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Fairy tale and fictional characters are real but come from other dimensions in this great ABC show.  We see their trials and tribulations both here in our worlds and in their fairy tale world(s). In the first season, many of the fairy tale folk are forced to live in a fake town called Storybrooke, thanks to the evil queen, Regina, and her spell. Prince Charming and Snow White's daughter, Emma, now grown and living in New York as a bounty hunter, is their Savior. She came to town at the behest of the young son she gave up for adoption, Henry. He's one of the few in town who knew some of the secrets behind the spell. Emma is skeptical but is forced to believe when she meets the town's residents and and strange things happen. In the second season, Mr. Gold (Aka Rumplestiltskin) brings magic to Storybrooke and learns that his long-lost son Baelfire is Henry's father. In the third season, Storbrooke residents travel to Neverland. It's a fabulous show with lots of wonder and humor. The actors are fantastic and the plots twists and turns. We get to see all of the great Disney characters as well as many others from fiction, like Frankenstein. Nothing is as it seems!

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Season 7 airs now!

12/15 "The Eighth Witch"

"Once Upon a Time" airs Fridays 8/7c on

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Page updated 12/12/17

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