Suzanne 7/20/04
Brooke will realize she really does love Nick, but it may be too late by that
time. He will be involved with Felicia.
Caitlin's involvement in Forrester causes problems for her parents.
Sally supports Darla in her crusade against Ridge.
Eric will continue to support Ridge and Stephanie will continue to support
Thorne, causing problems everywhere.
Ridge and Darla will be trapped somewhere together and have to deal with their
problems disliking each other.
Thomas will do something sneaky to undermine Rick's involvement with Caitlin,
with Amber's help.
by Suzanne 6/14/04
There's a rumor on that Susan Flannery (Stephanie) is gay and quite
open about it (news to me!).
by Susann 6/10/04
Humor from the Web:
Due to Ridge's propensity for gripping Brooke's head with his huge hands,
she has a new nickname:
"The Clothespin" You squeeze her head and her legs pop open!
Quotes from Discussion Boards:
"Brooke has sex where other people drink or shop or obsessively clean
"I am so sick of Brad Bell's stupid storytelling that makes no sense, and
his constant on again, off again Brooke/Ridge relationship. Move on Brad,
you're boring as hell."
"Brooke better start using chapstick on those lips of hers, they're
a quite a workout!"
"Ridge wanting to raise that baby as his own was not an act of good
character. He just wanted to obliterate all traces of Nick from his
"Why does everyone think Ridge is so childish, selfish, and egocentric for
wanting to adopt Nick's baby while they simultaneously maintain that Nick
flawless in his intentions to adopt Hope?"
Rumors from the Web:
Rumor has it that there's more to Nick's character than meets the eye. Is
he really the good guy he seems to be? Is he really even a Marone? Is
Jackie really who she says she is? Or is she just an opportunist who saw
good way to make sure her son was set for life?
Why did Massimo choose Deacon, a man he detests, to keep an eye on his
Did he set Deacon up? Does he really have someone else watching Deacon?
It could get very ugly.
Why does Nick want Brooke so badly? He seems to be such a level headed
who doesn't put up with any nonsense. If anyone dishes out nonsense, it's
Brooke. Why would he want to be married to a woman who obviously is still
in love with another man? He wouldn't have to marry her to be a part of
baby's life. Is there something else going on here? We know about his
business problems with Marone Industries now. But is there something
This Nick person is an enigma for sure.
2002 |
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