Wow, I've really been swamped lately. This blog is so late.
Can you believe that the Summer is half over already? Which
show are you most looking forward to returning? "Empire?" "Big
Bang Theory?" "How to Get Away with Murder?" "The
Don't forget that we put up the daily
Transcripts for
the soaps! We all work hard on those, as well as our daytime
Updates and
Best Lines. We have
a lot of great volunteers on our site who help write these
things and more, like News
and Spoilers and
First I went on vacation, and that pushed everything back. I
really fell behind. Then the San Diego Comic-Con happened. I
don't attend (I live too far away), but I have to co-ordinate
things between the network PR people and my associates that
do attend. Then they take lots of photos that I have to put
up. Well, I went to update our
Comic-Con pages
and then realized that I had never put up the 2014 photos!
What an idiot. (In my defense, I was moving last summer, so
I was even busier than usual, so I put it off, and then I
just forgot) So I've been editing last year's photos, and
then after that, I'll have to do THIS year's photos. Ack!
This is a hard time of year for me. I really wish I
could attend all of the cons, but especially the San Diego
one. Maybe next year (it's difficult to talk my husband into
spending the money, which is substantial). I have
three older brothers who started it back when I was little.
My mom even typed up the
program. I used to go every year, after that, well into
the 80's. I went to a lot of cons back in the 70's and
80's. Then we moved away, and I mostly stopped going (I
didn't live near any). In the meantime, people I knew
in San Diego started working on it every year, so now many
of my friends and relatives work on it, including my
sister-in-law's husband. As the con has grown and gotten
more popular (no longer just about comics), just about
everyone I know there, and their kids, goes to it! And
it's everywhere in the media, and so I can't even go on
Twitter or Facebook without reading all about it.
Also, since my job is about TV, and I get many emails about
TV, I also get all of the Comic-Con info that the TV
networks send out. That's a good thing, though, as it gives
us access to some of their special press parties and panels.
Still, it's difficult for me, living far away and not being
able to participate. They also have the New York Comic-Con,
and Wondercon in Anaheim, and many other cons, but I don't
hear about them nearly as much. Then in August they have the
General Hospital
Fan Weekend, which I've been to a few times, which is
also a lot of fun. I really miss it. I know lots of "General
Hospital" fans who attend, and I follow most of the
cast, so I read a lot about it, too. Thankfully, our
volunteer Nikky has been going every year, so she gets us
lots of great photos.
Let's just say, I'll be glad when September rolls around!
LOL! On the other hand, that's when the new Fall season
starts, so I'll be super busy with more
Enough complaining... Ha! Yeah, sure. I'm still
enjoying the same shows: "Defiance" on Syfy, "The
Messengers" and "Beauty
& The Beast" on The CW, "The Whispers" on ABC, "Major
Crimes" on TNT, and "Last Week Tonight" on HBO. The rest I'm
behind on but hope to catch up soon, especially the summer
shows "Teen Wolf" on MTV, "Wayward Pines" on FOX, "Unreal"
on Lifetime, "Dark Matter" on Syfy, "Rizzoli & Isles" on
TNT, and "Mr. Robot" on USA Network. I've been watching new
shows to review, so I have to finish that before I catch up
on the others. A reviewer's job is never done! It's so hard
to keep up. I was really hoping to catch up on the past two
seasons of "Arrow"
as well...
Don't forget that every weekend we put up our
Primetime News
and Schedule!
This week's page is here and
next week's will
be here. Danielle, Angie and I put a lot of work into that,
so please check it out.
I'm very happy to hear that "UnReal" has been renewed! What
a great show that is. I'm glad that "Bitten" is getting a
season 3, too. I'm also happy that "Aquarius" is getting a
season 2. I hope the new "X-Files" next Spring does well,
We only need a couple of more followers on
Twitter to reach
500, so please follow us! We don't even post very often. We
also have
Pinterest and
Tumblr. I just updated both!
Here's a great page that lists all of the current shows
on the major networks as well as the ratings for the whole
year, and which shows were renewed or canceled. It doesn't
include cable shows, though. It's interesting that the
top-rated canceled show was "Stalker" at #60. I know they
used to cancel shows with higher ratings than that. If
they're giving them more of a chance, great! Either that or
they cancel them so fast that they can't possible show up
higher on the chart. Hmmm. It's weird that they
renewed "Marvel's
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", which is far lower in the
ratings than "Forever." I like both shows, but I like
"Forever" a lot more.
Here's something else. The top show this year, "Empire," had
an average of about 13 million viewers. NFL football last
year had an average of almost 18 million viewers! 15 years
ago, the top show was "Survivor" on CBS, which averaged
almost 17 million viewers. In 1980, the top show, "Dallas,"
had an average of almost 28 million viewers! I have no idea,
though, whether pc- or phone-viewing factors into that. I
know they do take DVR viewings into account (within 3 days).
We still need someone to write "Young
& The Restless"
daily updates for us. We have someone who writes them
regularly, but she has health problems and often has to take
time off. Please
email me if you can help out! I used to love this show,
but I haven't watched it regularly in a while. I do think
they've improved it lately, based on what I saw the other

It's a shame that Cady
McClain was written out, though. Kelly was a terrible
character, but she always did a superb job in that role. Although I loved her as
Dixie on "All My
Children," I think her best role was as Roseanna on "As
the World
Turns." Roseanna had a nice edge to her,
but she was still likable.
I'm still watching "The
Bold & The Beautiful" daily, mostly because of the Rick
and Maya storyline (plus it's only a half hour, easy to
watch). Her sister is kinda boring. The new Zende is really
cute, though. I'm not looking
forward to where they go with
the crazy Aly story. I'm glad that Maya has made some peace
with her parents, but it seemed to happen awfully quickly.
Let us know what your favorite shows are! Make sure to
drop by our
Talkin' TV group on Facebook, too! It's a small and
friendly group.
- My personal blog, which is not about TV.
Leave a comment (put the blog date or I won't
know which one you're commenting on)
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Page updated 7/15/15