G.H. Commentary by
Are You Two Related?
There were two surprises that occurred at Jax and Carly’s wedding. For
one, she actually married him and secondly, the wedding lacked that family
“togetherness” most weddings have. The cause of this is the lack of scenes
between family members on a daily basis, as well as, at family functions.
It’s hard to believe that less than six months ago, Sam cared so much
about Alexis and her sisters, that she was willing to give up Jason. She
was also willing to break the law (not unusual) to supply pot to Alexis.
Now, a new viewer would not know that they were even related.
I also remember a time when Sam confessed all to Nikolas. She poured out
her heart to him about Jason and Liz. One would think that he was all that
she had. I guess it would have been wishful thinking to assume that Sam
would have a scene with Nikolas, after all, he’s her cousin and one time
Then there’s Carly. Just like Sam and Alexis, no one new to GH would
know that Carly and Bobbie were mother and daughter. In fact, no one would
know that Carly was a Spencer. Besides being a confidant to Lulu, the rest
of the Spencers’ (not including Bobbie), could care less about her. Luke’s
only nice to her when it benefits him and Lucky…well Lucky has no use for
her at all.
Weddings are supposed to bring families together, and I guess Jax and
Carly’s wedding did just that. Only…one wouldn’t know who was related to
whom. In Port Charles, family is a relative term used loosely…too loose is
you ask me.
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