Reverend Ed Driscoll
we first meet "The Rev" in the first season, he seems to be one of the creepier
and crazier residents of Haven. He hates the people with The Troubles and
wants to get rid of them; he believes they're evil. The Rev drinks a lot.
Duke learns from him that he knew his father very well and that they hunted and
killed Troubled people. Duke despises the Reverend, but he pays along with
him for a while to learn more about his father. The Rev seemed to particularly
hate Nathan in part because his daughter, Hannah, went to the prom with him
against his wishes, but really it's because he hates Troubled people like Nathan
and his dad. The Rev had a wife who left him, and a long complicated history;
his relationship with Hannah was pretty bad, too. Audrey shot and killedThe Rev
when he was about to kill a teenage Wendigo (in self defense).
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Page updated 8/17/14