Questions & Answers with Daniel McVicar
1. What other projects do you have going on besides B&B?
[Daniel McVicar] I am always working on something. I am finishing
up a short film that I directed "Always a First Time". This comedy
short tells the story of first dates, first times and misunderstandings. It
should be finished soon and then make the festival circuit.
2. What are your hobbies?
[Daniel McVicar] My hobbies....always a strange question to answer.
I am not much into arts and crafts or coin collecting, but I do paint and
play golf.
3. Do you have any pets?
[Daniel McVicar] Not now, my dog Houligan was part of my life for many
4. What was your first acting job and how did you like it?
[Daniel McVicar] I loved it, of course, it was an acting job! I
first worked at Boulder's Dinner Theatre in Boulder Colorado. I played
Elvis the Pharoah in what was then a brand new production of "Joseph and His
Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat". We opened three days after Elvis had
died. Interesting night, and a good show.
5. Who inspires you (in either work or personal life)?
[Daniel McVicar] These days I am inspired by the people that I work with
and am involved with personally.
6. What is your favorite color?
[Daniel McVicar] Blue...or is it green. On some days I love a good
burnt orange.
7. Do you have any advice for aspiring actors?
[Daniel McVicar] Don't do it. Now, having said that, if you are
still ready to go, you have some of the determination necessary. So follow
your dreams, stay focused, keep studying. Or as Cary Grant told
William Holden "Get a tan."
8. What is your favorite place for vacation?
[Daniel McVicar] Anywhere with a calm warm sea to swim in.
9. What was your best subject in school?
[Daniel McVicar] Algebra
10. How many brothers and sisters?
[Daniel McVicar] I am the fourth born of twelve children, seven boys,
five girls.
Page updated 8/21/14
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