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Arrow Favorite Quotes Page


Oliver on the island in Pilot

Laurel: You and I against an army. I love those odds.

Joanna: Why do you hate me?

Oliver: Are we in trouble?

Robert: One of us is.
Tommy: What did I tell you? Yachts suck.
Walter: I didn't realize you took Russian in college, Oliver.

Oliver: I didn't realize you wanted to sleep with my mother, Walter.
Oliver: That's not very scientific.

Sarah: What would you know about science, Mr. Ivy League Dropout?
Thea: Where did you get these?

Girl: Roxie's. Thank you, Daddy's ACL tear.

Thea: Ollie!

Oliver: No one's called me that in a while, Speedy.

Thea: Worst nickname ever.
Oliver: I have something for you.

Thea: You did not come back from a deserted island with a souvenir.
Tommy: A rock! That is sweet. You know, I want one of those t-shirts that says, "My friend was a castaway, and all I got was this crappy shirt".
Tommy: Have you noticed how hot your sister's gotten? Because I have not.
Tommy: Your funeral blew.

Oliver: Did you get lucky?

Tommy: Fish in a barrell. They were so sad...

Oliver: No...

Tommy: And huggy...And I am counting on another target rich environment for your welcome home bash.

Oliver: At my what?

Tommy: You came back from the dead. This calls for a party.
Tommy: So what'd you miss most? Steaks at the Palm? Drinks at the Station? Meaningless sex?

Oliver: Laurel.

Tommy: Everyone is happy you're alive. You want to see the one person who isn't?
Joanna: It's fun being your friend. I get to say "I told you so" a lot.

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Page updated 10/10/18

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