Nathan Wuornos
is a lanky, quiet guy with an sly sense of humor. His Trouble is that he can't
feel any physical touch or pain. Audrey's touch is the only one he can
feel. He fell in love with her as they worked together to solve crimes and
help the Troubled people of Haven. Nathan is a hero, but his main focus is
Audrey. He lost his adopted father, Garland, in the first season, and took over
his job as Police Chief in Haven. Nathan and Duke have an uneasy friendship.
They knew each other as kids and were enemies for a while, but now, working with
Audrey, they've become friends and have saved each other a number of times.
Nathan is very law-abiding, and Duke is not, which causes friction. Nathan went
undercover and had a fling with Jordan McKee, another Troubled person.
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Page updated 8/17/14