G.H. Commentary by Kelly
Week of October 13, 2003
Line of the Week: (Ode
to Helena returning)
never have us in hell, we'd end up running the place."
Helena Cassadine
I was
so excited to see that Helen had finally returned, if only for a few
episodes! I hope that they decide to keep her on longer!
I love the combination
of Luke and Skye! I think that the scenes are hilarious and I am so happy
that they are finally giving Robin a storyline! The combination of Dillon,
Luke and Skye is so funny! I can’t wait to see what will happen next!
Cameron and Alexis. It
won’t be long until we have them together!
The good Stefan, the bad Stefan, the Stefan that might've been -- they're
all being buried tonight, Alexis.
Alexis: I
don't really want to talk about this anymore.
Yes, it's better that you're not there -- no risk of the grief cracking
through all that detachment. Save that for later, 10 or 20 years from now.
For now, don't think about it. Don't think about your brother dead and
alone. Don't think about yourself alive and alone. You've been trained your
whole life to swallow your feelings. For god's sakes, don't let them out
falls into Cameron’s arms and cries.
After that
scene, I completely fell in love with them! I still love Sexis and Nexis,
but I am beginning to finc
myself hoping for Camis!
once one of my favourite characters, is now one of my least favourites! I
can’t believe that he decided to divorce Carly, his 9 months pregnant wife!
He says he wants a divorce, but he also thinks he can just walk in and out
of the pent house as if he still lives there! I realize that he thinks he is
protecting Carly by leaving her, but I am still mad at the way he is acting!
He just decides to move in with his newlywed sister and brother in law, on
their honeymoon because that is who Sonny is! He is a self-involved who
thinks that the world revolves around him and that people just want to do
exactly what he wants because, of course, he is ALWAYS right! And don’t get
me started about how mad I was when he threw that glass at Carly and told
her to shut up, over and over again!
Journey is
married. L
That’s basically all I can say. The one thing I’m happy about is the fact
that there are rumours circulating about a break up between the pair!
That’s all for this week.
Tracy will return
Carly will fall
down the stairs and go into labour.
Sonny finds
Alcazar standing over Carly, and shoots him. Sonny will deliver the baby and
then find out that Carly has a bullet in her head.
Carly and Sonny’s
baby will be born, with major complications.
Sonny will find
out about Kristina.
Sam will begin to
fall for Jax.
Faith will try to
get Sonny when he is down, and soon people will learn to respect her.
Sonny will leave the mob,
possible leaving room for Faith to reign?
The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.
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