Saturday 3/28/15
I spent the weekend catching up on last week's shows and
working on the site. That's pretty much what I do every
weekend ;) I started watching some DVD's, too.
I found this fun photo on the CBS site of Michael
Weatherly (Tony Dinozzo) of "NCIS" and a young Robert Wagner
(who plays Dinozzo's dad). Love it!
We were out late on Friday, so tonight we watched our
news/comedy shows from Thursday and Friday, which are always
Every week Danielle gathers all of the press release and
show information and posts it on our
Forum . She sends it to me, and I edit it down to put on
our Primetime News and
Schedule Pages. This week's Page is
here and
next week's will be
here so
please check them out! There's a lot of info as well as
video clips and photos.
Danielle could really use some help posting articles, so
please let me know if you can help out! It's pretty easy.
I have a new helper, Angie, that's learning to edit the
PR for me and help me post it to the site, so that's great!
Woo hoo!
Sunday 3/29/15
"Once Upon a Time" is always fabulous. I love it. It's
probably my favorite
show on TV. It's just always so
enjoyable. My only complaint at all is that sometimes Snow
and Charming act a bit dumb, and their daughter seems to be
a bit naïve for someone that was a bounty hunter (I mean,
really, how can she live as long as she has, with multiple
foster homes, and be surprised that sometimes parents lie?).
She's known enough fairy tale characters now to know that
they're still human beings. I mean, heck, if Regina can be a
complex person that's sometimes bad and sometimes good, why
not know that your own parents are the same way?
However, I loved the reference to "a guy named Walt."
That was really cute. It was just all so great.
Speaking of Disney, I watched the DVD's that FX sent me
for the new show "The Comedians" starring Billy Crystal and
Josh Gad. Gad was the voice of Olaf in "Frozen," which they
make many jokes about in that show. The show is really funny
and you can read my
review of it. I tweeted to those two guys how much I
enjoyed the show and got a nice reply from Gad, so that was
thrilling! No matter how many actors I get to interview via
the phone, it's still always exciting to hear them, and to
have them reply on social media. I don't know why! I guess
because I'm such a big geek! ;)
I've got about 6 other DVD's to watch now...I'm so busy!
I also watched "The Good Wife." It's so great.
Again my only complaint is that I find it hard to believe
that a seasoned lawyer like Alicia, who's been running for
office, still didn't know that it was a bad idea to tell
these guys no and that Eli had to point it out to her. Those
are not very good political instincts. I enjoyed all that
about their hacked emails, though. That was hilarious.
Again, lawyers should know better because they tend to be
paranoid and worry about litigation. That did happen in real
life, though, with the SONY executives, so I guess there are
still educated people in this day and age who don't realize
that you shouldn't put something in an email that you don't
want the whole world to see. Especially at work! I
mean, really, that's just crazy.
Monday 3/30/15
This morning's conference call with H. Jon Benjamin went
really well. I
was the first called, which is great.
He's always very thoughtful but also funny. Next week I have
a call with Bitten's Laura Vandervoort and Greyston Holt (on
Syfy)! That should be great.
Not that I'm really complaining, but there are so many
now, all of the time. I have about 6 more
transcripts to put up. That and the reviews are really
keeping me busy.
I apologize for not sending out the
daytime soap
newsletters this morning for "General
Hospital," "Bold &
The Beautiful," and "Young
& The Restless." Sometimes I
just don't get around to it on Sundays and Mondays. I
will next week for sure!
I guess Wally Kurth is leaving "General
Hospital" because
"Days of Our Lives" is giving him a contract. Good for them!
You would think that GH would have learned, after what
happened with John Ingle, to give their good people a
contract. They always try to have their cake and eat it,
too. They give contracts to the younger people and then
expect the older ones to work without a contract. Well, this
is what happens...they get grabbed up by other shows that
value them more. It's a shame because he has good story with
Olivia, Alexis and Julian. Maybe they should see if Kurt
McKinney is still around. He was playing Ned before Wally
did, and he's very cute. He still is, too. Or at least he
was a very years back on "Guiding Light" when he reprised
his role as Matt.
Speaking of DOOL, I just read that Paul has turned out to
be John's son.
That's great! I love John and Marlena. I hope
this gives them more story. It seems like the show has a
thing lately about older women and younger men. First Eve
and J.J., and now Adrienne and Lucas (there's a good ten
years between them). I have no problem with it, but I'm not
sure how realistic it is (especially Eve and J.J.). Now, Eve
and Lucas, that I can see. Sorry, but young/good-looking
guys don't go after older women. J.J. is a stud and wouldn't
find Eve attractive. She looks good for her age, but not for
his age. Adrienne, sorry, she's way past it and Lucas is
still great looking. I don't see any chemistry between them.
I'm not trying to be mean or sexist here. That's just the
way the world works. People judge each other on looks, and
they date based on attraction, which is also largely about
looks (especially for guys). I mean, years ago when Tad the
cad slept with Marian on "All My Children," we knew he was
doing it to get her money, not because he was attracted to
her. It just makes no sense with J.J. If he were 16,
then yeah, maybe, because horny teens an have bad judgment and
will sleep with almost anyone. He's no virgin, and
he's in college. It just makes no sense.
I enjoyed this week's "Castle" as always. It's such a fun
Tuesday 3/31/15
This is sure a tough night on TV. The new TVLAND show
"Younger" premieres and also FOX's "Weird Loners." CBS
has this miniseries, too, "The Dovekeepers". So much to
The Daytime Emmy nominations came out today.
I have another new volunteer, Alison, who might help with
posting articles. That will be so helpful!
I'm hoping this other volunteer works out. She had
volunteered to do transcribing, and she was interested in
"Days of Our Lives", so I'm hoping she can do the newer ones
that are so hard to do now. We usually just use this program
that grabs the closed-captioning, but now ABC and NBC have
changed the CC so that it doesn't separate each line of
dialogue into a separate line (they're all clumped together)
and they leave off the actors' names. It's very annoying.
Gisele has been fixing up the GH ones, but we don't have
anyone for the DOOL transcripts. I've been doing a little
bit of editing on them but haven't had time to really do
them right.

I'm excited that I also get to speak with Ben McKenzie
("Gotham") and Josh Gad ("The Comedians") on Monday! Woo hoo!
I spent a great deal of time tonight watching a bunch of
new shows to review. I've still got 4 more DVD's to watch,
and 2 shows online.
Wednesday 4/1/15
Happy April Fool's Day!
message from John Oliver
I mostly stayed off Twitter and Facebook today, so if
there were a lot of April Fool's jokes, I missed them! And
that's fine, LOL!
I watched this new upcoming NBC show "American Odyssey."
It's name is
too vague and not that great (especially when
you consider that there's another new show called "American
Crime," so people are bound to be confused), but the show is
really good. It's very intense and full of action and
adventure as well as political intrigue. I only watched 2
episodes so far...I'll have to watch the rest later. NBC had
5 episodes up for us to watch, but that's just too much. I
have a lot of other things to watch and review, and I'd
rather wait and watch them on TV, not my laptop.
Today was the 52nd anniversary show for "General
Hospital." It was a good episode. They did a very good job
with it (it had a lot of flashbacks to the past, and some of
the current cast played well-known characters from the
past). I don't like the story, though, and I don't watch the
show regularly any more because it annoys me too much, and
there are many other shows I'd rather be watching.
Thursday 4/2/15
I'm still waiting for my Nielsen survey... I hope it
doesn't come after all of the shows are done with for the
I try to put up an animated graphic on our site every
time there's a major holiday... sometimes it's tough.
Tomorrow is Good Friday, and Passover starts. Sunday is
Easter! I couldn't find a graphic that had all three, but I
did find a few that had Passover and Easter, so I just added
the "Happy Good Friday." But it was just a regular
graphic, so I had to go on and add some glitter.
Thank goodness for that site and ones like it, and also
thank goodness for Google images!
Tonight's "Big Bang Theory" sure was funny! I especially
loved all of the
"Doctor Who" and
Star Wars references...
"Backstrom" was awesome. I'm glad that we finally learned
that Valentine is his brother. This show is up against some
successful shows, but it does well in the demographics, so
that's good. I'm afraid that it might be too quirky for some
viewers or that he's too obnoxious. Gregory House was
obnoxious, too, but he was also handsome and roguish, so it
made him more likable. Also, the dialogue was very funny. I
enjoy "Backstrom," but it's not as funny as "House."
Now I'm watching the DVD for "Book of Negroes," which was
a miniseries on BET. It's pretty good, kind of like "Roots"
for today. Of course, this is 40 years later, so it's a lot
more graphic than "Roots" ever was. It's also very detailed
and a really good drama, and probably more historically
accurate to the period than "Roots" was, just because in the
70's they didn't take such care for a TV show. The
acting is great, too! Check out my
I watched "Elementary" as well. It's always a good one to
watch. I loved the ending when he said, "What kind of ice
cream?" That was so cute.
Tonight was a busy TV night for me. I also watched last
night's "Hot in
Cleveland." William Baldwin is just hilarious on that show.
They should give him his own comedy. I really love that
little dog on the show, George Clooney, too! Maybe he should
get his own show, too! ;)
Now I'm watching "Supernatural" which is always great.
Glad to see Bobby back! Great episode.
Sometimes even I get sick of watching TV or typing
online, and right now I've reached that limit. Thankfully,
it doesn't happen too often.
Friday 4/3/15
watched last Sunday's "Battle Creek," which I still mostly
enjoy, although it's not exactly my favorite show. I'm not
sure I'd watch it if Josh Duhamel weren't in it. I try to
watch all TV shows he's in (and movies, too, if I can).
Also, I watched a few episodes of "General Hospital" from
back in November. This whole Luke story is just so stupid.
Pardon my ranting! If he really is just Luke then what about
all of that stuff that happened back in November? Why would
he be
in a strait jacket in the asylum (and they should have left
him there)? Makes no sense.
I finally got around to watching "Younger" on TVLAND.
This is a fun female show. It's by Darren Star, who's done a
lot of soap operas like "Beverly Hills 90210" and "Sex and
the City." It's about a woman who's 40, whose husband just
left her, and her daughter is in college, so she goes back
to work in the publishing field after taking off 15 years.
It's cute, funny, and has fun characters. It's not terribly
realistic. She seems to have lived in a cave for 15 years. I
find it hard to believe that anyone who has a teenager in
this day and age wouldn't be full aware of what Twitter and
many other things are. She seems close to her daughter, so
she would have picked up some of the pop culture and
youth-oriented references that she doesn't seem to know. I
mean, I'm 53, and although I don't have kids, I'd like to
think that I would still keep in touch with what's going on
in the world. She ends up lying that
26 to get a job, which makes very little sense because she
looks at least 30, IMHO, and also if you do that, then you
truly have to start at the bottom. I mean, if this older
woman she got a job with hates the younger women so much,
why wouldn't she just tell her that she's older, and that
way she'd have her experience and get an even better job?
Some of the old versus young things are very funny and real,
though, like not understanding tattoos. I just love Sutton
Foster, who stars in it. She was wonderful on "Bunheads." I
hope she gets to sing or dance in this one, too, as she's a
great Broadway star.
You can find my older blog posts at
- My personal blog, which is not about TV.
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Page updated 4/5/15