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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

G.H. Commentary by Anna

Week of April 21, 2003 – “I’m Coming Back to G.H.”

Line of the Week:
“I want you out of this house within the hour.”

Overall Commentary:

A slap well due - I loved Skye hitting Jax and I’m loving her being sober and her interaction with Tracy.  Now Tracy, well, she’s one I love to hate.  She mixes things up quite well, and that’s what G.H. needed.  I’m so looking forward to Skye moving on from her need to be a part of the Quartermaine family.  Maybe she will find love with Ned and the “Princess Brat”.  Skye’s acting was wonderful this week and I wept when she had to tell Lila.  And Ned hit it on the head when he told Tracy “When push comes to shove we stand up for each other.”  Something she’s never learned how to do.

Summer is playing the Spencer’s.  I just can’t wait to find out what she’s up to.  I’m hearing thru the grapevine that she has something to do with some other characters at G.H., but it’s not being mentioned, yet.

Thank GOD, Sonny is the father, Carly now knows, and she finally told him what she “thought” Ric did to her.  I hate when they drag things out and this girl needs to be able to sit back and enjoy this pregnancy.  With all her stress, she’ll end up having the baby way too early.  I’m also happy that Ric’s story is coming out.  I’m hoping he and Sonny become very close and get over their differences. 

Emily and Zander, love how that’s progressing too.  Her having cancer is bringing real life issues back into G.H. (Plus it’s another storyline that’s not Sonny/Carly/Jason/Courtney).  So far, I like this NuEmily, she’s nothing like the old one, but she is bringing a new level of maturity to the character.

General Comments:

  • I like little Dillon and I like him with Georgie.
  • Kill Faith already!!
  • Was that Monica standing up for Skye?
  • I hate Jason and Liz having scene’s together, because it’s like they are strangers.

More next time and thanks for reading! Peace to all.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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