Jennifer Mason
met Jennifer in Season 4. She went to visit Duke in the psych ward in Boston.
She had been on medication to keep from hearing voices. She was hearing Audrey
in the Barn, so she helps Nathan and Duke track down Audrey and the Barn.
She stayed in Haven and worked at the town newspaper with Dave and Vince. She
and Duke started to fall in love. His crazy brother Wade attacked her and tried
to kill her, but Duke killed him. They learned that she was adopted and had been
placed by Agent Howard. She was instrumental in helping to open the Door to the
alternate universe (and stopping William). Jennifer was very insecure when she
first appeared on the show because being told she was schizophrenic had really
made her doubt herself. She grew more confident as the year progressed.
It's rumored that she won't be back for season 5.
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Page updated 8/17/14