G.H. Commentary by Kelly
Week of December 1, 2003
LINE of the WEEK:
Sonny to Luke (about Faith): "Don't let her fix you a drink."
I was surprised that Bobbie actually played the "bad girl", by letting
Carly take Sonny away, against police orders. I thought that she A) didn't
think Carly should be with Sonny and B) was now a "good girl", so to
speak. Where did the change of heart come from? I find it hard to believe
that Carly would just decide to take Sonny away, to God knows where, and
live the life of convicts, on the run. Where are Michael and Morgan going
to be? I realize that Carly doesn't feel for them anymore, but she does
remember being there mommy, and I find it hard to believe that she would
just get up leave, leaving them with Lateisha. God forbid Courtney gets to
the kids. When Sonny and Carly do return, Courtney will never give them
back. She's still struggling with the fact that she had to "return" them
in the first place. This whole scenario is just a mess.
Okay, so Justus is back, but I don't think it's the same one that left.
Anyway, it should still be pretty interesting. I just find it extremely
hard to believe that after a few years of living in a convent and taking
the vow of silence, that Justus would just give up everything he believed
in to speak with Jason. He couldn't have a very close bond with God, could
he? After only a few minutes of listening to Jason speak, he broke the
silence, one he had seemingly kept for a while. Afterwards, he left the
convent, and just started to preach the law. Can you even do that? If you
have a vow with God, can you just get up and break it? That can't prove to
be good once you're trying to get into the "big house" forever.
Faith, Luke and Skye may prove to be interesting. They are all evil, in
their own ways, although Faith is more than Skye and Luke combined. In the
end, they could do some major butt kicking to many characters on the
General Hospital canvas.
Where is Alexis? She is never shown anymore and it is really beginning to
make me mad. What a waste of talent! Nancy Lee Grahn, in my opinion, is
the best actress on daytime. Why is she rarely used? It makes me so mad
when the best of the best are never used. I'm surprised that all the
underused characters don't just get up and leave. They could start their
own soap, and know I'd watch it, because the best talent would all be on
one show. I think the people at GH really need to get it in their heads
that they are wasting
valuable talent.
Well, enough venting for this week.
Luke will rescue Skye.
Sonny will get caught, but won't stay in jail for long, if at all.
Carly will begin to feel for Sonny and the kids.
Jason and Courtney will get back together.
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