The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #154

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The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #154

Thursday, December 25, 2014

I hope everyone had a nice Christmas! Ours was great. This blog will be a little longer than usual because I had to play "catch up" last week!

I made myself a nice TV-theme Christmas wallpaper slideshow. If you type any TV show's name and "Christmas wallpaper" in Google images, then you'll see lots of great Xmas desktops to use, for most shows. Mine had Buffy and Angel (from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel"), Brennan and Booth (from "Bones"), Peanuts characters, "Star Trek" characters, Robin and Patrick (from "General Hospital") and more.

I've been watching a lot of Lifetime holiday movies. They have a lot of them On Demand.

I watched the new "Doctor Who" Christmas special! It was really good. Much better than the regular season was, in fact. I actually liked The Doctor again. It was a good mystery and had fun in it.

Friday, December 26, 2014

I didn't watch much else today besides watch more Lifetime holiday movies. I'm so far behind on everything else, watching-wise!

All of our regular shows are in re-runs....

Saturday, December 27, 2014

We tried to find some good comedy to watch, since my husband is off work and has more free time to watch TV. I went to the Comedy Central On Demand section, to see if they had any good stand-up, but nothing we found was very funny. Too bad!

We're going to see Bill Maher live on New Year's -- we always watch his show on HBO, so it'll be fun to see him live. Hopefully it won't just be the same old jokes that he has on his show. We saw Dennis Miller years ago and there was quite a bit of repeat jokes from when we saw him on TV.  And that was back when he was funny! Before he became just an old right-wing jerk who lost his sense of humor.

We ended up just listening to music on the cable channels that play music from the 70's, 80's, etc. I only like the oldies pop/rock stations, and the seasonal station, and the showtunes and classical stations, but my husband also likes the country and rap stations. Yuk.  But we were both pretty tolerant tonight and just listened to mostly the 70's station.

Check out This week's Primetime News and Schedule Page! Next week's ist here and should be all filled by Monday at the very latest...

Sunday, December 28, 2014

This week I plan to catch up on my reviewing new shows, and the DVD's etc.! I caught up on a lot of other work today...

I watched half of this 4-part series on the Sundance Channel called "One Child". It's really good so far! It's On Demand so you can watch it even if you missed it before.

I also watched "The Mentalist", which I never miss. I love that show. I'm so going to be sorry when it's gone. I can't get enough of Simon Baker, and especially as Patrick Jane.

I notice that Drew Carey will be hosting "The Late Late Show" all next week, and then the ladies of "The Talk" will be hosting it the week after that!  Filling in until they get the new host, I guess.

Every week I look at all of the talk show guests, to see if someone who's on one of the shows we cover is appearing, so I can put it on our pages... I have to admit that when I see the guests for "Last Call with Carson Daly", I don't know who most of the people are! I guess there are a lot of musical guests...I'm too old to know them!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Tonight I watched "Major Crimes", which is always a favorite of mine. Last week's was a lovely Christmas episode - so much fun! I loved it. This week's was another gripping drama. Great show!

I stayed up late updating a bunch of pages...nothing new :)

We have a great new volunteer, Suzan D., who sent me "Smallville" transcripts that she worked hard on transcribing (we're missing a few from the last two seasons). It'll take me a few days to put them all up, but we're sure glad to have them.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I enjoyed another great episode of "The Librarians". Love it!! What a cast, too. Some of my favorite actors, like Matt Frewer and John Larroquette. However, it does make me miss "Warehouse 13" a lot more...

What are your new year's plans? Anyone just stay at home and watch the music shows and other holiday fare, or do you actually go out? We usually stay home, but we're going out this year! I can't wait...

I don't follow the soaps regularly any more, but I catch bits and pieces here and there while I run the Daytime Transcripts. It was great seeing the new year's episode of "General Hospital". I love Anna with this new guy, even though he seems not to like her. She hasn't had a "new guy" in quite a long time. It's always been Robert, Duke or Luke for a very long time. It's about time! I have to admit that I kind of like Duke and Lucy together, too. It was nice to see most of the couples happy, at least for one night.

No "General Hospital" or "Days of Our Lives" on Thursday.  Wednesday GH and Thursday "Bold & Beautiful" are re-runs. Everything else is new episodes!

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

I was busy most of the day with new year's stuff.  It was great seeing Bill Maher. He's even funnier in person than on TV. We had very good seats, just a few rows away - orchestra, Row D.

Later on, after midnight, I decided to treat myself to some David Tennant and finally watch "Broadchurch". I'm a big fan of "Gracepoint" but didn't want to watch the original until all of "Gracepoint" had finished. It does seem almost the same. Kind of weird! I do love Tennant a lot, though, and I'd watch him in almost anything. No Nick Nolte or Anna Gunn, though....that's too bad.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Some of my favorite shows are returning this coming week, like "The Good Wife" and "Gotham"! I'm also really looking forward to "Galavant", although I'm disappointed that it's only 4 episodes. I hope it's really successful and they then decide to make it into a regular series. I've loved the promos I've seen so far.  It's a musical; it's set in medieval or fairy-tale-like times; it stars Timothy Odmundsen; it has John Stamos and Ricky Gervais. What's not to love? Plus it looks funny.

I've been proofreading these Season 10 "Smallville" transcripts still... So it's weird when I turn on "The Young & The Restless" and see Justin Hartley! Hey, what's Oliver Queen doing on Y&R? :) Of course in one way he'll always be Fox to me (from "Passions").  And yes, sorry, Stephen Amell, I love ya on "Arrow", but Justin Hartley's the real Oliver... I really miss "Smallville" and Tom Welling. I'm going to have to check out his movie "Draft Day" and the upcoming "The Choice".

Well, after typing that, I thought, "Hmm, I wonder what else Tom Welling and the other Smallville actors are up to?" So I ended up finding lots of info and updating our Smallville Appearances Page! Two hours later...LOL!

You can see everything that's posted on our site, every day, on our What's New page.

Any new year's resolutions? I always break them....even TV-related ones, like, "watch fewer shows" or "get caught up" etc.

Let's hope that 2015 is a great year!

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Chronicles - My personal blog, which is not about TV.

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