that—

Jon Operator, I need you to disconnect that woman’s line.

Erika The third season of Archer will premiere this coming—

Jon Operator.

Erika —Thursday, January, 19 at 10:00 p.m.—

Jon There is nobody listening to me.

Erika —only on FX. And now I’ll throw it back to Stacy, our moderator, and Jon will answer a couple of questions for all of you guys.

Moderator Our first question will go to Brittany Frederick with Starpulse.

Brittany So, you’re doing, of course, Archer and Bob’s Burgers and you have the Comedy Central Show, so—

Jon We all know how that’s going.

Brittany How do you balance all these projects and how do you differentiate, especially when you’re doing Archer and Bob’s Burgers, how different is it for you?

Jon Well, it’s a constant—tons of protein shakes and a very regimented workout schedule that keeps me energized. And the rest I just leave to my rabbi and my group of people who I consult with.

Moderator We’ll go to the line of Dave Richards with Spinoff Online and Company.

Dave You’ve been the voicing ‘Sterling Archer’ for quite awhile now, and I just wanted to ask what’s your favorite thing about voicing the character? What do you like best about him?

Jon I like the way he looks. He’s handsome. That’s a big advantage. I’m not so handsome, and I like all the stuff I get to say, obviously. I like being rude, and it gives me a good opportunity to do that.

Moderator We’ll go to Amy Harrington with Pop Culture Passionistas.

Amy We’d just wanted to go back to the beginning and find out how you got your part on Archer.

Jon It’s not a great story. Adam Reed, the creator of Archer, God rest his soul [said jokingly], he called me—I think he had heard me do some other work on Adult Swim Shows, and he called me to read the part. I don’t know if other people had been asked. I don’t know if I was first choice or like literally last resort—probably last resort, right? Right?

Amy Right. Definitely right.

Jon So, yes, and then I accepted and then it worked out well. But I was tentative because I didn’t think I could pull off a spy. If you knew me, you’d know all the reasons why.

Moderator We’ll go to Curt Wagner with Redeye Chicago.

Curt I was just wondering how the Burt Reynolds thing came about?

Jon Which Burt Reynolds thing?

Curt In the season premiere.

Jon Wait, he was in it?

Curt Yeah, unless I had a dream about that.

Jon Oh. Man, no one tells me anything about this …. That’s great. I can’t believe he’s still doing stuff. He should take a break. It’s been like 60 years. Like just stop. I think, they mentioned him—I think it was the natural—well, not the natural progression, but ‘Archer’s’ obviously referenced Burt Reynolds a lot, so I’m sure it popped into Adam Reed’s head to just to try and cast him. It’s funny that I shouldn’t be calling like these people and you must think like they’ll never do it and then they’re probably like, “Of course, I’ll do it.”

Moderator We’ll go to Cat Edison with

Cat I’m wanting to know—I know with Bob’s Burgers that you said that there is a fair amount of adlibbing. How much of Archer do you get to do any adlibbing with?

Jon Very little. There is not a lot of room. The scripts are tightly written and he encourages sometimes on occasion, he’ll be like do you want to add anything, and I’ll say no. So it’s not the same kind of production as Bob’s Burgers, which is a lot improvising all the time, but the scripts don’t really require it.

Moderator We’ll go to Pietro Filiponi with the Daily Blam.

Pietro I was just wondering—let me ask how much input do you have on the dialogue/the interactions with the other cast members? Do you get a chance to improvise? Also, why do you think each individual show has been so popular with the masses?

Jon Well, the masses are idiots, so they don’t know any better. They’re too busy just staring at the light and cartoons are colorful. So don’t get me started about the masses. I’m really not a fan. But as far as interacting with the cast, I really don’t do any of that. They record everybody separately and once I tried to…Aisha Tyler …, but that didn’t work out yet.

Moderator We’ll go to Brendan O’Connell with Forces of Geek.

Brendan So, your voice is pretty distinct, and while you don’t really—

Jon Yours is, too.

Brendan Thank you.

Jon Everybody’s is. Everybody’s is different. It’s like a snowflake.

Brendan You’ve become a voice actor, but for Archer, to me it’s not really that apparent, but there’s a lot of yelling involved, which must get tiring at some point. So has there ever been a point where you want a few scripts which just has ‘Archer’ whispering and not talking at all?

Jon I would love to in parentheses …. Just once. It is, and I have to say, like I recently, whenever I finish—it’s not grueling or anything, but my vocal cords don’t recover for like a day after an Archer session. So they owe me. And it’s not like I’m at war, but it’s hard on the throat. But, yes, I would like to do … someday.

Moderator We’ll go to the line of Kelsea Stahler with

Kelsea One of my favorite things about Archer are those hidden references like to “Bartleby the Scrivener” or “Lord of the Rings,” things of that nature. But some of them are pretty obscure like I have to bring up my computer and Google things while I’m watching.

Jon Yes. I occasionally do as well.

Kelsea That was my question is there anything—

Jon Yes. There’s like a 50/50 ratio of me knowing and me not, but I’m always getting questions about that, and occasionally I don’t have the answer. I forgot to check. Fortunately, I’ve read some Melville, so that’s good, and some …, so I knew a couple, but there is some stuff like the guy who invented or who started eugenics—I didn’t know that was him. So I’ll oftentimes be asked what …, and the first season I always got the question about Jonny Bench or … that was said, which I did not know about him, or why—a lot of people asked me why did you say that. Nobody knew, but it’s a relatively educational show.

Moderator We’ll go to Edward Liu with Tune Zone News.

Jon Does everybody hear or is it you’re like kept in a cone of silence and then you come on? Can you hear me?

Edward Yes.

Jon Can you hear me? Right does everybody on the—are you just like—well how did you—before this are you sitting in silence and waiting for somebody to say now ask your question?

Edward Yes, pretty much.

Jon Okay. I’m sorry. I just wanted to get some context.

Edward We’re busy hanging on every word.

Jon What I’m saying is do you hear everything that’s been said?

Edward Yes.

Jon Oh, okay. I got it.

Edward There’s a bonus feature on the latest DVD set where you sort of become ‘Sterling Archer’ in the animation. I was wondering whose idea was that and how did you feel about doing that?

Jon It was my idea, I believe, so I felt bad about it. I think it was my idea because it was actually made for this comedy festival that this comedian Eugene Mirman does, and I wanted to—Adam wrote the entire thing but I said we should do something to show—they were doing an Archer event, so it was made for that and then they spun it off to ship it on DVD. But I think initially it was my idea.

Moderator We’ll go to Kroze Kresky with

Kroze That constant running gag on the show is ‘Archer’ is continually deprived of being happy and his happiness. Do you think that ‘Archer’ will finally get his happiness and what will that look like?

Jon Well, I don’t think it would behoove the show for him to be happy, so I assume that will be avoided. I think, by nature, he’s like a troubled character, so I don’t think he’ll ever be happy, but I got asked this recently, and I think my stock answer was that if his mother died, I’m not sure he’d be happy, but it would change everything for him and maybe he’d be happy. So there is some—I guess that’s not…, but I just think that his mother created a lot of problems.

Moderator We’ll go to Troy Anderson with the Please go ahead.

Troy How does it feel being the Mel Blanc of adult cartoons? I was going through your stuff and it seems like you’ve been on everything I’ve watched since high school.

Jon Why do you have to yell everything?

Troy I don’t know. I’m sorry about that.

Jon I love it.

Troy Excited.

Jon It’s good. Are you from the south?

Troy Yes.

Jon Well, they yell everything.

Troy It happens.

Jon So how do I feel about what?

Troy Being the Mel Blanc of adult cartoons. You seem like on every show I love.

Jon Well, I don’t know if Mel Blanc was in every show you love. And also Mel Blanc was really good at voices, and I’m not, so he has the advantage, but I like being on the shows I’m on. I’m sorry. Is he gone?

Troy We’ll go to Oren Vourman with Media Boulevard.

Oren Thanks, Jon.

Jon Oh, that’s much better voice level. The last guy was really yelling.

Oren Yes. I try to keep a low key.

Jon I’m sure everybody appreciates that at the library.

Oren I was wondering besides ‘Archer’s’ strong jaw line and dashing good looks, what other qualities do you feel you share with your character?

Jon Besides those. Well, obviously, personality wise, I can be a little shrilly, and that comes from the way I look and just having to go out in public is a struggle. So, yes, I think that my tension for anger and my general attitude—poor attitude—and failure to recognize authority and my sense of entitlement in my life and being American and white and rich, those things I share. And I drink a lot in real life.

Moderator And we’ll go to Melissa Girimonte with

Melissa How many situations have you found yourself in since Archer or any of your other prominent voice work where you’re in just some random spot and you get really weird stares become people recognize your voice?

Jon It happens all the time in the steam room where I do most of my talking. It happens, actually, very rarely, obviously, because nobody cares. But, on a few occasions, I’ve been recognized for my voice, and it’s just kind of hard—you have to be really keyed into that. Like there has been an occasion where like I’m ordering a tea at the coffee shop and the person behind the counter will get excited like, “Oh my, ‘Archer’s’ voice is ordering a green tea.” But, that being said, very rarely happens.

Moderator We’ll go to Nancy Basile with

Nancy On the show, ‘Sterling’ and ‘Malory’ are always going at it. In real life, cage match, you and Jessica Walter, who would win?

Jon Cage match?

Nancy Cage match.

Jon Do you need the cage? I mean, seriously?

Nancy Yes. That’s my question. You or Jessica? She’s pretty tough.

Jon I mean she’s frail at best. I would say it’s definitely me, unless I let her win or something which, I don’t know, for the money I would.

Moderator We’ll go to David Eckstein with Zap2it.

David So, now if you could tell Adam Reed anything as far as your hopes for your character, like if you could say, “Gee, Adam, I’d like to have my character to x—Archer do—” what would it be and why?

Jon That’s a tough question. There is so much, obviously, like spy world stuff to explore and I’m sure he hasn’t gotten to all the possibilities yet. I guess I would want him to sing more, maybe. Maybe start a band, like a really bad blues band or something. You know like Jim Belushi style.

Moderator We’ll go to Cat Edison with

Cat I have been a real big fan of yours since Home Movies. ‘Coach McGuirk’ is one of my favorite, favorite characters.

Jon Yes. He was really good.

Cat I’d like to go off on a totally different tangent. How in the world did you get connected with WordGirl?

Jon Like you say it like it was community service.

Cat No, no, no. With all the adult scenes that you’ve done, I’m just curious.

Jon Well, actually, the company that made Home Movies made WordGirl. So, it was ….

Cat Yes. That makes sense.

Jon Yes, and the company that made Home Movies, their company started as like an educational software company or something, and they made animated stuff for schools like educational disks that kids could play. So, there was a prior show on ABC, I think. I can’t remember what it’s called—Science Court. So they had done a few of those, and I was asked to do a part sometimes, but that’s like—WordGirl I get more, shockingly, more noticed for than most of the shows I’ve ever done. Kids watch a lot of TV.

Moderator We’ll go to the line of Earl Dittman with Wireless Digital Journal.

Earl Why do you think that adults now are being attracted to prime time animated shows like the Simpsons, the Cleveland Show, and your show and everybody’s. Why do you think people are accepting it now?

Jon Well, I don’t think it’s specifically been begging for acceptance. There have been tons of animated shows geared toward adults, I guess, in the last 20 years or something hasn’t there? I don’t know. I don’t think it’s any more part of the cultural fabric. I mean maybe because of the success of shows like South Park and the Simpsons, for sure, probably did start a reason to copy that formula because they were so unique. Then I guess because it was a very niche world before that. Not the whole world but adults who would read graphic novels or something like that. So in that world, I think it was pretty common and so it just sort of spun off. Now everybody. So I don’t know what I just said, but I think you’re right.

Moderator We’re got to Melissa Girimonte with

Melissa What I wanted to know was of ‘Sterling Archer’s’ foes that we’ve met so far, which one would you be most excited to see return for another episode?

Jon That requires me to have to remember anything about the show—like name some.

Melissa Hmm.

Jon You don’t know any. It’s a well-constructed question without any ….

Melissa I really liked the gang that you met up with in … last year?

Jon Don’t remember. Don’t remember. Was there a guy with a cat or something?

Melissa No, it was the people that were trying to kidnap the ….

Jon Right. There is nobody that comes to mind, and I hope I didn’t offend anybody in the process. Maybe the guy with the eye patch if there was one or they guy with the peg leg, the pirate. Was there one? The guy with mustache and the earring with the scar—that guy would be good.

Moderator We’ll go to Kroze Kresky with

Kroze Now, ‘Archer’ has done a number of bad … things in all these seasons so far. Has there been something that ‘Archer’ has done that you’ve wanted to do in real life?

Jon Sleep with a prostitute, I guess. I just never had the courage and I think that would open the flood gates for me. And I’d like to yell at a butler someday.

Moderator We’ll go to Nancy Basile with

Nancy Do you record as a group for Bob’s Burgers and if so, do you have a preference as to recording along or with the whole cast?

Jon I don’t. It’s much more efficient to record alone, obviously, so Archer is quicker to do, which is a benefit, I guess, if I wanted to go shopping. It doesn’t take as long—it’s not as long of a process, but there are occasions when being amongst a group of people is a benefit for the show—not for me but for the show. So, it just kind of depends on the day, I guess. I have done, I think, once I recorded Archer and then had to go record Bob’s Burgers or vice versa, and that day was too long.

Moderator We’ll go to Brendan O’Connell with Forces of Geek.

Brendan In the first season of Archer, the character was controlled by a microchip. The second, you had cancer. The first part of Season 3 or I don’t know for … 2.5 he kind of loses everything or he abandons everything and becomes a pirate, so is it just going to get crazier from this point on?

Jon I think it does get crazier—not crazier, but there are definitely moments of pure craziness, as there always is, I guess, in the show. But I think, he returns back to his regular life, so he doesn’t go off the rails completely. The show gets back to what it did in the second season which is focus on all the characters who work for the spy agency and stuff like that. So he doesn’t have any more like crazy flights of—but they go to space. They get to go to space, but I think that was part of the mission, so it’s not like he was just like I’m going to go to space and take off.

Moderator We’ll go to Oren Vourman with Media Boulevard.

Oren After a night of regrettable decisions, my friends and I decided to watch all of Season 1 of Archer, and our favorite line was, “This is why we can’t have nice things.” We were wondering is there a line that really stood out to you.

Jon Who said that? Was it me or ‘Malory’?

Oren Actually, ‘Malory’ says it, but all the characters say it, too.

Jon I get asked that a lot and I’m always at a loss because I never remember lines, but I do like whenever I have to say something really like falsetto and quick. It used to be like danger zone or something. And I really like doing his answering machine messages because they’re usually written out exactly as I do them. They make me laugh every time because in real life I do that stuff. So I like when he really … with people on his answering machine. That makes me giggle.

Moderator We’ve got Troy Anderson with

Troy Will we get to see any more of the ocelot or the Wee Baby ‘Seamus’ this year?

Jon I don’t think so. Ocelot—I forgot about that. I think ‘Seamus’ is—I hope he’s all right. I don’t remember doing a lot. I know we see the tattoo a lot. He has a tattoo of ‘Seamus’s’ name, I think, but I think that’s all you get of ‘Seamus.’ He’s probably already off—he’s off in some very exclusive ….

Moderator We’ll go to Dave Richards with Spin Off Online and Company.

Dave Does ‘Archer’ have any unfinished business with ‘Barry Dillon,’ the guy who killed his wife?

Jon Yes. Somebody actually asked earlier if, like who I’d want to see as a villain, and I think I’d want to see that character—he’s sort of the most prominent nemesis to ‘Archer,’ but I, as well as the baby, I don’t think that character comes back as much after, but I’m not certain. I don’t remember, and I am sorry. I don’t think he comes back, but that character’s really funny and bionic.

Moderator We’ll go to Brittany Frederick with Star Pulse.

Brittany We’re also wondering with ‘Archer’s’ wardrobe preferences. I’m curious, how do you look in a black turtleneck?

Jon It’s been awhile since my bar mitzvah. So, I’m in…used to be when I was 13. I can’t imagine I would look good. I don’t think anybody does. ‘Archer’ does look good and maybe Sammy Davis Jr. looked good and a few more—Bert Convy, but I think nowadays it’s probably a huge fashion faux pas to be walking around like that, unless you like work at a club called Turtlenecks.

Moderator We’ll got to Earl Dittman with Wireless Digital Journal.

Earl Were you a big spy fan when you were a kid or were you into James Bond and all that kind of stuff or were you just—you could take them or leave them?

Jon I was in to the Torah, mostly and into the movie Torah, Torah, Torah because it fooled me because I thought it was Jewish, and it was actually a movie about kamikazes. But I thought that was like this movie that was going to be like crazily about the Torah—like Torah, Torah, Torah! And it had nothing—no Jewish—there was nothing Jewish about it except maybe one—I don’t know, they didn’t mention that any of the pilots or the people killed were Jewish. So, yeah, as a kid, it was strictly all about Judaism. I was crazy for it. So I didn’t have time for spy stuff.

Moderator We’ll go to Cat Edison with

Cat I wanted to find out if you just prefer doing the voice work or if you plan on branching more into live acting?

Jon Well, we are waiting to hear if this comedy central show that I did is going to get a second season. I hope that it does. I liked doing it a lot. But, you know, voice work right now is predominantly what I do. But it took a year to make that show, and it was a lot of work, but I enjoyed it, so I would probably like to do more stuff on camera, but with this …, it doesn’t bode well.

Moderator We’ll go to Kroze Kresky with

Kroze Now the show does a lot of story arcs and then it does a lot of one-off episodes. Which do you prefer in terms of the story? Do you like singled-off stories or an overall arc going on?

Jon I think it’s very successful when they try and do more longer arcs, but I don’t necessarily think it’s a detriment when they don’t. The television I watch is probably more story—more narratives. But I don’t know—Adam Reed is so good at crafting narrative threads that run throughout everything that like it’s kind of always a combination of one-offs and I guess it’s like any sort of really good sitcom where you start to love all the characters. He does such a good job keeping it vibrant. I’m sorry I said that—keeping it vibrant. I never wanted to use that. I never wanted to say those three words, but I think like when ‘Archer ‘got cancer and this sort of first of three-parter—those were really fun to do.

Moderator We’ll go do Dave Richards with Spin Off Online and Company.

Dave You just commented on my question a little bit. I was going to ask you what was it like to have a little more of those serious moments like when ‘Archer’ got cancer and when his wife was murdered. Was it a bit more challenging or was it something you were waiting for?

Jon Well, it’s always sort of difficult to—I don’t know—I can’t discern anything about acting when you’re doing—there’s acting when you’re doing voice overs, but it was definitely strange to do that. It’s always odd when you have to like cry or something—like for real, when he was like, whatever—your woman dies or something and you’re crying. It’s so easy to do a … but it’s weird to—like I’d always be was that terrible? It’s not like a movie, I guess, where everybody’s standing around and people are watching and you really got to do it. There’s something odd—very false about just standing in front of a microphone. So hopefully the cries are believable. I actually cry. I actually cried a couple of times ….

Moderator At this time, there are no questions in queue.

Jon Okay. Thank you.

Kristy Actually, don’t go anywhere yet, Jon. We’ve got a journalist dialed in that is having trouble with their phone and can’t get in queue to ask a question, so I’m going to do it for them. It’s a two-parter. The first part is…are they going to see more of you, your van, and your take on interstellar justice, and as the follow-up, does anybody ever give you any grief over racy subject matter?

Jon I, like I said before, I guess, I would like...have rewrote second season. We wrote half of the second season of the van show, and we’re waiting to hear. But I’ve heard nobody watched it. That doesn’t seem like it’s encouraging, but I hope we can do more of them. And the scripts we wrote are, I think, sublimely funny. And what was the second part? Is this Erika?

Kristy No, Kristy. Just if you get any grief over the racy subject matter?

Jon Yes, like sometimes, I’ll be walking down the street and someone will say … you, sometimes, but I don’t know if that’s about the racy subject matter or not. And I do get that question a lot whether I’m shocked when I read some of the stuff I have to say, and I am not. I am not shocked.

Erika Great. I think that’s it. That’s going to be the last question. Thank you, Jon, so much for taking the time to answer everybody’s questions.

Jon Okay. Thanks.

Erika Just a reminder, Archer premieres this coming Thursday, January 19th at 10:00 p.m. only on FX. Have a great weekend.

Moderator Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude our conference for today. Thank you for your participation and for using AT&T Executive Teleconference Service. You may now disconnect.

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