General Hospital Trivia Quizzes From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Trivia Quizzes Pages

General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!

Quiz #7
General Hospital Wedding Trivia
by Meghan & Suzanne

  1. Who interrupted the renewal of Alan and Monica's wedding vows?
  2. How many times were Sonny and Carly married?
  3. How many of the men in Port Charles has Brenda been involved with?
  4. Why did Chloe need to get married?
  5. Why did Jax call off his wedding to Brenda?
  6. What color dress did Lucy wear when she married Alan?
  7. What was Tiffany's real name (that came out at her wedding)?
  8. Which relative of Laura's came back to town for her last wedding to Luke?
  9. What did Alexis do when she was supposed to marry Ned?
  10. Which two people were hiding in the church when Jax and Skye got married?




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Page updated 8/2/12

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