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Arrow Older News Page

News and Spoilers from previous episodes!

The CW Monday, May 6 ARROW “Confessions” Promo — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV) ARSENAL RETURNS TO HELP THE TEAM — When they learn of an upcoming attack on the city, Team Arrow calls Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) to help them stop the Ninth Circle. However, things go awry and there is massive collateral damage. As Captain of the SCPD, Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) investigates what happened in an episode that takes on a true crime narrative and tone. Tara Miele directed the episode written by Onalee Hunter Hughes & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#720). Original airdate 4/29/2019.

The CW Arrow: "Spartan" - Monday, April 22 (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV) ERNIE HUDSON ("GHOSTBUSTERS") GUEST STARS - Promo - After the Ninth Circle delivers a major setback for Team Arrow, Diggle (David Ramsey) reluctantly reaches out to a Four-Star General of the Defense Intelligence Agency (guest star Ernie Hudson) for help, despite unresolved tension from their past. Meanwhile, Oliver (Stephen Amell) discovers a piece of information that he believes will turn Emiko (Sea Shimooka) against the Ninth Circle. Alena (guest star Kacey Rohl) returns with an interesting proposal for Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). Avi Youabian directed the episode written by Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes (#719). Original airdate 4/22/2019.

The CW Arrow: "Lost Canary" - Monday, April 15 (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) BIRDS OF PREY; CAITY LOTZ GUEST STARS - Promo - After being accused of murder and having her criminal past exposed, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) goes full Black Siren and teams up with an old criminal acquaintance, Shadow Thief (guest star Carmel Amit), to go on a crime spree around Star City. While Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) aims to bring Laurel in, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) refuses to give up on her friend and tries everything to get through to her, even summoning Sara Lance (guest star Caity Lotz) for help. However, Laurel rebuffs all her efforts, forcing the former friends to face off against each other. Kristin Windell directed the episode written by Jill Blankenship & Elisa Delson (#718). Original airdate 4/15/2019.

THE CW Monday March 25, 2019, 8:00pm Arrow "Inheritance" (All New!, HD, TBD) Promo
LAUREL TEAMS UP WITH OLIVER — Laurel (Katie Cassidy) learns about some damaging information that affects Emiko (Sea Shimooka). Always looking to protect his sister, Oliver (Stephen Amell) invites Laurel to help investigate, which makes Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) happy as her friend is now working with the team. However, when things go awry, Felicity is forced to make a choice between the team and Laurel. Patia Prouty directed the episode written by Sarah Tarkhoff & Elizabeth Kim (#717). Original airdate 3/25/2019.

THE CW Monday, March 18 - Arrow: "Star City 2040" - (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) Promo
FLASH FORWARD TO THE FUTURE - Mia (guest star Katherine McNamara) and William (guest star Ben Lewis) venture into the Glades on a dangerous mission. There they run into Dinah (Juliana Harkavy), Roy (Colton Haynes) and Zoe (guest star Andrea Sixtos) who deliver some devastating news. The flash forwards share highlights from Mia's childhood with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). James Bamford directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Oscar Balderrama (#716). Original airdate 3/18/2019.

Monday February 25, 2019, 8:00pm Arrow "Unmasked" (Repeat, HD, TV-14, LV)
FELICITY MAKES CERTAIN DECISIONS FOR HER FAMILY — Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) stands by her recent decisions regarding her family. Meanwhile, Diggle (David Ramsey) and Lyla (Audrey Marie Anderson) continue to look into the Dante painting that Curtis (Echo Kellum) found. Alexandra La Roche directed the episode written by Oscar Balderrama & Beth Schwartz (#708). Original airdate 12/3/2018.

Monday February 18, 2019, 8:00pm Arrow "The Slabside Redemption" (Repeat, HD, TV-14, LV)
JAMES BAMFORD DIRECTS AN EPIC EPISODE — Oliver (Stephen Amell) makes a choice that will affect his entire life, as well as the lives of everyone he cares about. James Bamford directed the episode written by Jill Blankenship & Rebecca Bellotto (#707). Original airdate 11/26/2018.

THE CW Monday, February 11 - Arrow: "Star City Slayer" - (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
THE TEAM IS TARGETED - Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) are disappointed after they learn that William (guest star Jack Moore) is hiding something from them. Wanting to focus on his family, Oliver steps back from his Green Arrow duties and let's the team take over tracking down a serial killer. However, when the team becomes targets for the killer, things take a bloody turn. Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Jill Blankenship (#713). Original airdate 2/11/2019. Promo

THE CW Monday, February 4 - Arrow: "Emerald Archer" - (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
ARROW FILMS THEIR 150TH EPISODE AS A DOCUMENTARY ENTITLED "THE HOOD AND THE RISE OF VIGILANTES" NARRATED BY KELSEY GRAMMER - The 150th episode of "Arrow" showcases a documentary entitled "The Hood and the rise of vigilantism" starring Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), and the rest of Team Arrow. As a camera crew follows Oliver and team around to talk about their past as vigilantes and what the Green Arrow means to Star City, Oliver must also deal with William's (guest star Jack Moore) return from boarding school as well as a new threat to the city. The episode will feature "documentary footage" captured by the BTS crew and interviews from those who have worked alongside the Green Arrow. The documentary is narrated by Kelsey Grammer. Glen Winter directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#712). Original airdate 2/4/2019. Promo

THE CW Monday, January 21 - Arrow: "My Name is Emiko Queen" - (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
OLIVER RETURNS TO HIS REGULAR LIFE IN STAR CITY - Oliver (Stephen Amell) is ready to get back to work with the SCPD and to focus on his marriage with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). However, when Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) tasks Oliver with tracking the new Green Arrow (Sea Shimooka) things take a surprising turn. Meanwhile, Diggle (David Ramsey) and Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) must answer to ARGUS about Diaz (Kirk Acevedo). Andi Armaganian directed the episode written by Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes (#710). Original airdate 1/21/2019. Promo

THE CW Monday, January 7 - Arrow: "Elseworlds, Part 2" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) Promo
THE ELSEWORLDS CROSSOVER CONTINUES IN GOTHAM CITY WITH BATWOMAN (RUBY ROSE) - With Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Barry (guest star Grant Gustin) still stuck in the other's bodies, the two get a lead on John Deegan (guest star Jeremy Davies) and head to Gotham City with Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist) to figure out why their reality has changed. While there, they meet the mysterious Kate Kane (guest star Ruby Rose) who provides them with information that leads the group to Arkham Asylum. James Bamford directed the episode with teleplay by Marc Guggenheim and story by Caroline Dries (#709). Original airdate 12/10/2018.

Monday, December 10 - Arrow: "Elseworlds, Part 2" - (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) Promo
THE ELSEWORLDS CROSSOVER CONTINUES IN GOTHAM CITY WITH BATWOMAN (RUBY ROSE) - With Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Barry (guest star Grant Gustin) still stuck in the other's bodies, the two get a lead on John Deegan (guest star Jeremy Davies) and head to Gotham City with Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist) to figure out why their reality has changed. While there, they meet the mysterious Kate Kane (guest star Ruby Rose) who provides them with information that leads the group to Arkham Asylum. James Bamford directed the episode with teleplay by Marc Guggenheim and story by Caroline Dries (#709). Original airdate 12/10/2018.

Monday December 3, 2018, 8:00pm
Arrow "Unmasked" (All New!, HD, TV-14, LV)
FELICITY MAKES CERTAIN DECISIONS FOR HER FAMILY — Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) stands by her recent decisions regarding her family. Meanwhile, Diggle (David Ramsey) and Lyla (Audrey Marie Anderson) continue to look into the Dante painting that Curtis (Echo Kellum) found. Alexandra La Roche directed the episode written by Oscar Balderrama & Beth Schwartz (#708). Original airdate 12/3/2018.

Monday November 26, 2018, 8:00pm
Arrow "The Slabside Redemption" (All New!, HD, TV-14, LV)
JAMES BAMFORD DIRECTS AN EPIC EPISODE — Oliver (Stephen Amell) makes a choice that will affect his entire life, as well as the lives of everyone he cares about. James Bamford directed the episode written by Jill Blankenship & Rebecca Bellotto (#707). Original airdate 11/26/2018.

The CW Monday, November 19 - Arrow: "Due Process" - (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLV) (HDTV)
LAUREL STEPS IN TO HELP OLIVER - Slabside becomes even more dangerous after a guard is murdered and everyone is a suspect. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) enlists help from a surprising source in her pursuit of Diaz (Kirk Acevedo), and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) flexes her muscles as the District Attorney. Kristin Windell directed the episode written by Sarah Tarkhoff & Tonya Kong (#706). Original airdate 11/19/2018. Promo

Monday November 12, 2018, 8:00pm Promo
Arrow "The Demon" (All New!, HD, TV-14, LV)
FELICTY DISCOVERS A SECRET ABOUT OLIVER; CURTIS GOES UNDERCOVER — Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) learns something new about Oliver (Stephen Amell) that shocks her. Meanwhile, Diggle (David Ramsey) asks Curtis (Echo Kellum) to go undercover for ARGUS. Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) works with an unlikely ally. Mark Bunting directed the episode written by Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes (#705). Original airdate 11/12/2018.

Monday November 5, 2018, 8:00pm Promo
Arrow "Level Two" (All New!, HD, TV-14, LV)
RULES ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN — Oliver (Stephen Amell) makes a drastic move in his quest to find Diaz (Kirk Acevedo). Like her husband, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) pulls out all the stops to get to Diaz. Meanwhile, when arsonists target Rene’s (Rick Gonzalez) community center, injuring Zoe (guest star Eliza Faria) in the process, the mysterious new Green Arrow swoops in to help save the day. Faced with pressure from the mayor to capture the vigilante, Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) must decide if following the rules at all costs is the best plan to keep the city safe. Ben Bray directed the episode written by Emilio Ortega Aldrich & Tonya Kong (#704). Original airdate 11/5/2018.

Monday October 29, 2018, 8:00pm Promo
Arrow "Crossing Lines" (All New!, HD, TV-14, LV)
CURTIS GOES UNDERCOVER FOR ARGUS — Still in prison, Oliver (Stephen Amell) faces his biggest challenge yet. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) gets an intriguing offer, and Diggle (David Ramsey) asks Curtis (Echo Kellum) to go undercover for ARGUS. Gordon Verheul directed the episode with teleplay by Onalee Hunter Hughes & Sarah Tarkoff and story by Elizabeth Kim (#703). Original airdate 10/29/2018.

Monday October 15, 2018 8:00pm ARROW "Inmate #4587" (Season Premiere, HD, TV-14, V)
LOCKED UP — Following Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) shocking decision to turn himself over to the FBI and reveal his identity as the Green Arrow to the public, Oliver has spent the past five months in Slabside Maximum Security Prison. Determined to keep a low profile to shorten his sentence for the sake of his family, Oliver is tested when he runs into old foes. Meanwhile, Diggle (David Ramsey) and Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) have taken on new jobs and left their costumes behind but not everyone is following suit. With her focus on William (guest star Jack Moore), Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) tries to start over but when someone from her past resurfaces, things become complicated. James Bamford directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Oscar Balderrama (#701). Original airdate 10/15/2018.

Thursday May 17, 2018, 9:00pm Promo
Arrow "Life Sentence" (Season Finale, HD, TBD)
THE EPIC SEASON FINALE OF ARROW — With a new ally on his team, Oliver (Stephen Amell) engages Diaz (guest star Kirk Acevedo) in an epic final battle. James Bamford directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Marc Guggenheim (#623). Original airdate 5/17/2018.

THE CW Thursday, May 10 - Arrow: "The Ties that Bind" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) Promo
DIAZ AIMS FOR TEAM ARROW AND THEIR FAMILIES - Diaz (guest star Kirk Acevedo) targets Team Arrow and their loved ones. Oliver (Stephen Amell) struggles with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) putting herself in danger when she gets the chance to stop Diaz for good. Tara Miele directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Oscar Balderrama (#622). Original airdate 5/10/2018.

THE CW Thursday, May 3 - Arrow: "Docket No. 11-19-41-73" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) Preview
COLIN DONNELL GUEST STARS - The pressure mounts for Oliver (Stephen Amell) who begins to wonder if he will lose everything in his battle to save Star City. A familiar face returns. Andi Armaganian directed the episode with teleplay by Ubah Mohamed & Tyron B. Carter and story by Marc Guggenheim (#621). Original airdate 5/3/2018.

THE CW Thursday, April 26 - Arrow: "Shifting Allegiances" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) Promo
RENE RETURNS TO NTA - Oliver (Stephen Amell) turns to an old friend to help battle Diaz (guest star Kirk Acevedo). Meanwhile, Rene (Rick Gonzalez) is out of the hospital but has a hard time re-adjusting to life as Wild Dog. Also, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) discovers something shocking about Black Siren (Katie Cassidy). Alexandra La Roche directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Rebecca Bellotto (#620). Original airdate 4/26/2018.

THE CW Thursday, April 19 - Arrow: "The Dragon" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) Promo
DIAZ SETS HIS SIGHTS ON THE QUADRANT - Looking to expand his empire, Diaz (guest star Kirk Acevedo) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) meet with The Quadrant, a coalition of mafia families who run national organized crime. Meanwhile, after Oliver's (Stephen Amell) recent decision, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Curtis (Echo Kellum) double their efforts on building Helix Dynamics. Gordon Verheul directed the episode written by Spiro Skentzos & Elizabeth Kim (#619). Original airdate 4/19/2018.

THE CW Thursday, April 14 - Arrow: "Fundamentals" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) Promo 
OLIVER IS VISITED BY A GHOST FROM HIS PAST - In his darkest place yet, Oliver (Stephen Amell) wonders if he has failed at everything - being a father, a mayor and a hero. His frustration rising, Oliver lashes out at Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and William (guest star Jack Moore). A surprising visit from an old friend has Oliver questioning his next move. Ben Bray directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#618). Original airdate 4/12/2018.

THE CW Thursday, March 29 - Arrow: "The Thanatos Guild" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
NYSSA AL GHUL COMES BACK TO STAR CITY WITH A DANGEROUS MESSAGE FOR THEA - Nyssa Al Ghul (guest star Katrina Law) returns to Star City to warn Thea (Willa Holland) that a group of renegade League of Assassins members are planning to attack her. This group, led by Athena (guest star Kyra Zagorsky), is intent on finding a mysterious box that Malcolm left behind and will stop at nothing to get it. Nyssa helps Oliver (Stephen Amell) come to a life-changing realization. Joel Novoa directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Ben Sokolowski (#616). Original airdate 3/29/2018. Trailer

THE CW Thursday, March 15 - Arrow: "All for Nothing" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) Trailer
OLIVER AND DINAH FACE OFF - Oliver (Stephen Amell) continues his battle with Cayden James (guest star Michael Emerson). Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) and Oliver have a major disagreement that endangers the life of one of their own. Mairzee Almas directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Oscar Balderrama (#612). Original airdate 2/1/2018.

THE CW Thursday, March 8 - Arrow: "Doppelganger" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) Promo 
ROY HARPER RETURNS - Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Thea (Willa Holland) are shocked to hear that Roy Harper (guest star Colton Haynes) is back in Star City. However, when they discover the circumstances of Roy's return, Oliver and Thea realize that Roy is in trouble and jump in to save him. Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) makes a shocking decision. Kristin Windell directed the episode with story by Christos Gage & Ruth Fletcher Gage and teleplay by Speed Weed (#615). Original airdate 3/8/2018.

THE CW Thursday, February 15 - Arrow: "Divided" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) Promo
OLIVER DISCOVERS A SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT CAYDEN JAMES - Despite losing half his team, Oliver (Stephen Amell) remains confident that he, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Diggle (David Ramsey) can stop Cayden James (guest star Michael Emerson) and Black Siren (Katie Cassidy). However, when he discovers one of Cayden's secrets, he decides to team up with an unlikely ally. Meanwhile, Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) spends time with Vince (guest star Johann Urb). James Bamford directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#610). Original airdate 1/18/2018.

The CW Thursday, February 1 - Arrow: "All for Nothing" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) Promo
OLIVER AND DINAH FACE OFF - Oliver (Stephen Amell) continues his battle with Cayden James (guest star Michael Emerson). Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) and Oliver have a major disagreement that endangers the life of one of their own. Mairzee Almas directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Oscar Balderrama (#612). Original airdate 2/1/2018.

Thursday January 18, 2018, 9:00pm Arrow "Divided" (All New!, HD, TV-14, LV) OLIVER DISCOVERS A SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT CAYDEN JAMES — Despite losing half his team, Oliver (Stephen Amell) remains confident that he, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Diggle (David Ramsey) can stop Cayden James (guest star Michael Emerson) and Black Siren (Katie Cassidy). However, when he discovers one of Cayden’s secrets, he decides to team up with an unlikely ally. Meanwhile, Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) spends time with Vince (guest star Johann Urb). James Bamford directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#610). Original airdate 1/18/2018.

Thursday January 25, 2018, 9:00pm Arrow "We Fall" (All New!, HD, TV-14, LV) WILLIAM LANDS IN CAYDEN JAMES’ CROSSHAIRS — Cayden James (guest star Michael Emerson) ups the ante by launching his plan to take control of every aspect of the city. Despite the scope of Cayden’s plan, Oliver (Stephen Amell) is determined to foil it with just the Original Team Arrow – and without the aid of Rene (Rick Gonzalez), Dinah (Juliana Harkavy), or Curtis (Echo Kellum). But things get complicated when William (guest star Jack Moore) is endangered as a result of Cayden’s handiwork. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Spiro Skentzos (#611). Original airdate 1/25/2018.

The CW Thursday, January 4 - Arrow: "Thanksgiving" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) Promo
OLIVER AND FELICITY CELEBRATE THANKSGIVING WITH WILLIAM - Oliver (Stephen Amell) celebrates Thanksgiving with his family but the happy moment is interrupted. Meanwhile, Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) returns to wreak havoc on the holiday. Gord Verheul directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Speed Weed (#607). Original airdate 11/23/2017.

Thursday December 21, 2017, 9:00pm Arrow "Promises Kept" (Repeat, HD) Trailer
OLIVER MAKES A BIG DECISION — As Slade (guest star Manu Bennett) continues to uncover clues about his son’s last few years, Oliver (Stephen Amell) makes a big decision. Meanwhile, the Green Arrow (David Ramsey) leads the team into battle against “The Dragon,” a villain who is stealing valuable tech in Star City. Antonio Negret directed the episode written by Oscar Balderrama & Rebecca Bellotto (#606). Original airdate 11/16/2017.

Thursday December 7, 2017, 9:00pm Arrow "Irreconcilable Differences" (All New!, HD)
BLACK SIREN KIDNAPS LANCE— Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne) is kidnaped by Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) and Cayden James (guest star Michael Emerson), who are looking to trade Lance’s life for a weapon of mass destruction. Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Team Green Arrow must figure out a way to save Lance while still keeping the city safe. Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Sarah Tarkoff (#609). Original airdate 12/7/2017.

Thursday November 23, 2017, 9:00pm
Arrow "Thanksgiving" (All New!, HD)
OLIVER AND FELICITY CELEBRATE THANKSGIVING WITH WILLIAM — Oliver (Stephen Amell) celebrates Thanksgiving with his family but the happy moment is interrupted. Meanwhile, Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) returns to wreak havoc on the holiday. Gord Verheul directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Speed Weed (#607). Original airdate 11/23/2017.

Thursday November 16, 2017, 9:00pm
Arrow "Promises Kept" (All New!, HD)
OLIVER MAKES A BIG DECISION — As Slade (guest star Manu Bennett) continues to uncover clues about his son’s last few years, Oliver (Stephen Amell) makes a big decision. Meanwhile, the Green Arrow (David Ramsey) leads the team into battle against “The Dragon,” a villain who is stealing valuable tech in Star City. Antonio Negret directed the episode written by Oscar Balderrama & Rebecca Bellotto (#606). Original airdate 11/16/2017.

Thursday November 9, 2017, 9:00pm
Arrow "Deathstroke Returns" (All New!, HD)
SLADE RETURNS; VIGILANTE REAPPEARS IN STAR CITY — Slade (guest star Manu Bennett) returns and asks Oliver (Stephen Amell) for help in tracking down his son. When they learn Joe (guest star William Franklyn-Miller) has been taken hostage by mercenaries, their mission to save him gets complicated by a terrible revelation that could shatter Slade’s hopes of reunion forever. Meanwhile, Vigilante reappears in Star City. Joel Novoa directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Spiro Skentzos (#605). Original airdate 11/9/2017.

Thursday November 2, 2017, 9:00pm Promo
Arrow "Reversal" (All New!, HD, TV-14, LV)
BLACK SIREN STRIKES AGAIN — Just as Oliver (Stephen Amell) starts to get things in order, Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) launches another attack on the citizens of Star City. Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Sarah Tarkoff & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#604). Original airdate 11/2/2017.

Thursday October 26, 2017, 9:00pm
Arrow "Next of Kin" (All New!, HD) Trailer
DC CHARACTER ONYX VISITS STAR CITY — A rogue black ops team led by Onyx (guest star Chastity Dotson) breaks into Kord Industries and steals something lethal. Oliver (Stephen Amell) struggles to connect with William (guest star Jack Moore) so he reaches out to a surprising source for help. Kevin Tancharoen directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Oscar Balderrama (#603). Original airdate 10/26/2017.

Thursday October 19, 2017, 9:00pm
Arrow "Tribute" (All New!, HD)  Promo
ANATOLY RETURNS TO STAR CITY — Oliver (Stephen Amell) tries to balance being the mayor, the Green Arrow and a father to William (guest star Jack Moore). Anatoly (guest star David Nykl) returns to Star City with a deadly agenda. Laura Belsey directed the episode with story by Adam Schwartz and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Beth Schwartz (#602). Original airdate 10/19/2017.

THE CW Thursday, October 12 - Season Premiere - Arrow: "Fallout" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
THE AFTERMATH - Oliver (Stephen Amell) deals with the fallout of the explosion on the island. James Bamford directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (#601). Original airdate 10/12/2017. Promo

Sydelle Noel of GLOW will appear in "Arrow" as Oliver's Adversary

Emily Bett Rickards & Stephen Amell Kind of Confirm an Olicity Wedding Will Be Happening on 'Arrow'

Arrow Season 6 Big Bad is Grounded, Gritty Crime Lord

Raisa the Maid returns in season 6

'Arrow' Stars Tease Survivors of Finale Explosion, Flashbacks and Love Lives for Season 6

‘Arrow’ Season 6 Trailer Reveals Deathstroke’s Return, Michael Emerson Cast

Arrow @ Comic-Con: Multiple Big Bads, Oliver's Daddy Issues and More Scoop

Arrow Season 6: Stephen Amell Confirms One Return, Hints at Another

Wednesday, September 6 - Arrow: "Underneath" - (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV) Promo
OLIVER AND FELICITY ARE TRAPPED - Things get intense when Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) are trapped in the bunker together. Meanwhile, Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Andreson) and Diggle (David Ramsey) deal with their marital issues. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#520). Original airdate 5/3/2017.

Wednesday August 23, 2017 8:00pm Arrow "Dangerous Liaisons" (Repeat, HD)
THE SEARCH FOR CHASE INTENSIFIES — Oliver (Stephen Amell), Team Arrow, ARGUS and the SCPD kick off a citywide manhunt for Adrian Chase (Josh Segurra). Helix tells Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) they have a way to find Chase but they will need something big, and illegal, from her in return. Joel Novoa directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Elizabeth Kim (#519). Original airdate 4/26/2017.

Wednesday August 9, 2017, 8:00pm Arrow "Kapiushon" (Repeat, HD)
 Promo  THE BREAKING POINT — Prometheus (Josh Segarra) goes to great lengths to break Oliver (Stephen Amell). Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Anatoly (guest star David Nykl) becomes worried about Oliver’s increasingly violent tendencies, which come to a head in a brutal confrontation. Kevin Tancharoen directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#517). Original airdate 3/22/2017.

Wednesday August 2, 2017, 8:00pm Arrow "Who Are You?" (Repeat, HD)
OLIVER WANTS JUSTICE; FELICITY WANTS REVENGE — Worried that Prometheus is right and he is truly a killer at heart, Oliver (Stephen Amell) looks for any ray of hope and finds it in what seems to be the miraculous return of Laurel Lance (guest star Katie Cassidy). However, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), still reeling from Detective Malone’s murder, is bent on revenge – she wants to stop Prometheus at any cost. While in prison, Diggle (David Ramsey) fights for his life. Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Brian Ford Sullivan (#510). Original airdate 1/25/2017.

The CW Renews 10 Series: ‘Riverdale’, All 5 DC Shows, ‘Supernatural’, ‘Dynasty’, ‘Jane the Virgin’ & ‘Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’  

The CW’s longest-running DC series will be coming to a city near you on August 14, 2018 as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment releases Arrow: The Complete Sixth Season on Blu-ray and DVD. Please reply if you would like to request a DVD review copy.
Contains All Action-Packed Episodes from the Sixth Season, Plus a Crossover Featurette, 2017 Comic-Con Panel, and More! The Crusade Continues On Blu-ray™ & DVD August 14, 2018
BURBANK, CA (May 16, 2018) –The CW’s longest-running DC series will be coming to a city near you on August 14, 2018 as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment releases Arrow: The Complete Sixth Season on Blu-ray and DVD. Averaging 2.3 million Viewers weekly for each original episode, Arrow is the #3 series on The CW season-to-date amongst Adults 18-34, behind only The Flash and Black Lightning.* The release contains all 23 exhilarating episodes from the sixth season, plus the show’s 2017 Comic-Con Panel, the crossover featurette and much more. Arrow: The Complete Sixth Season is priced to own at $44.98 SRP for the DVD and $49.99 SRP for the Blu-ray which includes a Digital Copy. Arrow: The Complete Sixth Season is also available to own on Digital via purchase from digital retailers.
*Source: Nielsen National TV View, 2017-18 broadcast season to date (09/18/2017 – 03/18/2018), Live + 7 Day ratings; excluding movies, sports, repeats, specials, less than 3 telecasts
Following the devastating explosion on Lian Yu, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) returns home to confront a challenge unlike any he’s ever faced: fatherhood. Oliver is determined to embrace this new role while continuing to serve and protect Star City as both Mayor and The Green Arrow. But enemies past and present, including Black Siren (Katie Cassidy), Vigilante (Johann Urb), Ricardo Diaz (Kirk Acevedo), Cayden James (Michael Emerson) and others, threaten him on all fronts. And bonds within the ranks of Team Arrow—veteran John Diggle (David Ramsey); tech genius Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards); former police captain Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne) and brilliant inventor Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum), plus newest team members Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog (Rick Gonzalez) and metahuman Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy)—have become dangerously decayed. The future of Star City is at stake in all 23 of Season Six’s ferociously fast-paced, can’t-miss episodes.
“Just in time for the season seven premiere on The CW, fans can catch up on all 23 gripping episodes from the sixth season,” said Rosemary Markson, WBHE Senior Vice President, Television Marketing. “Arrow retains a solid fan base who can continue to build their collections with this latest season and enjoy the new behind-the-scenes extras included in the set.”
With Blu-ray’s unsurpassed picture and sound, Arrow: The Complete Sixth Season Blu-ray release will include 1080p Full HD Video with DTS-HD Master Audio for English 5.1. In addition to featuring all 23 episodes of season six in high-definition as well as a digital copy of the season, the 4-disc Blu-ray will also include all four crossover episodes, a tremendous value and collectors opportunity.
Arrow stars Stephen Amell (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows), David Ramsey (Dexter), Willa Holland (The O.C.), Emily Bett Rickards (Brooklyn), Echo Kellum (Sean Saves The World), Rick Gonzalez (Reaper) and Juliana Harkavy (Dolphin Tale), with Katie Cassidy (A Nightmare on Elm Street) and Paul Blackthorne (The River, The Dresden Files) . Based on the characters from DC, Arrow is produced by Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Berlanti Productions and Warner Bros. Television, with executive producers Greg Berlanti (The Flash, Supergirl, Riverdale, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow), Marc Guggenheim (DC’s Legends of Tomorrow), Wendy Mericle (Desperate Housewives) and Sarah Schechter (The Flash, Supergirl, Blindspot, Black Lightning).
BLU-RAY & DVD FEATURES The Best of DC TV’s Comic-Con Panels San Diego 2017; The Split of a Man: Deathstroke; Inside the Crossover: Crisis on Earth-X; Revenge in Ones and Zeros: The Story of Cayden James;
23 ONE-HOUR EPISODES: "Fallout"; "Tribute"; "Next of Kin"; "Reversal"; "Deathstroke Returns"; "Promises Kept"; "Thanksgiving"; "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2"; "Irreconcilable Differences"; "Divided"; "We Fall"; "All for Nothing"; "The Devil's Greatest Trick"; "Collision Course"; "Doppelgänger"; "The Thanatos Guild"; "Brothers in Arms"; "Fundamentals"; "The Dragon"; "Shifting Allegiances"; "Docket No. 11-19-41-73"; "The Ties That Bind“; "Life Sentence"
DIGITAL: The sixth season of Arrow is also currently available to own on Digital. Digital allows consumers to instantly stream and download all episodes to watch anywhere and anytime on their favorite devices. Digital is available from various retailers including Amazon Video, iTunes, PlayStation, Vudu, Xbox and others. A Digital Copy is also included with the purchase of specially marked Blu-ray discs for redemption and cloud storage.
BASICS: Street Date: August 14, 2018 Order Due Date: July 10, 2018
BD and DVD Presented in 16x9 widescreen format Running Time: Feature: Approx 1,380 min Enhanced Content: Approx 116 min
DVD Price: $44.98 SRP 5 DVD-9s Audio – English (5.1) Subtitles – ESDH, Spanish, French
BLU-RAY Price: $49.99 SRP 4-Disc Elite
BD Audio –DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 – English BD Subtitles – ESDH, Spanish, French
About Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Inc. Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE) brings together Warner Bros. Entertainment's home video, digital distribution and interactive entertainment businesses in order to maximize current and next-generation distribution scenarios. An industry leader since its inception, WBHE oversees the global distribution of content through packaged goods (Blu-ray Disc™ and DVD) and digital media in the form of electronic sell-through and video-on-demand via cable, satellite, online and mobile channels, and is a significant developer and publisher for console and online video game titles worldwide. WBHE distributes its product through third party retail partners and licensees.
About DC Entertainment DC Entertainment, home to iconic brands DC (Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, The Flash, etc.), Vertigo (Sandman, Fables, etc.) and MAD, is the creative division charged with strategically integrating across Warner Bros. and Time Warner. DC Entertainment works in concert with many key Warner Bros. divisions to unleash its stories and characters across all media, including but not limited to film, television, consumer products, home entertainment, and interactive games. Publishing thousands of comic books, graphic novels and magazines each year, DC Entertainment is one of the largest English-language publishers of comics in the world.
ARROW and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

We have quite a few exclusive photos of DC's Legends of Tomorrow cast, including former "Arrow" cast members Caity Lotz and Brandon Routh, at San Diego Comic-Con 2017 in July!

“Arrow” is nominated for a Teen Choice Award for Action TV Show (#ChoiceActionTVShow). Stephen Amell is nominated for Action TV Actor (#ChoiceActionTVActor), Emily Bett Rickards is nominated for Choice Action TV Actress (#ChoiceActionTVActress), and Caity Lotz (Sara) is also nominated in that same category for “Legends of Tomorrow”.
Vote Now!  The show Airs Sunday, August 13, LIVE on FOX

Katie Cassidy will be series regular as Black Siren

Stephen Amell Says Arrow Season 6 Hits The Ground Running

‘Arrow’: ‘Lost’ Star Michael Emerson To Recur In Season 6; David Nykl Returns, Watch Trailer — Comic-Con

‘Arrow’ Shoots and Scores With Season 6 Trailer, Teases Return of Katie Cassidy

Doug the Pug Interviews Arrow Cast at Comic-Con

The CW to Premiere Entire Fall Line-up Week of October 9

Stephen Amell Gave A Young Cancer Fighter A Special Gift At Arrow Comic-Con Panel

How ‘Arrow’ Co-Creator Avoided a “Series-Ending Mistake” in Season 6

Arrow: Stephen Amell on the new era of flashbacks

Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki Respond to Stephen Amell On His 'Supernatural/Arrow' Crossover Idea

5 Other Superheroes We Want to See Stephen Amell As

‘Arrow’ Star Stephen Amell Posts Adorable Photo In Response To Musical Episode Requests

Robbie & Stephen Amell’s crowdfunded film, ‘Code 8,’ reaches over $2.1 million

Let it Happen Trailer  Have no fear, your favorite superheroes are all here! New episodes premiere this fall on The CW!

Superhero Prison Match by Suzanne

Please vote for Stephen Amell for Favorite Social Media Celebrity, and for "Arrow" for Favorite Network Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Show at

Vote for "Arrow" to be on Entertainment Weekly's Fall Preview issue cover!  

Great exclusive Photos from 2015 San Diego Comic-Con of Victor Garber, Brandon Routh, Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell from their new show "Legends of Tomorrow", an upcoming CW spin-off of characters from "Arrow" and "The Flash!"

"Arrow" returns 8:00pm, Wednesday, October 7 on The CW, followed by "Supernatural."'

Paul Blackthorne Interview – ‘Arrow’ Season Four

Stone Cold Angered by the Arrow's WWE Appearance, Says Stephen Amell Was "Embarrassing" for the Business 9/9

Stephen Amell Wants Ronda Rousey To Appear On Arrow 9/7

Fan Expo Friday panels and stars 9/5

Oops: Colton Haynes Has a Major Shoe Fail On a Hiking Trip 9/3

Paul Blackthorne teases Quentin Lance/Damien Darhk scenes 9/1

Stephen Amell says he'll go for Prime Minister if Kanye West runs for president 8/31

Katie Cassidy on a 'more polished' Laurel and playing Black Canary 8/31

Will We See a Green Lantern Arrow TV Crossover? 8/31

Stephen Amell: 'I lost 10 pounds' filming 'Ninja Turtles' fight scene 8/29

Willa Holland Interview – ‘Arrow’ Season Four, Hot Costumes, and Thea’s Empowerment 8/24

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Katie Cassidy

OMG: Colton Haynes Reveals the Terrifying Story Behind One of His Old Modeling Photos 8/21

Parker Young Joins 'Arrow' Season 4 Cast as Thea's Love Interest in New Episodes 8/13

Stephen Amell On Why Batman Hasn't Come to Arrow

Matt Ryan as Constantine. Photo credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. John Constantine to Appear on ARROW!
As announced at TCA this afternoon, we have cast Matt Ryan as John Constantine in episode 405 of “Arrow,” entitled “Haunted.”
John Constantine is a weather worn exorcist and expert on the supernatural and the occult. He is a detective, magician, and a hunter of demons, and will provide critical support to Oliver (Stephen Amell) when arrows aren't enough.
EP Marc Guggenheim says: "We are thrilled to have Matt Ryan reprise the role of John Constantine on an upcoming episode of Arrow. Matt is an incredibly talented actor and his portrayal of this beloved character was always something we admired. The introduction of magic and mysticism on the show this season has provided a truly organic opportunity for us to bring John Constantine to Arrow and the CW’s DC universe. It will be a well-deserved tip of the hat to all the Constantine fans who were so incredibly supportive of that series." 8/11

Stephen Amell Asks Fans To Help Raise Money To Fix WWE’s Stardust’s Face 8/11

Right on target! Arrow star Katie Cassidy displays her sensationally toned figure in white bikini as she enjoys a dip in Miami 8/8

6 Reasons 'Arrow' Star Emily Bett Rickards Is Someone You'll Want To Celebrate Every Special Occasion With 7/27

Comic Con: Willa Holland Discusses Thea’s Evolution as Speedy in Season 4 7/21

Katie Cassidy Wins at Prism Awards 2015! 7/18

Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards Role-Play Olicity's Domestic Bliss and it Might Be Better Than the Real Thing! 7/13

27 Times We Fell In Love With Colton Haynes 7/13

‘Arrow’s’ David Ramsey ships Doliver over Olicity 7/12

Willa Holland: 5 Things You Didn't Know About The CW's Thea Queen 7/4

‘Arrow’ Adds ‘Teen Wolf’ Star JR Bourne as DC Villain Double Down

10 Times John Barrowman Won the Internet 7/2

Colton Haynes Flexes Ripped Arms In Hot ‘Magic Mike’ Dance Routine 6/25

'Arrow' S4 Sets John Barrowman's Return, 'Canaries' Tease 6/21

John Barrowman Disappoints Trans Fans By Telling Them to “Lighten Up” After His Use of the T-Word 6/17

5 Things You Didn't Know About CW's Felicity Smoak 6/13

David Ramsey Talks ‘Green Lantern’ Rumors 5/15

Did He Quit ‘Arrow’ To Return To ‘Teen Wolf’? 5/15

THE CW Wednesday June 21, 2017 8:00pm Arrow "Penance" (Repeat, HD)
OLIVER STEPS IN FOR DIGGLE — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) team up on a secret mission for Diggle (David Ramsey). Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) finds out and disapproves of the plan and opts to stay behind. When Tobias Church (guest star Chad L. Coleman) launches a deadly assault against the city, Felicity must decide if she wants to send the recruits out sans the Green Arrow. Dermott Downs directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Oscar Balderrama (#504). Original airdate 10/26/2016.

THE CW Wednesday June 14, 2017 8:00pm Arrow "A Matter of Trust" (Repeat, HD) Promo
WRESTLING STAR CODY RHODES BRINGS THE SMACK DOWN TO STAR CITY —Now that Oliver (Stephen Amell) has his new team, they are ready to hit the streets but Oliver doesn’t feel they are ready. Headstrong Wild Dog (guest star Rick Gonzalez) defies the Green Arrow’s orders and sets out on his own after a new drug dealer, Derek Sampson (guest star Cody Rhodes), who is terrorizing Star City. Sampson proves more powerful than Wild Dog and it is up to the Green Arrow to go head to head with Sampson to save his teammate. Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#503). Original airdate 10/19/2016.

THE CW Wednesday, May 31 - ARROW: "Legacy" - (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) Preview
NEW BEGINNINGS - After Laurel's (Katie Cassidy) death and the departures of both Diggle (David Ramsey) and Thea (Willa Holland) from Team Arrow, Oliver (Stephen Amell) takes to the streets solo to protect Star City's citizens as the Green Arrow. With Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) guiding him from the bunker, Oliver is forced to deal with a city that has become overrun with both criminals and a slew of new (and painfully inexperienced) vigilantes. Watching Oliver try to balance his jobs as both the mayor and also the protector of Star City, Felicity suggests he form a new team, but Oliver resists. However, when a deadly new criminal, Tobias Church (guest star Chad L. Coleman), enters the picture, Oliver realizes the best thing for the city might be a new team of superheroes. Meanwhile, the flashbacks take us to Russia where Oliver faces off against the Bratva. James Bamford directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (#501). Original airdate 10/5/2016.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 SEASON FINALE ARROW “Lian Yu” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
DEATHSTROKE, NYSSA AL GHUL, MERLYN AND DIGGER HARKNESS JOIN OLIVER’S BATTLE AGAINST PROMETHEUS — The battle between Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Adrian Chase (Josh Segarra) culminates in a final epic battle on Lian Yu. After recent events, Oliver decides to recruit a group of unlikely allies – Slade (guest star Manu Bennett), Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law), Merlyn (John Barrowman) and Digger Harkness (guest star Nick. E. Tarabay) – to defeat Chase. However, Chase has his own army – Black Siren (guest star Katie Cassidy), Evelyn Sharp (guest star Madison McLaughlin) and Talia al Ghul (guest star Lexa Doig) – and the forces collide in an explosive season finale. Jesse Warn directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Marc Guggenheim (#523). Original airdate 5/24/2017.

Wednesday May 17, 2017, 8:00pm Arrow Missing (All New!, HD)
BLACK SIREN RETURNS — Black Siren (guest star Katie Cassidy) returns to help Chase (Josh Segarra). Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) organizes a birthday party for Oliver (Stephen Amell) while Lance (Paul Blackthorne) is furious after Rene (Rick Gonzalez) misses the custody hearing for his daughter. Mairzee Almas directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Oscar Balderrama (#522). Original airdate 5/17/2017.

Wednesday May 10, 2017, 8:00pm Arrow Honor Thy Fathers (All New!, HD)
CHASE CONTINUES TO TORMENT OLIVER — Oliver (Stephen Amell) returns to the mayor’s office and faces one of his most pressing issues yet – the forced release of dozens of violent criminals prosecuted by Adrian Chase (Josh Segarra). Meanwhile, a crate is delivered to Oliver’s office containing a mysterious corpse encased in concrete. Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Sarah Tarkoff (#521). Original airdate 5/10/2017.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 ARROW "Fighting Fire with Fire" - (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLV) (HDTV)
VIGILANTE ATTACKS MAYOR QUEEN - Oliver (Stephen Amell) faces his biggest challenge yet as mayor. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) continues down her dark path with Helix. After Vigilante attacks Oliver while he's acting as the mayor, Diggle (David Ramsey) leads the team in a mission to stop Vigilante once and for all. Michael Schultz directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Ben Sokolowski (#515). Original airdate 3/1/2017.

Wednesday April 5, 2017 8:00pm Arrow The Sin-Eater (Repeat, HD)
CHINA WHITE, CUPID AND LIZA WARNER BREAK OUT OF PRISON — China White (guest star Kelly Hu), Cupid (guest star Amy Gumenick) and Liza Warner (guest star Rutina Wesley) break out of Iron Heights and head to Star City for revenge. Oliver (Stephen Amell) tries to bring in the newly formed girl gang but the ACU intervenes mid-fight. To his surprise, they are there to arrest the Green Arrow for the murder of Detective Malone. Meanwhile, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) feels responsible for the prison break after Warner tells him she heard about him working with Damien Darhk. Mary Lambert directed the episode written by Barbara Bloom & Jenny Lynn (#514). Original airdate 2/22/2017.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 ARROW “Disbanded” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
OLIVER CALLS ON THE BRATVA FOR HELP — Diggle (David Ramsey) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) are shocked by Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) decision to call on the Bratva to help take down Prometheus (Josh Segurra). Concerned the Bratva may overstep, Diggle has a hard conversation with Oliver about what happens if things go south. Meanwhile, Felicity learns something shocking at Helix. J.J. Makaro directed the episode written by Rebecca Bellotto (#518). Original airdate 3/29/2017.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 ARROW “Kapiushon” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
THE BREAKING POINT — Prometheus (Josh Segarra) goes to great lengths to break Oliver (Stephen Amell). Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Anatoly (guest star David Nykl) becomes worried about Oliver’s increasingly violent tendencies, which come to a head in a brutal confrontation. Kevin Tancharoen directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#517). Original airdate 3/22/2017.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 ARROW “Checkmate” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLV) (HDTV) OLIVER SEEKS THE TRUTH — Oliver (Stephen Amell) gets closer to the truth about Prometheus. Meanwhile, Helix refuses to continue helping Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) until she does a favor for them. Ken Shane directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Sarah Tarkoff (#516). Original airdate 3/15/2017.

Wednesday March 8, 2017 8:00pm Arrow Second Chances (Repeat, HD) TALIA AL GHUL TAKES OLIVER UNDER HER WING — In his quest to take down Kovar, Oliver (Stephen Amell) gets help from a surprising source – Talia al Ghul (guest star Lexa Doig). However, when she reveals what she wants from him in exchange, Oliver isn’t sure he can accept her help. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) attempts to hack the NSA to help free Diggle (David Ramsey) but when her online efforts are flagged, she faces off against an unknown adversary. Meanwhile, Curtis (Echo Kellum) tells the team about a female vigilante, Tina Boland (guest star Juliana Harkavay), he uncovered online who has been wreaking havoc all over the country. Mark Bunting directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Sarah Tarkoff (#511). Original airdate 2/1/2017.

Wednesday March 1, 2017 8:00pm Arrow Fighting Fire with Fire (All New!, HD) VIGILANTE ATTACKS MAYOR QUEEN — Oliver (Stephen Amell) faces his biggest challenge yet as mayor. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) continues down her dark path with Helix. After Vigilante attacks Oliver while he’s acting as the mayor, Diggle (David Ramsey) leads the team in a mission to stop Vigilante once and for all. Michael Schultz directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Ben Sokolowski (#515). Original airdate 3/1/2017.

Wednesday February 22, 2017 8:00pm Arrow The Sin-Eater (All New!, HD) CHINA WHITE, CUPID AND LIZA WARNER BREAK OUT OF PRISON — China White (guest star Kelly Hu), Cupid (guest star Amy Gumenick) and Liza Warner (guest star Rutina Wesley) break out of Iron Heights and head to Star City for revenge. Oliver (Stephen Amell) tries to bring in the newly formed girl gang but the ACU intervenes mid-fight. To his surprise, they are there to arrest the Green Arrow for the murder of Detective Malone. Meanwhile, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) feels responsible for the prison break after Warner tells him she heard about him working with Damien Darhk. Mary Lambert directed the episode written by Barbara Bloom & Jenny Lynn (#514). Original airdate 2/22/2017.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 ARROW “Spectre of the Gun” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
WILD DOG’S HISTORY IS REVEALED — A traumatic attack on City Hall triggers painful memories for Rene (Rick Gonzalez) about his family. Flashbacks reveal how Rene went from simple family man to a hero named Wild Dog. Meanwhile, Oliver (Stephen Amell) must deal with the perpetrator behind the attack and realizes the best way to do so is as Mayor Queen instead of the Green Arrow. Tensions run high in the Arrow bunker. Kristin Windell directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim (#513). Original airdate 2/15/2017.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 ARROW “Bratva” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
OLIVER RETURNS TO RUSSIA — A mission takes Oliver (Stephen Amell), Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and team to Russia where they meet up with Oliver’s old friend, Anatoly (guest star David Nykl). Meanwhile, fresh out of rehab, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) returns to the mayor’s office ready to get back to work. However, when Susan (guest star Carly Pope) asks for an interview with Lance to discuss his addiction, he balks and it’s up to Rene (guest star Rick Gonzalez) to help keep things on track. Ben Bray directed the episode written by Oscar Balderrama & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#512). Original airdate 2/8/2017.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, ARROW “Second Chances” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLV) (HDTV)
TALIA AL GHUL TAKES OLIVER UNDER HER WING — In his quest to take down Kovar, Oliver (Stephen Amell) gets help from a surprising source – Talia al Ghul (guest star Lexa Doig). However, when she reveals what she wants from him in exchange, Oliver isn’t sure he can accept her help. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) attempts to hack the NSA to help free Diggle (David Ramsey) but when her online efforts are flagged, she faces off against an unknown adversary. Meanwhile, Curtis (Echo Kellum) tells the team about a female vigilante, Tina Boland (guest star Juliana Harkavay), he uncovered online who has been wreaking havoc all over the country. Mark Bunting directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Sarah Tarkoff (#511). Original airdate 2/1/2017.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, ARROW “Who Are You?” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) Video Clips
OLIVER WANTS JUSTICE; FELICITY WANTS REVENGE — Worried that Prometheus is right and he is truly a killer at heart, Oliver (Stephen Amell) looks for any ray of hope and finds it in what seems to be the miraculous return of Laurel Lance (guest star Katie Cassidy). However, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), still reeling from Detective Malone’s murder, is bent on revenge – she wants to stop Prometheus at any cost. While in prison, Diggle (David Ramsey) fights for his life. Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Brian Ford Sullivan (#510). Original airdate 1/25/2017.

Wednesday January 18, 2017, 8:00pm Arrow "What We Leave Behind" (Repeat, HD)  Promo
PROMETHEOUS MAKES A DEADLY MOVE AGAINST OLIVER AND THE TEAM — After Prometheus attacks Curtis (Echo Kellum), Oliver (Stephen Amell) realizes Prometheus knows all of Team Arrow’s secret identities and is planning to come for them one by one. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Detective Malone (guest star Tyler Ritter) discover a clue that links Prometheus to Oliver’s past. Antonio Negret directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#509). Original airdate 12/7/2016.

“Invasion!” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
ARROW CELEBRATES 100 EPISODES; THE EPIC SUPERHERO CROSSOVER CONTINUES — Oliver (Stephen Amell) wakes up to a life where he never got on The Queen’s Gambit. Robert (guest star Jamey Sheridan) and Moira Queen (guest star Susanna Thompson) are alive and well. Laurel (guest star Katie Cassidy) is his loving fiancée and their wedding is imminent. Everything seems perfect, but Oliver starts to notice small imperfections that make him question this new reality. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and the recruits take on a new threat with help from The Flash (guest star Grant Gustin) and Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist). James Bamford directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti and written by Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (#508). Original airdate 11/30/2016.

“A Matter of Trust” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
WRESTLING STAR CODY RHODES BRINGS THE SMACK DOWN TO STAR CITY —Now that Oliver (Stephen Amell) has his new team, they are ready to hit the streets but Oliver doesn’t feel they are ready. Headstrong Wild Dog (guest star Rick Gonzalez) defies the Green Arrow’s orders and sets out on his own after a new drug dealer, Derek Sampson (guest star Cody Rhodes), who is terrorizing Star City. Sampson proves more powerful than Wild Dog and it is up to the Green Arrow to go head to head with Sampson to save his teammate. Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#503). Original airdate 10/19/2016.

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28 ARROW “The Recruits” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
SUIT UP — Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) new recruits for Team Arrow are Curtis (Echo Kellum), Wild Dog (guest star Rick Gonzalez) and Evelyn Sharp (guest star Madison McLaughlin). Unfortunately, the Green Arrow’s training methods prove to be too much for some of them to handle. Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Oliver’s initiation into the Bratva continues. James Bamford directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Beth Schwartz (#502). Original airdate 10/12/2016.

Wednesday December 21, 2016, 9:00pm Arrow "Legacy" (Repeat, HD) Promo
NEW BEGINNINGS — After Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) death and the departures of both Diggle (David Ramsey) and Thea (Willa Holland) from Team Arrow, Oliver (Stephen Amell) takes to the streets solo to protect Star City’s citizens as the Green Arrow. With Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) guiding him from the bunker, Oliver is forced to deal with a city that has become overrun with both criminals and a slew of new (and painfully inexperienced) vigilantes. Watching Oliver try to balance his jobs as both the mayor and also the protector of Star City, Felicity suggests he form a new team, but Oliver resists. However, when a deadly new criminal, Tobias Church (guest star Chad L. Coleman), enters the picture, Oliver realizes the best thing for the city might be a new team of superheroes. Meanwhile, the flashbacks take us to Russia where Oliver faces off against the Bratva. James Bamford directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (#501). Original airdate 10/5/2016.

Wednesday December 7, 2016, 8:00pm Arrow "What We Leave Behind" (All New!, HD)
PROMETHEOUS MAKES A DEADLY MOVE AGAINST OLIVER AND THE TEAM — After Prometheus attacks Curtis (Echo Kellum), Oliver (Stephen Amell) realizes Prometheus knows all of Team Arrow’s secret identities and is planning to come for them one by one. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Detective Malone (guest star Tyler Ritter) discover a clue that links Prometheus to Oliver’s past. Antonio Negret directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#509). Original airdate 12/7/2016.

Wednesday November 30, 2016, 8:00pm Arrow "Invasion!" (All New!, HD)
ARROW CELEBRATES 100 EPISODES; THE EPIC SUPERHERO CROSSOVER CONTINUES — Oliver (Stephen Amell) wakes up to a life where he never got on The Queen’s Gambit. Robert (guest star Jamey Sheridan) and Moira Queen (guest star Susanna Thompson) are alive and well. Laurel (guest star Katie Cassidy) is his loving fiancée and their wedding is imminent. Everything seems perfect, but Oliver starts to notice small imperfections that make him question this new reality. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and the recruits take on a new threat with help from The Flash (guest star Grant Gustin) and Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist). James Bamford directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti and written by Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (#508). Original airdate 11/30/2016.

Wednesday November 16, 2016, 8:00pm Arrow "Vigilante" (All New!, HD)
DOLPH LUNDGREN "ROCKY" GUEST STARS - When the bodies of two criminals are dropped at SCPD, Oliver (Stephen Amell) realizes there is a new Vigilante in Star City. The team is split about whether they should stop someone who is helping keep the city safe. Diggle (David Ramsey) is frustrated with his new situation and Thea (Willa Holland) fights for Lance (Paul Blackthorne) who confesses a shocking secret. Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Oliver finally sits down with Konstantin Kovar (guest star Dolph Lundgren) (#507). Original airdate 11/16/2016.

Wednesday November 9, 2016, 8:00pm Arrow "So It Begins" (All New!, HD)
SINS OF THE FATHER — When Prometheus ups his killing spree, Oliver (Stephen Amell) searches for connections between the victims. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Curtis (Echo Kellum) discover the victims have a mysterious link to Oliver’s past and this new secret could upend his new team. Meanwhile, Thea (Willa Holland) has a heart-to-heart with Lance (Paul Blackthorne), and Felicity considers telling Malone (guest star Tyler Ritter) the truth about her work. John Behring directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Brian Ford Sullivan (#506). Original airdate 11/9/2016.

Wednesday November 2, 2016, 8:00pm Arrow "Human Target" (All New!, HD)
DC COMICS’ CHRISTOPHER CHANCE AKA HUMAN TARGET TEAMS UP WITH OLIVER — When Tobias Church (guest star Chad L. Coleman) captures and tortures one of Oliver’s new recruits, Oliver must turn to an old friend, Christopher Chance (guest star Wil Traval) AKA the Human Target, for help. Meanwhile, Felicity’s (Emily Bett Rickards) worlds collide when Detective Malone (guest star Tyler Ritter) joins the ACU. Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Oscar Balderrama & Sarah Tarkoff (#505). Original airdate 11/2/2016.

Wednesday October 26, 2016, 8:00pm Arrow "Penance" (All New!, HD)
Anderson) team up on a secret mission for Diggle (David Ramsey). Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) finds out and disapproves of the plan and opts to stay behind. When Tobias Church (guest star Chad L. Coleman) launches a deadly assault against the city, Felicity must decide if she wants to send the recruits out sans the Green Arrow. Dermott Downs directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Oscar Balderrama (#504). Original airdate 10/26/2016.

Wednesday October 19, 2016, 8:00pm Arrow "A Matter of Trust" (All New!, HD)
WWE STAR CODY RHODES BRINGS THE SMACKDOWN TO STAR CITY — Now that Oliver (Stephen Amell) has his new team, they are ready to hit the streets but Oliver doesn’t feel they are ready. Headstrong Wild Dog (guest star Rick Gonzalez) defies the Green Arrow’s orders and sets out on his own after a new drug dealer, Garret Runnels (guest star Cody Rhodes), who is terrorizing Star City. Runnels proves more powerful than Wild Dog and it is up to the Green Arrow to go head to head with Runnels to save his teammate. Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#503). Original airdate 10/19/2016.  

The CW's New Season The fun begins this fall on The CW!

Wednesday October 12, 2016, 8:00pm Arrow "The Recruits" (All New!, HD)
SUIT UP — Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) new recruits for Team Arrow are Curtis (Echo Kellum), Wild Dog (guest star Rick Gonzalez) and Evelyn Sharp (guest star Madison McLaughlin). Unfortunately, the Green Arrow’s training methods prove to be too much for some of them to handle. Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Oliver’s initiation into the Bratva continues. James Bamford directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Beth Schwartz (#502). Original airdate 10/12/2016.

Wednesday October 5, 2016, 8:00pm Arrow "Legacy" (Season Premiere, HD)
NEW BEGINNINGS — After Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) death and the departures of both Diggle (David Ramsey) and Thea (Willa Holland) from Team Arrow, Oliver (Stephen Amell) takes to the streets solo to protect Star City’s citizens as the Green Arrow. With Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) guiding him from the bunker, Oliver is forced to deal with a city that has become overrun with both criminals and a slew of new (and painfully inexperienced) vigilantes. Watching Oliver try to balance his jobs as both the mayor and also the protector of Star City, Felicity suggests he form a new team, but Oliver resists. However, when a deadly new criminal, Tobias Church (guest star Chad L. Coleman), enters the picture, Oliver realizes the best thing for the city might be a new team of superheroes. Meanwhile, the flashbacks take us to Russia where Oliver faces off against the Bratva. James Bamford directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (#501). Original airdate 10/5/2016.


Wednesday July 6, 2016 8:00pm Arrow "Haunted" (Repeat, HD) Promo
MATT RYAN REPRISES HIS ROLE AS JOHN CONSTANTINE ON ARROW — When things take a turn for the worse with Sara (guest star Caity Lotz), Oliver (Stephen Amell) calls in a favor from an old friend who deals in the mystical, John Constantine (guest star Matt Ryan). John Badham directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Oscar Balderrama (#404). Original airdate 11/4/2015.

Wednesday June 29, 2016, 8:00pm
Arrow "Beyond Redemption" (Repeat, HD)
LAUREL DEALS WITH THE AFTERMATH OF NANDA PARBAT — Laurel (Katie Cassidy) must deal with the repercussions of taking Sara (guest star Caity Lotz) to Nanda Parbat. Meanwhile, Oliver (Stephen Amell) asks Captain Lance (Paul Blackthorne) for a favor and while he’s not surprised at the response, he is surprised at what he finds out next. Lexi Alexander directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Ben Sokolowski (#405). Original airdate 10/28/2015.

Wednesday June 22, 2016, 8:00pm
Arrow "Restoration" (Repeat, HD)
LAUREL TAKES HER SISTER TO NANDA PARBAT — The growing tension between Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Diggle (David Ramsey) puts both their lives at risk when they go after Damien Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough) and a H.I.V.E. deployed meta-human. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) talks Thea (Willa Holland) into returning to Nanda Parbat to ask her father (John Barrowman) to put Sara (guest star Caity Lotz) into the Lazarus Pit. However, Laurel is surprised when Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) refuses to do it. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Speed Weed (#403). Original airdate 10/21/2015.

Wednesday June 15, 2016 8:00pm
Arrow "The Candidate" (Repeat, HD)
JERI RYAN GUEST STARS; INTRODUCING ECHO KELLUM — When an old family friend, Jessica Danforth (guest star Jeri Ryan), tells Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Thea (Willa Holland) that she is going to run for mayor, both Queens are concerned considering the last three mayors have been murdered. Despite their protests, Jessica makes her announcement so the Green Arrow and Speedy vow to protect her. Meanwhile, Thea begins to exhibit effects from the Lazarus Pit. In addition, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is faced with a tough business decision and looks to one of her employees, Curtis Holt (guest star Echo Kellum), for help. John Behring directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Keto Shimizu (#402). Original airdate 10/14/2015.

The CW Wednesday June 8, 2016 8:00pm
Arrow "Green Arrow" (Repeat, HD)
MY NAME IS THE GREEN ARROW — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity’s (Emily Bett Rickards) blissful getaway is cut short when Thea (Willa Holland) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) pay them a visit and tell Oliver they need his help back in Star City. The city has been attacked by “Ghosts,” assassins led by a dangerous man named Damien Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough). However, when Oliver returns, Diggle (David Ramsey) makes it very clear that he doesn’t want Oliver on the team. Thor Freudenthal directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Beth Schwartz and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (#401). Original airdate 10/7/2015.

The CW Wednesday May 18, 2016, 8:00pm
Arrow "Lost in the Flood" (All New!, HD)
OLIVER FIGHTS FOR THEA; DONNA SMOAK FACES OFF WITH NOAH KUTTLER – Following the shocking events in the previous episode, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Diggle (David Ramsey) race to rescue Thea (Willa Holland), while Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), Curtis (Echo Kellum) and Noah (guest star Tom Amandes) join together to stop Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough). Glen Winter directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Oscar Balderrama (#422). Original airdate 5/18/2016.

The CW Wednesday May 11, 2016 8:00pm Arrow "Monument Point" (All New!, HD)
TOM AMANDES RETURNS AS NOAH KUTTLER – When Team Arrow learns what Damien Darhk’s (guest star Neal McDonough) next move is Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) realizes she needs to ask her father, Noah Kuttler (guest star Tom Amandes), for help. Noah and Oliver (Stephen Amell) have a heart to heart talk that leaves Oliver rattled. Kevin Tancharoen directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Jenny Lynn (#421). Original airdate 5/11/2016.

THE CW Wednesday May 4, 2016 8:00pm Arrow "Genesis" (All New!, HD)
DIGGLE IS CONSUMED WITH GUILT AND SEEKS REVENGE – As Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) look for a magical solution to defeat Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough), a vengeance-driven Diggle (David Ramsey) gets a lead on Andy’s (guest star Eugene Byrd) whereabouts and heads off to confront his brother. Meanwhile, Alex (guest star Parker Young) takes Thea (Willa Holland) on a vacation that quickly turns into a nightmare. Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Oscar Balderrama & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#420). Original airdate 5/4/2016.

THE CW Wednesday April 27, 2016 - 8:00pm - Arrow: Canary Cry (All New!, HD)
OLIVER, LANCE AND TEAM DEAL WITH LAUREL’S DEATH – Oliver (Stephen Amell) and the team struggle to come to terms with Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) death, especially Diggle (David Ramsey) who is overwhelmed with guilt for choosing to believe Andy (guest star Eugene Byrd) had changed. Meanwhile, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) refuses to believe his daughter is really gone and asks Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) to help bring her back. A recent Black Canary sighting in Star City only seems to prove his theory that Laurel isn’t actually dead. Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#419). Original airdate 4/27/2016. Video Clips

Wednesday April 20, 2016, 8:00pm
Arrow "Taken" (Repeat, HD)
VIXEN JOINS TEAM ARROW – Oliver (Stephen Amell) realizes he needs help battling Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough) so he calls in an old friend – Vixen (guest star Megalyn E.K.). Using her magical ability to summon animal powers, Vixen gets a lock on Darhk’s location and the team goes to war. Meanwhile, Thea (Willa Holland) has a heart-to-heart talk with Malcolm (John Barrowman). Gregory Smith directed the episode with story by Marc Guggenheim and teleplay by Keto Shimizu & Brian Ford Sullivan (#415). Original airdate 2/24/16.

Wednesday April 13, 2016, 8:00pm
Arrow "Code of Silence" (Repeat, HD)
SECRETS AND LIES — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and team uncover HIVE’s plan to take out Team Arrow once and for all. With HIVE’s next attack imminent, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) wonders if Donna (guest star Charlotte Ross) is safer without him in her life. Meanwhile, with the wedding fast approaching, Oliver begins to feel guilty that he hasn’t told Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) about his son. James Bamford directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Oscar Balderrama (#414). Original airdate 2/17/16.

Wednesday April 6, 2016, 8:00pm
Arrow "Eleven-Fifty-Nine" (All New!, HD)
MALCOLM MAKES HIS MOVE – Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Diggle (David Ramsey) learn that Merlyn (John Barrowman) is going to try to break Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough) out of prison. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) gets a surprising offer and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) has a heart-to-heart talk with Curtis (guest star Echo Kellum). Rob Hardy directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Keto Shimizu (#418). Original airdate 4/6/2016.

Wednesday March 30, 2016 8:00pm
Arrow "Beacon of Hope" (All New!, HD)
BRIE LARVAN AKA THE BUG-EYED BANDIT SETS HER SIGHTS ON FELICITY – Brie Larvan (guest star Emily Kinney) breaks out of jail and turns up at Palmer Tech threatening to kill everyone unless she gets the bio-chip that is implanted in Felicity’s (Emily Bett Rickards) spine. When Oliver (Stephen Amell) realizes that Felicity, Thea (Willa Holland) and Donna (guest star Charlotte Ross) are trapped in Palmer Tech with everyone else, he looks to a surprising ally to help Team Arrow save the day. Michael Schultz directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Brian Ford Sullivan (#417). Original airdate 3/30/16.

Wednesday March 23, 2016 8:00pm
Arrow "Broken Hearts" (All New!, HD)
CUPID RETURNS TO WREAK HAVOC ON STAR CITY – A heartbroken Cupid (guest star Amy Gumenick) returns to Star City with one goal – to destroy anyone in love. The team learns she’s killing couples on their wedding day so Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) decide to pose as bait. John Showalter directed the episode written by Rebecca Bellotto & Nolan Dunbar (#416). Original airdate 3/23/16.

Wednesday March 16, 2016 8:00pm
Arrow "Unchained" (Repeat, HD)
ROY HARPER RETURNS; NYSSA MAKES HER MOVE — The team faces off against a formidable villain nicknamed The Calculator (guest star Tom Amandes). Meanwhile, Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) makes her move and Roy Harper (guest star Colton Haynes) returns to Star City. Kevin Fair directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Beth Schwartz (#412). Original airdate 2/3/2016.

Wednesday March 9, 2016, 8:00pm
Arrow 'A.W.O.L.' (Repeat, HD)
DIGGLE VS. SHADOWSPIRE — Diggle (David Ramsey) must learn to trust his brother Andy (guest star Eugene Byrd) when an enemy of their wartime past, an agent of the criminal organization Shadowspire, pays a visit to Star City. However, Diggle learns more than he bargained for about their shared time at war. Meanwhile, Oliver (Stephen Amell) has to learn a whole new way of life. Charlotte Brandstrom directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#411). Original airdate 1/27/2016.

Wednesday February 24, 2016, 8:00pm
Arrow "Taken" (All New!, HD)
VIXEN JOINS TEAM ARROW – Oliver (Stephen Amell) realizes he needs help battling Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough) so he calls in an old friend – Vixen (guest star Megalyn E.K.). Using her magical ability to summon animal powers, Vixen gets a lock on Darhk’s location and the team goes to war. Meanwhile, Thea (Willa Holland) has a heart-to-heart talk with Malcolm (John Barrowman). Gregory Smith directed the episode with story by Marc Guggenheim and teleplay by Keto Shimizu & Brian Ford Sullivan (#415). Original airdate 2/24/16.

Wednesday February 17, 2016, 8:00pm
Arrow "Code of Silence" (All New!, HD)
SECRETS AND LIES — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and team uncover HIVE’s plan to take out Team Arrow once and for all. With HIVE’s next attack imminent, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) wonders if Donna (guest star Charlotte Ross) is safer without him in her life. Meanwhile, with the wedding fast approaching, Oliver begins to feel guilty that he hasn’t told Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) about his son. James Bamford directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Oscar Balderrama (#414). Original airdate 2/17/16.

Wednesday February 10, 2016 8:00pm Arrow Sins of the Father (All New!, HD)
NYSSA MAKES OLIVER AN OFFER - Oliver (Stephen Amell) receives an offer from Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) that is hard to refuse. Meanwhile, Thea (Willa Holland) continues to battle the blood lust, Malcolm (John Barrowman) steps in to help his daughter, and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) has a heart to heart talk with Nyssa. Gordon Verheul directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Keto Shimizu (#413). Original airdate 2/10/2016.

Wednesday February 3, 2016 8:00pm Arrow "Unchained" (All New!, HD)
ROY HARPER RETURNS; NYSSA MAKES HER MOVE — The team faces off against a formidable villain nicknamed The Calculator (guest star Tom Amandes). Meanwhile, Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) makes her move and Roy Harper (guest star Colton Haynes) returns to Star City. Kevin Fair directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Beth Schwartz (#412). Original airdate 2/3/2016.

ARROW “A.W.O.L.” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
DIGGLE VS. SHADOWSPIRE — Diggle (David Ramsey) must learn to trust his brother Andy (guest star Eugene Byrd) when an enemy of their wartime past, an agent of the criminal organization Shadowspire, pays a visit to Star City. However, Diggle learns more than he bargained for about their shared time at war. Meanwhile, Oliver (Stephen Amell) has to learn a whole new way of life. Charlotte Brandstrom directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#411). Original airdate 1/27/2016.

“Blood Debts” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
THE AFTERMATH — Oliver (Stephen Amell) must deal with the devastating consequences of Darhk’s (guest star Neal McDonough) last attack. Seeking revenge, Oliver goes on a brutal manhunt looking for Dahrk. Jesse Warn directed the episode written by Oscar Balderrama & Sarah Tarkoff (#410). Original airdate 1/20/2016.

Wednesday January 13, 2016 9:00pm
Arrow "Legends of Yesterday" THE FLASH/ARROW CROSSOVER – PART 2 (Repeat, HD)
PART TWO OF THE EPIC CROSSOVER WITH “THE FLASH” — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Barry Allen (guest star Grant Gustin) take Kendra Saunders (guest star Ciara Renée) and Carter Hall (guest star Falk Henstchel) to a remote location to keep them hidden from Vandal Savage (guest star Casper Crump) while they figure out how to defeat him. Malcolm (John Barrowman) arranges a meeting between Vandal, Green Arrow and The Flash that doesn’t go as planned. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), Thea (Willa Holland), Diggle (David Ramsey) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) work with Team Flash to come up with a weapon powerful enough to destroy Vandal Savage. Thor Freudenthal directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Marc Guggenheim and teleplay by Brian Ford Sullivan & Marc Guggenheim (#408). Original airdate 12/2/2015.

Wednesday January 6, 2016 8:00pm
Arrow "Restoration" (Repeat, HD)
LAUREL TAKES HER SISTER TO NANDA PARBAT — The growing tension between Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Diggle (David Ramsey) puts both their lives at risk when they go after Damien Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough) and a H.I.V.E. deployed meta-human. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) talks Thea (Willa Holland) into returning to Nanda Parbat to ask her father (John Barrowman) to put Sara (guest star Caity Lotz) into the Lazarus Pit. However, Laurel is surprised when Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) refuses to do it. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Speed Weed (#403). Original airdate 10/21/2015.

Wednesday December 16, 2015 8:00pm
Arrow "Green Arrow" (Repeat, HD)
MY NAME IS THE GREEN ARROW — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity’s (Emily Bett Rickards) blissful getaway is cut short when Thea (Willa Holland) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) pay them a visit and tell Oliver they need his help back in Star City. The city has been attacked by “Ghosts,” assassins led by a dangerous man named Damien Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough). However, when Oliver returns, Diggle (David Ramsey) makes it very clear that he doesn’t want Oliver on the team. Thor Freudenthal directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Beth Schwartz and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (#401). Original airdate 10/7/2015.

The CW Wednesday December 2, 2015 8:00pm Arrow "Legends of Yesterday"
PART TWO OF THE EPIC CROSSOVER WITH “THE FLASH” — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Barry Allen (guest star Grant Gustin) take Kendra Saunders (guest star Ciara Renée) and Carter Hall (guest star Falk Henstchel) to a remote location to keep them hidden from Vandal Savage (guest star Casper Crump) while they figure out how to defeat him. Malcolm (John Barrowman) arranges a meeting between Vandal, Green Arrow and The Flash that doesn’t go as planned. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), Thea (Willa Holland), Diggle (David Ramsey) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) work with Team Flash to come up with a weapon powerful enough to destroy Vandal Savage. Thor Freudenthal directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Marc Guggenheim and teleplay by Brian Ford Sullivan & Marc Guggenheim (#408). Original airdate 12/2/2015. 

Wednesday November 18, 2015 8:00pm Arrow "Brotherhood" (All New!, HD)
JAMES BAMFORD DIRECTS — Team Green Arrow’s ongoing battle with Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) is complicated by a shocking revelation. Thea’s (Willa Holland) bloodlust returns and she loses control in front of Alex (guest star Parker Young). James Bamford directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Keto Shimizu (#407). Original airdate 11/18/2015.

Wednesday November 11, 2015 8:00pm Arrow "Lost Souls" (All New!, HD)
RAY PALMER RETURNS FROM THE DEAD — Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is frantic when she learns that Ray (guest star Brandon Routh) is alive and being held by Damien Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough). Felicity’s guilt over not finding Ray sooner causes tension between her and Oliver (Stephen Amell). Meanwhile, Sara (guest star Caity Lotz) joins Laurel (Katie Cassidy), Thea (Willa Holland) and the team on a rescue mission for Ray. However, the effects of the Lazarus Pit take over and threaten to jeopardize the entire operation. Donna Smoak (guest star Charlotte Ross) returns to Star City. Antonio Negret directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#406). Original airdate 11/11/2015.

Wednesday November 4, 2015 8:00pm Arrow "Haunted" (All New!, HD)
MATT RYAN REPRISES HIS ROLE AS JOHN CONSTANTINE ON ARROW — When things take a turn for the worse with Sara (guest star Caity Lotz), Oliver (Stephen Amell) calls in a favor from an old friend who deals in the mystical, John Constantine (guest star Matt Ryan). John Badham directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Oscar Balderrama (#404). Original airdate 11/4/2015.

THE CW Wednesday October 28, 2015 - 8:00pm - Arrow: Beyond Redemption (All New!, HD)
LAUREL DEALS WITH THE AFTERMATH OF NANDA PARBAT — Laurel (Katie Cassidy) must deal with the repercussions of taking Sara (guest star Caity Lotz) to Nanda Parbat. Meanwhile, Oliver (Stephen Amell) asks Captain Lance (Paul Blackthorne) for a favor and while he’s not surprised at the response, he is surprised at what he finds out next. Lexi Alexander directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Ben Sokolowski (#405). Original airdate 10/28/2015.

Wednesday October 21, 2015 8:00pm
Arrow "Restoration" (All New!, HD)
LAUREL TAKES HER SISTER TO NANDA PARBAT — The growing tension between Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Diggle (David Ramsey) puts both their lives at risk when they go after Damien Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough) and a H.I.V.E. deployed meta-human. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) talks Thea (Willa Holland) into returning to Nanda Parbat to ask her father (John Barrowman) to put Sara (guest star Caity Lotz) into the Lazarus Pit. However, Laurel is surprised when Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) refuses to do it. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Speed Weed (#403). Original airdate 10/21/2015.

Wednesday October 14, 2015 8:00pm
Arrow "The Candidate" (All New!, HD)
JERI RYAN GUEST STARS; INTRODUCING ECHO KELLUM — When an old family friend, Jessica Danforth (guest star Jeri Ryan), tells Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Thea (Willa Holland) that she is going to run for mayor, both Queens are concerned considering the last three mayors have been murdered. Despite their protests, Jessica makes her announcement so the Green Arrow and Speedy vow to protect her. Meanwhile, Thea begins to exhibit effects from the Lazarus Pit. In addition, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is faced with a tough business decision and looks to one of her employees, Curtis Holt (guest star Echo Kellum), for help. John Behring directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Keto Shimizu (#402). Original airdate 10/14/2015.

Wednesday October 7, 2015, 8:00pm
Arrow "Green Arrow" (Season Premiere, HD)
MY NAME IS THE GREEN ARROW — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity’s (Emily Bett Rickards) blissful getaway is cut short when Thea (Willa Holland) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) pay them a visit and tell Oliver they need his help back in Star City. The city has been attacked by “Ghosts,” assassins led by a dangerous man named Damien Darhk (guest star Neal McDonough). However, when Oliver returns, Diggle (David Ramsey) makes it very clear that he doesn’t want Oliver on the team. Thor Freudenthal directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Beth Schwartz and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (#401). Original airdate 10/7/2015.

Inside Arrow: Green Arrow Executive Producer Wendy Mericle previews Arrow's new season!

So Cool Trailer Star City needs the Arrow. Don’t miss the season 4 premiere Wednesday, October 7!

Arrow shifts to a lighter tone in season 4 9/10

Arrow Season 4: Charlotte Ross Set to Return as Felicity's Mom 8/18

Ask Ausiello 8/24

Stephen Amell: Arrow's Season 4 Premiere Will "Do Something They've Never Done Before"

Katie Cassidy Talks ‘Arrow’ Season 4, Black Canary, and More at Dragon Con 2015


The Genesis Of Felicity Smoak

Season 4 Will Go Back To Comic Book Roots As Starling City Is Officially Renamed Star City

The CW On the Future of Supernatural, an Arrow and Constantine Crossover, Jane the Virgin's Emmy Snub, and More

Season 4 Spoilers: Stephen Amell Teased Season Premiere Secrets; Batman, Green Lantern To Appear In The Show Soon?

Season 4 Spoilers: Roy Harper aka Arsenal to Reunite with Thea Queen in Premiere?

Season 4 Spoilers: First Photos Of Lady Cop Revealed; See Rutina Wesley's Heavy-Duty Costume

Season 4 Spoilers: Showrunner Teases Rumor About Oliver Running For Mayor Of Star City

Spoilers: Season 4’s ‘Big Shift’, Olicity’s ‘Bumpy Ride’ & more

The CW | This Fall on The CW

This October, The CW dares to defy.


Season 4 Trailer

New Heros. New City. New Season. Arrow Premieres Wednesday, October 7 at 8/7c.

Check out John Diggle's new costume on Arrow!
Here's the first look at John Diggle’s (David Ramsey) new costume on Arrow. He will be donning this gear in the premiere episode of “Arrow” on Wednesday, October 7 at 8 pm ET.

Arrow | Comic-Con 2015 Q&A: Part 1

What's changing in Starling City this season? Team Arrow answers your CWSDCC questions!


Arrow | Comic-Con 2015 Q&A: Part 2

Why is the new season of Arrow guaranteed to be magic? Find out as the cast answers your CWSDCC questions!


Arrow | Stunts: Deleted Scenes

Think you've seen all of Arrow season 3? Think again! James Bamford shares his favorite deleted stunts from the season.

“My Name is Oliver Queen” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
THE HEART-STOPPING SEASON FINALE — Everyone’s lives are in danger as Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) puts forth his final plan. Oliver/Al Sah-him (Stephen Amell) must decide if he’s strong enough to take on this new role and what it will mean for everyone on Team Arrow, and his soul. John Behring directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Jake Coburn (#323). Original airdate 5/13/2015.

The CW Thursday September 24, 2015 9:00pm
Arrow "This Is Your Sword" (Repeat, HD)
AL SAH-HIM TAKES HIS FINAL STEPS TO ASCENSION; ROY AND THEA REUNITE — Oliver/Al Sah-him (Stephen Amell) finishes his training and is left with two final tasks to become the next Ra’s al Ghul. Ra’s (guest star Matt Nable) threatens Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) and delivers some shocking news. Meanwhile, Malcolm (John Barrowman) makes a surprising offer to Team Arrow and Thea (Willa Holland) goes to see Roy (Colton Haynes). Wendey Stanzler directed the episode with story by Erik Oleson and teleplay by Ben Sokolowski & Brian Ford Sullivan (#322). Original airdate 5/6/2015.

The CW Thursday September 17, 2015 9:00pm
Arrow "Al Sah-Him" (Repeat, HD)
THE LEAGUE OF ASSASSINS SETS THEIR SITES ON NYSSA — Oliver (Stephen Amell) goes through a rigorous transformation. The League of Assassins sets their sites on Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law), who is back in Starling City training Laurel (Katie Cassidy). When Nyssa realizes they are coming, she arms up to face them alone but Laurel asks Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Diggle (David Ramsey) to help protect her new friend. Thor Freudenthal directed the episode with story by Beth Schwartz and teleplay by Brian Ford Sullivan & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#321). Original airdate 4/29/2015.

From Arrow - A Different Date for 'The Complete 3rd Season' on DVD, Blu-ray
Still no official word from Warner, but Amazon now says to expect it on 9/22
A few weeks ago we passed along word from that their pre-order listings for Arrow - The Complete 3rd Season on both DVD and Blu-ray Disc formats was showing a release date of September 8th. Now one of our readers, "Jordan" (thanks for the email!), noticed that the Amazon entries have been revised to show that the release date is now scheduled to be September 22nd instead. Our reader notes, too, that this is the same release date the big etailer shows for The Flash - The Complete 1st Season. We haven't gotten official studio word yet on either title from Warner Home Video, though, so we're not certain if these dates are finalized yet. Stay tuned for updates!

From Arrow - Return to Starling City on DVD and Blu-ray this Fall, Amazon Says
The big e-tailer expects The Complete 3rd Season to be out just before the end of summer
Uneasy alliances and rivalries will shift as Oliver faces his most difficult challenge yet. Based on the characters from DC Comics, ARROW is with Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, David Ramsey as John Diggle, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, Katie Cassidy as Dinah "Laurel" Lance, Paul Blackthorne as Quentin Lance, Colton Haynes as Roy Harper, Willa Holland as Thea Queen, and John Barrowman as Malcolm Merlyn.
Early in February we tipped you off that Arrow - The Complete 3rd Season was in-the-works for DVD ($59.98 SRP) and high-def Blu-ray Disc ($69.97 SRP). At the time there wasn't a release date for these home video packages, but now has updated their pre-order listings (linked above) to show that the title will be available on September 8th. We're still waiting on an official announcement from Warner Home Video to confirm that info, so we also still don't have finalized package art, details, or extras (if any). Stay tuned for updates, as future developments occur!

Writer and executive producer Greg Berlanti already created, writes or produces “The Flash” and “The Mysteries of Laura”, but now he also has a new NBC show “Blindspot” as well as the upcoming CW show "Supergirl."

DC Comics blocked Arrow's major plans for Harley Quinn, says Willa Holland 5/25

The CW Renews Arrow, Supernatural, The 100, Reign, Jane and 3 Others

CW Releases Fall Finale Dates; Possible Cliffhangers For ‘The Vampire Diaries,’ ‘Arrow’ And More

The Flash and Arrow Land on the Cover of TV Guide Ahead of the Crossover Episodes

Stephen Amell Makes Movember Better by Flashing His Abs!

Stephen Amell Of ‘Arrow’ Is Done With Twitter, Which He Compares To The Forgotten Member Of *N Sync

'Arrow' Star Stephen Amell Slams Warner Bros. For Announcing Another 'Flash' Actor Before Grant Gustin's CW TV Season Was Over

The CW's 'Arrow' and 'The 100' Rise

Stephen Amell on ‘Arrow,’ His Charity to Fight Cancer and ‘The Flash’

Latest official Arrow news on The CW

Vote for Arrow for Favorite Network Sci-fi Fantasy TV Show, and for Stephem Amell for Favorite Sci-fi Fantasy TV Actor, in the People's Choice Awards!

Wednesday Ratings: ABC’s ‘Black-ish’ Rises; CW’s ‘Arrow’ Hits the Mark in Return

'Arrow' Enlists 'Medium' Star for DC Role in Season 3

We have a few San Diego Comic-Con pics of Stephen Amell (Oliver), so check it out! Amell and Amell with actor Mark Sheppard standing in the foreground.

'The Flash': Robbie Amell Joins as Major DC Comics Superhero

Yay!! Get ready for a lot more Malcolm Merlyn in "Arrow" season three.

"Arrow" Adds John Barrowman as Series Regular
Malcolm Merlyn looks to be making a full-time return to Starling City this fall, with John Barrowman now a series regular on the CW series.

First Look At The Flash In Costume For The CW

John Barrowman posted this on social media today 2/25/14 (and this photo)
Arizona should be open for business to everyone!
I stand with LGBT Arizonans.
I stand firmly against the passage of Arizona's so-called "Religious Freedom Restoration Act."
This bill is bad for business, bad for the LGBT community and bad for all Arizonans.
Religious groups have a long established first amendment ability to operate according to their own beliefs. However, when individuals or businesses go out into the commercial market, they must abide by legal non-discrimination provisions.
Instead of protecting religious liberty, this bill gives license for discrimination to run rampant across the state.
I stand with all Arizonans, and against this hateful and discriminatory bill.
John Barrowman

If you like superhero shows, you might like this new FOX pilot: Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue, Robin Lord Taylor, Zabryna Guevara, Sean Pertwee and Erin Richards will star in "Gotham", that explores the origin stories of Commissioner James Gordon and the villains who made Gotham City famous. Gordon is still a detective with the Gotham City Police Department and has yet to meet Batman.

Help Stephen Amell get on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show"!
Here's what he posted: Facebook! I've talked to people that know things and here's the deal... You voted (overwhelmingly) for The Ellen DeGeneres Show. So if you'd like me to appear on Ellen's show, you need to do one (OR ALL) of the following:
- Post on her page.
- Tweet her @TheEllenShow
- Like this post!!!
- Share the post & ask people to repeat these steps.

Vote for Stephen Amell (Oliver) for a People's Choice Award! You can vote over and over, so please do!

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 ONE-HOUR SPECIAL “Arrow: Year One” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) A LOOK BACK THE FIRST SEASON WITH AN EXCLUSIVE LOOK AT SEASON TWO — This one-hour special gives fans a chance to catch up on the incredible events that led billionaire Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) to secretly create the persona of Arrow. Five years after being lost at sea, Oliver returns to Starling City to carry out his father’s dying wish: take down the corrupt elite who have failed his city. The special follows Oliver as he delivers vigilante justice and discovers that the real threat to his city is far greater than he ever imagined. An exclusive first look at season two is included. The special also stars Katie Cassidy, Colin Donnell, David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Emily Bett Rickards, Colton Haynes, Manu Bennett, Susanna Thompson and Paul Blackthorne.

From Jeff: How about some scoop on my favorite new show from last year, Arrow? What can we expect when it returns?
Even badder baddies! "Craziness, mayhem. We're taking it up a level. Season one ended with literally a bang and this is going to get even bigger," David Ramsey teases of what's to come in season two. "A lot of bad guys, Bronze Tiger, Black Canary, a lot of stuff is going to happen. All the bad guys in season one, if they were nine, this season they're 12."

'Justice League' Doesn't Have To Be A Movie, Hints 'Arrow's' Stephen Amell

Stephen Amell on Arrow season 2, the Flash, John Barrowman

Stephen Amell Disses Emmy Awards 2013 for Snubbing The CW's 'Arrow' Stunts

“Arrow: The Complete First Season” scores a bullseye

Michael Jai White To Play Bronze Tiger In 'Arrow' Season 2

Arrow Targets Spartacus Alumna as Infamous DC Comics Villain Amanda Waller

From The CW: “Arrow” is coming back strong on Wednesday, October 9 at 8/7 PM CT! We are excited to share our hot new posters featuring Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Colton Haynes and Manu Bennett. This is our second round of posters to promote the new season. We’ll have one more coming up in a couple weeks.

David Ramsey Interview David Ramsey talks about his character’s relationship with Oliver Queen in this interview. Arrow premieres Wednesday, Oct. 9!

'Arrow' Recruits 'The Killing' Star for Season 2

From Arrow Spies Homeland Baddie as New Villain
Oliver Queen, meet Abu Nazir.
Arrow has tapped Homeland alum Navid Negahban, who played the Showtime series’ dastardly master terrorist, as an adversary for Season 2, E! Online reports.
Negahban will debut as Ollie’s new foe, Al-Owal, in Episode 5 (which is currently titled “The Hunted”). The scimitar-wielding baddie will first set his sights on someone very close to the bow-toting vigilante.
Al-Owal’s origins are akin to Ra’s al Ghul — as in Batman’s infamous mentor-turned-adversary — in that both he and Malcolm Merlyn were (are…?) members the shadowy organization The League of Assassins.
Arrow returns Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 8/7c.

Arrow - Emily Bett Rickards Clip Emily Bett Rickards talks about an awesome moment from Arrow. Don’t miss the season premiere of Arrow Wednesday, Oct. 9!

From The Arrow Season 2 Poster: Slade > Laurel…?

John Barrowman Fleshes Out His Idea for Female Doctor Who, Ducks the Big Arrow Question
by Team TVLine
Paying his latest of many visits to Comic-Con, John Barrowman stopped by TVLine’s interview suite to share his very specific ideas for a female Doctor Who, as speculation continues to swirl about who will play the Twelfth Time Lord.
Reiterating his previously expressed stance that it’s time for a woman to helm the TARDIS, the Who/Torchwood alum opined to Michael Ausiello, “Let’s try something different.”
After suggesting one existing Whoniverse denizen to ostensibly fill the role, Barrowman said that if the BBC America series goes with a new face, it should be someone “who’s real” — and then he elaborates on that.Also in this video Q&A, Barrowman does his best to duck Arrow resurrection Qs, raves about taking in the Comic-Con freely as a geek boy himself — “The fans are really great with me” — and talks up his Torchwood and Hollow Earth novels, teasing possible casting ideas for a TV adaptation of the latter (which he pens with his sister). Video

The CW Thursday September 10, 9:00pm
Arrow "The Fallen" (Repeat, HD)
BACK TO NANDA PARBAT — Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) finally makes Oliver (Stephen Amell) an offer he can’t refuse. The team joins Oliver on his journey to Nanda Parbat where a heartbroken Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) decides to take matters into her own hands. Antonio Negret directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Oscar Balderrama (#320). Original airdate 4/22/2015.

The CW Thursday August 27, 2015 9:00pm
Arrow "Suicidal Tendencies" (Repeat, HD)
DIGGLE MARRIES LYLA; THE SUICIDE SQUAD RIDES AGAIN — It’s celebration time as Diggle (David Ramsey) and Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) get married. However, Deadshot (guest star Michael Rowe) interrupts their honeymoon and tells them the Suicide Squad has been given a new mission – rescue United States Senator Joseph Cray (guest star Steven Culp) from a hostage situation in the Republic of Kasnia. Amanda Waller (guest star Cynthia Addai-Robinson) breaks down the mission and introduces them to the newest member of the Suicide Squad, Cupid (guest star Amy Gumenick). Meanwhile, Oliver (Stephen Amell) learns about Ray’s new Atom costume and the two have a heated stand-off. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Ray hit a rough patch. Jesse Warn directed the episode written by Keto Shimizu (#317). Original airdate 3/25/2015.

THE CW Thursday August 20, 2015 9:00pm: Arrow - "The Offer" (Repeat, HD)
DC COMICS’ VILLAIN MURMUR SWEEPS INTO STARLING CITY — Still weighed down by his last meeting with Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable), Oliver (Stephen Amell) returns home to find a new villain and his crew have started terrorizing Starling City – Michael Amar AKA Murmur (guest star Adrian Glynn McMorran), a man whose mouth has been sewn shut. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) bond over their issues with their fathers and Nyssa make Laurel an offer. Thea (Willa Holland) is forced to come to terms with her father after Oliver brings Malcom (John Barrowman) to the loft to recover, and Lance (Paul Blackthorne) shuts out both Laurel and the Arrow. Dermott Downs directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Brian Ford Sullivan (#316). Original airdate 3/18/2015.

THE CW Thursday August 13, 2015 9:00pm Arrow "Nanda Parbat" (Repeat, HD)
MERLYN IS CAPTURED BY RA’S AL GHUL; THE ATOM SUIT REVEALED — Malcolm (John Barrowman) is captured by Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) and taken to Nanda Parbat. Because of his love for Thea (Willa Holland), Oliver (Stephen Amell) considers saving Merlyn. Ray (Brandon Routh) is obsessed with finishing his Atom suit so he can save the city but Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) fears he is heading down the same path as Oliver (Stephen Amell) and tries to pull him out of the lab. Gregory Smith directed the episode with story by Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski and teleplay by Erik Olesen & Ben Sokolowski (#315). Original airdate 2/25/2015.
Inside: Nanda Parbat with Brandon Routh The best things come as a surprise. Brandon Routh dishes out on all things Ray and Felicity.
It's time to take the fight to Ra's al Ghul. Go inside Wednesday's all new Arrow with Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim. Video  Preview

THE CW Wednesday July 29, 2015
8:00pm : Arrow - Left Behind (Repeat, HD)
THE TEAM DEALS WITH OLIVER’S DISAPPEARANCE — In the aftermath of Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) fight with Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable), Diggle (David Ramsey) and Arsenal (Colton Haynes) continue to protect the city in the Arrow’s absence. However, after three days without hearing from Oliver, they begin to fear the worst may have happened to their friend. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) refuses to believe that Oliver could be dead until Merlyn (John Barrowman) pays the team a surprise visit. Thea (Willa Holland) suspects there is something more behind Oliver’s disappearance and asks Merlyn for a favor. Meanwhile, Ray (Brandon Routh) tests a part of his new suit and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) takes up the mantle of the Black Canary. Glen Winter directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Erik Oleson (#310). Original airdate 1/21/2015.

The CW Wednesday July 22, 2015 8:00pm Arrow
"The Climb" (Repeat, HD)
RA’S AL GHUL GIVES OLIVER AN ULTIMATUM; DINAH LANCE PAYS LAUREL A VISIT — Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) returns to Starling City and tells Oliver (Stephen Amell) that her father, Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) has given Oliver 48 hours to find Sara’s killer or the League of Assassins will start killing the citizens of Starling City. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) is stunned when her father (Paul Blackthorne) delivers a very special Christmas gift – her mother, Dinah (guest star Alex Kingston). Meanwhile, Ray (Brandon Routh) tries to make amends with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Oliver sets a meeting with Ra’s al Ghul. Thor Freudenthal directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Keto Shimizu (#309). Original airdate 12/10/2014.

THE CW Wednesday July 15, 2015 - 8:00pm : Arrow - The Brave and the Bold (Repeat, HD) Sneak Peek
PART TWO OF THE ARROW AND FLASH CROSSOVER EVENT — Oliver (Stephen Amell), Arsenal (Colton Haynes) and Diggle (David Ramsey) track down the location of a boomerang-wielding killer named Digger Harkness (guest star Nick E. Tarabay) but are surprised when they come face to face with an A.R.G.U.S. team. Diggle asks Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) why A.R.G.U.S. is involved, but she defers until Harkness attacks the building, killing several agents and targeting Lyla. The Arrow joins the fight and gets help from an old friend – The Flash (guest star Grant Gustin). Harkness manages to get away and Oliver teams up with Barry again to find him before he can get to Lyla. When Harkness plants five bombs in the city that are timed to explode at the same time, both teams must come together to save the city. Jesse Warn directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg, and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Grainne Godfree Schwartz (#308). Original airdate 12/3/2014.

“The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak”— (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DV) (HDTV)
CHARLOTTE ROSS (“NYPD BLUE”) STARS AS FELICITY’S MOTHER — When a cyber attack brings Starling City to its knees, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) are pushed to their limits to contain the destruction. Life gets even more complicated for Felicity when her mother, Donna (guest star Charlotte Ross), stops by for a surprise visit. Meanwhile, Ted Grant (guest star JR Ramirez) questions Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) motives, and Thea (Willa Holland) buys an apartment with Malcolm’s (John Barrowman) “estate” money, which infuriates Oliver. Nolan Funk guest stars as Felicity’s ex-boyfriend. Michael Schultz directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Brian Ford Sullivan (#305). Original airdate 11/5/2014.

THE CW Wednesday June 10, 2015, 8:00pm - Arrow
Corto Maltese (Repeat, HD)
OLIVER SEARCHES FOR THEA IN CORTO MALTESE WHILE DIGGLE TRACKS A.R.G.U.S. AGENT MARK SHAW — Oliver (Stephen Amell) decides it’s time for Thea (Willa Holland) to come back to Starling City, so he packs for Corto Maltese, where Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) has traced Thea’s whereabouts. Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) asks Diggle (David Ramsey) to go with Oliver because one of her field operatives, Mark Shaw (guest star David Cubitt), has gone dark in Corto Maltese and she’d like him to look into it. Feeling responsible for Thea’s departure, Roy (Colton Haynes) joins Oliver and Diggle on their journey. Shaw double-crosses Diggle, putting numerous A.R.G.U.S. agents, including Lyla, at risk. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) meets Ted Grant (J.R. Ramirez), and Felicity adjusts to her new job. Stephen Surjik directed the episode written by Erik Oleson & Beth Schwartz (#303). Original airdate 10/22/2014.

THE CW - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 - ARROW - “Sara” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLV) (HDTV)
COLIN DONNELL RETURNS AS TOMMY MERLYN IN A FLASHBACK; MATT WARD GUEST STARS AS SIMON LACROIX, AKA KOMODO — Lance (Paul Blackthorne) calls the Arrow (Stephen Amell) when another archer appears in town and starts skewering businessmen. Diggle (David Ramsey) uses A.R.G.U.S. to find the archer’s identity; he is a man named Simon Lacroix (guest star Matt Ward), who goes by the codename Komodo. However, the team hits a rough patch with the mission and gets help from a surprising source – Laurel (Katie Cassidy). Meanwhile, Oliver begins to worry that he hasn’t heard from Thea (Willa Holland), which forces Roy (Colton Haynes) to tell him the truth about why she left town. Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) pursues Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). In the flashback, Maseo (guest star Karl Yune) tells Oliver that Amanda Waller has ordered his first kill. As Oliver looks down the scope of the rifle, he sees the target is his best friend, Tommy (guest star Colin Donnell). Despite her promise to her sister, Laurel debates sharing a secret about Sara (Caity Lotz) with Lance. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Keto Shimizu (#302). (Original airdate 10/15/2014).

THE CW WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 - ARROW - “The Calm” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
OLIVER SEARCHES FOR AN IDENTITY BEYOND THE ARROW — With crime in Starling City at an all-time low thanks to the Arrow (Stephen Amell) and his team, Oliver thinks he can finally balance being both the Arrow and Oliver Queen and asks Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) out on a date. However, when a new villain (guest star Peter Stormare) emerges, who has claimed the name Vertigo from the recently deceased Count, Oliver is caught off-guard and someone close to him is hurt. Oliver and a newly suited up Roy (Colton Haynes) take on the Count. Meanwhile, Diggle (David Ramsey) becomes a father, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) is promoted to Captain, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) joins Arrow’s inner circle and Felicity gets a part-time job at a tech store to make ends meet. Also, Oliver fights to regain his company, Queen Consolidated, but comes up against a very worthy opponent – the charming Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh). Glen Winter directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Jake Coburn (#301). Original airdate 10/8/2014.

"My Name is Oliver Queen" - (8:00-9:02:33 p.m. ET) (TV-14, SV) (HDTV)
THE HEART-STOPPING SEASON FINALE - Everyone's lives are in danger as Ra's al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) puts forth his final plan. Oliver/Al Sah-him (Stephen Amell) must decide if he's strong enough to take on this new role and what it will mean for everyone on Team Arrow, and his soul. John Behring directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Jake Coburn (#323). Original airdate 5/13/2015. Trailer Sometimes, even Oliver needs help. The final battle begins Wednesday at 8/7c!
Extended Trailer It's time to call for backup.

Trailer No fear. No prisoners. No mercy.

“This is Your Sword” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
AL SAH-HIM TAKES HIS FINAL STEPS TO ASCENSION; ROY AND THEA REUNITE — Oliver/Al Sah-him (Stephen Amell) finishes his training and is left with two final tasks to become the next Ra’s al Ghul. Ra’s (guest star Matt Nable) threatens Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) and delivers some shocking news. Meanwhile, Malcolm (John Barrowman) makes a surprising offer to Team Arrow and Thea (Willa Holland) goes to see Roy (Colton Haynes). Wendey Stanzler directed the episode with story by Erik Oleson and teleplay by Ben Sokolowski & Brian Ford Sullivan (#322). Original airdate 5/6/2015. Trailer The end is here.  Inside: This Is Your Sword Get ready for one of the most intense fights of the season. Go inside Wednesday's new Arrow with Marc Guggenheim!
Clip Before Al Sah-Him can ascend to Ra's al Ghul, he must bring destruction to Starling City.

“Ah Sah-Him” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
THE LEAGUE OF ASSASSINS SETS THEIR SITES ON NYSSA — Oliver (Stephen Amell) goes through a rigorous transformation. The League of Assassins sets their sites on Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law), who is back in Starling City training Laurel (Katie Cassidy). When Nyssa realizes they are coming, she arms up to face them alone but Laurel asks Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Diggle (David Ramsey) to help protect her new friend. Thor Freudenthal directed the episode with story by Beth Schwartz and teleplay by Brian Ford Sullivan & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#321). Original airdate 4/29/2015.

Wednesday April 22, 2015 8:00pm Arrow
The Fallen (All New!, HD)
BACK TO NANDA PARBAT — Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) finally makes Oliver (Stephen Amell) an offer he can’t refuse. The team joins Oliver on his journey to Nanda Parbat where a heartbroken Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) decides to take matters into her own hands. Antonio Negret directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Oscar Balderrama (#320). Original airdate 4/22/2015.

“Broken Arrow” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
DOUG JONES GUEST STARS AS DC COMICS’ VILLAIN DEATHBOLT — Lance (Paul Blackthorne) continues his mission to take down the Arrow (Stephen Amell) so Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) orders Oliver to keep a low profile. However, when a meta-human named Jake Simmons (guest star Doug Jones), who kills people with blasts of energy and plasma, starts terrorizing Starling City, Oliver is forced to ask Ray (Brandon Routh) for help. The unlikely duo is forced to team up to save the city. Doug Aarniokoski directed the episode with story by Jake Coburn and teleplay by Ben Sokolowski & Brian Ford Sullivan (#319). Original airdate 4/15/2015.

Wednesday April 8, 2015 8:00pm
Arrow "Nanda Parbat" (Repeat, HD)
MERLYN IS CAPTURED BY RA’S AL GHUL; THE ATOM SUIT REVEALED — Malcolm (John Barrowman) is captured by Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) and taken to Nanda Parbat. Because of his love for Thea (Willa Holland), Oliver (Stephen Amell) considers saving Merlyn. Ray (Brandon Routh) is obsessed with finishing his Atom suit so he can save the city but Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) fears he is heading down the same path as Oliver (Stephen Amell) and tries to pull him out of the lab. Gregory Smith directed the episode with story by Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski and teleplay by Erik Olesen & Ben Sokolowski (#315). Original airdate 2/25/2015.

Wednesday April 1, 2015 8:00pm
Arrow "Public Enemy" (All New!, HD)
DONNA SMOAK RETURNS — During an attack on the mayor's office, Ray (Brandon Routh) is critically injured. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is pleasantly surprised when her mother, Donna Smoak (guest star Charlotte Ross), shows up at the hospital to offer her support. With the SCPD out in full force looking for the assailant, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and his team work hard to stay one step ahead of the police to find the man responsible. However, things come to a head when Ra's al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) kidnaps Captain Lance (Paul Blackthorne). Dwight Little directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (#318). Original airdate 4/1/2015.

Wednesday March 25, 2015 8:00pm
Arrow "Suicidal Tendencies" (All New!, HD)
DIGGLE MARRIES LYLA; THE SUICIDE SQUAD RIDES AGAIN — It’s celebration time as Diggle (David Ramsey) and Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) get married. However, Deadshot (guest star Michael Rowe) interrupts their honeymoon and tells them the Suicide Squad has been given a new mission – rescue United States Senator Joseph Cray (guest star Steven Culp) from a hostage situation in the Republic of Kasnia. Amanda Waller (guest star Cynthia Addai-Robinson) breaks down the mission and introduces them to the newest member of the Suicide Squad, Cupid (guest star Amy Gumenick). Meanwhile, Oliver (Stephen Amell) learns about Ray’s new Atom costume and the two have a heated stand-off. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Ray hit a rough patch. Jesse Warn directed the episode written by Keto Shimizu (#317). Original airdate 3/25/2015.

“The Offer” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
DC COMICS’ VILLAIN MURMUR SWEEPS INTO STARLING CITY — Still weighed down by his last meeting with Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable), Oliver (Stephen Amell) returns home to find a new villain and his crew have started terrorizing Starling City – Michael Amar AKA Murmur (guest star Adrian Glynn McMorran), a man whose mouth has been sewn shut. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) bond over their issues with their fathers and Nyssa make Laurel an offer. Thea (Willa Holland) is forced to come to terms with her father after Oliver brings Malcom (John Barrowman) to the loft to recover, and Lance (Paul Blackthorne) shuts out both Laurel and the Arrow. Dermott Downs directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Brian Ford Sullivan (#316). Original airdate 3/18/2015.

Wednesday March 11, 2015 8:00pm
Arrow "Uprising" (Repeat, HD)
MALCOLM MAKES AN OFFER TO HELP TEAM ARROW — Still operating without Oliver (Stephen Amell) and desperate to stop Brick (guest star Vinnie Jones), Team Arrow is forced to consider Malcolm’s (John Barrowman) offer to help shut Brick down as Malcolm has a personal score to settle with the felon. Roy (Colton Haynes) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) point out that the team could use some help to save the innocents of The Glades, but Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is adamantly against it. They look to Diggle to make the final decision. Meanwhile, the flashbacks chronicle Malcolm’s descent from kind-hearted father and husband to cold-blooded killer after the murder of his wife. Jesse Warn directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Brian Ford Sullivan (#312). Original airdate 2/4/2015.

Wednesday March 4, 2015 8:00pm ARROW
Midnight City (Repeat, HD)
SUIT UP — Arsenal (Colton Haynes) and Diggle (David Ramsey) confront Laurel (Katie Cassidy) about trying to step into her sister’s shoes and warn her to stop before she gets herself killed. However, when Brick (guest star Vinnie Jones) kidnaps the city’s Aldermen and threatens to kill them all unless the police evacuate The Glades, it’s all suits on deck. Meanwhile, Ray (Brandon Routh) steps in to help Lance (Paul Blackthorne) and the police force fight Brick, showing Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) a new side of her boss. Malcom (John Barrowman) tells Thea (Willa Holland) that Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable) is after him and his family and they must leave town immediately. Nick Copus directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski (#311). Original airdate 1/28/2015.

“Nanda Parbat” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
MERLYN IS CAPTURED BY RA’S AL GHUL; THE ATOM SUIT REVEALED — Malcolm (John Barrowman) is captured by Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) and taken to Nanda Parbat. Because of his love for Thea (Willa Holland), Oliver (Stephen Amell) considers saving Merlyn. Ray (Brandon Routh) is obsessed with finishing his Atom suit so he can save the city but Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) fears he is heading down the same path as Oliver (Stephen Amell) and tries to pull him out of the lab. Gregory Smith directed the episode with story by Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski and teleplay by Erik Olesen & Ben Sokolowski (#315). Original airdate 2/25/2015.

“The Return” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
THE RETURN OF DEATHSTROKE AND TOMMY MERLYN — Malcolm (John Barrowman) puts Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Thea (Willa Holland) in a dangerous situation that lands them on Lian Yu with Oliver’s former enemy, Deathstroke (guest star Manu Bennett). A flashback reveals when Oliver and Maseo (guest star Karl Yune) returned to Starling City to retrieve the Omega bio weapon, and despite being under strict orders from Amanda Waller (guest star Cynthia Addai-Robinson) not to reveal himself to anyone, Oliver looks in on his family, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Tommy (guest star Colin Donnell). Dermott Downs directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Erik Oleson (#314). Original airdate 2/18/2015.

“Uprising” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
MALCOLM MAKES AN OFFER TO HELP TEAM ARROW — Still operating without Oliver (Stephen Amell) and desperate to stop Brick (guest star Vinnie Jones), Team Arrow is forced to consider Malcolm’s (John Barrowman) offer to help shut Brick down as Malcolm has a personal score to settle with the felon. Roy (Colton Haynes) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) point out that the team could use some help to save the innocents of The Glades, but Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is adamantly against it. They look to Diggle to make the final decision. Meanwhile, the flashbacks chronicle Malcolm’s descent from kind-hearted father and husband to cold-blooded killer after the murder of his wife. Jesse Warn directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Brian Ford Sullivan (#312). Original airdate 2/4/2015.

“Midnight City” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
SUIT UP — Arsenal (Colton Haynes) and Diggle (David Ramsey) confront Laurel (Katie Cassidy) about trying to step into her sister’s shoes and warn her to stop before she gets herself killed. However, when Brick (guest star Vinnie Jones) kidnaps the city’s Aldermen and threatens to kill them all unless the police evacuate The Glades, it’s all suits on deck. Meanwhile, Ray (Brandon Routh) steps in to help Lance (Paul Blackthorne) and the police force fight Brick, showing Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) a new side of her boss. Malcom (John Barrowman) tells Thea (Willa Holland) that Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable) is after him and his family and they must leave town immediately. Nick Copus directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski (#311). Original airdate 1/28/2015.

“Left Behind” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
THE TEAM DEALS WITH OLIVER’S DISAPPEARANCE — In the aftermath of Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) fight with Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable), Diggle (David Ramsey) and Arsenal (Colton Haynes) continue to protect the city in the Arrow’s absence. However, after three days without hearing from Oliver, they begin to fear the worst may have happened to their friend. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) refuses to believe that Oliver could be dead until Merlyn (John Barrowman) pays the team a surprise visit. Thea (Willa Holland) suspects there is something more behind Oliver’s disappearance and asks Merlyn for a favor. Meanwhile, Ray (Brandon Routh) tests a part of his new suit and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) takes up the mantle of the Black Canary. Glen Winter directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Erik Oleson (#310). Original airdate 1/21/2015.

“The Brave and the Bold” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
PART TWO OF THE ARROW AND FLASH CROSSOVER EVENT — Oliver (Stephen Amell), Arsenal (Colton Haynes) and Diggle (David Ramsey) track down the location of a boomerang-wielding killer named Digger Harkness (guest star Nick E. Tarabay) but are surprised when they come face to face with an A.R.G.U.S. team. Diggle asks Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) why A.R.G.U.S. is involved, but she defers until Harkness attacks the building, killing several agents and targeting Lyla. The Arrow joins the fight and gets help from an old friend – The Flash (guest star Grant Gustin). Harkness manages to get away and Oliver teams up with Barry again to find him before he can get to Lyla. When Harkness plants five bombs in the city that are timed to explode at the same time, both teams must come together to save the city. Jesse Warn directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg, and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Grainne Godfree (#308). Original airdate 12/3/2014.

“The Climb” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
RA’S AL GHUL GIVES OLIVER AN ULTIMATUM; DINAH LANCE PAYS LAUREL A VISIT — Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) returns to Starling City and tells Oliver (Stephen Amell) that her father, Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) has given Oliver 48 hours to find Sara’s killer or the League of Assassins will start killing the citizens of Starling City. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) is stunned when her father (Paul Blackthorne) delivers a very special Christmas gift – her mother, Dinah (guest star Alex Kingston). Meanwhile, Ray (Brandon Routh) tries to make amends with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Oliver sets a meeting with Ra’s al Ghul. Thor Freudenthal directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Keto Shimizu (#309). Original airdate 12/10/2014.

“Draw Back Your Bow” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
AUSTIN BUTLER (“THE CARRIE DIARIES”) JOINS THE CAST AS CHASE; OLIVER DEALS WITH CARRIE CUTTER — Oliver (Stephen Amell) must stop an Arrow-obsessed serial killer, Carrie Cutter (guest star Amy Gumenick), who is convinced that The Arrow is her one true love and will stop at nothing to get his attention. Unfortunately, her way of getting his attention is to kill people. Meanwhile, Ray (Brandon Routh) asks Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) to be his date for a work dinner with important clients. Thea (Willa Holland) auditions new DJs for Verdant and meets Chase (Austin Butler), a brash DJ with whom she immediately clashes. Rob Hardy directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#307). Original airdate 11/19/2014.

“The Climb” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
RA’S AL GHUL GIVES OLIVER AN ULTIMATUM; DINAH LANCE PAYS LAUREL A VISIT — Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) returns to Starling City and tells Oliver (Stephen Amell) that her father, Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) has given Oliver 48 hours to find Sara’s killer or the League of Assassins will start killing the citizens of Starling City. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) is stunned when her father (Paul Blackthorne) delivers a very special Christmas gift – her mother, Dinah (guest star Alex Kingston). Meanwhile, Ray (Brandon Routh) tries to make amends with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Oliver sets a meeting with Ra’s al Ghul. Thor Freudenthal directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Keto Shimizu (#309). Original airdate 12/10/2014.

THE FLASH “Flash vs. Arrow” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, V) (HDTV)
PART ONE OF THE EPIC CROSSOVER EVENT WITH THE FLASH AND ARROW — PART ONE OF THE EPIC CROSSOVER EVENT WITH THE FLASH AND ARROW — Barry (Grant Gustin) is thrilled when Oliver (guest star Stephen Amell), Felicity (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) and Diggle (guest star David Ramsey) come to Central City to investigate a case involving a deadly boomerang. Excited about teaming up with his friend, Barry asks Oliver if he’d like to help him stop Ray Bivolo (guest star Paul Anthony), the meta-human Barry is currently tracking. Bivolo causes people to lose control of their emotions and has been using that skill to rob banks. Unfortunately, the superhero partnership doesn’t go as smoothly as Barry expected. When Oliver tells Barry he still has a lot to learn, Barry sets out to prove him wrong by attempting to stop Bivolo alone. However, when Bivolo infects Barry and sets him on a rage rampage, everyone is in danger, and the only one who can stop him is the Arrow. Meanwhile, Iris (Candice Patton) is furious when Eddie (Rick Cosnett) tries to get a task force to stop The Flash, Joe and Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) agree the Arrow is a bad influence on Barry, and Caitlin and Cisco deal with a new team in S.T.A.R. Labs. Glen Winter directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Ben Sokolowski & Brooke Eikmeier (#108). Original airdate 12/2/2014.

PART TWO OF THE ARROW AND FLASH CROSSOVER EVENT — Oliver (Stephen Amell), Arsenal (Colton Haynes) and Diggle (David Ramsey) track down the location of a boomerang-wielding killer named Digger Harkness (guest star Nick E. Tarabay) but are surprised when they come face to face with an A.R.G.U.S. team. Diggle asks Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) why A.R.G.U.S. is involved, but she defers until Harkness attacks the building, killing several agents and targeting Lyla. The Arrow joins the fight and gets help from an old friend – The Flash (guest star Grant Gustin). Harkness manages to get away and Oliver teams up with Barry again to find him before he can get to Lyla. When Harkness plants five bombs in the city that are timed to explode at the same time, both teams must come together to save the city. Jesse Warn directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg, and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Grainne Godfree Schwartz (#308). Original airdate 12/3/2014.

“Draw Back Your Bow” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
AUSTIN BUTLER (“THE CARRIE DIARIES”) JOINS THE CAST AS CHASE; OLIVER DEALS WITH CARRIE CUTTER — Oliver (Stephen Amell) must stop an Arrow-obsessed serial killer, Carrie Cutter (guest star Amy Gumenick), who is convinced that The Arrow is her one true love and will stop at nothing to get his attention. Unfortunately, her way of getting his attention is to kill people. Meanwhile, Ray (Brandon Routh) asks Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) to be his date for a work dinner with important clients. Thea (Willa Holland) auditions new DJs for Verdant and meets Chase (Austin Butler), a brash DJ with whom she immediately clashes. Rob Hardy directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#307). Original airdate 11/19/2014.

“Guilty” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
TED GRANT IS ACCUSED OF MURDER — After a body is found strung up in the Wildcat gym, Ted Grant (J.R. Ramirez) becomes the main suspect. Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) argue over Ted’s innocence. Meanwhile, in flashbacks, when Maseo (Karl Yune) needs Oliver to remember where an informant for China White stashed key information, he asks Tatsu (guest star Rila Fukushima) to help jog Oliver’s memory. Roy (Colton Haynes) shares a secret with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). Peter Leto directed the episode written by Erik Oleson & Keto Shimizu (#306). Original airdate 11/12/2014.

“The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DV) (HDTV)
CHARLOTTE ROSS (“NYPD BLUE”) STARS AS FELICITY’S MOTHER — When a cyber attack brings Starling City to its knees, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) are pushed to their limits to contain the destruction. Life gets even more complicated for Felicity when her mother, Donna (guest star Charlotte Ross), stops by for a surprise visit. Meanwhile, Ted Grant (guest star JR Ramirez) questions Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) motives, and Thea (Willa Holland) buys an apartment with Malcolm’s (John Barrowman) “estate” money, which infuriates Oliver. Nolan Funk guest stars as Felicity’s ex-boyfriend. Michael Schultz directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Brian Ford Sullivan (#305). Original airdate 11/5/2014.

“The Magician” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
NYSSA RETURNS TO STARLING CITY, RA’S AL GHUL MAKES HIS ENTRANCE — A furious Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) confronts Oliver (Stephen Amell) about Sara. When Oliver learns Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) is alive, he suspects Merlyn killed Sara. Oliver and Nyssa join forces and go after the Dark Archer, intent on bringing Sara’s killer to justice. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) keeps her distance from Nyssa, as she blames her sister’s death on her involvement with the League of Assassins. Meanwhile, Oliver and Roy (Colton Haynes) work on repairing their respective relationships with Thea (Willa Holland), who has returned home. Nyssa discusses Oliver with her father, Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable). John Behring directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Marc Guggenheim (#304). Original airdate 10/29/2014.

“Corto Maltese” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
OLIVER SEARCHES FOR THEA IN CORTO MALTESE WHILE DIGGLE TRACKS A.R.G.U.S. AGENT MARK SHAW — Oliver (Stephen Amell) decides it’s time for Thea (Willa Holland) to come back to Starling City, so he packs for Corto Maltese, where Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) has traced Thea’s whereabouts. Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) asks Diggle (David Ramsey) to go with Oliver because one of her field operatives, Mark Shaw (guest star David Cubitt), has gone dark in Corto Maltese and she’d like him to look into it. Feeling responsible for Thea’s departure, Roy (Colton Haynes) joins Oliver and Diggle on their journey. Shaw double-crosses Diggle, putting numerous A.R.G.U.S. agents, including Lyla, at risk. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) meets Ted Grant (J.R. Ramirez), and Felicity adjusts to her new job. Stephen Surjik directed the episode written by Erik Oleson & Beth Schwartz (#303). Original airdate 10/22/2014.

“Sara” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLV) (HDTV)
COLIN DONNELL RETURNS AS TOMMY MERLYN IN A FLASHBACK; MATT WARD GUEST STARS AS SIMON LACROIX, AKA KOMODO — Lance (Paul Blackthorne) calls the Arrow (Stephen Amell) when another archer appears in town and starts skewering businessmen. Diggle (David Ramsey) uses A.R.G.U.S. to find the archer’s identity; he is a man named Simon Lacroix (guest star Matt Ward), who goes by the codename Komodo. However, the team hits a rough patch with the mission and gets help from a surprising source – Laurel (Katie Cassidy). Meanwhile, Oliver begins to worry that he hasn’t heard from Thea (Willa Holland), which forces Roy (Colton Haynes) to tell him the truth about why she left town. Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) pursues Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). In the flashback, Maseo (guest star Karl Yune) tells Oliver that Amanda Waller has ordered his first kill. As Oliver looks down the scope of the rifle, he sees the target is his best friend, Tommy (guest star Colin Donnell). Despite her promise to her sister, Laurel debates sharing a secret about Sara (Caity Lotz) with Lance. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Keto Shimizu (#302). Original airdate 10/15/2014.

“Corto Maltese” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
OLIVER SEARCHES FOR THEA IN CORTO MALTESE WHILE DIGGLE TRACKS A.R.G.U.S. AGENT MARK SHAW — Oliver (Stephen Amell) decides it’s time for Thea (Willa Holland) to come back to Starling City, so he packs for Corto Maltese, where Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) has traced Thea’s whereabouts. Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) asks Diggle (David Ramsey) to go with Oliver because one of her field operatives, Mark Shaw (guest star David Cubitt), has gone dark in Corto Maltese and she’d like him to look into it. Feeling responsible for Thea’s departure, Roy (Colton Haynes) joins Oliver and Diggle on their journey. Shaw double-crosses Diggle, putting numerous A.R.G.U.S. agents, including Lyla, at risk. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) meets Ted Grant (J.R. Ramirez), and Felicity adjusts to her new job. Stephen Surjik directed the episode written by Erik Oleson & Beth Schwartz (#303). Original airdate 10/22/2014.

“Sara” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLV) (HDTV)
COLIN DONNELL RETURNS AS TOMMY MERLYN IN A FLASHBACK; MATT WARD GUEST STARS AS SIMON LACROIX, AKA KOMODO — Lance (Paul Blackthorne) calls the Arrow (Stephen Amell) when another archer appears in town and starts skewering businessmen. Diggle (David Ramsey) uses A.R.G.U.S. to find the archer’s identity; he is a man named Simon Lacroix (guest star Matt Ward), who goes by the codename Komodo. However, the team hits a rough patch with the mission and gets help from a surprising source – Laurel (Katie Cassidy). Meanwhile, Oliver begins to worry that he hasn’t heard from Thea (Willa Holland), which forces Roy (Colton Haynes) to tell him the truth about why she left town. Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) pursues Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). In the flashback, Maseo (guest star Karl Yune) tells Oliver that Amanda Waller has ordered his first kill. As Oliver looks down the scope of the rifle, he sees the target is his best friend, Tommy (guest star Colin Donnell). Despite her promise to her sister, Laurel debates sharing a secret about Sara (Caity Lotz) with Lance. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Keto Shimizu (#302). Original airdate 10/15/2014.

ARROW “The Calm” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
OLIVER SEARCHES FOR AN IDENTITY BEYOND THE ARROW — With crime in Starling City at an all-time low thanks to the Arrow (Stephen Amell) and his team, Oliver thinks he can finally balance being both the Arrow and Oliver Queen and asks Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) out on a date. However, when a new villain (guest star Peter Stormare) emerges, who has claimed the name Vertigo from the recently deceased Count, Oliver is caught off-guard and someone close to him is hurt. Oliver and a newly suited up Roy (Colton Haynes) take on the Count. Meanwhile, Diggle (David Ramsey) becomes a father, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) is promoted to Captain, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) joins Arrow’s inner circle and Felicity gets a part-time job at a tech store to make ends meet. Also, Oliver fights to regain his company, Queen Consolidated, but comes up against a very worthy opponent – the charming Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh). Glen Winter directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Jake Coburn (#301). Original airdate 10/8/2014.

“The Scientist” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
BARRY ALLEN COMES TO STARLING CITY — A seemingly impossible robbery at Queen Consolidated’s Applied Sciences Division brings Central City police scientist Barry Allen (guest star Grant Gustin) to town. Citing a similar case back home, Barry offers to help Oliver (Stephen Amell) and team with the investigation. Oliver senses there is more to Barry than meets the eye, but he’s distracted by the similarities between this current case and something that happened on the island. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) takes a liking to Barry, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Oliver. Sin (guest star Bex Taylor-Klaus) asks Roy (Colton Haynes) for help when a friend of hers goes missing. Roy is surprised when Thea (Willa Holland) not only encourages him to help, but joins the search. Unfortunately, Sin’s friend is connected to Brother Blood (guest star Kevin Alejandro), and their search ultimately gets one of them seriously injured. Michael Schultz directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kresiberg and teleplay by Andrew Kreisberg & Geoff Johns (#208).

“Three Ghosts” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
OLIVER IS VISITED BY GHOSTS FROM THE PAST — After a fight with Cyrus Gold AKA the Acolyte (guest star Graham Shiels), Oliver (Stephen Amell) is drugged and left for dead. Determined to cure him, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) makes a risky decision. The cure causes Oliver to hallucinate, and what he sees forces him to confront his past. Meanwhile, Barry (guest star Grant Gustin) continues to help Felicity, and their connection grows stronger. The Arrow asks Lance (Paul Blackthorne) to look into Gold, but when the stakeout on Gold goes bad, someone is killed. Roy (Colton Haynes) is captured and tortured by Brother Blood (guest star Kevin Alejandro). John Behring directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Geoff Johns & Ben Sokolowski (#209).

“Unthinkable” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V)
OLIVER MUST DECIDE ONCE AND FOR ALL IF HE’S A KILLER OR A HERO — After Slade (Manu Bennett) killed Moira (Susanna Thompson), he told Oliver (Stephen Amell) that one more person had to die before this war was over. While Oliver has fought all year to be more than the killer he once was, when Slade makes good on his promise and kidnaps someone close to Oliver’s heart, Oliver is pushed to the edge and realizes sometimes it takes doing the unthinkable to stop the monster. Meanwhile, Diggle (David Ramsey) takes on Amanda Waller (guest star Cynthia Addai-Robinson) with a little help from some friends, and Thea (Willa Holland) turns to Roy (Colton Haynes) in her time of need. John Behring directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Andrew Kreisberg (#223).

“Streets of Fire” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V)
MALCOLM MERLYN RETURNS — Oliver (Stephen Amell) rallies his team as Slade’s (Manu Bennett) soldiers attack the city. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) gets a call from S.T.A.R. Labs with game-changing news and Thea (Willa Holland) comes face-to-face with her father – Malcolm Merlyn (guest star John Barrowman). Nick Copus directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Ben Sokolowski (#222).

“City of Blood” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV)
OLIVER CONSIDERS HIS OPTIONS AGAINST SLADE — After Slade (Manu Bennett) threatens to take everything Oliver (Stephen Amell) loves away, Oliver decides the fastest way to stop further bloodshed is to surrender to his enemy. Knowing that surrender will surely lead to Oliver’s death, Diggle (David Ramsey) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) go to extreme measures to keep Oliver from confronting Slade. Meanwhile, Thea (Willa Holland) considers leaving town, and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) resumes her crusade against Sebastian Blood (guest star Kevin Alejandro). Finally, Slade unleashes his assault on Starling City. Michael Schultz directed the episode written by Holly Harold (#221).

“Seeing Red” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, SV)
ROY SPINS OUT OF CONTROL — The mirakuru sends Roy (Colton Haynes) into an uncontrollable rage and he unleashes on the city. After Roy’s deadly fight with a police officer, Oliver (Stephen Amell) realizes the mirakuru has taken over Roy completely and must figure out a way to stop him. Things get more complicated after Sara (Caity Lotz) declares that Roy is too far gone and the only way to stop him is to kill him. Meanwhile, Thea (Willa Holland) believes she can breakthrough to Roy so she goes on camera at Moira’s (Susanna Thompson) campaign rally to lure him to Verdant. Her ploy works but after Roy attacks Thea, Team Arrow unleashes on him. Doug Aarniokoski directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#220).

“The Man Under the Hood” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
DEATHSTROKE HITS OLIVER AT HOME — Oliver (Stephen Amell), Canary (Caity Lotz), Diggle (David Ramsey) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) return to the lair and find Slade (Manu Bennett) waiting for them. An epic battle breaks out and one member of Team Arrow is sent to the hospital. Thea (Willa Holland) hits her breaking point, but just as Oliver is about to reach her, Slade intervenes and Oliver is faced with a choice – his battle with Slade or his family. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) struggles with a new secret. Jesse Warn directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Geoff Johns and teleplay by Andrew Kreisberg & Keto Shimizu (#219).

“Birds of Prey” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
WHEN THE HUNTRESS MET THE CANARY — When Frank Bertinelli (guest star Jeffrey Nordling) is arrested, Oliver (Stephen Amell) knows it’s only a matter of time before his daughter, Helena, AKA The Huntress (guest star Jessica De Gouw), returns to town. To make matters worse, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) is picked to try Frank’s case, putting her right in the path of Helena. Oliver tells Sara (Caity Lotz) he will handle his ex-girlfriend, but when Helena takes hostages at the courthouse, including Laurel, the Canary will stop at nothing to save her sister. When The Huntress and Canary meet, an epic battle begins. Meanwhile, Roy (Colton Haynes) realizes he needs to keep Thea (Willa Holland) safe, but doesn’t like the way he is forced to go about it. John Behring directed the episode written by Mark Bemesderfer & A.C. Bradley (#217).

“Deathstroke” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
OLIVER’S WORLD STARTS TO CRUMBLE — Slade (Manu Bennett) makes his move against Oliver (Stephen Amell) and the repercussions are enormous. While Oliver scrambles to protect his family, a key player in his team starts to question Oliver’s decisions. Meanwhile, Isabel (guest star Summer Glau) makes her move to take Queen Consolidated away from Oliver. Guy Bee directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Drew Z. Greenberg (#218).

“The Promise” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
THE TURNING POINT — Oliver (Stephen Amell) is shocked when he learns that Slade (Manu Bennett) has come to Starling City.  Back on the island, as Oliver, Slade and Sara (Caity Lotz) prepare to take over the freighter from Ivo (guest star Dylan Neal), Sara pulls Oliver aside and tells him he needs to kill Ivo to prevent him from telling Slade what happened with Shado.  Oliver feels immense guilt over the situation but realizes Slade’s growing rage from the Mirakuru makes him unpredictable and he could turn on his friends if he thinks Oliver is to blame.  Oliver agrees to kill Ivo and the battle begins.  Glen Winter directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Ben Sokolowski (#215).

“Suicide Squad” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
AMANDA WALLER SENDS THE SUICIDE SQUAD OUT ON THEIR FIRST MISSION — Following Slade’s (Manu Bennett) return and his promise to make good on his threat to destroy Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) loved ones, Oliver focuses all his energy on preparing for battle with his former friend.  Sarah (Caity Lotz) tries to help but, fearing for her safety, Oliver pushes her away.  Meanwhile, Diggle (David Ramsey) is recruited by Amanda Waller (guest star Cynthia Addai-Robinson) and A.R.G.U.S. to stop a warlord (guest star Lee Majdoub) he knew from his time in Afghanistan.  Always the solider, Diggle agrees to help.  However, he’s not prepared when Amanda introduces him to the rest of the team – Deadshot (guest star Michael Rowe), Bronze Tiger (guest star Michael Jai White) and Shrapnel (guest star Sean Maher), all criminals he and Arrow helped put away.  Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) defends the team and explains the world is a complicated place, but Diggle isn’t sure he agrees.  When the mission takes a dangerous turn, Diggle is forced to make a difficult decision.  Larry Teng directed the episode written by Keto Shimizu & Bryan Q. Miller (#216).

“Time of Death” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
ROBERT KNEPPER AND ALEX KINGSTON GUEST STAR — Oliver (Stephen Amell) brings Sara (Caity Lotz) into the Arrow team.  Watching Oliver and Diggle (David Ramsey) spar with Sara and talk old scars, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) starts to feel left out.  The team is investigating a villain named William Tockman a.k.a. The Clock King (guest star Robert Knepper), who is a brilliant thief armed with technology that can open any bank vault in Starling City.  After The Clock King infiltrates the computer systems in the lair, Felicity feels pressure to prove her worth.  When she gets a lead on Tockman’s whereabouts, she heads out without the team, putting her in peril.  Meanwhile, Oliver throws Sara a welcome home party, but Laurel (Katie Cassidy) refuses to attend.  After Lance (Paul Blackthrone) makes his case for a family dinner, Laurel acquiesces, but when Oliver shows up with Sara, she loses her temper on both of them.  Nick Copus directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#214).     

“Tremors” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
ARROW TRAINS ROY — Arrow (Stephen Amell) offers to train Roy (Colton Haynes) so he can learn to control his newfound super-strength.  However, Roy is a rebellious student and refuses to listen unless Arrow reveals his true identity, which Oliver refuses to do.  Meanwhile, the Bronze Tiger (guest star Michael Jai White) escapes from prison and steals Malcolm’s earthquake machine to sell to the highest bidder.  Oliver, Diggle (David Ramsey) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) attempt to stop the transfer, but Roy gets in the way, putting everyone in danger.  Laurel (Katie Cassidy) is disbarred and spirals out of control.  Moira (Susanna Thompson) is thrilled when Walter (guest star Colin Salmon) asks her to dinner, but his reason surprises her.  Thea (Willa Holland) encourages her mother to ask Walter to reconcile.  Guy Bee directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Drew Z. Greenberg (#212).     
“Heir to the Demon” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
ALEX KINGSTON AND KATRINA LAW (“SPARTACUS”) GUEST STAR — As Laurel (Katie Cassidy) continues to unravel, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Lance (Paul Blackthorne) try to convince Sara (guest star Caity Lotz) to stay in Starling City and finally reunite with Laurel and Dinah (guest star Alex Kingston).  However, Sara’s fellow League of Assassins member, Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law, “Spartacus”), comes to bring Sara back to the fold, but when Sara refuses, Nyssa kidnaps Dinah.  Realizing she’s putting her family in danger by staying in town, Sara considers re-joining the league.  Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Jake Coburn (#213).     

“Blast Radius” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
ARROW HUNTS DOWN SHRAPNEL — Oliver must tackle a new threat to the city when bombs start to go off in Starling City. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) discovers the person setting them off is Mark Sheffner (guest star Sean Maher), a man who goes by the nickname Shrapnel. Arrow discovers Shrapnel’s next target is Sebastian Blood’s (guest star Kevin Alejandro) “Unity Rally” and tries to talk the alderman out of hosting it, but he refuses. Arrow sets off to stop the bombing, but Shrapnel tricks him and traps him in a bomb-laced antique store where he is unable to move without setting off the device. While Felicity helps Oliver, Diggle (David Ramsey) races to the plaza to find the bomb before it goes off. Meanwhile, Roy (Colton Haynes) continues to hide his new strength from Thea (Willa Holland) but, after she witnesses his super strength in action at the rally, she demands answers. Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) suspicions about Sebastian grow stronger once she learns that he grew up with Cyrus Gold, the man who killed Lance’s (Paul Blackthorne) partner. After Donner (guest Star Dylan Bruce) refuses to help her investigate, she turns to Arrow (Stephen Amell) for help. Rob Hardy directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Keto Shimizu (#210).
“State V. Queen” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
MOIRA FIGHTS FOR HER LIFE; THE COUNT RETURNS — Oliver (Stephen Amell) is concerned when a mysterious illness sweeps the city, infecting hundreds of people, including Diggle (David Ramsey).  Oliver discovers Vertigo in Diggle’s blood and realizes The Count (guest star Seth Gabel) has broken out of prison and is once again distributing his drug.  Meanwhile, Moira (Susanna Thompson) goes on trial for her participation in the Undertaking.  ADA Adam Donner (guest star Dylan Bruce) collapses in court with Vertigo symptoms so Laurel (Katie Cassidy) must step in and try the case against Moira.  Oliver is torn between standing by his family during the trial and catching The Count.  However, things change when Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) follows a lead and walks straight into a trap set by The Count.  Bethany Rooney directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Drew Z. Greenberg (#207).     

“State V. Queen” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
MOIRA FIGHTS FOR HER LIFE; THE COUNT RETURNS — Oliver (Stephen Amell) is concerned when a mysterious illness sweeps the city, infecting hundreds of people, including Diggle (David Ramsey). Oliver discovers Vertigo in Diggle’s blood and realizes The Count (guest star Seth Gabel) has broken out of prison and is once again distributing his drug. Meanwhile, Moira (Susanna Thompson) goes on trial for her participation in the Undertaking. ADA Adam Donner (guest star Dylan Bruce) collapses in court with Vertigo symptoms so Laurel (Katie Cassidy) must step in and try the case against Moira. Oliver is torn between standing by his family during the trial and catching The Count. However, things change when Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) follows a lead and walks straight into a trap set by The Count. Bethany Rooney directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Drew Z. Greenberg (#207).

“Crucible” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
OLIVER MEETS THE CANARY — Oliver (Stephen Amell) discovers a man who goes by the name “The Mayor” (guest star Cle Bennett) is bringing illegal guns in to The Glades, so Oliver sponsors a “Cash for Guns” event to help clean up the city.  Unfortunately, The Mayor crashes the event with his gang and seriously injures Sin (guest star Bex Taylor-Klaus).  The Canary (Caity Lotz) is furious when she learns her friend is in the hospital and sets out for revenge.  Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) stuns Oliver with a bit of information about the Canary, Donner (guest star Dylan Bruce) asks Laurel (Katie Cassidy) to dinner, and Diggle (David Ramsey) reconnects with an old friend.  Eagle Egilsson directed the episode written by Andrew Kreisberg & Wendy Mericle (#204).

Ask Ausiello Spoilers 4/30

“Broken Dolls” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
OFFICER LANCE’S PAST PUTS LAUREL IN DANGER — Lance (Paul Blackthorne) learns a criminal named Barton Mathis (guest star Michael Eklund), whom he put away years ago, broke out of prison during the quake and is back to torturing and murdering women.  Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) offers herself as bait so Arrow (Stephen Amell), Diggle (David Ramsey) and Lance can catch this villain, but the plan goes awry.  Furious, Mathis kidnaps Laurel (Katie Cassidy) in retaliation and plans to murder her while Lance watches.  Meanwhile, Thea (Willa Holland) and Oliver are stunned when District Attorney Adam Donner (guest star Dylan Bruce) seeks the death penalty for Moira (Susanna Thompson).  Oliver asks Roy (Colton Haynes) to help him find the Canary (Caity Lotz).  Glen Winter directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Keto Shimizu (#203).
“Identity” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
DC COMICS’ BRONZE TIGER AND CHINA WHITE WREAK HAVOC ON THE GLADES — Oliver (Stephen Amell) finds out the medicine that is being sent to Glades Memorial is being hijacked by thieves. Without an influx of supplies, the hospital will close. Roy (Colton Haynes) attempts to stop the thieves, but he fails and is arrested by Officer Lance (Paul Blackthorne). Oliver gets into a heated battle with China White (guest star Kelly Hu) and her new partner, Ben Turner, AKA the Bronze Tiger (guest star Michael Jai White), over the supplies. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) makes plans to catch the Arrow, and Thea (Willa Holland) gives Roy an ultimatum. Nick Copus directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Beth Schwartz (#202).

“City of Heroes” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
FROM VIGILANTE TO HERO — Diggle (David Ramsey) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) travel to Lian Yu in search of Oliver (Stephen Amell) who left Starling City after The Undertaking.  Convinced to return home, Oliver finds that things are in worse shape than he thought – Isabel Rochev (guest star Summer Glau) is preparing a hostile takeover of Queen Consolidated, Thea (Willa Holland) refuses to visit Moira (Susanna Thompson) in jail, Roy (Colton Haynes) is trying to fill the void left by the Arrow’s absence, and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) is working with the District Attorney’s office to take down the vigilante.  Meanwhile, flashbacks to the island show Slade (Manu Bennett), Shado (guest star Celina Jade) and Oliver in a desperate situation.  John Behring directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti and teleplay by Andrew Kreisberg & Marc Guggenheim (#201).

REVISED -PLEASE NOTE: ARROW “Unthinkable,” will air from 8:00 pm – 9:01:15 pm ET on Wednesday, May 14
“Unthinkable” — (8:00-9:01:15 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
OLIVER MUST DECIDE ONCE AND FOR ALL IF HE’S A KILLER OR A HERO — Slade (Manu Bennett) moves forward with his plan to kill one more person in Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) life.  While Oliver has fought all year to be more than the killer he once was, when Slade kidnaps someone close to Oliver’s heart, Oliver is pushed to the edge and realizes sometimes it takes doing the unthinkable to stop the monster.  Meanwhile, Diggle (David Ramsey) takes on Amanda Waller (guest star Cynthia Addai-Robinson) with a little help from some friends, and Thea (Willa Holland) turns to Roy (Colton Haynes) in her time of need.  John Behring directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Andrew Kreisberg (#223).
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“Streets of Fire” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
MALCOLM MERLYN RETURNS — Oliver (Stephen Amell) rallies his team as Slade’s (Manu Bennett) soldiers attack the city.  Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) gets a call from S.T.A.R. Labs with game-changing news and Thea (Willa Holland) comes face-to-face with her father – Malcolm Merlyn (guest star John Barrowman).  Nick Copus directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Ben Sokolowski (#222).

“City of Blood” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
OLIVER CONSIDERS HIS OPTIONS AGAINST SLADE — After Slade (Manu Bennett) threatens to take everything Oliver (Stephen Amell) loves away, Oliver decides the fastest way to stop further bloodshed is to surrender to his enemy.  Knowing that surrender will surely lead to Oliver’s death, Diggle (David Ramsey) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) go to extreme measures to keep Oliver from confronting Slade.  Meanwhile, Thea (Willa Holland) considers leaving town, and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) resumes her crusade against Sebastian Blood (guest star Kevin Alejandro).  Finally, Slade unleashes his assault on Starling City.  Michael Schultz directed the episode written by Holly Harold (#221).

“Seeing Red” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
ROY SPINS OUT OF CONTROL — The mirakuru sends Roy (Colton Haynes) into an uncontrollable rage and he unleashes on the city.  After Roy’s deadly fight with a police officer, Oliver (Stephen Amell) realizes the mirakuru has taken over Roy completely and must figure out a way to stop him.  Things get more complicated after Sara (Caity Lotz) declares that Roy is too far gone and the only way to stop him is to kill him.  Meanwhile, Thea (Willa Holland) believes she can breakthrough to Roy so she goes on camera at Moira’s (Susanna Thompson) campaign rally to lure him to Verdant.  Her ploy works but after Roy attacks Thea, Team Arrow unleashes on him.  Doug Aarniokoski directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#220).

“The Man Under the Hood” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
DEATHSTROKE HITS OLIVER AT HOME — Oliver (Stephen Amell), Canary (Caity Lotz), Diggle (David Ramsey) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) return to the lair and find Slade (Manu Bennett) waiting for them.  An epic battle breaks out and one member of Team Arrow is sent to the hospital.  Thea (Willa Holland) hits her breaking point, but just as Oliver is about to reach her, Slade intervenes and Oliver is faced with a choice – his battle with Slade or his family.  Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) struggles with a new secret.  Jesse Warn directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Geoff Johns and teleplay by Andrew Kreisberg & Keto Shimizu (#219).

“Time of Death” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
ROBERT KNEPPER AND ALEX KINGSTON GUEST STAR — Oliver (Stephen Amell) brings Sara (Caity Lotz) into the Arrow team.  Watching Oliver and Diggle (David Ramsey) spar with Sara and talk old scars, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) starts to feel left out.  The team is investigating a villain named William Tockman a.k.a. The Clock King (guest star Robert Knepper), who is a brilliant thief armed with technology that can open any bank vault in Starling City.  After The Clock King infiltrates the computer systems in the lair, Felicity feels pressure to prove her worth.  When she gets a lead on Tockman’s whereabouts, she heads out without the team, putting her in peril.  Meanwhile, Oliver throws Sara a welcome home party, but Laurel (Katie Cassidy) refuses to attend.  After Lance (Paul Blackthrone) makes his case for a family dinner, Laurel acquiesces, but when Oliver shows up with Sara, she loses her temper on both of them.  Nick Copus directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#214).     

“Deathstroke” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
OLIVER’S WORLD STARTS TO CRUMBLE — Slade (Manu Bennett) makes his move against Oliver (Stephen Amell) and the repercussions are enormous.  While Oliver scrambles to protect his family, a key player in his team starts to question Oliver’s decisions.  Meanwhile, Isabel (guest star Summer Glau) makes her move to take Queen Consolidated away from Oliver.  Guy Bee directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Drew Z. Greenberg (#218).

“Birds of Prey” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
WHEN THE HUNTRESS MET THE CANARY — When Frank Bertinelli (guest star Jeffrey Nordling) is arrested, Oliver (Stephen Amell) knows it’s only a matter of time before his daughter, Helena, AKA The Huntress (guest star Jessica De Gouw), returns to town.  To make matters worse, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) is picked to try Frank’s case, putting her right in the path of Helena.  Oliver tells Sara (Caity Lotz) he will handle his ex-girlfriend, but when Helena takes hostages at the courthouse, including Laurel, the Canary will stop at nothing to save her sister.  When The Huntress and Canary meet, an epic battle begins.  Meanwhile, Roy (Colton Haynes) realizes he needs to keep Thea (Willa Holland) safe, but doesn’t like the way he is forced to go about it.  John Behring directed the episode written by Mark Bemesderfer & A.C. Bradley (#217).

“Suicide Squad” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
AMANDA WALLER SENDS THE SUICIDE SQUAD OUT ON THEIR FIRST MISSION — Following Slade’s (Manu Bennett) return and his promise to make good on his threat to destroy Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) loved ones, Oliver focuses all his energy on preparing for battle with his former friend.  Sarah (Caity Lotz) tries to help but, fearing for her safety, Oliver pushes her away.  Meanwhile, Diggle (David Ramsey) is recruited by Amanda Waller (guest star Cynthia Addai-Robinson) and A.R.G.U.S. to stop a warlord (guest star Lee Majdoub) he knew from his time in Afghanistan.  Always the solider, Diggle agrees to help.  However, he’s not prepared when Amanda introduces him to the rest of the team – Deadshot (guest star Michael Rowe), Bronze Tiger (guest star Michael Jai White) and Shrapnel (guest star Sean Maher), all criminals he and Arrow helped put away.  Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) defends the team and explains the world is a complicated place, but Diggle isn’t sure he agrees.  When the mission takes a dangerous turn, Diggle is forced to make a difficult decision.  Larry Teng directed the episode written by Keto Shimizu & Bryan Q. Miller (#216).

“The Promise” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
THE TURNING POINT — Oliver (Stephen Amell) is shocked when he learns that Slade (Manu Bennett) has come to Starling City. Back on the island, as Oliver, Slade and Sara (Caity Lotz) prepare to take over the freighter from Ivo (guest star Dylan Neal), Sara pulls Oliver aside and tells him he needs to kill Ivo to prevent him from telling Slade what happened with Shado. Oliver feels immense guilt over the situation but realizes Slade’s growing rage from the Mirakuru makes him unpredictable and he could turn on his friends if he thinks Oliver is to blame. Oliver agrees to kill Ivo and the battle begins. Glen Winter directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Ben Sokolowski (#215).

“Time of Death” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
ROBERT KNEPPER AND ALEX KINGSTON GUEST STAR — Oliver (Stephen Amell) brings Sara (Caity Lotz) into the Arrow team. Watching Oliver and Diggle (David Ramsey) spar with Sara and talk old scars, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) starts to feel left out. The team is investigating a villain named William Tockman, a.k.a. The Clock King (guest star Robert Knepper), who is a brilliant thief armed with technology that can open any bank vault in Starling City. After The Clock King infiltrates the computer systems in the lair, Felicity feels pressure to prove her worth. When she gets a lead on Tockman’s whereabouts, she heads out without the team, putting her in peril. Meanwhile, Oliver throws Sara a welcome home party, but Laurel (Katie Cassidy) refuses to attend. After Lance (Paul Blackthrone) makes his case for a family dinner, Laurel acquiesces, but when Oliver shows up with Sara, she loses her temper on both of them. Nick Copus directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#214).

“Three Ghosts” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
OLIVER IS VISITED BY GHOSTS FROM THE PAST — After a fight with Cyrus Gold AKA the Acolyte (guest star Graham Shiels), Oliver (Stephen Amell) is drugged and left for dead. Determined to cure him, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) makes a risky decision. The cure causes Oliver to hallucinate, and what he sees forces him to confront his past. Meanwhile, Barry (guest star Grant Gustin) continues to help Felicity, and their connection grows stronger. The Arrow asks Lance (Paul Blackthorne) to look into Gold, but when the stakeout on Gold goes bad, someone is killed. Roy (Colton Haynes) is captured and tortured by Brother Blood (guest star Kevin Alejandro). John Behring directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Geoff Johns & Ben Sokolowski (#209).

“The Scientist” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
BARRY ALLEN COMES TO STARLING CITY — A seemingly impossible robbery at Queen Consolidated’s Applied Sciences Division brings Central City police scientist Barry Allen (guest star Grant Gustin) to town. Citing a similar case back home, Barry offers to help Oliver (Stephen Amell) and team with the investigation. Oliver senses there is more to Barry than meets the eye, but he’s distracted by the similarities between this current case and something that happened on the island. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) takes a liking to Barry, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Oliver. Sin (guest star Bex Taylor-Klaus) asks Roy (Colton Haynes) for help when a friend of hers goes missing. Roy is surprised when Thea (Willa Holland) not only encourages him to help, but joins the search. Unfortunately, Sin’s friend is connected to Brother Blood (guest star Kevin Alejandro), and their search ultimately gets one of them seriously injured. Michael Schultz directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kresiberg and teleplay by Andrew Kreisberg & Geoff Johns (#208).

“Heir to the Demon” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
ALEX KINGSTON AND KATRINA LAW (“SPARTACUS”) GUEST STAR — As Laurel (Katie Cassidy) continues to unravel, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Lance (Paul Blackthorne) try to convince Sara (guest star Caity Lotz) to stay in Starling City and finally reunite with Laurel and Dinah (guest star Alex Kingston). However, Sara’s fellow League of Assassins member, Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law, “Spartacus”), comes to bring Sara back to the fold, but when Sara refuses, Nyssa kidnaps Dinah. Realizing she’s putting her family in danger by staying in town, Sara considers re-joining the league. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Jake Coburn (#213).

“Tremors” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
ARROW TRAINS ROY — Arrow (Stephen Amell) offers to train Roy (Colton Haynes) so he can learn to control his newfound super-strength. However, Roy is a rebellious student and refuses to listen unless Arrow reveals his true identity, which Oliver refuses to do. Meanwhile, the Bronze Tiger (guest star Michael Jai White) escapes from prison and steals Malcolm’s earthquake machine to sell to the highest bidder. Oliver, Diggle (David Ramsey) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) attempt to stop the transfer, but Roy gets in the way, putting everyone in danger. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) is disbarred and spirals out of control. Moira (Susanna Thompson) is thrilled when Walter (guest star Colin Salmon) asks her to dinner, but his reason surprises her. Thea (Willa Holland) encourages her mother to ask Walter to reconcile. Guy Bee directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Drew Z. Greenberg (#212).

“Blind Spot” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
ARROW TEAMS UP WITH LAUREL TO FIND THE MAN IN THE MASK — Oliver (Stephen Amell) is conflicted after Laurel (Katie Cassidy) reaches out to the Arrow asking him to investigate Sebastian Blood (guest star Kevin Alejandro). Oliver is unsure whether to believe her accusations against the man he has publically supported for mayor, but decides to trust Laurel. However, when the pair gets too close to the truth, Sebastian exposes Laurel’s drug addiction and has her arrested. Meanwhile, Roy (Colton Haynes) reveals his new super-strength to Sin (guest star Bex Taylor-Klaus) who wants to test out his abilities. Unfortunately, Roy isn’t able to contain his rage once unleashed and almost kills a man. Back on the island, Oliver is surprised when Sarah (guest star Caity Lotz) reveals a secret about Laurel. Glen Winter directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#211).

“Blast Radius” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
ARROW HUNTS DOWN SHRAPNEL — Oliver must tackle a new threat to the city when bombs start to go off in Starling City. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) discovers the person setting them off is Mark Sheffner (guest star Sean Maher), a man who goes by the nickname Shrapnel. Arrow discovers Shrapnel’s next target is Sebastian Blood’s (guest star Kevin Alejandro) “Unity Rally” and tries to talk the alderman out of hosting it, but he refuses. Arrow sets off to stop the bombing, but Shrapnel tricks him and traps him in a bomb-laced antique store where he is unable to move without setting off the device. While Felicity helps Oliver, Diggle (David Ramsey) races to the plaza to find the bomb before it goes off. Meanwhile, Roy (Colton Haynes) continues to hide his new strength from Thea (Willa Holland) but, after she witnesses his super strength in action at the rally, she demands answers. Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) suspicions about Sebastian grow stronger once she learns that he grew up with Cyrus Gold, the man who kiled Lance’s (Paul Blackthorne) partner. After Donner (guest Star Dylan Bruce) refuses to help her investigate, she turns to Arrow (Stephen Amell) for help. Rob Hardy directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Keto Shimizu (#210).

“Keep Your Enemies Closer” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DV) (HDTV)
DIGGLE GOES AFTER DEADSHOT — Amanda Waller (guest star Cynthia Addai-Robinson) sends A.R.G.U.S. agents to kidnap Diggle (David Ramsey). Waller informs Diggle that Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) has gone missing after following a lead on Deadshot (guest star Michael Rowe) in Moscow. When Diggle tells the team he’s headed to Russia to rescue Lyla, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) decide to join, but things get messy when Isabel (guest star Summer Glau) shows up on the tarmac and insists on joining Oliver’s “work trip.” Meanwhile, Moira’s (Susanna Thompson) lawyer, Jean (guest star Teryl Rothery), tells Thea (Willa Holland) that dating Roy (Colton Haynes), a known criminal, is hurting her mother’s case. Guy Bee directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Beth Schwartz (#206).

“League of Assassins” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
THE CANARY SINGS — While Oliver (Stephen Amell) tends to the Canary’s (Caity Lotz) wounds, he tries to get her to talk about where she came from but she refuses. However, after Oliver and the Canary are attacked at the Queen mansion by a trained killer from the League of Assassins, she confesses to having a connection to the nefarious group. Meanwhile with Moira (Susanna Thompson) facing multiple counts of murder and conspiracy for her part in the destruction of The Glades, the Assistant District Attorney (guest star Dylan Bruce) offers her a choice – plead guilty now and avoid the death penalty or take your chances in court. Thea (Willa Holland) begs her mother to fight for her life, but Moira seems resolute about taking the offer. Meanwhile, Oliver is furious with Laurel (Katie Cassidy) for joining the prosecution’s team working his mother’s case. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Drew Z. Greenberg (#205).

“Three Ghosts” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
OLIVER IS VISITED BY GHOSTS FROM THE PAST — After a fight with Cyrus Gold AKA the Acolyte (guest star Graham Shiels), Oliver (Stephen Amell) is drugged and left for dead. Determined to cure him, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) makes a risky decision. The cure causes Oliver to hallucinate, and what he sees forces him to confront his past. Meanwhile, Barry (guest star Grant Gustin) continues to help Felicity, and their connection grows stronger. The Arrow asks Lance (Paul Blackthorne) to look into Gold, but when the stakeout on Gold goes bad, someone is killed. Roy (Colton Haynes) is captured and tortured by Brother Blood (guest star Kevin Alejandro). John Behring directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kresiberg and teleplay by Geoff Johns & Ben Sokolowski (#209).

“The Scientist” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
BARRY ALLEN COMES TO STARLING CITY — A seemingly impossible robbery at Queen Consolidated’s Applied Sciences Division brings Central City police scientist Barry Allen (guest star Grant Gustin) to town. Citing a similar case back home, Barry offers to help Oliver (Stephen Amell) and team with the investigation. Oliver senses there is more to Barry than meets the eye, but he’s distracted by the similarities between this current case and something that happened on the island. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) takes a liking to Barry, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Oliver. Sin (guest star Bex Taylor-Klaus) asks Roy (Colton Haynes) for help when a friend of hers goes missing. Roy is surprised when Thea (Willa Holland) not only encourages him to help, but joins the search. Unfortunately, Sin’s friend is connected to Brother Blood (guest star Kevin Alejandro), and their search ultimately gets one of them seriously injured. Michael Schultz directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kresiberg and teleplay by Andrew Kreisberg & Geoff Johns (#208).

“State v. Queen” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
MOIRA FIGHTS FOR HER LIFE; THE COUNT RETURNS — Oliver (Stephen Amell) is concerned when a mysterious illness sweeps the city, infecting hundreds of people, including Diggle (David Ramsey). Oliver discovers Vertigo in Diggle’s blood and realizes The Count (guest star Seth Gabel) has broken out of prison and is once again distributing his drug. Meanwhile, Moira (Susanna Thompson) goes on trial for her participation in the Undertaking. ADA Adam Donner (guest star Dylan Bruce) collapses in court with Vertigo symptoms so Laurel (Katie Cassidy) must step in and try the case against Moira. Oliver is torn between standing by his family during the trial and catching The Count. However, things change when Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) follows a lead and walks straight into a trap set by The Count. Bethany Rooney directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Drew Z. Greenberg (#207).

“Keep Your Enemies Closer” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DV) (HDTV)
DIGGLE GOES AFTER DEADSHOT — Amanda Waller (guest star Cynthia Addai-Robinson) sends A.R.G.U.S. agents to kidnap Diggle (David Ramsey). Waller informs Diggle that Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) has gone missing after following a lead on Deadshot (guest star Michael Rowe) in Moscow. When Diggle tells the team he’s headed to Russia to rescue Lyla, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) decide to join, but things get messy when Isabel (guest star Summer Glau) shows up on the tarmac and insists on joining Oliver’s “work trip.” Meanwhile, Moira’s (Susanna Thompson) lawyer, Jean (guest star Teryl Rothery), tells Thea (Willa Holland) that dating Roy (Colton Haynes), a known criminal, is hurting her mother’s case. Guy Bee directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Beth Schwartz (#206).

“League of Assassins” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
THE CANARY SINGS — While Oliver (Stephen Amell) tends to the Canary’s (Caity Lotz) wounds, he tries to get her to talk about where she came from but she refuses. However, after Oliver and the Canary are attacked at the Queen mansion by a trained killer from the League of Assassins, she confesses to how she’s connected with the nefarious group. Meanwhile with Moira (Susanna Thompson) facing multiple counts of murder and conspiracy for her part in the destruction of The Glades, the Assistant District Attorney (guest star Dylan Bruce) offers her a choice – plead guilty now and avoid the death penalty or take your chances in court. Thea (Willa Holland) begs her mother to fight for her life but Moira seems resolute about taking the offer. Meanwhile, Oliver is furious with Laurel (Katie Cassidy) for joining the prosecution’s team on his mother’s case. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Drew Z. Greenberg (#205).

“Crucible” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
OLIVER MEETS THE CANARY — Oliver (Stephen Amell) discovers a man who goes by the name “The Mayor” (guest star Cle Bennett) is bringing illegal guns in to The Glades, so Oliver sponsors a “Cash for Guns” event to help clean up the city. Unfortunately, The Mayor crashes the event with his gang and seriously injures Sin (guest star Bex Taylor-Klaus). The Canary (Caity Lotz) is furious when she learns her friend is in the hospital and sets out for revenge. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) stuns Oliver with a bit of information about the Canary, Donner (guest star Dylan Bruce) asks Laurel (Katie Cassidy) to dinner, and Diggle (David Ramsey) reconnects with an old friend. Eagle Egilsson directed the episode written by Andrew Kreisberg & Wendy Mericle (#204).

“Broken Dolls” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
OFFICER LANCE’S PAST PUTS LAUREL IN DANGER — Lance (Paul Blackthorne) learns a criminal named Barton Mathis (guest star Michael Eklund), whom he put away years ago, broke out of prison during the quake and is back to torturing and murdering women. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) offers herself as bait so Arrow (Stephen Amell), Diggle (David Ramsey) and Lance can catch this villain, but the plan goes awry. Furious, Mathis kidnaps Laurel (Katie Cassidy) in retaliation and plans to murder her while Lance watches. Meanwhile, Thea (Willa Holland) and Oliver are stunned when District Attorney Adam Donner (guest star Dylan Bruce) seeks the death penalty for Moira (Susanna Thompson). Oliver asks Roy (Colton Haynes) to help him find the Canary (Caity Lotz). Glen Winter directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Keto Shimizu (#203).

“Identity” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
DC COMICS’ BRONZE TIGER AND CHINA WHITE WREAK HAVOC ON THE GLADES — Oliver (Stephen Amell) finds out the medicine that is being sent to Glades Memorial is being hijacked by thieves. Without an influx of supplies, the hospital will close. Roy (Colton Haynes) attempts to stop the thieves, but he fails and is arrested by Officer Lance (Paul Blackthorne). Oliver gets into a heated battle with China White (guest star Kelly Hu) and her new partner, Ben Turner, AKA the Bronze Tiger (guest star Michael Jai White), over the supplies. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) makes plans to catch the Arrow, and Thea (Willa Holland) gives Roy an ultimatum. Nick Copus directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Beth Schwartz (#202). Photo

New Images From Season 2 Features Summer Glau

Season 2 spoilers: David Ramsey hypes up cast of villains

Season 2 Spoilers: Oliver and Laurel's Kiss, Dark Archer's Protege, Pirates and More!

'Arrow' Season 2 Spoilers: Stephen Amell Returns Shirtless Alongside Newly Casted Flash

Season 2 spoilers: Stephen Amell, Summer Glau, and Emily Bett Rickards face off

From 9/24 Jeff: How about some scoop on my favorite new show from last year, Arrow? What can we expect when it returns?
Even badder baddies! "Craziness, mayhem. We're taking it up a level. Season one ended with literally a bang and this is going to get even bigger," David Ramsey teases of what's to come in season two. "A lot of bad guys, Bronze Tiger, Black Canary, a lot of stuff is going to happen. All the bad guys in season one, if they were nine, this season they're 12."

From Entertainment Weekly Photos: and Article Link #1 Link #2 Link #3

From What are we going to see for Oliver on Arrow this season? — Dawn
NATALIE: Oliver will kick off the second season actually being an enemy of Starling City since the police are feeling overwhelmed in the aftermath of the Undertaking. "For some people, he's become the symbol for what's wrong with the city," executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says. "One of Oliver's missions this year is to change the way the police and the public feel about the vigilante." As for Oliver on the island, we'll find out by the end of Episode 3 if he really spent all five years there.

Comic Con Preview Check out the dead-on Season Two Comic-Con reel and see how our favorite billionaire archery enthusiast goes from Hood to Hero!

Arrow Willa Holland Interview Willa Holland discusses the relationship between her character and Roy. Arrow premieres Wednesday, Oct. 9!

"City of Heroes" Photos Photo Credit:  Cate Cameron / The CW

“City of Heroes” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
FROM VIGILANTE TO HERO — Diggle (David Ramsey) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) travel to Lian Yu in search of Oliver (Stephen Amell) who left Starling City after The Undertaking. Convinced to return home, Oliver finds that things are in worse shape than he thought – Isabel Rochev (guest star Summer Glau) is preparing a hostile takeover of Queen Consolidated, Thea (Willa Holland) refuses to visit Moira (Susanna Thompson) in jail, Roy (Colton Haynes) is trying to fill the void left by the Arrow’s absence, and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) is working with the District Attorney’s office to take down the vigilante. Meanwhile, flashbacks to the island show Slade (Manu Bennett), Shado (guest star Celina Jade) and Oliver in a desperate situation. John Behring directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti and teleplay by Andrew Kreisberg & Marc Guggenheim (#201).  

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 ARROW — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET)
“Sacrifice” (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
HEROES ARE FORGED AND SACRIFICES MADE IN THIS EPIC SEASON FINALE — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Diggle (David Ramsey) race to stop the Dark Archer (John Barrowman) from unleashing his vengeance on The Glades. However, they run into a roadblock after Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne) picks up Felicity for questioning. Tommy (Colin Donnell) and Oliver’s already tumultuous relationship takes a turn for the worse after Oliver makes a confession about Laurel (Katie Cassidy). After hearing of the danger in The Glades, Thea (Willa Holland) races to find Roy (Colton Haynes), inadvertently putting herself directly in the line of fire for Malcolm’s (John Barrowman) devious plan. On the island, Oliver, Slade (Manu Bennett) and Shado (guest star Celina Jade) are locked in a life-or-death struggle against Fyers (guest star Sebastian Dunn) as his missiles lock on a full Ferris Air jetliner. Susanna Thompson also stars. David Barrett directed the episode with the teleplay written by Marc Guggenheim & Andrew Kreisberg and story by Greg Berlanti (#123)

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 ARROW — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET)
“Darkness on the Edge of Town” (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
CAN OLIVER OUTWIT OR OUTFIGHT THE DARK ARCHER TO SAVE THE CITY? — With the Undertaking days away, Malcolm (guest star John Barrowman) dons his black hood to conclude business with seismologist Dr. Brion Markov (guest star Eric Floyd) and his team. Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Moira (Susanna Thompson) entertain a number of surprise – and mostly unwelcome – visitors. Hooded confrontations at home and the Meryln Global Group reveal dark secrets. Meanwhile, Roy (guest star Colton Haynes) and Thea (Willa Holland) are still looking out for a hero. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) makes a decision after Tommy’s (Colin Donnell) revelation. In a flashback to the island, Oliver, Slade (guest star Manu Bennett) and Shado (guest star Celina Jade) struggle to prevent Fyers (guest star Sebastian Dunn) from shooting a Ferris Air jet out of the sky. Paul Blackthorne and David Ramsey also star. Roger Cross and Bryon Mann also guest star. John Behring directed the episode written by Drew Z. Greenberg & Wendy Mericle (#122).

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 ARROW — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET)
“The Undertaking” (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
WITH A LEAD ON WALTER’S WHEREABOUTS, OLIVER GAMBLES ON FELICITY IN THE FIELD — Finding it difficult to mend fences with Tommy (Colin Donnell) and Diggle (David Ramsey), Oliver (Stephen Amell) instead focuses on crossing another name off the list. While digging through a crooked accountant’s laptop, Felicity (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) discovers a transaction that could help Oliver find Walter. To reconfirm the lead, Oliver gambles that Felicity can be counted on in the field for the first time. In a flashback, Malcolm (guest star John Barrowman) reveals to Robert Queen (guest star Jamey Sheridan) and Frank Chen (guest star Chin Han) painful details surrounding his wife’s murder, and how that shaped his plans for the Glades. Meanwhile, Tommy (Colin Donnell) stuns Laurel (Katie Cassidy) with the truth. Willa Holland and Susanna Thompson also star. Michael Schultz directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Lana Cho (#121).

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28 ARROW — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET)
“Unfinished Business” (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
GUEST STAR SETH GABLE (“FRINGE”) RETURNS AS THE COUNT — When a young woman meets a violent death after partying at Verdant, Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne) and his new partner, Detective Hilton (guest star Roger Cross) inform Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Tommy (Colin Donnell) that she was on the drug Vertigo. Oliver immediately pays a visit to the mental institution where The Count (guest star Gabel) is locked up, but finds he is in no condition to deal drugs. However, when The Count escapes and Starling City is flooded with even more Vertigo-related violence, Oliver and Diggle (David Ramsey) make it their mission to track him down. After Detective Lance uncovers incriminating evidence against him, Tommy goes to great lengths to clear his name, and the fallout from his actions leads Tommy down a new, unexpected path. In a flashback to the island, Oliver recalls the lessons he learned from Slade (guest star Manu Bennett) and Shado (guest star Celina Jade). Katie Cassidy and Emily Bett Rickards also star. Michael Offer directed the episode written by Bryan Q. Miller & Lindsey Allen (#119).

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21 ARROW — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET)
“Salvation” (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
OLIVER MUST SAVE ROY HARPER FROM A MURDERER — An angry resident of The Glades who calls himself “The Savior” (guest star Christopher Redman) embarks on a kidnapping and killing spree to punish those he believes have wronged the residents of his neighborhood. To make things worse, he broadcasts these murders online and claims he was inspired by Arrow’s (Stephen Amell) vigilantism. Oliver is horrified by this statement and vows to stop “The Savior,” but his manhunt in intensified after Thea (Willa Holland) comes to him in tears and tells him Roy (guest star Colton Haynes) has been kidnapped. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) is surprised when her father (Paul Blackthorne) starts to believe her mother’s (guest star Alex Kingston) claim that Sara is still alive. Meanwhile, Malcom (John Barrowman) tells Moira (Susanna Thompson) to find the person responsible for his attempted murder. David Ramsey and Colin Donnell also star. Nick Copus directed the episode written by Drew Z. Greenberg & Wendy Mericle (#118).

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19 ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET) “Damaged” (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
DC COMICS’ VILLAIN DEATHSTROKE APPEARS ON THE ISLAND WITH OLIVER — After Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne) arrests Oliver (Stephen Amell) for murder, Oliver tells Moira (Susanna Thompson) the only lawyer he'll allow to represent him is Laurel (Katie Cassidy). Laurel takes the case which puts her at odds with her father. Oliver offers to take a polygraph in front Detective Lance but things get tense when Lance asks him if anyone else was on the island with him. Oliver flashes back to when he got his first scar, courtesy of Deathstroke (guest star Jeffrey Robinson). Colin Donnell, David Ramsey and Willa Holland also star. Michael Shultz directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski (#105).

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET)
“Lone Gunmen” (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
DC COMICS’ VILLIAN DEADSHOT SETS HIS SIGHTS ON ARROW — Oliver (Stephen Amell) is surprised when someone shoots and kills one of his targets. As his plan is to bring people to justice vs. outright killing them, Oliver doesn’t appreciate the help and searches for the gunman. He soon learns that the man, Deadshot (guest star Michael Rowe), is taking out businessmen who are scheduled to bid at an auction on an energy company and Walter (Colin Salmon) is one of the bidders. Realizing he can’t protect his family and stop Deadshot at the same time, Oliver enlists Detective Lance’s (Paul Blackthorne) help, but his plan has dire consequences. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Tommy (Colin Donnell) get caught in an awkward situation with Oliver. Willa Holland, David Ramsey and Susanna Thompson also star. Guy Bee directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Andrew Kreisberg (#103).

ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET) “Honor Thy Father” (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
KELLY HU GUEST STARS AS DC COMICS VILLAIN CHINA WHITE — Oliver (Stephen Amell) heads to the courthouse to get his death certificate repealed and is pleasantly surprised to run into Laurel (Katie Cassidy), who is there prosecuting Martin Somers (guest star Ty Olsson), a criminal with ties to the Chinese Triad. Oliver recognizes Martin’s name from his father’s book and sets his sights on taking him down. Martin orders the Triad to “take care of” Laurel so they send their top mercenary – China White (Hu) – after her, an act that culminates in a battle between Arrow and China White. Meanwhile, Moira (Susanna Thompson) and Walter (guest star Colin Salmon) ask Oliver to take over the company. Colin Donnell, Willa Holland, David Ramsey and Paul Blackthorne also star. David Barrett directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Marc Guggenheim and written by Andrew Kreisberg & Marc Guggenheim (#102).

The CW Video Clips The following Web Original content has been published to the site -
CelebTV - Robbie and Stephen Amell: CW's Hottest Superheroes!
Celeb-Spotting at the LA Kings Game!

ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET) “Sacrifice” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
HEROES ARE FORGED AND SACRIFICES MADE IN THIS EPIC SEASON FINALE — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Diggle (David Ramsey) race to stop the Dark Archer (John Barrowman) from unleashing his vengeance on The Glades. However, they run into a roadblock after Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne) picks up Felicity for questioning. Tommy (Colin Donnell) and Oliver’s already tumultuous relationship takes a turn for the worse after Oliver makes a confession about Laurel (Katie Cassidy). After hearing of the danger in The Glades, Thea (Willa Holland) races to find Roy (Colton Haynes), inadvertently putting herself directly in the line of fire for Malcolm’s (John Barrowman) devious plan. On the island, Oliver, Slade (Manu Bennett) and Shado (guest star Celina Jade) are locked in a life-or-death struggle against Fyers (guest star Sebastian Dunn) as his missiles lock on a full Ferris Air jetliner. Susanna Thompson also stars. David Barrett directed the episode with the teleplay written by Marc Guggenheim & Andrew Kreisberg and story by Greg Berlanti (#123). Preview

WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET)
“Darkness on the Edge of Town” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
CAN OLIVER OUTWIT OR OUTFIGHT THE DARK ARCHER TO SAVE THE CITY? — With the Undertaking days away, Malcolm (guest star John Barrowman) dons his black hood to conclude business with seismologist Dr. Brion Markov (guest star Eric Floyd) and his team. Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Moira (Susanna Thompson) entertain a number of surprise – and mostly unwelcome – visitors. Hooded confrontations at home and the Meryln Global Group reveal dark secrets. Meanwhile, Roy (guest star Colton Haynes) and Thea (Willa Holland) are still looking out for a hero. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) makes a decision after Tommy’s (Colin Donnell) revelation. In a flashback to the island, Oliver, Slade (guest star Manu Bennett) and Shado (guest star Celina Jade) struggle to prevent Fyers (guest star Sebastian Dunn) from shooting a Ferris Air jet out of the sky. Paul Blackthorne and David Ramsey also star. Roger Cross and Bryon Mann also guest star. John Behring directed the episode written by Drew Z. Greenberg & Wendy Mericle (#122). Preview

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24 ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET)
“Home Invasion” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
DEADSHOT (GUEST STAR MICHAEL ROWE) FIRES OFF A NEW ROUND IN STARLING CITY — Deadshot (guest star Michael Rowe) returns to Starling City after taking down a U.S. Ambassador and six others overseas. By keeping tabs on A.R.G.U.S.’s manhunt for the assassin, Oliver (Stephen Amell), Diggle (David Ramsey), and Felicity (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) learn that a sting operation is underway to capture Deadshot – alive. Diggle is determined to see his brother’s killer dead, with or without Ollie’s help. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) takes drastic steps to protect a young witness, exacerbating friction between Tommy (Colin Donnell) and Oliver. Later, Roy Harper (guest star Colton Haynes) unconventionally pursues all leads to find his new hero, but runs afoul of Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne). Back on the island, Oliver recalls how Shado (guest star Celina Jade) helped him incrementally gain confidence with a bow and hit the target for the first time. Willa Holland and Susanna Thompson also star. Manu Bennett, Byron Mann and Audrey Marie Anderson guest star. Ken Fink directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Beth Schwartz (#120). Preview

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET)
“Dead to Rights” (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
DEADSHOT RETURNS — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Diggle (David Ramsey) learn that Deadshot (guest star Michael Rowe) is still alive and his next target is Malcom (John Barrowman). Malcom invites Tommy (Colin Donnell) to attend a benefit honoring Malcom for his work with Starling City but Tommy refuses to attend. Oliver encourages his friend to mend his relationship with his father while he can. Meanwhile, Oliver struggles to balance his new relationship with McKenna (Janina Gavankar) and his duties as Arrow. Katie Cassidy, Paul Blackthorne and Susanna Thompson also star. Glen Winter directed the episode written by Geoff Johns (#116). (Re-run)

ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET) “Dodger” (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
COLTON HAYNES (“TEEN WOLF”) GUEST STARS AS ROY HARPER — Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) tells Oliver (Stephen Amell) he’s all work and no play, so he asks Detective McKenna (guest star Janina Gavankar) on a date. A jewel thief named Dodger (guest star James Callis) hits Starling City and targets someone very close to Oliver. Meanwhile, while working with Laurel (Katie Cassidy), Thea (Willa Holland) gets her purse stolen by a very fast pickpocket named Roy Harper (guest star Haynes). Moira (Susanna Thompson) makes a move against Malcom (John Barrowman). Colin Donnell and Paul Blackthorne also star. Eagle Egilsson directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz (#115).

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3 ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET)
“Unfinished Business” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
GUEST STAR SETH GABLE (“FRINGE”) RETURNS AS THE COUNT — When a young woman meets a violent death after partying at Verdant, Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne) and his new partner, Detective Hilton (guest star Roger Cross) inform Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Tommy (Colin Donnell) that she was on the drug Vertigo. Oliver immediately pays a visit to the mental institution where The Count (guest star Gabel) is locked up, but finds he is in no condition to deal drugs. However, when The Count escapes and Starling City is flooded with even more Vertigo-related violence, Oliver and Diggle (David Ramsey) make it their mission to track him down. After Detective Lance uncovers incriminating evidence against him, Tommy goes to great lengths to clear his name, and the fallout from his actions leads Tommy down a new, unexpected path. In a flashback to the island, Oliver recalls the lessons he learned from Slade (guest star Manu Bennett) and Shado (guest star Celina Jade). Katie Cassidy and Emily Bett Rickards also star. Michael Offer directed the episode written by Bryan Q. Miller & Lindsey Allen (#119).

Behind the Scenes: The Huntress Returns featuring DJ Steve Aoki

ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET) “Salvation” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
OLIVER MUST SAVE ROY HARPER FROM A MURDERER — An angry resident of The Glades who calls himself “The Savior” (guest star Christopher Redman) embarks on a kidnapping and killing spree to punish those he believes have wronged the residents of his neighborhood. To make things worse, he broadcasts these murders online and claims he was inspired by Arrow’s (Stephen Amell) vigilantism. Oliver is horrified by this statement and vows to stop “The Savior,” but his manhunt in intensified after Thea (Willa Holland) comes to him in tears and tells him Roy (guest star Colton Haynes) has been kidnapped. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) is surprised when her father (Paul Blackthorne) starts to believe her mother’s (guest star Alex Kingston) claim that Sara is still alive. Meanwhile, Malcom (John Barrowman) tells Moira (Susanna Thompson) to find the person responsible for his attempted murder. David Ramsey and Colin Donnell also star. Nick Copus directed the episode written by Drew Z. Greenberg & Wendy Mericle (#118).

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET)
“The Huntress Returns” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
EDM MEGASTAR STEVE AOKI OPENS OLIVER’S NEW NIGHTCLUB — With his nightclub set to open and a new romance brewing with McKenna (guest star Janina Gavankar), Oliver (Stephen Amell) is as happy as he’s been since returning to Starling City. But when Oliver’s ex, The Huntress (guest star Jessica De Gouw), suddenly returns to town, she threatens to destroy everything and everyone he cares about. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and her father (Paul Blackthorne) struggle with the return of Dinah Lance (guest star Alex Kingston) who claims she has proof Sara is still alive. Thea (Willa Holland) gets Roy Harper (guest star Colton Haynes) a job at Oliver’s club, but he’s not too inclined to stop his life of crime. Oliver and Tommy (Colin Donnell) are thrilled they were able to get Steve Aoki to play at the opening of their new nightclub, Verdant. David Ramsey and Susanna Thompson also star. Guy Bee directed the episode written by Jake Coburn & Lana Cho (#117). Preview

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13 ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET)
“Vertigo” (TV-14, V) (HDTV)
SETH GABEL (“FRINGE”) GUEST STARS WHILE THEA FACES PRISON TIME — Thea (Willa Holland) is in trouble with the police after she gets caught using a drug called “Vertigo.” Oliver (Stephen Amell) thinks the only way to keep her out of jail is to find the dealer, a man who goes by the name of “The Count” (guest star Seth Gabel). Oliver turns to McKenna Hall (guest star Janina Gavankar), an old flame and current Vice cop, for help. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) steps in to defend Thea, and Felicity (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) gives Oliver some disturbing news about Moira (Susanna Thompson). David Ramsey, Colin Donnell and Paul Blackthorne also star. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski (#112).

Dark Archer Showdown

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET)
“Trust but Verify” (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
TOMMY AND MALCOM HAVE A HEART-TO-HEART TALK AND OLIVER AND DIGGLE ARE AT ODDS WITH EACH OTHER — The next person on Arrow’s (Stephen Amell) list is Diggle’s (David Ramsey) commanding officer and mentor from Afghanistan, Ted Gaynor (guest star Ben Browder). Oliver suspects Ted is responsible for recent armoured truck robberies, but Diggle defends Ted and takes a job at Ted’s security company to keep an eye on him. Oliver decides to make a move on Ted, which puts him at odds with Diggle. Meanwhile, Thea (Willa Holland) suspects that Moira (Susanna Thompson) is having an affair with Malcom (guest star John Barrowman). Tommy (Colin Donnell) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) have an awkward dinner with Malcom. Nick Copus directed the episode written by Gabrielle Stanton (#111).

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET)
“Dead to Rights” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
DEADSHOT RETURNS — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Diggle (David Ramsey) learn that Deadshot (guest star Michael Rowe) is still alive and his next target is Malcom (John Barrowman). Malcom invites Tommy (Colin Donnell) to attend a benefit honoring Malcom for his work with Starling City but Tommy refuses to attend. Oliver encourages his friend to mend his relationship with his father while he can. Meanwhile, Oliver struggles to balance his new relationship with McKenna (Janina Gavankar) and his duties as Arrow. Katie Cassidy, Paul Blackthorne and Susanna Thompson also star. Glen Winter directed the episode written by Geoff Johns (#116). Preview

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET)
“Dodger” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
COLTON HAYNES (“TEEN WOLF”) GUEST STARS AS ROY HARPER — Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) tells Oliver (Stephen Amell) he’s all work and no play, so he asks Detective McKenna (guest star Janina Gavankar) on a date. A jewel thief named Dodger (guest star James Callis) hits Starling City and targets someone very close to Oliver. Meanwhile, while working with Laurel (Katie Cassidy), Thea (Willa Holland) gets her purse stolen by a very fast pickpocket named Roy Harper (guest star Haynes). Moira (Susanna Thompson) makes a move against Malcom (John Barrowman). Colin Donnell and Paul Blackthorne also star. Eagle Egilsson directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz (#115).

ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET)
“The Odyssey” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
MANU BENNETT (“SPARTACUS”) GUEST STARS AS SLADE WILSON — After Oliver (Stephen Amell) is shot, he turns to a surprising person for help – Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). Diggle (David Ramsey) is stunned when he sees Felicity walk through the front door of the lair dragging a dying Oliver behind her, and the two team up to save Oliver’s life. As Oliver (Stephen Amell) hovers between life and death, he flashes back to a seminal event on the island – a daring escape attempt with his new friend Slade Wilson (guest star Manu Bennett). Katie Cassidy, Willa Holland, Paul Blackthorne and Susanna Thompson also star. John Behring directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Andrew Kreisberg and Marc Guggenheim (#114). 

TV Now Preview  Producer's Preview

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET)
“Betrayal” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) DAVID ANDERS (“ONCE UPON A TIME,” “THE VAMPIRE DIARIES”) GUEST STARS — Cyrus Vanch (Anders), a nefarious criminal, is recently released from prison and intends to re-secure his position as leader of the underworld. His first step is to take down his biggest opponent in the city – Arrow (Stephen Amell). Meanwhile, Oliver shows Moira (Susanna Thompson) his father’s notebook and questions her about the names on the list. Thea (Willa Holland) is miserable as she starts her internship with Laurel (Katie Cassidy) at the legal aid office and Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne) makes a deadly mistake that puts Laurel in the crosshairs of Vanch. David Ramsey and Colin Donnell also star. Guy Bee directed the episode written by Lana Cho & Beth Schwartz (#113).

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30 ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET)
“Vertigo” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
SETH GABEL (“FRINGE”) GUEST STARS WHILE THEA FACES PRISON TIME — Thea (Willa Holland) is in trouble with the police after she gets caught using a drug called “Vertigo.” Oliver (Stephen Amell) thinks the only way to keep her out of jail is to find the dealer, a man who goes by the name of “The Count” (guest star Seth Gabel). Oliver turns to McKenna Hall (guest star Janina Gavankar), an old flame and current Vice cop, for help. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) steps in to defend Thea, and Felicity (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) gives Oliver some disturbing news about Moira (Susanna Thompson). David Ramsey, Colin Donnell and Paul Blackthorne also star. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski (#112).

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23 ARROW — (8:00–9:00 p.m. ET)
“Trust but Verify” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) New!
TOMMY AND MALCOM HAVE A HEART-TO-HEART TALK AND OLIVER AND DIGGLE ARE AT ODDS WITH EACH OTHER — The next person on Arrow’s (Stephen Amell) list is Diggle’s (David Ramsey) commanding officer and mentor from Afghanistan, Ted Gaynor (guest star Ben Browder). Oliver suspects Ted is responsible for recent armoured truck robberies, but Diggle defends Ted and takes a job at Ted’s security company to keep an eye on him. Oliver decides to make a move on Ted, which puts him at odds with Diggle. Meanwhile, Thea (Willa Holland) suspects that Moira (Susanna Thompson) is having an affair with Malcom (guest star John Barrowman). Tommy (Colin Donnell) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) have an awkward dinner with Malcom. Nick Copus directed the episode written by Gabrielle Stanton (#111).

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16 ARROW – (8:00 –9:00 p.m. ET)
“Burned” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) New!
OLIVER HANGS UP HIS HOOD — Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) confidence is shaken after being beaten by the Dark Archer and he takes a break from being Arrow. However, when Laurel (Katie Cassidy) calls Arrow for help investigating a firefighter’s suspicious death, he reluctantly agrees but his hesitance while fighting almost costs him his life. Meanwhile, Tommy (Colin Donnell) throws a benefit for the firefighters and Thea (Willa Holland) tries to lift Moira (Susanna Thompson) out of her depressive state. Eagle Egilsson directed the episode written by Moira Kirland & Ben Sokolowski (#110).

Wednesday January 9, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm ET
Arrow (Re-run From 12/12/12) "Year's End"
Oliver learns his mom and sister stopped celebrating Christmas after his disappearance.
Episode also airs on Friday.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2 ARROW - (8:00 -9:00 p.m. ET) "Damaged" (TV-14) (HDTV)
DC COMICS´ VILLAIN DEATHSTROKE APPEARS ON THE ISLAND WITH OLIVER - After Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne) arrests Oliver (Stephen Amell) for murder, Oliver tells Moira (Susanna Thompson) the only lawyer he'll allow to represent him is Laurel (Katie Cassidy). Laurel takes the case which puts her at odds with her father. Oliver offers to take a polygraph in front Detective Lance but things get tense when Lance asks him if anyone else was on the island with him. Oliver flashes back to when he got his first scar, courtesy of Deathstroke (guest star Jeffrey Robinson). Colin Donnell, David Ramsey and Willa Holland also star. Michael Shultz directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski (#105).

FRIDAY, JANUARY 4 ARROW- (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) "Legacies" (TV-14, V)(HDTV)
THE ROYAL FLUSH GANG INVADES STARLING CITY - A gang of bank robbers, dubbed The Royal Flush Gang, hits a local bank and seriously wounds an off-duty police officer during a heist. Diggle (David Ramsey) tells Oliver (Stephen Amell) he needs to deviate from his father´s list and start helping the citizens of Starling City. Meanwhile, Tommy (Colin Donnell) asks Thea (Willa Holland) for relationship advice, but things get awkward when she realizes he was asking about Laurel (Katie Cassidy). Moira (Susanna Thompson) confronts Oliver about all of his recent disappearances in the middle of family functions. John Behring directed the episode written by Moira Kirland & Marc Guggenheim (#106).

Arrow - "An Innocent Man" - Wednesdays 8/7c Preview

Below are photos from Saturday night's PaleyFest panel for "Arrow" featuring Stephen Amell, Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim and Andrew Kreisberg.
Photos Photo Credit: Kevin Parry Photography

Harder Clip

People's Choice Nominee Video

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26 ARROW – (8:00 –9:00 p.m. ET)
“Honor Thy Father” (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) (Re-run)
KELLY HU GUEST STARS AS DC COMICS VILLAIN CHINA WHITE — Oliver (Stephen Amell) heads to the courthouse to get his death certificate repealed and is pleasantly surprised to run into Laurel (Katie Cassidy), who is there prosecuting Martin Somers (guest star Ty Olsson), a criminal with ties to the Chinese Triad. Oliver recognizes Martin’s name from his father’s book and sets his sights on taking him down. Martin orders the Triad to “take care of” Laurel so they send their top mercenary – China White (Hu) – after her, an act that culminates in a battle between Arrow and China White. Meanwhile, Moira (Susanna Thompson) and Walter (guest star Colin Salmon) ask Oliver to take over the company. Colin Donnell, Willa Holland, David Ramsey and Paul Blackthorne also star. David Barrett directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Marc Guggenheim and written by Andrew Kreisberg & Marc Guggenheim (#102).

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28 ARROW— (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET)
“Lone Gunmen” (TV-14, LV)(HDTV) (Re-run)
DC COMICS’ VILLIAN DEADSHOT SETS HIS SIGHTS ON ARROW — Oliver (Stephen Amell) is surprised when someone shoots and kills one of his targets. As his plan is to bring people to justice vs. outright killing them, Oliver doesn’t appreciate the help and searches for the gunman. He soon learns that the man, Deadshot (guest star Michael Rowe), is taking out businessmen who are scheduled to bid at an auction on an energy company and Walter (Colin Salmon) is one of the bidders. Realizing he can’t protect his family and stop Deadshot at the same time, Oliver enlists Detective Lance’s (Paul Blackthorne) help, but his plan has dire consequences. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Tommy (Colin Donnell) get caught in an awkward situation with Oliver. Willa Holland, David Ramsey and Susanna Thompson also star. Guy Bee directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Andrew Kreisberg (#103).

• An encore episode of “Arrow” titled “Vendetta” airs Friday, December 7.
“ARROW” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET)
“Vendetta” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
ARROW AND THE HUNTRESS TEAM UP — As Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Helena (guest star Jessica DeGouw) grow closer, Oliver trains her to be his ally, complete with showing her how to use a crossbow. Diggle (David Ramsey) disapproves of Oliver sharing his secret with Helena as he’s not sure she can be trusted, but Oliver refuses to listen to his concerns. Helena’s quest for revenge proves to be too strong for Oliver to handle after she kills the head of the Triad and all hell breaks loose. Katie Cassidy, Colin Donnell, Willa Holland, Susanna Thompson and Paul Blackthorne also star. Ken Fink directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Andrew Kreisberg (#108).

“ARROW” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET)
“Vendetta” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
ARROW AND THE HUNTRESS TEAM UP — As Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Helena (guest star Jessica DeGouw) grow closer, Oliver trains her to be his ally, complete with showing her how to use a crossbow. Diggle (David Ramsey) disapproves of Oliver sharing his secret with Helena as he’s not sure she can be trusted, but Oliver refuses to listen to his concerns. Helena’s quest for revenge proves to be too strong for Oliver to handle after she kills the head of the Triad and all hell breaks loose. Katie Cassidy, Colin Donnell, Willa Holland, Susanna Thompson and Paul Blackthorne also star. Ken Fink directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Andrew Kreisberg (#108).

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 "ARROW" - (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) "Muse of Fire" (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) Stunts: Silo Fight Preview Stunts: Helipad
THE HUNTRESS RIDES INTO STARLING CITY AND HEATS THINGS UP WITH OLIVER - Oliver (Stephen Amell) encounters a mysterious woman, Helena Bertinelli (guest star Jessica DeGouw), daughter of mob boss Frank Bertinelli (guest star Jeffrey Nordling), who he can finally be himself with, but he soon comes to realize she´s hiding dangerous secrets of her own. Helena is on her own personal mission of vengeance and Oliver is caught in the middle. Meanwhile, Tommy (Colin Donnell) is blindsided by an unfortunate turn of events and turns to Laurel (Katie Cassidy) for support. David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Susanna Thompson and Paul Blackthorne also star. David Grossman directed the episode with story by Andrew Kriesberg and teleplay by Geoff Johns & Marc Guggenheim (#107).

'Arrow' spoilers: First look at the Huntress in costume

E! Online Spoilers

Arrow Love Triangle Spoilers

BuddyTV Spoilers

TV Line November Sweeps

'Arrow' spoilers: Stephen Amell talks about Oliver Queen

Entertainment Weekly Spoilers

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 “ARROW” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) “Legacies” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
THE ROYAL FLUSH GANG INVADES STARLING CITY — A gang of bank robbers, dubbed The Royal Flush Gang, hits a local bank and seriously wounds an off-duty police officer during a heist. Diggle (David Ramsey) tells Oliver (Stephen Amell) he needs to deviate from his father’s list and start helping the citizens of Starling City. Meanwhile, Tommy (Colin Donnell) asks Thea (Willa Holland) for relationship advice, but things get awkward when she realizes he was asking about Laurel (Katie Cassidy). Moira (Susanna Thompson) confronts Oliver about all of his recent disappearances in the middle of family functions. John Behring directed the episode written by Moira Kirland & Marc Guggenheim (#106).

“ARROW” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) “An Innocent Man” (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
ARROW RECRUITS LAUREL TO HELP WITH A CASE — Oliver (Stephen Amell) still hasn’t figured out how to get back in Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) good graces, but a late night bonding session with Thea (Willa Holland) gives him the inspiration he needs. Looking into a suspicious murder case, Oliver realizes an innocent man, Peter Declan (guest star Lane Edwards), was framed by one of the targets on his list. As Arrow, he asks Laurel to help prove Declan’s innocence. Meanwhile, Walter (guest star Colin Salmon) asks one of his employees, Felicity Smoak (guest star Emily Rickards), to look into a $2.6 million withdrawal that Moira (Susanna Thompson) made without his knowledge. David Ramsey and Paul Blackthorne also star. Vince Misiano directed the episode written by Moira Kirland & Lana Cho (104).  Preview

“ARROW” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET)
“Damaged” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
DC COMICS’ VILLAIN DEATHSTROKE APPEARS ON THE ISLAND WITH OLIVER — After Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne) arrests Oliver (Stephen Amell) for murder, Oliver tells Moira (Susanna Thompson) the only lawyer he'll allow to represent him is Laurel (Katie Cassidy). Laurel takes the case which puts her at odds with her father. Oliver offers to take a polygraph in front Detective Lance but things get tense when Lance asks him if anyone else was on the island with him. Oliver flashes back to when he got his first scar, courtesy of Deathstroke (guest star Jeffrey Robinson). Colin Donnell, David Ramsey and Willa Holland also star. Michael Shultz directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski (#105).

Wednesday, October 31 ARROW – “An Innocent Man” (8:00-9:00pm)
Oliver (Stephen Amell) still hasn’t figured out how to get back in Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) good graces, but a late night bonding session with Thea (Willa Holland) gives him the inspiration he needs. Looking into a suspicious murder case, Oliver realizes an innocent man, Peter Declan (guest star Lane Edwards), was framed by one of the targets on his list.   Preview

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17 “ARROW — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET)
“Honor Thy Father” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
KELLY HU GUEST STARS AS DC COMICS VILLAIN CHINA WHITE — Oliver (Stephen Amell) heads to the courthouse to get his death certificate repealed and is pleasantly surprised to run into Laurel (Katie Cassidy), who is there prosecuting Martin Somers (guest star Ty Olsson), a criminal with ties to the Chinese Triad. Oliver recognizes Martin’s name from his father’s book and sets his sights on taking him down. Martin orders the Triad to “take care of” Laurel so they send their top mercenary – China White (Hu) – after her, an act that culminates in a battle between Arrow and China White. Meanwhile, Moira (Susanna Thompson) and Walter (guest star Colin Salmon) ask Oliver to take over the company. Colin Donnell, Willa Holland, David Ramsey and Paul Blackthorne also star. David Barrett directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Marc Guggenheim and written by Andrew Kreisberg & Marc Guggenheim (102).

Here are web galleries for the next three episodes of "Arrow." Below are episode descriptions:
ARROW "Honor Thy Father" Airdate: Oct. 17 Photo Credit: Jack Rowand / The CW 
KELLY HU GUEST STARS AS DC COMICS VILLAIN CHINA WHITE - Oliver (Stephen Amell) heads to the courthouse to get his death certificate repealed and is pleasantly surprised to run into Laurel (Katie Cassidy), who is there prosecuting Martin Somers (guest star Ty Olsson), a criminal with ties to the Chinese Triad. Oliver recognizes Martin's name from his father's book and sets his sights on taking him down. Martin orders the Triad to "take care of" Laurel so they send their top mercenary - China White (Hu) - after her, an act that culminates in a battle between Arrow and China White. Meanwhile, Moira (Susanna Thompson) and Walter (guest star Colin Salmon) ask Oliver to take over the company. Colin Donnell, Willa Holland, David Ramsey and Paul Blackthorne also star. David Barrett directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Marc Guggenheim and written by Andrew Kreisberg & Marc Guggenheim (102).
ARROW "Lone Gunmen" Airdate: Oct. 24 Photo Credit: The CW 
DC COMICS' VILLIAN DEADSHOT SETS HIS SIGHTS ON ARROW - Oliver (Stephen Amell) is surprised when someone shoots and kills one of his targets. As his plan is to bring people to justice vs. outright killing them, Oliver doesn't appreciate the help and searches for the gunman. He soon learns that the man, Deadshot (guest star Michael Rowe), is taking out businessmen who are scheduled to bid at an auction on an energy company and Walter (Colin Salmon) is one of the bidders. Realizing he can't protect his family and stop Deadshot at the same time, Oliver enlists Detective Lance's (Paul Blackthorne) help, but his plan has dire consequences. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Tommy (Colin Donnell) get caught in an awkward situation with Oliver. Willa Holland, David Ramsey and Susanna Thompson also star. Guy Bee directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Andrew Kreisberg (103).
ARROW "An Innocent Man" Airdate: Oct. 31 Photo Credit: Marcel Williams / The CW 
ARROW RECRUITS LAUREL TO HELP WITH A CASE - Oliver (Stephen Amell) still hasn't figured out how to get back in Laurel's (Katie Cassidy) good graces, but a late night bonding session with Thea (Willa Holland) gives him the inspiration he needs. Looking into a suspicious murder case, Oliver realizes an innocent man, Peter Declan (guest star Lane Edwards), was framed by one of the targets on his list. As Arrow, he asks Laurel to help prove Declan's innocence. Meanwhile, Walter (guest star Colin Salmon) asks one of his employees, Felicity Smoak (guest star Emily Rickards), to look into a $2.6 million withdrawal that Moira (Susanna Thompson) made without his knowledge. David Ramsey and Paul Blackthorne also star. Vince Misiano directed the episode written by Moira Kirland & Lana Cho (104).

Vote in the SFX Awards for Arrow!

Stephen Amell on The Tonight Show 4/23/13 Stephen Amell on his leg injury on the set of "Arrow."

ARROW Star John Barrowman Dishes on The Dark Archer, DOCTOR WHO, TORCHWOOD and SCANDAL!

Yay! The CW renews 'Arrow,' Vampire Diaries,' 'Supernatural'

Cast at Paley Fest 2013

ARROW Posts Most Watched Episode Since Its Series Premiere; Matches Season High in Adults 18-34 and 18-49
SUPERNATURAL Also Matches Season High in Adults 18-49; Scores Second Most Watched Telecast of the Season
November 8, 2012 (Burbank, CA) – ARROW keeps on hitting the bull’s-eye for The CW. Last night was ARROW’s most watched (3.75M) episode since the series premiere on October 10, and matched its season best among adults 18-49 (1.3/4) and adults 18-34 (1.1/3) according to national Live Plus Same Day Nielsen ratings for Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012. ARROW also matched its second best performance in women 18-34 (1.1/3).
Week-to-week, ARROW was up across the board in all key demos: up 23% in total viewers, up 30% in adults 18-49, up 57% in adults 18-34, and up 38% in women 18-34.
Paired with ARROW on The CW’s dramatically improved Wednesday night, SUPERNATURAL climbed to match its season high in adults 18-49 (1.0/2) and its second most watched episode (2.3M) of the season. SUPERNATURAL was just shy of its season high in adults 18-34 (0.9/3).
SUPERNATURAL saw big gains over last week, up 30% in total viewers, 29% in adults 18-34 and 25% in adults 18-49.
Both ARROW and SUPERNATURAL continue to see dramatic increases over its Live+SD ratings once additional DVR data is factored in. On average with Live+7 day ratings, ARROW posts a 25% increase in total viewers over its overnight Live+SD ratings, and typically jumps 33% in adults 18-34 and 30% in adults 18-49. SUPERNATURAL also sees sizable gains with its Live+7 performance, improving 41% in total viewers above its Live+SD overnights, 46% in adults 18-34 and 52% in adults 18-49.

How Does The CW's 'Arrow' Compare to the DC Series?  

The show does not air this week. It returns next week, Wednesday, December 26th.

Vote for your favorites in the People's Choice awards, including "Arrow"! You can vote as often as you'd like until December 13th. The show airs January 9th on ABC.

*Please note: Special encores of “Arrow” and “Emily Owens, M.D.” will air on Election Night, Tuesday, November 6.
“ARROW” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET)
“An Innocent Man” (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
ARROW RECRUITS LAUREL TO HELP WITH A CASE — Oliver (Stephen Amell) still hasn’t figured out how to get back in Laurel’s (Katie Cassidy) good graces, but a late night bonding session with Thea (Willa Holland) gives him the inspiration he needs. Looking into a suspicious murder case, Oliver realizes an innocent man, Peter Declan (guest star Lane Edwards), was framed by one of the targets on his list. As Arrow, he asks Laurel to help prove Declan’s innocence. Meanwhile, Walter (guest star Colin Salmon) asks one of his employees, Felicity Smoak (guest star Emily Rickards), to look into a $2.6 million withdrawal that Moira (Susanna Thompson) made without his knowledge. David Ramsey and Paul Blackthorne also star. Vince Misiano directed the episode written by Moira Kirland & Lana Cho (104).

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CW hits bull’s-eye with gritty ‘Arrow’

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CW series 'Arrow,'' comes up just short of being right on target

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'Arrow': How'd Stephen Amell Do That Ladder Stunt?

Great as an Arrow: Stephen Amell has all the right moves to bring comic book superhero to life on the small screen

Arrow Star Stephen Amell's Heroic Stare Cuts Deep!

Stephen Amell on ‘Arrow’

'I'd love to play Ana in Fifty Shades of Grey - even if it is a little risque': The world according to Katie Cassidy

'Gossip Girl' scoop: Katie Cassidy returning for the finale!

Gossip Girl’s Katie Cassidy vs. Glee’s Lea Michele: Who Wore High-Waisted Print Shorts Better?

Katie Cassidy Talks ARROW, Her Desire for Laurel to Take the Black Canary Path, the Character’s Relationship with Oliver, and More

Katie Cassidy excited for fans to see Arrow and hopes they are pleased with the show

From NewMediaMetrics: The CW network has two shows within the top five EA-rated shows - Beauty and the Beast and Arrow. Beauty and the Beast scored highest among females 18-24; Arrow garnered the highest EA rating among men 18-24, even compared to all the new broadcast-network shows

Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries and More Join Xfinity On Demand
Today Comcast announced the addition of CW programming to Xfinity On Demand. This is the first time CW is making its programming available on Video On Demand, allowing viewers to free up space on your DVR and not have to worry about ever missing one moment of the final season of Gossip Girl. If you're a fan of CW shows, you already know the options for watching the network's shows are pretty limited. In the past, CW fans have only had their PC or tablet to console them if they missed Vampire Diaries by watching on the CW website, but for those who prefer a full-screen experience of Ian Somerhadler, they've often felt slighted. Thankfully, Xfinity TV's CW fans now have a solution.
Starting Oct. 25, Xfinity TV customers can watch the four most-recent episodes from each CW series - including their favorite CW programs the day after they air on live TV - on Xfinity On Demand at no additional charge. This is huge news for CW fans as it is the first time the network has made its shows available on a provider's Video On Demand offering. Xfinity On Demand viewers will be able to catch The CW's top shows including The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, America's Next Top Model, Hart of Dixie, 90210, Arrow, Nikita, Beauty & the Beast, Emily Owens, M.D. and the final season of Gossip Girl.
For the First Time Ever On Demand, Watch the Latest Episodes of The Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl, Supernatural and Other Popular Series
PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK, Oct. 24, 2012 - Comcast and The CW Network announced today they have reached an agreement that brings The CW's popular primetime lineup to Xfinity On Demand. Effective tomorrow, Oct. 25, customers can watch the four most-recent episodes from each CW series - including their favorite CW programs the day after they air on live TV - on Xfinity On Demand at no additional charge. This agreement marks the first time The CW has made its shows available on Video On Demand (VOD) by a multi-service operator (MSO).
"Our customers turn to Xfinity On Demand for the latest and most popular programs, and now we're pleased to add The CW's popular primetime lineup to our offerings," said Matt Strauss, Senior Vice President, Comcast. "We're committed to giving customers access to the best and newest TV shows when they- want, at their fingertips."
John D. Maatta, Executive Vice President, The CW, said, "We're very excited to partner with Comcast to offer our viewers another platform where they can watch their favorite CW shows. With our primetime series now available on Xfinity On Demand, The CW will continue to expand its reach as well as provide our advertisers an opportunity to deliver their message to even more viewers."
Xfinity On Demand viewers will be able to catch The CW's top shows in both HD and SD. Series include The Vampire Diaries,  Supernatural, America's Next Top Model, Hart of Dixie, 90210 , Arrow , Nikita, Beauty and the Beast, Emily Owens, M.D. and the final season of Gossip Girl,
Xfinity On Demand offers the most HD TV shows and movies - with thousands available for free - and a comprehensive broadcast offering that enables Xfinity TV customers to catch up and keep up with shows from additional networks including ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC. With more than 20 million digital TV homes, Xfinity On Demand has the broad reach to help programmers maximize their viewership and promotional activities. The platform also supports Nielsen C3 ratings measurement, proving valuable for programmers and advertisers. Each month, there are nearly 400 million views on Xfinity On Demand; and since its launch in 2003, there have been more than 25 billion views. For more information, please visit
About Comcast Cable - Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA, CMCSK) ( is one of the nation's leading providers of entertainment, information and communications products and services. Comcast is principally involved in the operation of cable systems through Comcast Cable and in the development, production and distribution of entertainment, news, sports and other content for global audiences through NBCUniversal. Comcast Cable is one of the nation's largest video, high-speed Internet and phone providers to residential and business customers. Comcast is the majority owner and manager of NBCUniversal, which owns and operates entertainment and news cable networks, the NBC and Telemundo broadcast networks, local television station groups, television production operations, a major motion picture company and theme parks.
About The CW  - THE CW TELEVISION NETWORK, a joint venture between Warner Bros. Entertainment and CBS Corporation, made its debut on September 20, 2006 as America's fifth broadcast network and is the only network specifically targeting viewers ages 18-34, particularly women, a demographic highly sought after by advertisers. Delivering a total of 30 hours of programming a week, The CW offers a five-night, 10-hour primetime lineup that runs Monday through Friday. In daytime, The CW broadcasts a Monday through Friday afternoon block, and a five-hour Saturday morning animation block.

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