General Hospital Top Ten From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Top Ten Pages

General Hospital Top Ten Lists!

10 Things To Love And Hate About GH Right Now

Written 7/3/02 by Suzanne originally for Bella Online

10 Things to Hate

1. Sonny and Carly
2. Bad hair-Jax, Jason and Laura especially
3. weird Star Trek music during Laura's scenes in the attic
4. PCPD at work (unless Mac is there)
5. Skye believing Edward over Jax
6. Courtney letting A.J. drag her around by the hair (me, A.J., you woman)
7. Alexis losing her baby (no it hasn't happened yet, but you know it will!)
8. Laura and Luke not getting married (because she's leaving the show)
9. Not enough Cassadines or Quartermaines
10. Sarah and Lucky

10 Things to Love

1. Alexis and Ned scenes
2. The attic mystery
3. Carly lying to Sonny again
4. Zander-Liz-Jason triangle
5. Alexis getting her spine back
6. Felicia and Roy
7. Edward being tough and bad again
8. The return of Rick Webber (now bring back Ginny!)
9. Bobbie and Scott
10. Maurice Benard (what's not to love?)

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Page updated 8/9/12

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