One Life to Live Transcript Tuesday 4/30/13
Aired on OWN on 7/16/13
Episode #2 ~ Back From the Dead
Provided By Suzanne
Téa: [Panting] Todd, where is she?
Todd: They're working on her.
Blair: Do they know anything? What? What's going on?
Téa: They're working on her.
Blair: Oh, God.
Todd: Jack.
Blair: Come on.
Dorian: You and this pathetic little rag have gotten so many things wrong, I hardly know where to begin.
Viki: [Sighs]
Dorian: It's clear you know absolutely nothing about Homeland Security, or the Intelligence Committee. Y-you're clueless about how Washington works.
Viki: Well, I grant you, I am completely baffled by one thing.
Dorian: Mm.
Viki: How you, a Junior Senator, with absolutely no experience in intelligence, ended up on the Intelligence Committee.
Dorian: Whatever. [Chuckles] So... Print a retraction.
Dr. Jordan: Dani appears to have suffered some type of overdose. We're pumping her stomach. Does anybody know what she could have taken?
Cutter: Whoa. Whoa. Where do you think you're going?
Man: Anywhere but here.
Cutter: What? You' re booked until 2:00 A.M.
Man: The vibe is dead, man.
Cutter: Dude. I-I thought you liked a challenge.
Man: I don't do ODs.
Cutter: [Sighs]
Nurse: You can't be here, Sir. Sir, you have to get out of here. Sir.
Viki: Oh, Dorian. Please don't make me laugh.
Dorian: There's nothing funny about losing a libel suit.
Viki: [Chuckling] Well, that's not going to happen. My reporter's sources are backed up. We have the smoking gun.
Dorian: Oh, please, spare me the Watergate conspiracy routine.
Viki: Dorian, we have the airline manifests of rendition flights to black sites. We got them from the young CIA staffer who gave them to you. There will be no retraction.
Dorian: Does it make a difference that I gave those documents to the chairman and vice chairman of the committee months ago?
Viki: May I quote you on that?
Dorian: Don't you dare! Viki, stop it! This is a matter of national security.
Viki: No, actually, I see this as a first amendment issue. The people of this country have the right to know if their government is doing something illegal. If you're saying there is a cover-up - -
Dorian: No, I am not! Stop twisting my words. I mean, I've got N-N - - stop it! Really, I-I-I-I've got this entire situation under control.
Man: Where the hell's the music? I want my money back.
Diego: Hey, back off, man.
Cutter: No, no, hey, hey. He's right. He's right. Look, you paid for a good time. You guys paid for a good time - - that's what you're gonna get.
Crowd: Yeah!
Cutter: Do not let them leave.
Diego: What do you want me to do- - lock the door?
Cutter: Just keep them here.
[Indistinct shouting]
Man: What's going on!?
[Dance music plays]
Rama: what are you doing?
Cutter: I got to keep them here.
Rama: How?
Cutter: Pour.
[Music continues]
Cutter: Like that.
Rama: But it's going everywhere.
Cutter: Like this. Do it.
Rama: Oh, my God!
[Using continues]
Cutter: Hey! Hey, everyone. You guys see this pretty young lady over here? Free shots, on the house.
[Crowd cheers]
Cutter: And we always treat you right.
Dorian: I did the right thing. You may not want to believe it, but I did. No, you want to go ahead and make one big, messy scandal out of this because, most of all, you want to ruin me.
Viki: Oh, Dorian, you don't need me for that. You did that all on your own.
Todd: Our daughter's on drugs.
Téa: No, no, absolutely not. That's impossible.
Matthew: She was taking Oxy.
Dr. Jordan: How much?
Matthew: I don't know. I took her stash. She must've had more.
Dr. Jordan: Apparently she did.
Téa: Wait, wait, wait. You knew Dani was taking OxyContin.
Todd: You didn't?
Téa: How long has this been going on?
Matthew: I don't know.
Téa: Why didn't you tell me?
Matthew: She's my friend.
Téa: Friends don't let friends get to the point where they have to have their stomachs pumped!
Blair: Would you get us some water, please?
Téa: I don't want any water! I want to know why you let my daughter do drugs!
Matthew: I didn't let her, okay?
Todd: Leave the kid alone, okay? He's not the shitty parent here - - you are.
Téa: I'm sorry. Did you say something to me, Todd Manning?
Viki: Oh, come on, Dorian. Since when do you trust a couple of men - - politicians, no less, to do the right thing? That's not the Dorian I know.
Dorian: Speaking of doing the right thing, Senator Cohen will want to validate those documents, so he'll be asking you for your second source. You do have a second source, don't you?
Viki: My reporter knows his stuff.
Dorian: A non-denial denial. You're gonna regret printing those lies about me. I'll be exonerated, and I will bring you down... And your little newspaper, too.
[Cell phone rings]
[Cell phone beeps]
Viki: Hello.
Clint: I take it Dorian didn't fully appreciate the article.
Viki: Okay. Clint, we have to go to the hospital, right now.
Téa: Why are you even here?
Todd: Dani called.
Téa: Don't you live in Port Charles now?
Todd: I figured she needed some help.
Téa: Why would she do that?
Todd: Well, apparently, her mother wasn't involved.
Jack: Why do you always have to make things worse?
Blair: Hey, Jack - -
Jack: No, you show up, and everyone starts freaking out. It was seeing you. That's what made Dani collapse, not some stupid pills!
Blair: Stop it. We're all upset, okay? Let's take a deep breath. Come. Come.
Téa: Jack's right - - bad things start happening when you're around.
Todd: Oh, so this is my fault? Okay, I could tell from thousands of miles away that something was wrong.
Téa: Oh, you're playing the sensitive-dad card now, are you, Todd?
Todd: You didn't even know she was taking drugs. She O.D.'ed. What the hell kind of a mother lets her own daughter get so high that she can kill itself? What?
Victor: Hey!
Téa: Todd!
Victor: You lay off of her.
[Both grunting]
Téa: Now, come on, Todd! Stop it! Stop!
Matthew: Todd Manning.
Security Guard: Hey, hey! Mr. Manning, settle down.
Téa: [Crying] oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You're here! You're alive! How are you here?!
Victor: Just let it be enough that I am.
Téa: [Crying] Todd killed you.
Victor: Yeah. What the hell is he doing here?
Téa: Oh, Dani! Oh, God, Victor, I've been the worst mother ever daddy collapsed.
Victor: Yeah. Yeah, I know. I saw her.
Téa: You saw her? They're saying it was drugs, but it - - you can't be. It can't be.
Victor: All right, listen. They're working on her. She's gonna be okay.
Téa: Victor.
Cutter: Tell me you didn't sell that girl anything.
Man: I didn't sell that girl anything.
Cutter: Good. Keep it that way.
Rama: There's a guy in the VIP lounge who wants a free bottle. What you want - -
Cutter: Just give it to him.
Rama: No, he's already drunk.
Cutter: Great. And maybe he won't remember how much tonight sucked.
Rama: What's really wrong?
Cutter: What you mean - - aside from the fact that the night was a total bust and I'm gonna owe Blair for all this booze?
Rama: It's your first night.
Cutter: And my last.
Rama: What happened today was not your fault, right?
Cutter: Tell my boss that. Who do you think she's gonna blame for Dani getting drugs at my party?
Rama: Did you sell Dani the drugs?
Cutter: Of course not.
Rama: Okay, then you have nothing to worry about.
David: [Chuckles] Dorian, I'm definitely not editing around that expression.
Dorian: That sow! That cow! That bitch!
David: Told you going to see Vicki would just get you more worked up.
Dorian: [Breathes sharply] What are you looking at?
David: Nothing.
Dorian: Come on.
David: It's nothing.
Dorian: What is it?
David: You don't want to see it.
Dorian: Ohh, dear. What is it? The New York Times? The Wall Street Journal? Oh, no, no. Anything but the Huffington Post.
David: Ah, it's the banner.
Dorian: Oh.
David: They got the CIA documents on the website.
Dorian: Huh? Did they also post the leaked airline manifest?
David: They gotta lot more than that. They got dates. They got locations - - pretty convincing.
Dorian: Merde, merde, merde!
David: Oui, oui, oui.
Dorian: Why? Why? Why? Why? You know, I don't understand why Sidney and Frank haven't called me yet. We have got to... coordinate our response, hmm?
David: You have to stop worrying about Sidney and Frank. It's officially "save your own ass" time.
Dorian: Yeah.
Viki: Todd! I heard about Dani. Is she okay?
Clint: What happened?
Todd: Overdose.
Clint: Oh, my God. I didn't think that she was into that kind of thing.
Todd: Neither did I. But your daughter drunk-dials you, you get on a plane.
Jeffrey: Did you know Dani was partying that hard?
Destiny: Yeah. I'd like to hear the answer to that.
Matthew: No idea.
Jeffrey: You said you took her stash.
Matthew: So?
Jeffrey: That's not a casual term.
Matthew: I knew she got high sometimes, okay? I did, too.
Destiny: You what?
Matthew: I tried it. Who hasn't? But it made me itch like hell. I felt like shit the next day. I-I don't know why she likes it. There's better highs than pain pills.
Jeffrey: Oxy is serious shit. It can be lethal.
Matthew: Yeah, I can Google, too.
Jeffrey: Hey, man, I'm not accusing.
Matthew: Listen, I was worried, okay? I went through her bag. I-I found the pills. I took them. And that's what my dad found in my backpack. She must've had more.
Destiny: Bo found drugs in your bag?
Matthew: Yeah, and I already heard it from him, so shut it.
Destiny: Don't talk to me like that!
Jeffrey: Guys, guys. Come on. Things are tense enough around here as it is.
Destiny: Who are you, anyways, and why are you in our business?
Matthew: This is Jeffrey. Dani and I knew him in London.
Destiny: You're London Jeffrey?
Jeffrey: Just got to town.
Destiny: Well, nice to meet you, but butt out!
Jeffrey: I think she likes me.
Matthew: Yeah, well, you're too busy investigating the CIA, so... And, thanks, by the way, for bringing up the whole stash thing in front of her. You think much?
Jeffrey:I'm sorry.
Matthew: [Sighs]
Clint: How are you doing?
Matthew: Okay. Worried.
Clint: Matthew, please tell me that you're not involved in this drug business.
Matthew: Contrary to what my dad thinks, no. I swear.
Clint: Keep it that way.
Viki: Is Téa in with Dani?
Todd: No. She's with Victor.
Téa: Let's go back in there.
Victor: No, no, no. No.
Téa: Come on.
Victor: If I go in there, I'll kill him.
Téa: Don't do that. You can't do that. Please, don't - - don't do that.
Victor: Listening to him attack you about being a bad mother - - it - -
Téa: No, Victor, Todd is right. I don't even think I want to be a mother anymore.
Victor: Why do you say that?
Téa: Look, we, uh, we can't go through this all right now, okay? All right?
Victor: Son of a bitch stole a year of my life, Téa... Most of it before then.
Téa: Don't do that, okay?
Victor: And it's not just him, you know? It's all of them - - all of those people in there. I can't take it.
Téa: Hey. Hey. Jack is in there.
Victor: He must be going crazy.
Téa: Go to him, please. Please, Victor. Please.
Victor: Okay.
[Door closes loudly]
Téa: Oh! Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey. Hey. We can do this.
Blair: This is taking a really long time. I hope she's – – do you think she's okay?
Viki: Yes.
Dorian: Thank you so much, Senator I really appreciate this. Ha ha! You see? He said, sit tight. They're gonna wait for a response from the White House.
David: Uh-huh. So who you calling now?
Dorian: Oh, he gave me the name of a top-flight Beltway attorney.
David: Now, hold on a second.
Dorian: David, give me the phone back.
David: Why would he give you the name of a Beltway lawyer?
Dorian: Because Vicki is going to be slapped with an enormous libel suit.
David: Or maybe your pal Senator Cohen feels guilty for hanging you out to dry. 5 bucks says that he's setting you up to take the fall.
Dorian: No. No, Sidney would never do that.
David: [Sighs]
Victor: Sit down.
Viki: Jeffrey, I know I sound like a broken record, but you have to reassure me, okay? You did get a second source to confirm that the flight manifests were real, right?
Jeffrey: I promise, boss.
Viki: Good. Good. 'Cause I had a visit from Senator Dorian Lord, and she's throwing around the "L" word.
Jeffrey: "L" word?
Viki: No, "libel."
Jeffrey: Sounds like we hit a nerve.
Viki: Yeah. Thing is, she claims she gave that information to Ashford and Cohen just as soon as she got it.
Jeffrey: No shit?
Viki: Mm-hmm.
Jeffrey: I'm on it, boss.
Clint: Another bombshell?
Viki: Clint, if Dorian's telling the truth, then this is much bigger than we thought.
Matthew: So, who would you say is with Drew?
Destiny: Seriously?
Matthew: I just – – you know, is it your brother?
Destiny: [Scoffs]
Matthew: 'Cause a sitter could be getting expensive.
Destiny: Yeah, well, feel free to chip in.
Matthew: Were you not getting Bo's checks?
Destiny: Yes, I'm getting Bo's checks. Thank God for that and Nora babysitting.
Matthew: They love him.
Destiny: They do. How's the whole living-with-your-parents thing going?
Matthew: I moved out, for your information.
Destiny: Since when?
Matthew: Recently. Jeffrey and I are looking for places.
Destiny: Sounds like it'll be a real party house.
Matthew Wait. Look... I care about Dani.
Destiny: I know. I'm sorry. I just feel shitty I didn't know this whole thing was going on. She's my friend, too.
Matthew: I know.
Victor: Now, you must have a lot of questions.
Jack: Yeah, I do.
Victor: I'm going to answer them when I can, but – –
Jack: Hey. Happy birthday.
Victor: What?
Jack: Dani remembered.
Victor: I missed you guys a lot.
Jack: We've missed you, too.
Blair: Well I certainly hope that's decaf. I know you want to kill him, Todd.
Todd: I thought I already did.
Blair: Violence is not going to solve anything.
Todd And two wrongs don't make a right. Thanks, teach. I should probably go check on my daughter.
Blair: Okay, you know what? We have a son there, too, and he is freaking out, Todd.
Todd: Yeah, I know. You think I don't know that?
Blair: Well, what are you going to do? What's your plan, huh? Yeah, that's what I thought. Why don't you sit down, drink your coffee, and calm down? 'Cause you're not gonna be any good to either one of them. Sit. Please.
Todd: Well, I hope tonight proves to you just how stupid your new business venture is.
Blair: What? I don't know what that has to do with anything.
Todd: You know nothing about running a nightclub.
Blair: You don't know what you're talking about. We had people lined up down the block trying to get in.
Todd: Yeah, the cops will have you shut down by morning.
Blair: For what?
Todd: Drugs.
Blair: Oh, you know, I am – – I'm so sorry about what happened to Dani. I really am. But that has nothing to do with Shelter.
Todd: Are you kidding me?
Blair: No, I'm not. Shelter's not that kind of place.
Todd: Blair, every club is that kind of place.
Blair: No, it's not, Todd. This is Llanview, stupid. It's not Miami. It's not New York. It's not – –
Todd: What possessed you to open a nightclub?
Blair: I was looking for a little excitement, purpose.
Todd: You never tried knitting?
Blair: You're such an asshole.
Todd: I'm sorry.
Blair: You really – – no, you're not.
Todd: Just hold on a second. I'm just – – I'm just worried. That's all.
Blair: So am I, Todd, but you're taking it out on me. And I am sick and tired of trying to talk any sense in you.
Todd: Fine by me. [Scoffs]
Blair: And I tell you what – – I'm not gonna let you take it out on your son, either, okay?
Todd: No, I love Jack.
Blair: And he loves Victor.
Todd: Starr and Jack and Dani – – they're all I have right now. I'm gonna fight like hell to keep them.
Layer: Okay. I'm begging you here – – just once, think before you act, okay? Please.
[Dance music plays]
Rama: Oh, oh! Come on. Come on.
[Music plays]
Cutter: All right.
Rama: Stop.
Cutter: Everybody out. The night's over. Hey, buddy, everybody out. That means you.
Man: Hey, get your hands off!
Cutter: Diego, come here. I said, everyone out.
Diego: Hey, hey, hey. That's it! Nights over.
Man: Easy. Easy.
Diego: Night's over. Let's go. Come on. Let's go here.
Rama: Oh.
Cutter: Desperation does not become you.
Rama: For you.
Cutter: That guy? That guy was gross.
Rama: You told me to keep the party going. I did it for you. We've been so busy, I forgot to congratulate you.
Cutter: For what?
Rama: Sit.
Cutter: Ohh.
Rama: Two. Our first night. Maybe the worst.
Cutter: Hear, hear. Ah.
Rama: Mmm.
Cutter: Is that, like, a traditional Indian toast? Thanks for trying.
Rama: I've danced with worse, you know?
Cutter: You're a liar.
Rama: Dancing cheers people up.
Cutter: I know. I know.
Singer: But is this a beginning? No one will know...
Rama: [Laughs] I can try.
[Music continues]
David: Look, as the house-husband of the Junior Senator from Pennsylvania, I want you to know how proud I am – – how proud I am that you jumped right in and you served your country.
Dorian: Exactly how Sidney feels about me. That's why he went to...
David: God?
Dorian: The president.
David: Of the United States?!
Dorian: Yes.
David: Wait. T-This can't be good, Dorian. Trust me. You are in way over your head on this one.
Dorian: Oh. Heaven help me. You're right. Nobody's going to take my calls. Nobody's going to want to be seen with me. I'm going to be a pariah in Washington. And I mean, all I want to do was – – was, you know, do a good job when it appointed me. And – – – – and – – and now – – it's the pressure, David. The pressure – – is just too much.
David: Hey, you have done great.
Dorian: I won't be doing great. When I'm exposed to the entire world – – falsely – – as – – as having been part of the scandalous cover-up. I mean, Richard Nixon never, never got over the scandal.
David: Sure, he did look at all those great movies they made about him.
Dorian: [Sighs] Honey... I am terrified. And I have been terrified ever since... That woman showed me those documents. Why did she pick me to leak the documents to? Why? I-I just wanted to be the Junior Senator from Pennsylvania, and I am the only medical doctor female serving in the Senate, you know?
David: Is that right?
Dorian: Absolutely, and I wanted to show that people could trust me to do the right thing.
David: You know what your problem is? You're just too good-natured. Your heart is too big. Your too generous, Dorian. It's not your fault that you trusted the wrong people.
Dorian: I did.
David: You know what we need to do? We need to get out of here.
Dorian: Oh?
David: I tell you what – – why don't we, um, go take a walk in the moonlight?
Dorian: Ooh.
David: Maybe we can buy me something nice.
Dorian: [Laughs]
David: Go throw eggs at Viki's carriage house.
Dorian: Oh, goody, goody.
David: Either way. It's a beautiful night.
[Camera shutters clicking]
Dorian: [Gasps]
David: On second thought...
Dorian: Yeah. Get the press off my lawn.
Jeffrey: Jeffrey King. Yes. I'll hold for Senator Cohen.
Blair: Dr. Jordan, how's Dani?
Dr. Jordan: Sedated, but she's gonna be okay.
Blair: [Breathes sharply]
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