Who plays whom?
Audrey Parker/Lucy/Mara - Emily Rose
Nathan Wuornos - Lucas Bryant
Duke Crocker - Eric Balfour
Vince Teagues - Richard Donat
Dwight Hendrickson - Adam Copeland
Stan Bannerman - Glenn Lefchak
Gloria - Jayne Eastwood
Dave Teagues - John Dunsworth
Chief Garland Wuornos - Nicholas Campbell ...
Jordan McKee - Kate Kelton
Jennifer Mason - Emma Lahana
Claire Callahan - Bree Williamson
Dr. Lucassi - Christopher Shore
William - Colin Ferguson
Rev. Ed Driscoll - Stephen McHattie
Agent Howard - Maurice Dean Wint
Evidence 'Evi' Ryan - Vinessa Antoine
Eleanor Carr - Mary-Colin Chisholm
Wade Crocker - Christian Camargo
Tommy Bowen - Dorian Missick
Rebecca Rafferty - Kirsty Hinchcliffe
Sinister Man - Kyle Mitchell
Julia Carr - Michelle Monteith
FBI Agent - Kathleen Munroe
Chris Brody - Jason Priestley
Colorado Kid - Steve Lund
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Page updated 8/13/21