"Hollywood Heights" Episode 101
"Meeting a Rock Star"
by Suzanne All: Eddie! Eddie!
Eddie! Eddie!
Eddie! Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!
Loren: What a show, babe.
Eddie: What a crowd.
Did you hear them?
Loren: Yeah, you were
on fire tonight.
Eddie: 'Cause I was thinking
of you.
Loren: Listen to that.
They love you.
Almost as much as I do.
Eddie: Back at you, beautiful.
Loren: You should
get back out there.
Eddie: They can wait
a little longer.
All: Eddie! Eddie!
[Alarm buzzing]
Singer: Sun's up, open my eyes,
close up, the pressure's on
the inside,
I know I may not get
this chance again
Loren: Back at ya, beautiful.
Hey, Mom.
Nora: Hi, sweetie.
It's time to get up.
Loren: I'm trying.
I was just having the best dream
and I wanna go back to it.
Nora: Oh, do you want me
to call the school,
tell 'em you have 102 fever
so you can stay in bed all day?
I am such a terrible parent.
Loren: Oh, the worst.
Nora: Oh! [Gasps]
Hey, you ditch school, I'll ditch work, and we'll drive up to Santa Barbara
and we'll go to that--we'll have those amazing tacos
at Super Rica for lunch.
Loren: Oh, I want to, I want to,
but I can't.
I already told Mel
that I'd pick her up
and we'd go
to school together.
Nora: Oh. Well, she can come, too.
Loren: With my luck, we'd get there
and I'd have car trouble
and we wouldn't make it back
in time for you-know-what.
Nora: Wait, so just to be clear,
when we talk about
we're talking
about this, right?
Flight Attendant: Anything else
for you, Mr. Duran?
Eddie: Naw, I'm good, thanks.
And I thought I told you,
call me Eddie.
Flight Attendant: Okay, Eddie.
Chloe: [Mocking]
"Okay, Eddie."
Eddie: Oh, come on.
She just likes my smile.
Chloe: Oh, everybody
likes your smile.
Jake: Yeah, especially
women like that.
Remember, they paid
for this private jet.
Chloe: And if we were flying
I'd have to
fight them all off.
Jake: Plus, they made your first two albums platinum.
Eddie: Right, no, it wasn't,
like, the good music
or the constant
touring or anything.
Jake: Well, yeah, but who listens
to those great songs?
Right? Who packs
the houses on tour?
Eddie: The fans, Jake,
the fans.
Jake: See, I'm always right.
Eddie: And that's why
I'm with you, dog.
Because you are
the number one manager.
Jake: To the number one star.
Eddie: With the number one
Chloe: Hmmm.
[Pop music]
Singer: Whoa-oh-oh
I can feel
my heart beat
I know you want no repeats
I know I'm gonna
make it somehow
because my time is now
Lisa: Good morning.
Melissa: Hi, Mom.
Lisa: How'd you sleep?
Melissa: Great. You?
Lisa: Not great.
My back's been killing me.
Melissa: I'm sorry.
Lisa: So is that what
you're wearing today?
Melissa: What's wrong with it?
Lisa: It's a little intense, don't you think?
Melissa: It makes a statement.
Lisa: What statement
would that be?
Melissa: I'm loud,
I'm proud, keep up.
Lisa: More like, "Look at me.
I'm desperate for attention."
Melissa: Do we have to go
through this argument
every time I put together
an outfit?
I like my style.
Like you know what's fashion
forward these days.
Lisa: I'm not sure that you do
either, Melissa.
[Phone rings]
Melissa: Gotta go.
Loren's almost here.
Lisa: She shouldn't be texting and driving.
Melissa: She probably did
it at a stop light.
She's the quiet, smart,
responsible one, remember?
And I'm the crazy one wearing
the outrageous clothes
"Everybody look at me!
Watch out, world,
cover your eyes."
Lisa: Well, come home
straight from school today.
There's a ton of chores
I need you to do.
Melissa: I can come home
for a little bit, but I can't stay
for very long.
Loren and I have this
important project to do.
Super important.
Has to be today.
Lisa: What project? When's it due?
Why does it have to be today?
Melissa: I'll talk to you
about it later. Gotta go.
[Horn beeps]
[Door closes]
Melissa: Hey!
Loren: Hey.
I don't know how I'm gonna
make it through today.
All I can do is think
about the concert.
Melissa: Okay, deep breaths, Loren.
Slow and smooth.
Loren: For the next eight hours?
Melissa: Yes. Just do it with me,
come on.
Deep breath in.
Loren: Okay, all right.
Melissa: And out.
Melissa: [Whimpers]
I can't focus.
Thank god
for this concert tonight.
Loren: Oh, your mom again?
Yeah, the usual.
You know, I think she actually
secretly enjoys
making my life miserable.
You think there's, like,
a support group for that?
Like, children whose moms
actually enjoy
making their lives
a living hell?
Loren: I mean, it is L.A.--There's
a support group for everything.
Melissa: Sign me up.
I will not let Lisa spoil
this fantastic day.
[Car engine sputters]
Melissa: And then that happened.
Loren: I know, don't worry.
It's just 'cause
I honked when I pulled up.
It just takes a little finesse,
one sec.
Melissa: Okay, well you
better finesse it enough
to get us
to the Avalon tonight.
We have to take
your car, Loren,
'cause my hunk of junk
is a definite no-no.
[Engine starts]
Melissa: Ah, see, magic touch.
Loren: Okay, good job.
Pedal to the metal.
The sooner we get to school,
the sooner
we'll get through it.
And the closer we are
to the greatest night on earth.
Both: Seeing Eddie Duran!
Eddie: I'm so psyched for tonight.
I love that we're ending
the tour back here.
Jake: Los Angeles is too, man.
People are already
camping outside
in front of the Avalon
We should have done
two nights.
Eddie: Oh--relax, okay?
I'm gonna do this last show,
and then I need a little break.
Jake: It's all about
momentum, man.
The big mo, come on.
We gotta keep going, dude.
Nobody's hotter than you.
Chloe: Ooh, he's right about that.
Eddie: Okay.
Jake: Look.
I promise you'll get some
time off, all right?
A couple of weeks.
Recharge, fill up
the creative tank
and then we're back
to making the next
amazing multi-platinum album.
Chloe: How about a couple months?
He's exhausted.
Jake: Nah, he looks fine to me.
Eddie: [Chuckles]
Dude, I'm not about to complain
about anything, but...
[Phone beeps]
Eddie: I'm running on fumes.
Jake: You're up for tonight though,
Eddie: Are you crazy?
Of course.
Come on, family,
friends, fans.
I can't wait.
Jake: That's what I like to hear.
Eddie: So, babe,
what do you wanna do?
You wanna go straight
to the theater with us?
You wanna go home?
Chloe: Ugh, no choice now.
Eddie: Why, what's wrong?
Chloe: My call time
for my photo shoot tomorrow
got bumped up to 5:00 A.M.
Eddie: Oh, guess that means no sleep
for you tonight.
Chloe: Oh, and it means that my
fitting got moved to now.
They're meeting me
at my apartment in an hour.
Eddie: What?
How long is it gonna take?
Chloe: A few outfit changes.
I don't know,
maybe a couple of hours?
Eddie: Hey, it's not gonna give you
enough time to make the show.
Chloe: I know.
Eddie: But you have to.
It's my last one.
Chloe: You know
that I wanna be there
more than anything
in the whole world,
but this photo shoot,
it's a big one for me.
For my career.
Eddie: I know.
And I'm not trying to make
it sound small or anything,
but I don't know, I just play
a better show when you're there.
Jake: You know, I hate to admit it,
but it's true.
He does.
Chloe: [Chuckles]
Well, I will do whatever
I can to be there.
One way or another, I promise
I'll push 'em to be fast.
Eddie: Do that.
That's my girl.
Melissa: We can't take any chances
that happens tonight.
I mean, this is just school
we're late for,
but we can't miss
a second of Eddie.
Loren: Yeah, you're right, okay,
we won't take my car.
Your car's worse.
Melissa: I know.
We can take my mom's car.
Loren: Seeing the love
of my life in concert
depends on an act of random
kindness from your mother?
We might as well
just steal a car.
Melissa: I like where your head's at.
[All cheering]
All: Eddie! Eddie!
Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!
Eddie: Thought this was supposed
to be a low-key homecoming.
Jake: Yeah, I guess word leaked.
Jake: Come on, Eddie,
let's get going.
We're already
behind schedule.
Eddie: Oh, come on, Jake.
You've always told me to take
time for my fans, right?
[Girls cheering]
Loren: Where are the tickets?
Do you have them on you?
Melissa: The tickets?
Loren: Yeah, let me see 'em.
Melissa: Uh...I don't have them.
Loren: What do you mean
you don't have them?
Melissa: Yet.
Don't worry.
They're as good
as in my hands.
[Bell rings]
[Bell rings]
Loren: Is it the money?
Do we need to pay more?
'Cause I will work extra hours
at the coffee shop
right up until the show starts.
I don't care.
Melissa: Scalping tickets isn't easy.
Loren: I thought you said
your connection was solid.
It's not a Craigslist thing,
is it?
Melissa: No. Our scalper actually
made it to school today,
so I'll probably have
them this afternoon.
Loren: Wait. Probably?
Melissa: Trust, Loren.
You've got to trust.
Loren: When it comes to Eddie,
I trust no one.
We've been waiting for this
concert for six months, Mel.
You could say we've
been waiting 18 years.
That's how important
tonight is and you say
we'll probably get the tick--
Melissa: Loren?
Mighty Mel came through.
Loren: Oh, my god.
Is that them?
Melissa, I love you.
Melissa: Oh, I love me too.
I just had to get
your reaction on tape.
Oh, that's going
online right away.
Loren: Oh, my god.
[Bell rings]
Melissa: Okay, I'll pick you up
at 7:00?
Loren: Yeah, sounds good.
Melissa: Actually, let's make it 6:30.
I'll need time to create
a look for you.
Loren: What's wrong with what
I'm wearing?
Melissa: I'll be there at 6:00.
Phil: Watch it.
Melissa: Ow! What's your problem?
Of course it's you.
Phil: Look, I know
that you're probably blind
from wearing
that shirt all day,
but would you mind
watching where you're going?
Melissa: I'm sorry, Phil.
Never expected
to run into you here.
In school.
Phil: Oh...
Melissa: Are you here today because
your probation
officer is visiting?
Phil: Hilarious, Mel.
Melissa: I know.
Phil: Keep yapping,
I'm gonna tell Mom and Dad
what you two
are up to tonight.
Melissa: Oh, yeah?
Do Mom and Dad know
you're on the once-a-week
attendance plan?
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
keep walking, yappy.
Loren: See you tonight.
Melissa: Okay, bye.
Loren: Bye.
Adriana: He was just like,
Phil: What's up, babe?
Adriana: Hey, babe. I thought you had detench.
Phil: Talked my way out of it.
Adriana: Again?
Oh, my god, you know,
you're smooth as milk.
Phil: "Silk."
Smooth as "silk."
Adriana: Oh. Whatevs.
You know, I'm so sick
of this day.
Everyone's been talking about
that Eddie Duran concert.
My dad can't get me tickets.
It's like he doesn't
even care about me.
Phil: Why would you ask an old guy
like that to score you tickets?
Adriana: Sometimes
he has connections.
Phil: Has he got connections
like these?
Adriana: [Gasps]
Phil: I guess you can go with me.
Adriana: Oh, my god.
Boyfriend of the year.
You always get me
exactly what I want.
Phil: And it's a full-time job.
Nora: Uh, there's no numbers
on these tickets.
Loren: Mom, that's the best part
about the show.
It's general admission.
Nora: Oh.
Loren: Normally he plays arenas,
but this is a special night
at the Avalon.
Nora: Ah.
Loren: And we're on the floor
right up front.
Nora: Oh, you need
to be careful, honey.
It can get really
rough up there.
Loren: Mom, I could be this close
to him tonight.
I hope he plays all the songs
off his second album.
I mean, I do love the first one,
but you know how some artists
suffer that sophomore slump?
Nora: Yeah, I hate that.
Loren: Yeah, but not Eddie.
His second album's
actually stronger.
I can't believe
it's tonight.
Nora: After all the extra hours
you put in at the coffee shop,
you deserve it.
Loren: Thank you.
Nora: Oh, my god, I can remember
being your age
and being just as
excited about seeing--
Loren: Eddie's parents,
Max and Katie.
Yeah, I think I heard
that one before.
Nora: Well, you're gonna
hear it again, okay?
Loren: Okay.
Nora: I wanted to be Katie so badly.
I mean, she had this wild '80s
hair and these fiery eyes,
and of course,
she was married to Max.
Loren: Max, yes.
I mean, I can totally see where Eddie gets his good looks.
But musically, he's gone
way past his mom and dad.
Nora: You are so wrong.
Loren: What? No.
Nora: This must be one of those
generational divides. Wow.
Loren: You know what, it's okay.
We're supposed
to like different music.
Nora: Well, I bet I would love
the songs you write
if you would ever let me
hear any of them.
Loren: My stuff's
a work in progress.
I'm still learning.
Did you know Eddie
played the jazz piano
when he was just five?
Nora: Is there anything about Eddie
you don't know?
Loren: Uh, his cell phone number,
but I'm working on that.
Nora: [Laughs]
Loren: I wish you could come
Nora: I know, it'd be great.
I'd love to hear all
the kids saying,
"Who brought the old lady?"
Loren: I don't think so.
You'd probably get a couple
of hot dates out of it.
Nora: Well, speaking of which,
I already have plans tonight.
Loren: Wait, plans?
A date?
Nora: I know,
I can't believe it either.
It's been forever.
Loren: Wait, hold on, details.
Nora: I know, I know,
I gotta go get ready.
I gotta get ready.
Loren: Wha--
Nora: I got things to do.
Lisa: Phil, honey,
you don't have to do that.
Phil: It's called
division of labor, Mom.
You shop, I unload, Dad cooks, Melissa...eats?
Lisa: Come on, Phil, be nice.
Phil: Hey, Mom, can I borrow
the car tonight?
Lisa: Where you going?
Phil: Adriana's.
Lisa: Okay, be home by 11:00.
Melissa: Mom, remember you said
I could use your car tonight?
Lisa: Remind me why you need it?
Melissa: Mine's been acting weird.
I think the brakes are broken.
And I've got that art project
to do with Loren, remember?
Lisa: I already promised Phil
because his is in the shop.
Besides, can't you girls
do your project online?
Melissa: We're supposed to photograph
and document street art
around L.A.ourselves,
not copy and paste from Google. I wanna get a grade
that's close
to the beginning
of the alphabet.
Lisa: Well, you should have
taken care of this
on the weekend.
Phil: Thanks, Mom.
You're the best.
Melissa: How come you let Phil
do pretty much
anything he wants,
whenever he wants?
Lisa: He's 19.
Melissa: And yet still in the same
grade as me.
He should be rewarded
for this?
Lisa: He was left behind because
of a couple bad teachers.
Melissa: Terrible teachers who demanded
he study and learn.
Lisa: Careful, Melissa.
Gus: How are my best gals?
Lisa: Hi, honey.
Gus: What's going on?
Melissa: I've got a school project
tonight to do with Loren
and Mom won't let me go.
Gus: I'm sure your mom
has a good reason--
Lisa: I didn't say
she couldn't go.
It's not my fault you don't
take care of your car.
Tell Loren to come here.
Melissa: You guys want me
to keep my grades up.
I'm trying to do that,
but I'm not getting any support.
Gus: Okay, how about this
for a solution?
You can take my car...
Lisa: Gus!
Gus: And you will
be home by 11:00.
Lisa: You'll be home by 10:00.
Melissa: Thanks, Dad.
You rock.
Do you think
I could get 20 bucks?
For art supplies?
Tyler: I'm telling you
that's not how it went down.
I don't care
if he said I was lying
because I know
how it shook out.
The director was an idiot.
What matters
is that I'm available now,
so get me some auditions.
Good ones this time.
I gotta work, bro.
[Hard rock music playing]
Announcer: And in the world of music,
L.A.'s own Eddie Duran
is finally back home...
Tyler: [Scoffs]
Announcer: After a hugely
successful tour.
He makes his triumphant return
tonight for one last show.
Ladies, if you have any interest
in going, don't bother.
It's been sold out
for months.
Sports is coming up next.
Tyler: Yeah.
Too bad he sucks.
Okay, that's enough
for now, guys.
Photographer #1: Eddie, Chloe, one last shot!
Eddie: Sure.
Photographer #2: Hey, so how serious
are you guys?
Have you set
a wedding date yet?
Chloe: [Giggles]
Eddie: Uh...
a wedding date?
I barely know you.
At least take me out
to dinner first.
Thanks, guys.
Thank you.
Where do they come up
with this stuff?
Chloe: Let's tell them it's true.
See what they do.
Eddie: That we're getting married?
Chloe: Yeah.
Eddie: Yeah. Great.
[Piano plays]
Loren: Falling like I'm...
falling like the stars...
falling like the sun--
[Door opens]
Melissa: Bet those terrorist prisoners
in the Gitmo
have more rights than I do.
Loren: What'd she do this time?
Melissa: I swear, she treats me like
I'm going on a crime spree.
Loren: Mm.
Melissa: Luckily, my dad came through
for me...again.
Loren: Yeah, he's definitely
on your side.
[Keyboard beeps]
Melissa: How come you never
let me hear you sing?
Loren: You've heard me sing.
Melissa: Singing along to Katy Perry
in the car doesn't count.
We all sound good then.
Loren: Yeah, see, I like
how I sound then,
but get me up in front
of a group of people and--I'm getting queasy
just thinking about it.
Melissa: Let me be your J-Lo.
I'll be honest!
If it's a little pitchy, dog,
I'll tell you.
Loren: I don't really
enjoy singing, okay?
Melissa: You are such a liar.
You're dying to be a singer.
Loren: I like to write songs.
That doesn't mean I like
to get up in front
of a bunch of people
and belt it out and--
Melissa: Okay.
The best way
for a songwriter
to get their songs heard
is to sing them themselves.
Adele said that on 60 Minutes.
Loren: Oh, Adele said that?
Of course she can say that.
She's got a voice that makes
everybody wanna cry.
All she has to do
is clear her throat
and people start to tear up.
Melissa: You could do that too,
I know it.
Loren: Mel, you know how many
talented wannabes are out there?
More than I can count.
It's impossible.
Melissa: If I had your gift, I'd never
give up, no matter what.
Loren: I'm just gonna go
to college, you know?
Focus on a fallback.
Dreams won't put
a roof over my head.
Melissa: What country western song
did you steal that from?
Faith Hill?
Shania Twain?
Loren: Dreams won't put
a roof over my head...
Melissa: You can sing.
Loren: Oh.
Melissa: No, I--that gave
me chills, Loren. I--you might not believe this, Lo, but with your gift, you
could make it. You could be on posters like that someday. You could be a
Jake: Hey, Traci, it's me.
Sorry I missed your call.
We're on our way
to the Avalon.
I'll call you
after the show.
And I was kinda hoping we could
start with dessert.
You feel me?
I love you, baby.
Eddie: Go home to her.
Jake: [Chuckles]
Eddie: Jake, I can handle things
without you.
I've been doing this concert
thing for a while now.
Jake: I'm not missing your
last concert, all right?
Tracy understands that.
Chloe: And she's not even
a little bit jealous
about all the time you spend
with Eddie?
Jake: No, she's the one
who encouraged me to leave
the talent agency and open up
my own management company.
Chloe: But she didn't think you two
would be spending weeks apart
while you gallivant around
the world with one client.
Jake: She's got her own
graphic design thing going on.
She works long hours too.
She gets it.
And I have to spend
a lot of time
with my most important client.
Chloe: Aw, you two make
such a cute couple.
Maybe you should marry him, Eddie.
Traci: Look, I'll handle it
first thing in the morning.
I'll give you something
to look at by 10:00 A.M.
All right, thanks.
[Phone beeps]
[Phone line rings]
Jake's voice: Hi, this is Jake.
Leave a message.
Traci: Hey, baby,
it's me.
Guess we're playing phone tag.
I just want to let you know
that dinner will be ready
when you get here,
but I ain't serving it
before dessert.
I love you.
[Phone beeps]
Melissa: [Sighs] This is gonna be
harder than I thought.
It's like your wardrobe's
from that old Reese Witherspoon
movie in black and white
where Spiderman's her brother.
Loren: Pleasantville.
I love that movie.
Melissa: Yeah, all the girls
had pointy bras.
I totally expect to find
a pointy bra in here.
Loren: Just don't pick out
that's gonna draw
too much attention, okay?
I wouldn't want
to detract from you.
Melissa: Oh, if only you gave me
something to work with.
[Gasps] Wait.
I found it.
Loren: No way.
Melissa: Trust me, if this doesn't
get you noticed by Eddie,
nothing will.
Jake: That photo op at the airport
took a lot longer
than I thought.
Hope you're not late
to your own concert.
Eddie: Will you chill,
all right?
The sooner we drop off Chloe,
the sooner she gets
through her fitting,
and then she can get
to the show.
Chloe: Exactly.
Eddie: Exactly.
Jake: It's not like she's never been
to your show before, man.
She was at the last gig,
We sent a jet for her.
Eddie: Yeah, and before she gets
all super famous
and starts booking supermodeling jobs in Tokyo
and Milan...
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Eddie: I want her with me,
you know?
As much as possible.
Chloe: [Chuckles]
Melissa: [Vocalizing]
Loren: [Gasps] Mom!
Nora: [Laughs] Eh?
Loren: Oh, my god.
Nora: Well, what do you think?
Melissa: Wow, you're a M.I.L.T.T.M.S.
A mother I'd like
to take me shopping.
Style and taste clearly
do not run in the family.
Nora: Okay, Loren has
other priorities.
And listen,
I'm a hoodie-and-yoga-pants
girl myself, but--
Loren: yeah, but Mom's
got a date tonight.
Melissa: Wow.
Nora, slow down.
Didn't you just go out to dinner
with that banker,
like, three years ago?
You're gonna get
a reputation.
Loren: Mel.
Nora: No, no, she's right.
It does feel like an eternity
since I've been on a date.
Melissa: So is he hunky and gorgeous?
Did you background-check him?
Nora: Okay, slow down.
It's a first date.
But, yes, his internet search
came up clean.
Loren: Okay.
Melissa: How'd you meet?
Nora: Yoga class.
Melissa: Ooh.
The sweaty Bikram kind,
where you can't help
but breathe in
everyone else's scents?
And I bet his manly musk
stood out, which is why
you're attracted to him, right?
Or is it his flexibility?
Loren: Oh, my god.
Nora: [Laughs]
He had a cute smile.
Is she like this
with all your dates?
Melissa: What dates?
Loren: Okay, she's a little bit
hyper today, Eddie Duran and all.
But, Mom,
I think it's great,
and whatever happens,
it's a great first step.
Nora: Aw, thank you, sweetie.
Loren: Just be home by 10:00 now,
Nora: Oh, a curfew?
Loren: Mm-hmm.
Nora: Okay, can you make it 9:00?
'Cause I have to work tomorrow.
Loren: Okay.
Nora: Okay.
I'm going to go get ready.
Melissa: You look great.
Nora: I love you.
You guys be careful.
Loren: Bye, I love you.
Nora: And have so much fun!
Loren: You have fun.
Melissa: All right, you have fun.
Nora: All right, good night.
Melissa: Bye.
Melissa: How cool is your mom?
I really hope this guy
can keep her warm at night
when you go to college
in the fall.
Loren: Keep her warm?
you realize that I don't sleep
in the same bed with her.
She's not gonna be any colder
when I leave, right?
Melissa: Yeah, but she'll be lonely.
The coldest cold of them all.
Loren: Yeah, I know, I hate that.
Makes it hard to even think
about leaving.
Melissa: [Scoffs]
Not me.
Can't wait to escape Lisa's iron grip.
Loren: Stop calling your mom "Lisa."
Melissa: The word "Mother"
catches in my throat.
Loren: Well, maybe she would be
a little bit more lenient
if you weren't always sneaking
around and deceiving her.
Why not just
be honest with her?
Melissa: Because then
I'd have to admit
that I actually go out
and have fun.
She's a fun vacuum.
She sees anyone
enjoying themselves,
and she swoops in
and sucks up all the fun.
Loren: You're almost 18,
and she treats you
like you're 12.
It's time
you stood up to her.
Melissa: I will.
Lisa: I think she's lying, Gus.
Gus: About what?
Lisa: Tonight.
Where she is,
Gus: Teenagers have secret lives,
We did.
Lisa: But you know why I worry.
Gus: I do.
I say we give our daughter
the benefit of the doubt.
Adriana: Hi, Dad.
Don: Where you going dressed
like that?
Adriana: Out.
Don: Where?
Adriana: To a concert at the Avalon.
Eddie Duran.
Don: Who?
Adriana: He's a singer.
You wouldn't know about him.
You're way too old.
Don: Why didn't you tell me
you were going out?
Adriana: Well, when do I ever?
Don: That's what I'm saying.
Who all is going
to this concert?
Adriana: It's just me, Nicole,
and Brooke.
Don: The three stooges?
Adriana: What?
F.Y.I., Dad,
it's only an insult
when I know
who you're talking about.
Don: I want you home by 10:00.
Adriana: That's not gonna happen
because the concert
starts at 8:00,
and it's all the way out
in Hollywood.
Don: And it's a school night.
11:00 then, no later.
Adriana: [Sighs] Fine.
Oh, can I have some money?
You know,
T-shirts and posters.
So are you going out tonight?
Don: Negative, I'll be here
all evening.
I have a busy day tomorrow,
so don't even think
about bringing somebody
over here afterward.
Adriana: That's too bad.
I guess Phil will just
have to sneak in
through my window again.
Don: Don't test me, Adriana.
I can only pretend to be amused
by your humor for so long.
Adriana: [Scoffs] When have you
ever pretended
to be amused
by anything that I say?
[Car horn honks]
Adriana: That's my ride, Dad.
[Rock music blaring]
Don: That's Phil.
Adriana: Hmm,
I wonder why he's here.
Don: Adriana.
Adriana: Okay, I know
that I lied to you.
I just didn't
want to upset you.
Don: You call him
your so-called boyfriend.
He won't even come
into the house and talk to me.
Adriana: You scare him.
Don: He should scare you.
Adriana: [Laughs] Please.
He's a cute,
sweet puppy dog.
Don: Well, I don't trust
that little doggy.
Adriana: Yeah, you're my dad.
You're not supposed to.
Don: I'm not happy about this.
Adriana: I know.
Phil: You realize that your dad
is staring at us from the door,
don't you?
Adriana: Of course.
That's why I kissed you.
Phil: The only reason why?
Adriana: No, just the second
most important one.
Phil: So now he knows that
you're with me tonight.
Adriana: Yeah, I tried lying
about that,
but it didn't
work out so well.
Phil: I'm sure he's thrilled.
Adriana: [Chuckles] Whatevs.
Phil: I will admit,
I am a little afraid of a guy
that works with scalpels
all day.
Adriana: [Laughs]
Phil: Wow.
You look hot.
Adriana: I know.
[Squeals] I can't believe
we're gonna go see Eddie Duran!
Phil: Neither can I.
Adriana: Stop.
Okay, you're going to have a
much funner time than you think.
Phil: Yeah, I know that.
Much funner.
Adriana: Mm-hmm.
Phil: Besides, if I get bored,
I'll just stare at your legs.
Adriana: Stare all you want, just not
at other people, understand?
Phil: Why would I even want to?
Adriana: Come on, let's go.
I don't want to be late.
Eddie: So I'll see you
at the Avalon.
Chloe: I will try my best
to get there.
Eddie: Oh, you better.
You're my good luck charm.
Chloe: [Chuckles]
Jake: Good.
Chloe: Mmm.
Jake: No, it's non-negotiable.
That's fine.
Chloe: I would love to continue this,
Eddie: I have to save my strength
for the show.
Chloe: Exactly.
Eddie: Ugh.
Chloe: Bye.
[Car drives off]
Tyler: Hey, baby.
Welcome home.
[Rock music]
Singer: Whoo! I can do it
there's nothing to it
jump right through it
Loren: Can't believe you convinced me
to wear these heels.
Melissa: You want to be able to see his
face over the masses, don't you?
Loren: I'm still in shock we're here.
Melissa: I know.
Loren: Eddie Duran's in Hollywood.
Melissa: Pretty cool, huh?
I'm getting it all
for our archives.
Loren: I feel so chic.
Melissa: Nobody says "chic" anymore,
You brought the tickets, right?
Loren: You said you had the tickets.
Melissa: [Laughs] You're so easy.
Loren: You're so mean.
I'm gonna kill you.
Melissa: I'm sorry.
Loren: Okay, go.
Melissa: Okay. Ba-bam.
Man: These aren't valid.
Melissa: [Laughs] What do you mean,
they're not valid?
Man: Machine's not reading them.
Melissa: That's impossible.
Loren: I see what's going on here.
Really, Mel?
You've got this guy
in on it too?
She's been playing jokes
all day, don't--
Melissa: No, this isn't a joke.
Scan them again.
Man: Nope.
Melissa: Please tell me
this isn't happening.
So sorry.
Loren: It's not your fault.
How could you have known?
Melissa: I should've been
more suspicious.
I got them from my brother.
Loren: Phil is our scalper?
Melissa: He's really good
at things like this.
And I-I knew
he could get us a deal,
but I didn't want to tell you
'cause I know you
don't trust him.
Loren: You want to know why
I don't trust him?
Melissa: Yeah, I got
a pretty good idea, yeah.
I'm such an idiot.
He took advantage of us.
And now he's a dead man.
You sold us fake tickets.
Loren and I can't get in.
Phil: Really?
Melissa: Give us your tickets.
Adriana: [Laughs] No, I've been waiting
months for this concert.
Melissa: So have we.
This isn't fair, Phil.
I gave you cash money.
Adriana: Uh, the night's still young,
I'm sure you'll have
no problem
getting into that new animated
movie playing up the street.
You know, it's rated "g"
for "get out of here."
Melissa: [Laughs]
By the way, that skirt
you're wearing--
the knockoff
from that Vogue spread--
you do realize was
from an article
called "What Not to Wear
This Year," right?
Phil: Look at that.
Ours work just fine. Huh.
Bye, ladies.
Adriana: Enjoy your movie.
Melissa: I don't care what it takes.
We are getting
into that concert.
Come on.
Excuse me.
Gus: What are you doing?
Lisa: Just putting away laundry.
Gus: And going
through her things.
Lisa: I'm just making sure
she's not hiding anything.
Gus: Lisa, get out of there.
I'm sure she's not hiding
contraband in her sock drawer.
Lisa: Why are you so cavalier
about this?
Gus: Because I know Mel.
She can't keep a secret
or hide anything.
The girl's an open book
that never closes.
Lisa: What if she's drinking?
Or drugs?
Gus: We would be able to tell.
Lisa: She has got you wrapped
around her little finger.
Gus: I am trusting, honey,
not gullible.
And I wish you would stop being
so paranoid.
Lisa: Just because I'm paranoid
doesn't mean
she's not up to something.
Gus: [Scoffs]
[Rock music]
Loren: This is plan "b"?
Melissa: If we can just get up
that fire escape,
we can go in that
second floor window.
Loren: What? Mel.
Melissa: Yeah.
Loren: Look, I want to see Eddie
more than anything,
but I don't exactly want to get
arrested or break my neck.
Melissa: Come on, give me a boost.
We can do this.
Loren: All right, come on.
Melissa: You come on.
Loren: No, you come on.
Melissa: You come on.
Loren: [Sighs]
Melissa: Boost me, boost me.
Loren: All right, okay. Okay.
Melissa: [Groans] Boost me.
Loren: Okay, there you go.
Good? Can you get it?
Melissa: Yep. No. Kind of.
Man: Moving through,
out of the way.
Loren: Mel.
Melissa: Oh, god.
This is so not our night.
[Girls screeching]
Oh, my god, it's Eddie.
Girl: Oh, my god!
Girl: Eddie!
No! Eddie!
[Overlapping shouting] No! We need in!
[Overlapping shouts]
[Rock music]
Jake: Yo, Eddie, hold up.
Eddie: What's up? I gotta warm up.
Jake: This is the last spot
on the tour, and I just want
to thank you for crushing it
night after night, man.
You are handling all of this
like a pro.
And you know me.
That's the highest form
of praise I dish out.
Eddie: Ah, I can only do it
'cause I know you got my back.
Jake: Always.
And this is just the beginning,
my friend.
We've got worlds to conquer.
Eddie: Worlds?
What'd you do?
You book me on Mars?
Jake: Yeah, next year.
Eddie: All right.
Jake: You hear that?
[Girls cheering]
Jake: That's for you.
This is your town.
These are your people.
Give them what they want.
Give them the best damn night
of their lives, Eddie Duran.
Eddie: Will do.
You're the best, Jake.
The best.
Jake: Don't I know it.
Let's do it.
Loren: Okay, just lift--
Lift with your leg, up.
Melissa: All right. Okay.
Loren: Okay.
Melissa: Almost got it.
Kind of. Aah!
Jake: I understand.
Tokyo is 17 hours ahead.
I'm familiar with time zones,
and I assure you, Eddie will make the interview. Arigato gozaimasu.
If you're trying
to sneak in, good luck.
Loren: No, actually, um,
she just needed to use-
The bathroom.
Jake: Show's sold out.
Loren: We know the show's sold out.
It was sold out before any of us
normal people even had a chance.
That's why we had
to buy ours from a scalper.
Melissa: Who screwed us over
and sold us counterfeit tickets.
Jake: Well, I'm sorry
to hear about that,
but security will
be around any second.
Both: Oh, no, no!
Loren: Aren't you Eddie's manager?
I saw your interview with him
on the Ellen show.
You're Jake, right?
Jake: Yeah, that's me.
Loren: Look, I know you probably
hear this all the time,
but we love Eddie.
Jake: Everyone here loves Eddie.
Melissa: No one more than Loren.
Loren: His music makes me feel alive.
And I know that probably
sounds weird,
but we scrimped and we saved
for these tickets.
Look, we're not
the type of people
that want to cause trouble
at all,
but we love Eddie so much
that we were ready
to commit a crime.
That's what Eddie
means to us.
Melissa: Please.
Jake: All right, come on inside.
I'll get you some wristbands.
Melissa: What?
Loren: Really?
[Both laughing and cheering]
[Knock at door]
Eddie: Jake.
I love you, buddy, but,
you know, no visitors before
I go on.
Max: That include me?
Eddie: Papa Max is in the house!
Max: What's going on?
Eddie: Hey.
Max: Ohh!
What's up?
I've missed you.
Eddie: I missed you too.
Max: Oh, you look good.
You look good.
A little tired, maybe.
Eddie: [Laughs]
All the traveling, the different
venues, and the hotels--
it's wearing me out.
Max: Oh, you're breaking
my heart.
Yeah, private planes,
five-star hotels--
Eddie: Yeah--
Max: [Groans]
Not like the old days
at all.
Eddie: How did you and Mom
do it for so long?
Max: Oh, you know,
we had each other.
Eddie: Yeah.
Max: Yeah.
Eddie: Well, things were
definitely a lot calmer
when Chloe was around.
Max: Oh, she joined you?
Eddie: Yeah.
Yeah, when she could.
Max: Cool.
Sounds like you guys
are getting serious.
Eddie: Eh, well, you know,
there's only one way
we could get more serious.
No, I just--
I really enjoy
when she's around.
You know, it's like somebody
real I can connect with
in the middle
of all the craziness.
Max: All right.
Okay, we'll talk
about that later.
I'll leave you alone now.
Eddie: What are you talking about?
Don't leave.
Max: Nah, man, I know
all about pre-show rituals.
I'm not gonna
mess with yours.
You got friends, family--
it's your homecoming, man.
Go get 'em.
Eddie: All right.
Max: Kill 'em.
[Cheers and applause]
Max: I gotta admit,
that movie was lot better than
I thought it would be.
Katie: Mm.
You sure you're not just saying
that because our son was in it?
Max: Well, maybe a little.
I mean, come on.
Who knew Eddie
was such a good actor?
Katie: He was pretty adorable.
Max: Yeah--no, no.
He's a star.
He's a star.
We did something right.
Or wrong?
Katie: He'll be fine.
Max: Mm.
Katie: He'll be fine.
Anyway, it's too late
to stop it now.
He's off and running.
Max: All the way to the top.
Katie: Mm.
Max: Oh, boy.
Katie: Just wait until
his album drops next week.
Max: I'm so nervous about that.
I-I don't know why.
It know it's gonna
be a great album,
I know it's gonna
be successful, but--
Katie: Everything's gonna change.
Max: Yeah.
Are you happy or sad?
Katie: I'm happy.
Max: Me too.
And so proud of him.
Katie: Me too.
Max: I am.
Katie: Me too.
Max, watch out!
[Tires screeching]
[Cheers and applause]
Chloe: You need to leave, Tyler.
Tyler: You're not being
very social to a guy
you haven't seen
in three months.
Chloe: You weren't supposed
to be back from Hong Kong
for another few weeks.
Tyler: I finished early,
so I split.
I couldn't be away
from you for another second.
Chloe: What if they needed you
for reshoots or something?
Tyler: Then they're out of luck.
Chloe: You got fired,
didn't you?
Tyler: The director lacked vision,
He had no clue what
he was doing.
It was a bad joke.
I had to split.
Chloe: I don't believe this.
You finally land a part
in a feature film
and you just walk off?
Tyler: It was a cheesy slasher movie.
Chloe: It was a role, Tyler.
A job, where they pay
you money for your services,
so you can pay your rent
and, I don't know, eat.
Tyler: Okay, unlike you, I'm not
just in it for the money.
Chloe: [Sighs]
I don't have time to chitchat.
I have a fitter coming over--
Tyler: There's no fitter.
Chloe: I got a message saying--
Tyler: I give good text, don't I?
Chloe: [Sighs]
Well, now I can head over
to Eddie's show.
Tyler: What, I'm back now
and you want to race off
to play
with that sellout?
Chloe: I'm not playing, Ty.
It's serious now.
Tyler: [Laughs]
Yeah, right.
You're Chloe Carter.
You don't get serious
about anyone.
Chloe: Well I'm seriously going
to the club.
[Pop-rock music]
[Crowd cheering]
Adriana: Hear that?
Loren: Yeah! Whoo!
Melissa: Look out! Whoo! Excuse me- Very important person!
Excuse me!
"V"-"I" to the "p"!
"V" to the "I"
to the "P," girl. Whoo!
[Speaks indistinctly]
Oh, my god.
And I'm ready.
[Soft rock music]
Eddie: For you, Mom.
Gus: Did you find any contraband,
Lisa: You think I've turned
into my mother.
Gus: God, no,
you're not that bad.
She would have had
a metal detector
installed at the front door
by now.
Lisa: I actually thought
about doing that last week.
Gus: So you're a little bit
like your mom?
Probably happens
to everybody.
Lisa: Oh, really?
Like someone whose father
worked 20 hours a day,
and he vowed
never to do that?
Gus: So we have become exactly
what we said we'd never be.
[Phone ringing]
Lisa: Ah!
Oh, hi, Darren.
No, no, no.
That's okay, I understand.
Yeah, no--
no, I hadn't even
started getting ready yet.
Yeah, okay, well we'll--
we'll try for another time.
Uh-huh, I see.
All right, well...
take care.
All right.
[Rock music]
Eddie: Is Chloe here?
Man: No, haven't seen her.
Chloe: Tyler, come on.
Get out of the way, I'm late.
Tyler: Look, I've been stuck
in the middle
of nowhere for months.
I kind of expected
a warmer homecoming.
Chloe: I'll call you tomorrow.
And I need
my spare key back.
Tyler: You don't have
to be like this, okay?
It's just
me and you.
You can be yourself, Chloe.
Chloe: Mm.
[Soft rock music]
[Crowd cheering, applauding]
Eddie: Breathing it in
can you feel it
in your soul
under your skin
just let it
take control
tonight is gonna be
our night
the beat and rhythm
feel the energy inside
I know your body wants
to explode
your feet
just wanna go
we're gonna
feel alive
there's something
in the air yeah-ah
yeah we're gonna
have a good time
there's something
in the air yeah-ah
yeah we're gonna
have a good time
whoa oh oh ohh
whoa oh oh ohh oh
whoa oh oh ohh
whoa oh oh ohh oh
[Crowd cheers]
It's all around
you're gonna let
your mind escape
so figure it out
there's nothing
in our way
tonight is gonna be
our night
the beat and rhythm
feel the energy inside
I know your body
wants to explode
your feet
just wanna go
we're gonna
feel alive
there's something
in the air yeah-ah
yeah we're gonna have
a good time
there's something
in the air yeah-ah
yeah we're gonna have
a good time
whoa oh oh ohh
whoa oh oh ohh oh
whoa oh oh ohh
whoa oh oh ohh oh
can you feel it
[Crowd screams, cheers]
Can you feel it
can you feel it
can you feel it
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Page updated 6/23/12