General Hospital Top Ten From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Top Ten Pages

General Hospital Top Ten Lists!

Top Ten Sexiest Hunks of General Hospital
by Megan (05-04-05)

10. Shaun Benson (Dr. Steven Webber)--You may not know that Shaun holds a black belt in karate and is also a ballet dancer! Dr. Webber is sweet, smart, and a doctor...what more could ladies want?

9. Wally Kurth (Ned Ashton)--Wally has those adorable dimples that just make women melt...not to mention his own rock band. Kurth and Taylor play charity concerts nationwide.

8. Rick Hearst (Ric Lansing)--Sometimes bad boy, sometimes good boy, Ric could only be a DA in the soap world with his criminal past. Rick is a sweetheart with a wife and two sons...a definite must meet if you get the chance!

7. Scott Clifton (Dillon Quartermaine)--Dillon is a teenage Spielberg wannabe with a heart of gold, despite his family heritage. Scott is a sweetie and keeps his hair as crazy as his character's. He has an amazing voice, great comedic talent, and seeing this guy on stage is a wonderful experience. Although young, he is a definite fan favorite and must see at events like Super Soap Weekend.

6. Ingo Rademacher (Jasper "Jax" Jacks)--Rich, debonair, and charming, Jax is definitely a ladies man in Port Charles. Unfortunately, although extremely desirable onscreen, Ingo leaves a lot to be desired in real life. His dashing good looks and oozing sex appeal is somewhat lessened by his less than stellar, arrogant personality. He could have been at the top of the list for looks alone, but the attitude definitely lessens the appeal.

5. Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos)--Sonny is less than my favorite character these days, especially since he's so overused and on every single day and extremely arrogant, but Maurice does have a great body and amazing dimples. Maurice is a good guy even though Sonny leaves a lot to be desired.

4. Tyler Christopher (Nikolas Cassadine)--Rich, good looking, and a literal prince, Nikolas is every woman's dream. In real life, Tyler is a sweetheart, but seems almost shy in person. He has a great body and give great hugs...definitely someone worth meeting at least once at fan events!

3. Steve Burton (Jason Morgan)--As Jason he is the strong, loyal, silent type, but as himself, Steve is amazingly funny. He has not only a great body, but this look that is just sexy. He is a great guy who adores his wife, daughter, and fans...and makes sure every single fan at his events is completely happy and satisfied...not to mention puts in a little extra time at SSW to make sure even his stand-by fans get to meet him! A must see if at all possible!

2. Greg Vaughan (Lucky Spencer)--Lucky is sweet, loyal, caring, charming, and extremely sexy...Greg is even sweeter and sexier! Greg is an amazingly sweet guy who adores his fans. He also gives great hugs...a must see at every fan event!

1. Ted King (Lorenzo Alcazar)--Contrary to what GH writers and Sonny lovers want you to believe, Lorenzo is not an all out villain. He is the tall, dark, and dangerous type...but he is a mobster with a good heart for people he cares about. Ted King is tall, dark, and handsome, extremely sexy, and just an all around great guy. Yes, this is coming from personal experience. He's got it all...the sexy eyes, they sexy hair, the sexy voice...everything about that man is sexy, from the way he smell to the way he looks at you to the way he hugs you. He is officially the best hugger in the world, and the sexiest man on General Hospital...whether or not you think he's a bad boy.

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