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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Rachel

All the Little People

We’ve seen the fiercely independent Samantha McCall.  We’ve seen the dependent “woe is me” Samantha McCall.  Now, we’re fortunate enough to see the self-absorbed independent Samantha McCall.  It’s funny how things don’t change. 

In the midst of her raise to fame, Sam has completely lost her mind.  She has forgotten that Jason is a private man.  She plainly doesn’t remember that her reputation is riddled with scandal, hence Sonny and Carly being bombarded by the press.  Also, it must have slipped her mind that Alexis is fighting cancer and has recently lost custody of Molly to Ric.  

Apparently, these family concerns, her past being played in the media and Jason’s welfare has not registered on Sam’s radar.  All she sees is her “new” future.  Either TPTB are making her really stupid or she really does think it’s all about her. 

During the past couple of weeks, Sam has ignored those in her life in hopes of reinventing herself.  It surprises me that she even noticed the inner turmoil Jason has been dealing with.  She sure didn’t know that Alexis lost Molly or that she’s been in and out of the hospital several times. 

Should we be surprised that Sam’s main concern is herself?  Did we really expect Sam to think of others first?  When she talked about her daughter to Spinelli, she was discussing how good motherhood would have been for her.  How selfish can you be?  Not everything revolves around Sam, even though she might think that it does.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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