Elementary and Sherlock Appearances From The TV MegaSite

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Lucy Liu (Watson, "Elementary" on CBS) has 2 films coming out, including the next "Shazam!" movie. 

Ophelia Lovibond (Kitty) stars in "Minx" on HBO MAX starting Thursday, March 17.

Jon Huertas (Halcon) stars in "This Is Us" Tuesdays on NBC. 

Aidan Quinn (Gregson, "Elementary" on CBS) has 3 movies in the works. He appears Monday, October 25 on "Live with Kelly and Ryan".

Jordan Gelber (Eugene, "Elementary" on CBS) appears in the Netflix series "Insatiable."

John Noble (Morland, "Elementary" on CBS) has a few films coming out.  

(Mycroft, "Sherlock" on BBC) appears in many movies and has a new series, "Sally4ever."

(Sherlock, "Sherlock" on BBC) has many movies coming out, and he will no doubt return as "Doctor Strange" in the Marvel movies.  He narrates this series: SUPER/NATURAL (DISNEY+) [series premiere] · 9/21/22 at 3:01 AM [regularly airs] · wednesdays from 3:01 AM-4:00 AM EST(from Disney+'s press release, August 2022) Executive-produced by James Cameron and narrated by Academy Award(R)-nominated and BAFTA Award-winning actor Benedict Cumberbatch ("Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," "Power of the Dog") this new series will utilize the latest scientific innovations and leading-edge filmmaking technology to reveal the secret powers and super-senses of the world's most extraordinary animals, inviting viewers to see and hear beyond normal human perception to experience the natural world as a specific species does - from seeing flowers in bee-vision to eavesdropping on a conversation between elephant seals to soaring the length of a football field with glow-in-the-dark squirrels.

 Martin Freeman (Watson, "Sherlock" on BBC) stars in "Breeders" on FX. He has many new movies coming out and appears Tuesday, 5/11 on "The Late Late Show with James Corden" on CBS.

(Lestrade, "Sherlock" on BBC) has more films coming out and will appear in the UK miniseries "War of the Worlds."

Louise Brealey (Molly, "Sherlock" on BBC) appears in the new Amazon series, "The Widow."

Amanda Abbington (Mary, "Sherlock" on BBC) has 2 new films in the process and appeared this year on Netflix in "Safe."

(Sherlock, the movies) has been working on "Sherlock Holmes 3"; he has many films coming out in the next few years.  

(Watson, the movies) has many new films coming out and stars in the new series "The New Pope," a sequel to his previous series "The Young Pope." He appears on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" Monday, September 14 on NBC.

(star of "Mr. Holmes") has many new films coming out in 2020.

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Page updated 9/19/22

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