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We Love Comic-Con!

This is just an unofficial fan page, we have no connection
to any conventions, shows or networks.
Link to us at
Back in 1970, they started the San Diego
Comic-Con! There had been other Comic-Cons, such as in New
York, before that, but they all got much more popular in the
70's and beyond. While the focus is always on comics,
today there are a lot of TV- and movie-related events as
well. My 3 older brothers, Pat, Stephen and David
McGlone, were on the original San Diego Comic-Con committee
and worked on it for many years after (I was only 9). My mom
even helped type up the first program! I went to Comic-Con
throughout the 70's and 80's, and my brothers still go
today (I don't live nearby any more, or I would still go).
Also, many of the people running the con are old friends of
Many volunteers for our site have been great
about sending in photos every year, so here they are. Also,
I've scanned in many of the programs I have. More to come! ~
Visit our
Forum for lots more
Comic-Con News!
San Diego
Comic-Con 2017 - A Sea of Streams by
Living in a Post-Comic Book World by
See more articles
about SDCC, interviews and other TV-related themes!
We need more episode guide recap writers, article
writers, MS FrontPage and Web Expression users, graphics designers, and more, so
please email us
if you can help out! More volunteers always
needed! Thanks!
Page update 10/22/21