2006 Apple Harvest Festival From The TV MegaSite

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October 21-22, 2006

These pictures were taken at the Apple Harvest Festival in Martinsburg, WV with Natalia Livingston.



Pictures and account by Brian

I had the extreme pleasure of meeting Natalia Livingston last month and it was such a wonderful experience. I have attended several soap related events but with Natalia, it was truly like having the opportunity to experience the sweetness and loving nature of the character she plays so well. She is so beautiful and so sweet and it was such an honor to meet such a wonderful person.

My best friend J.J. and I traveled to the Apple Harvest Festival in Martinsburg, West Virginia on the weekend of October 21-22. It is about 3 hours away from home and because the frequency of soap related events nearby is so rare, I planned the trip as soon as I heard Natalia would be there as a featured speaker and parade marshal.

We attended the Bob Elmer Rotary Celebrity Sports Breakfast on the 21st and it is there I had the opportunity to meet and talk to Natalia. She is an unbelievably sweet and incredibly beautiful person. I talked to her before the breakfast and showed her a picture of Chrissy (My fiancée who passed away this September). I told her how much Chrissy loved her character Emily and how she always talked about how out of all the beautiful women on soaps, Emily was the prettiest. Natalia was moved to tears and told me how beautiful Chrissy looked and how she was sorry that they never got the opportunity to meet.

During the breakfast, Natalia spoke as well as Brian Mitchell (a former Washington Redskins player). They both spoke about how they were from small towns and how wonderful and important family and friends are in such places. There was a funny moment when one of the Rotarians walked behind Natalia and got a button on his jacket caught in her hair. The crowd giggled during the two minutes it took to get untangled. When the man spoke later on, he said I guess we know that Natalia’s hair is real. Later, when Natalia spoke, she said that actually she had recently got a really bad haircut and, for the first time ever, she went and got hair extensions. She said that she held her breath and prayed that the extensions would not be pulled out during the whole ordeal.

After the breakfast, Natalia took pictures with J.J. and I and gave us hugs and autographs. It was such a great day.

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