Bold & The Beautiful Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The Bold & Beautiful Characters Pages

B&B Character Description

Stephanie Forrester By Matt

Stephanie Forrester was a high-class woman in a high-class neighborhood, which made her cling to her marriage more than anything.  She was aware of Eric’s wandering eye and did her best to curb that habit.  She was attracted to Clarke Garrison a young, (well…back then) new fashion designer at Forrester and even considered an affair, but eventually decided against it.  She immediately disliked Brooke Logan, mainly because she was Beth Logan’s daughter, who had competed with Stephanie for Eric back when they were in college.  She deterred Brooke and Ridge’s relationship, but shot herself in the foot, because Brooke and Eric eventually developed feelings for each other. 

Stephanie fought Eric bitterly in their divorce in 1990, but eventually it happened.  She painfully watched Brooke and Eric marry.  Stephanie’s health became an issue after she had a stroke and temporarily lost her memory.  She lived with homeless people but eventually was reunited with her family.  Later she videotaped Ridge and Brooke have sex in the Forrester lab to help break up Eric and her.  Then, she watched Brooke and Ridge marry, and forced a smile after that wedding.  Stephanie also had something to say about Eric’s next wife, Sheila Carter.  The two never got along and Sheila even tried to kill Stephanie by drowning her.  Sheila also switched Stephanie’s calcium pills with mercury pills and drove her to insanity.  She recovered though. 

Much later, Stephanie and Eric were to be remarried, but during the ceremony, the preacher and Stephanie saw a picture of Eric and Lauren in a not so appropriate position.  Stephanie didn’t go through with the wedding.  After a second stroke, caused by finding out Brooke and Thorne were a couple, Eric and Stephanie were married though again she had no recollection of Brooke and Thorne’s relationship.  After Macy was presumed dead, Stephanie found out the truth and kicked Thorne out of the family.  She also tried to abort Morgan’s baby with Ridge by spiking her tea with a drug.  She failed and didn’t interfere anymore with that.  In 2001, Morgan tried to kill her by drowning her in the bathtub, but Eric rescued her.  Later, she conspired with Massimo Marone, a college boyfriend, to get Brooke out of the picture.  It only worked temporarily, but after Ridge stayed with Taylor, Stephanie gloated that Brooke was out of their lives forever. 

After Ridge had an accident, Stephanie found out that Massimo was his biological father.  Mass found out, but Stephanie convinced him to keep it under wraps.  After Eric chose to take Brooke’s side in a family fight, Stephanie left Eric.  She lived with Massimo temporarily, but eventually moved back into the guest house.  Stephanie played an integral part in making sure Brooke married Whip to protect Bridget from the truth.  She and Bridget helped deliver Brooke’s baby at Big Bear.  After that, Stephanie and Brooke worked as a team to bring up Hope and to repair Brooke’s character. 

Things turned sour after Taylor died.  Brooke’s involvement with Ridge infuriated Stephanie.  She couldn’t stop it though.  To make matters worse, Mass told Ridge that he was his real father, despite Stephanie’s threats about revealing the truth.  Ridge was initially angry with his mother, but got past it and agreed to keep the truth from Eric.  Eric and Stephanie recently renewed their wedding vows and took a honeymoon to Australia.  Things came to a head when Brooke found out about Ridge’s paternity.  She wanted to spill the beans to Eric, but eventually Stephanie came clean on her own.  Eric promptly left Stephanie to live in the big house all alone.  She recently invited Bridget to live with her.      

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Page updated 3/27/23

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