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The General Hospital Fan Fiction Page

Fun General Hospital Stories!

"Autumn in Oyster Bay"
A Love Story
Chapter 4
By Camille

Izzy climbed the antique oak stairs to the second floor  of the farmhouse, then pulled down another, slimmer, flight which led to the loft where she slept.

Ned and Jax followed close behind her. She paused briefly on the second floor to tell the men, “Second floor is mostly for my library and collections and my business office and of course, the guest rooms. I’m taking you to my personal space now. “

Ned glanced first at Jax, then Izzy, clearly surprised, for his cousin Izzy had always been a notoriously private person when it came to her personal life.

“It’s always summer in New England in here,” she told them before opening the door of her loft bedroom. “Reminds me of those summers at Cape Cod....and the Hamptons.... before I had any idea that everyone didn’t live this way, and how incredibly fortunate I was to be able to, considering the dubious finances of my branch of the family.”

The room was awash in blue and white and radiated happiness and light. The mahogany bed was strewn with quilts and blankets and tufted pillows. The bedside table held an old brass lamp and a pile of old books, along with a vase of fresh wildflowers and roses from the last of Izzy’s summer garden. The walls held vintage prints from area shops, along with some of Izzy’s own works, all in an eclectic collection of mismatched frames that all seemed to somehow belong together. A mahogany secretary stood in one corner, and held stationery, crested writing papers, ink wells of various colors of ink, a large quill pen, calligraphy accessories, and an elegant cut glass carafe that Ned was sure contained some cordial or other for Izzy’s nightly ritual before bed. In the other corner stood a magnificent mahogany birdcage, belonging to Samson, Izzy’s beloved parrot -- a Hyacinth blue Amazon, he was truly a sight to behold when he was actually in his cage, as he currently was...... but upon seeing Izzy, Samson promptly hopped onto the wrist she offered and quickly moved to perch on her left shoulder, positioned between Izzy and the two men, as if to protect her.

Izzy laughed and stroked one of his wings gently. “Gentlemen, this is Samson.”

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