Diane Miller - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Character Descriptions Pages

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Diane Miller
Played by Carolyn Hennesy
Written by Laurie

Diane is a smart and well-dressed attorney. She worked for Sonny for a while. Diane and Alexis are good friends and briefly worked together in Diane's law firm Mason, Petrovich, and Miller

Diane has never been married and has never discussed any relatives. She dated Max for a long time. They were very compatible, but eventually Diane wanted a change in her life, so she quit working for Sonny and broke up with Max. She had become a best-selling author and gossip columnist, working for the former mayor Floyd. She went on tour for her book, "The Secret Life of Damien Spinelli".

Diane lives at the Metro Court Hotel. She seems to be afraid of commitment of any kind, preferring to have meaningless sex and spending most of her money on a luxurious lifestyle (especially shoes).

Diane has defended Sonny and Jason, and their immediate family and friends, many times. She is very outspoken and often gives unwanted advice. She is quick to point out that she is one of the few women that has not fallen for Sonny's charms.

Recently, Diane started dating Mac Scorpio. She is very good friends with Alexis and Kate.

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