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Haven Character Page

Audrey Parker

Audrey ParkerAudrey is the heroine of the show. She's very complicated, as we learn each season. She seems to be an FBI agent in the first season. She arrives in Haven to find the mystery of the Colorado Kid, which has something to do with her childhood. Then we learn that she's been there many times as other women, such as Lucy.  Also, Lucy somehow has the power to control the Troubles (she's not affected by them like everyone else is).  Then we found out that Audrey is really a persona she stole from a real FBI agent by that name. She doesn't remember being anyone else. She has all of the memories and skills of the real Audrey.  She also temporarily took on the personality of Lexie, a bartender, while in the Barn.  Last season we learned that she's really Mara, a being from another dimension who has great powers. She and her lover William created the Troubles in Haven. We don't know why, other than the fact that they seem to be evil and enjoy causing pain and suffering.  As Audrey, she's good and law-abiding, and she likes to help people. She's in love with Nathan, and she has feelings for Duke as well. As Mara, we don't really know what she's like, but we'll find out this season.

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