first meet William when Audrey is in the Barn. She thinks her name is Lexie and
she's a waitress at a bar. He tries to get her to remember who she really is.
This leads to her leaving the Barn before it self-destructs. William turns
up in Haven. He seems like a nice guy at first, but we soon learn that
he's from the other world behind The Door. He and Audrey created the Troubles.
He has a real zest for life and for causing trouble. He doesn't care whether he
kills people or not and uses his threat to try to get Audrey to remember their
previous life together. He tells her that they were in love and that her real
name is Mara. They are connected because when William is shot, Audrey is
affected. Things came to a head at the end of Season 4 when the Door was opened
and William got thrown back into the other world by Nathan, and Audrey
remembered that she's Mara.
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writers, MS FrontPage and Web Expression users, graphics designers, and more, so
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Page updated 8/17/14