Alice Gunderson - General Hospital Characters From The TV MegaSite

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Alice Gunderson

Played by Bergen Williams

Alice is the live-in maid at the Quartermaine mansion and has worked there since 2001. Although she works for them, she runs the household and does what she wants. They all seem a little bit afraid of her because she's so big and looks mean (except for Lila when she was alive). Also, she works as a professional wrestler in her spare time (AKA "The Dominator"). She loves Luke, who was married to Tracy, so he is the only one that can ask her to do things, and she will do them.

Alice very loyally protects the Quartermaines, kind of like a guard dog (especially if any police or unsavory people come into their house to hassle them). The Quartermaines sort of treat her more like family than help a lot of the time. She joins them for their disasterous Thanksgiving dinners. Alice was supposed to receive a lot of money from Lila's will, but Tracy and Luke forged a new fake will that cut Alice out.

When Luke and Tracy were married the second time, Alice wore black.

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