General Hospital Top Ten From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Top Ten Pages

General Hospital Top Ten Lists!

Top Ten Reasons Sonny and Carly Shouldn't Have Another Baby

by Meghan

*I have nothing against Sonny and Carly, I actually like them quite a bit, however... the below list is based on just my opinion.

10. How many times can you take your child out of the country so people can't kill him?

9. Carly and Sonny never see their son now... what are they going to do with two kids... poor Leticia is going to be a busy woman!

8. Carly did shoot a man who she at one time claimed to love, and landed in a mental hospital.

7. How many father's did poor Michael have to go through until he was settled with Sonny... you have to wonder what Carly will do if she gets mad at Sonny (again)...

6. I have stopped counting the number of times Sonny had smashed their living room to shards of glass! That will need some child proofing!

5. The kid will never have friends... remember what happened to Michael?

4. Having constant bodyguards can't do much for a kid's sense of security.

3. How many times has Sonny been shot?

2. And I'm sorry, but Carly is a little crazy... she did get her beloved husband in trouble with the FBI!

1. At one point or another, both Carly and Sonny have pretended to be dead... poor kid would have tons of psychological problems!

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Page updated 8/5/12

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