24 Birthdays From The TV MegaSite

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24 Birthdays List Page

Remember your favorite 24 star's birthday!

Kiefer Sutherland .... 12/21
Elisha Cuthbert .... 11/30
Sarah Clarke .... ?
Dennis Haysbert .... 6/2
Leslie Hope .... 5/6
Carlos Bernard ....10/12
Xander Berkeley ....12/16
Penny Johnson ....3/14
Reiko Aylesworth ....12/9
Sarah Wynter ....2/15
James Badge Dale ....5/1
Kim Raver .... 3/15
Alberta Watson ....3/6
William Devane ....9/5
Jude Ciccolella ....?
Mary Lynn Rajskub .... 6/22
Paul Schulze ....?
D.B. Woodside .... ?
Zachary Quinto  .... 1/1
Karina Arroyave ....7/16
Daniel Bess ....10/8
Richard Burgi ....7/30
Matthew Carey ....4/6
Mia Kirshner ....1/25
Rudolf Martin ....7/31
Jacqui Maxwell ....?
Michael O'Neill ....?
Michael Massee ....?
Vicellous Reon Shannon .... 4/11
Megalyn Echikunwoke ....5/28
Eric Balfour ....4/24
Kim Miyori ....?
Devika Parikh .... ?
Currie Graham .... 2/26
Zeljko Ivanek ....8/15
Silas Weir Mitchell .... ?
Tamara Tunie ....3/14
John Prosky .... ?
Navi Rawat ....?
Kara Zediker ...?.
Dennis Hopper ... 5/17.
Lou Diamond Phillips .... 2/17
Misha Collins .... ?
Sara Gilbert .... 1/29
Billy Burke .... ?
Michelle Forbes ....  1/8
Phillip Rhys .... 6/14
Anthony Azizi ....5/29
Steven Culp .... 12/3
Kevin Dillon .... 8/19

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