Learn about the BBT Characters!
Leonard Hofstadter
- Leonard is arguably the most normal of the four guys on the show. He tries
to be more social and less of a geek. He works as a physic professor at Cal
Tech and shared an apartment with Sheldon. He dated Penny (until later in
the series). Although he tries
to hide his geek interests in scifi, comic books, gaming et al. he is just
as into those things as his friends. He's probably the most insecure,
though, in many ways, and he also has many health problems. |
Sheldon Cooper
- Sheldon is the alpha nerd in the group. He is the smartest and always has
to be right and have the last word. He doesn't always understand normal
human emotions and sometimes lacks empathy for others. He has a hard time
understanding some types of humor, particularly sarcasm. Even though he is
very smart, he lacks some real understanding about the real world. Like all
of the guys on the show, Sheldon is a huge fan of Star Trek and comic books.
He is a professor of physics at Cal Tech. He was a child prodigy and
graduated early from school. He went to college very young as well. Amy was
his girlfriend and Leonard is his best friend (for most of the series). |
- Penny was a waitress at the Cheescake Factory. She's originally from
Nebraska and moved to California to pursue her dreams of becoming an
actress. She is not as educated as the guys is frequently seen as dumb, yet
she has more social skills and common sense. She dated Leonard, despite how
different they are. She tried to take classes so she wouldn't feel stupid
and also tried to give the acting profession a serious try. Leonard has been good for her self-esteem. She pals around with the
two other girls, Bernadette and Amy, and she also is friends with all of
Leonard's guy friends. Leonard and Penny are married now, and she became
successful in her new career, selling pharmaceuticals for Bernadette's
company. |
Howard Wolowitz
- Howard used to think of himself as a ladies' man, but he really
came over as completely creepy and weird when he hit on women. He
lived with his mother for most of his life, and they had a creepy
relationship. Howard is the only one of the men without a PhD. He has a
Master's degree in Engineering and worked in the same physics department
as the others. Howard works on projects for NASA and went into space to
the International Space Station. He married Bernadette, a
microbiologist. Although all four guys are friends, Raj is Howard's best
friend. Howard and Bernie have children now. Raj
lived in their garage for awhile. Sheldon really looks down on Howard because
he's "only" an engineer. |
Raj Koothrappali
- Like all of the guys here, Raj is very smart and works at CalTech in
the Physics department (as an astrophysicist). He is extremely shy
around women and used to have trouble even talking to them unless he was drunk. Raj is
from India and often says strange things that don't come out right. Raj
and Howard are good friends. However, since Howard got married,
Raj has also become close friends with comic book store owner Stuart.
Raj's rich parents used to pay for everything, but now Raj is living on
his salary instead. He lived in a room over the garage at Howard and
Bernie's house for awhile. |
Bernadette Rostenkowski
- Bernadette worked with Penny as a waitress while she finished her
Microbiology graduate degree. She is married to Howard, although they
had a rocky road together before finally tying the knot before he went
off into space. She has become friends with Penny and Amy, since they
are all with the guys in the group. Bernadette works for a
pharmaceutical company. She's had two children with Howard. |
Amy Farrah Fowler
- Amy dated and then married Sheldon. She is a neuroscientist and very smart, like
Sheldon, with some of the same lack of social skills. However, Amy wanted
more of a physical relationship, but Sheldon has a lot of trouble with
that sort of thing. They finally did have sex and became engaged,
and then they had their wedding. Amy has had a crush on
Penny as well. Amy and Sheldon won the Nobel Prize. |
Bloom - Stuart runs a comic book store in Pasadena that the guys
visit often. He has become more a part of their group and is
close to Raj. His background is design, not science, but he is smart and
knows everything about comic books. Stuart has better social skills than
most of them and dates more, but he often feels like a loser and is very
lonely. When Howard went to space, Raj took his place in the group.
Stuart lived for a while with Howard and Bernie, helping to take care of their baby.
He finally got a regular girlfriend in the last season. |
Mrs. Wolowitz
was Howard's loud, obnoxious and over-bearing mother. We heard her raspy
voice from another room, but we never saw her. She was very needy
and still treated Howard like a boy. She acted like the quintessential
Jewish mother. Although we never saw her, she was described as quite large.
She passed away in Season 9 (as did the actress who played her).
Howard and Bernie live in her house. |
Priya Koothrappali
- Priya is Raj's sister, a Harvard-trained lawyer. She and Leonard
used to date, and she returned to town in the 4th season. We also saw
her some in the 5th season. She was very jealous of Penny and didn't
approve of Leonard and Sheldon's co-habitating. She tried to keep her
relationship with Leonard secret, since her parents didn't approve. |
Kripke is another physics professor at Cal Tech. He has a slight
speech impediment and long-time rivalry with Sheldon. Barry likes to
mock others (especially Sheldon) and hits on every woman he meets. He's
a brilliant scientist but lazy. |
Kibbler is a shy, gentle, boring professor of geology at Cal Tech.
He had a crush on Amy. He seems more interested in rocks than anything
else. He briefly had a girlfriend named Rebecca. |
Wheaton is a real-life actor, but he plays a sitcom version of
himself on the show. He finds Sheldon and his friends annoying. He looks
down on them and insults them frequently. He and Sheldon have a
rivalry. Eventually Wil makes friends with all of them. Wheaton seems to
be playing a slightly meaner, more immature and less successful version
of himself. |
Sweeney is Raj's girlfriend for a few seasons. They met through a
dating site. She likes scary movies and has a weird sense of humor. In
the past, she had a blind date with Howard. She and Penny don't get
along. Raj breaks up with her in order to date another girl. She got
back together for a while but then broke up again. |
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Page updated 9/5/21