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The General Hospital Trivia Quizzes Pages

General Hospital Trivia Quizzes!

Quiz #12
By Megan

How Much Do You Know About...Ted King (Lorenzo Alcazar)

1) Where was Ted born?
a. Bethesda, MD
b. Los Angels, CA
c. New York, NY
d. Las Vegas, NV

2) What name did Ted used to go by in television?
a. T. King
b. Ted King
c. T. W. King
d. Teddy King

3) Which of these shows was Ted NOT on?
a. Charmed
b. Sex and the City
c. Law and Order SVU
d. The Sopranos

4) Which of these actresses has Ted NEVER been involved with onscreen?
a. Kim Cattrel
b. Sarah Jessica Parker
c. Shannen Doherty
d. Vanessa Marcil

5) Which of these has NOT been a character Ted has played?
a. Andrew Trudeau
b. Jack Logan
c. Brad
d. Fred

6) Where did Ted study film directing?
a. NYU
b. Yale
c. Columbia

7) Which is Ted's favorite baseball team?
a. Atlanta Braves
b. New York Mets
c. New York Yankees
d. Boston Red Sox

8) What Soap Opera Digest Award did Ted recently win?
a. Favorite Supporting Actor
b. Favorite Lead Actor
c. Favorite Villian
d. Sexiest Male Actor

9) Which of these occupations has Ted never portrayed?
a. FBI agent
b. arms dealer
c. cop
d. fireman

10) When is Ted's birthday?
a. October 1, 1960
b. October 1, 1965
c. October 13, 1960
d. October 13, 1965



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