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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2007 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

Commentary by Rachel

The Year in Review

As the year ends, I have come to the conclusion that this year’s storylines and plot twists were similar to last years. The only true difference was that last year they killed off far fewer characters then they did this year. Courtney, Tony, Justice, Jesse, Diego and Manny all met their maker. Of course, there are countless others that are too minor to even mention.

For the most part, some characters remained the same, no growth or future potential. Sam continued her “woe is me” speech, Luke spent most of the year off-screen then on-screen and Ric continued his mission to destroy Jason. There were many “out-of-character” character experiences, such as Sonny and Emily’s brief love affair and Jason’s disproval as well as Lucky becoming a drug addicted cheat. There were also some surprising developments, like the rekindled friendship between Jason and Elizabeth that resulted in a night of passion (and baby) as well as some disappointments, like the Carly-Jax pairing.

The writers must had major writer’s block when they brought back Anna and Robert to our screens only to fizzle them out before their storylines could have a proper ending (or a beginning for that matter). Also, what exactly were they thinking when they brought Laura back from her mental state only to suggest that Luke pitied her more than he loved her. And let us not forget Georgie taking Dillion back…again.

I must admit that the writers did do some good by infusing Epiphany, Alice, Max, Milo and Spinelli into the scenes. These characters are not your typical soap opera types and yet, at times, they get just as much airtime as some of the regulars. They’re the comic relief of the show and a necessary addition when the show is boring or bleak. Kudos to the writers for that!

As the new year begins, I truly hope that 2007 will not be a carbon copy of 2006. With too many killings and not enough storylines, viewers will tune out General Hospital instead of tune in. Not even fan favorites or the comic relief brigade (Epiphany, Alice, Max, Milo and Spinelli) will be able to help. 

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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