G.H. Commentary by Kelly
Week of April 28th, 2003
LINE OF THE WEEK: " Look who it is; Little Ed." -Skye to Ned.
Whoa! All of a sudden Liz and Corndog (sorry, just a nickname for
are friends? Why? Didn't they just hate each other?
Oh and I am so glad that Carly is finally giving Ric what he deserves! I
just hope she shoots him where it really hurts! It was great how she
him. But, the girl needs some rest! Something is going to happen to that
they are having. Sonny and Carly can't lose any more kids!
I don't understand why Emily won't tell Zander about the cancer. Doesn't
realize that he would do anything for her? I completely understand not
telling the Q's though. They would drive her insane over it.
And what is with Lateisha? Shouldn't she realize that you should never
the kid your babysitting? The parents will tell you if there going shoe
shopping, NOT the kid! Michael could have gone anywhere! Luckily, Skye
Speaking of Skye, all of a sudden, everyone hates her! A.J basically told
to go to he** and of course there's Edward. But, he always hated her.
1. I like the fact that Alexis is 'back.' She's back to her old, sarcastic
self and its great!
2. I think Dillon and Georgie could have something good. I wonder if
anything like his mother?
3. I'm really glad that Liz dumped Ric!
1. I like the whole 'mystery of Summer' thing. She is totally playing Luke
and Lucky. My guess is that she is still working for Nikolas and the fight
they had was all a set up.
2. Could Skye and Ned have a romance in the picture? Since they aren't
cousins anymore than this could be true.
3. I think that Liz is going to end up pregnant with Ric's baby. Poor kid!
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