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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

GH Commentary by Destiny Eve Pifer

"February Sweeps"

Every February the soap writers will put their heads together to come up with elaborate storylines to lure the viewers in. Their goal is plain and simple. To get their numbers high and hopefully win for best storyline. One soap that is good for that is "General Hospital". In the past we have seen the Port Charles Hotel catch on fire. A train wreck, a virus and this year it's a hostage take over at the Metro Court.

Last February marked the return of super spy Robert Scorpio and one of his lady loves Holly Sutton. Of course changes were made and their characters were changed. Robert seemed to turn from loving and funny into cold and uncaring. Holly turned from kind to cold-hearted blackmailer. Of course, it was the ultimate ratings grabber that lured many viewers in. So where is Robert now? Why to the backburner of course. To TPTB he no longer has a purpose, and that is just wrong.

Other returns such as Anna, Noah and Laura have brought disappointment as well. Anna came to town and sparked some serious chemistry with Lorenzo Alcazar only to disappear a few days later. Noah set off some old romantic sparks with Bobbie but we have yet to see a real romance between the two. Instead we only see them on maybe two or three times a month. Laura's brief return was just that brief. To add more insult was to have Luke admit that he now has growing feelings for Tracy Quartermaine.

Now we are met by the sudden appearance of Scott Baldwin another of my favorite characters whom I predict will be ruined. With Luke and Laura's daughter Lulu doing some investigating into Rick Webber's murder I wouldn't be surprised if the killer turned out to be Scott. Thus ruining his character for good. We are already told that Alan will bite the bullet shortly after Valentines Day forever killing off a beloved character.

Now for the hostage story which of course must feature Sonny, Carly, Jason and Sam. What storyline would it be if didn't feature the core four who must be front and center. The only true good part was Robin being involved and Patrick being concerned. We saw Mac, yes Mac who normally sits on the backburner. He is now front and center. We actually see Alan and Monica front and center. Some Luke and Scott banter, which is always interesting. Lorenzo and Skye together (I love that couple).

We find out that Lorenzo works for a government agency and that the new bad guy in town Mr. Craig wants a suitcase containing some mysterious contents that was placed in Alcazars care. Of course Mr. Craig chooses the night of some big Hospital Event taking place at the Metro Court. The soon to be hostages Sonny, Carly, Robin, Max, Nicholas, Liz, Emily, Lulu, Alan, Sam and Maxie are all huddled in the lobby. Bad timing will make their night a living hell.

The writers are apparently fans of the hit Fox show 24 starring Kiefer Sutherland. So they have decided to turn General Hospital into a soap opera type version with Sam of all people as the hero. The Metro Court will explode, people mainly Alan and probably some non-important characters will die, lives will hang in the balance mainly Robins and possibly Maxie's. In the end we will be left with some disappointment and a tragic death. Hey what the heck I may just tune in for all of February just to see how things turn out after all the bad guy is pretty good at his job. I hear he has Sonny beaten to a pulp which may be fun to see. Maybe we'll see some more glimpses of Noah Drake and the hint of a Scrubs Baby. Of course after Sweeps things will then get back to boring until November Sweeps.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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