Georgie Jones - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Character Descriptions Pages

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Georgie Jones
Played by
Lindze Letherman
By Laurie

Georgie was the daughter of Felicia and Frisco Jones and also the younger sister of Maxie Jones.  Police Commissioner Mac Scorpio was Georgie’s stepfather.  Georgie and Robin Scorpio were cousins.  Georgie was once married to Dillon Quartermaine.  The two divorced after a brief time but remained friends.  Georgie had quite a crush on Spinelli.  The two of them became close and trusted friends.  Georgie wanted more from the relationship, but Spinelli was clueless as to how she felt about him.

Georgie Jones was an intelligent and honest young woman.  She was a student at Port Charles University.  She planned on spending her junior year studying in Europe.  Georgie also worked as a waitress at Kelly’s.  Even though Georgie was the younger sister, she always took care of Maxie.  Georgie always forgave Maxie’s shortcomings.  Always the loyal one, Georgie never turned her back on family or friends.  She spoke up for herself and for those she cared about.

Sadly, Georgie was a victim of the Text Message Killer, Diego.  She was strangled in the park.  Her close friend, Spinelli, discovered her body.  Georgie’s life affected many people.  Her death will not soon be forgotten. Her family mentions and remembers her often.

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