2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!
GH Needs to Use More of Its Cast Written 1/29/03 by
Suzanne originally for
Bella Online I really hate to gripe about GH because it's so good right now! Every day
I feel like, oh, what will happen next? That doesn't happen very often in
soaps, at least not with such intensity. The Alcazar trial has been great.
The writers have done a fair job at getting a large amount of characters
all involved at once.
I have enjoyed seeing Mac and Taggert have more to do lately. I used to
hate Taggert, being a Sonny fan, because his only purpose for existing
seemed to be to get on Sonny and Jason's case. Now I see him as more of a
well-rounded character, thanks to scenes with Gia and with Scott. It's
also great how they have brought Felicia into the investigation.
But GH has a large cast and there are many older folks that I wish they
could write in more often. It was great to see Alan and Monica around to
interact with their children, A.J., Skye, and Jason. And I like how Edward
is in the thick of things with Ned and Faith.
But they could do more. For instance, when Sonny's whole family was at the
courtroom to support Jason and Brenda, where was Mike? He may not like
Jason much but he does like Brenda. For that matter, where Courtney's
other parent when she was getting stalked or getting her divorce from
Jason? I don't think Atlantic City is so far from Port Charles that Janine
couldn't visit more often.
Tony really hates Jason so it would be logical for him to show up in the
courtroom to cheer on his prosecution. Or they could even have shown the
folks at GH watching the trial news on TV. They all know Brenda and Jason
well. It would have been a good way to show Audrey, Gail, Bobbie, and some
others. This show is still called General HOSPITAL, isn't it? Or has it
been changed to General MOBSTERS?
Don't get me wrong, I love Sonny and the rest of them, but I would like to
see more of the rest of the cast used occasionally. There are some very
talented people there. It's a shame they recently took Rachel Ames
(Audrey) off contract. I have to wonder if they would have done that, if
Steve were still around. They must not think that we want to see older
people. That's so much bull---t! It makes the younger characters more
interesting when we see them interacting with their parents, grandparents,
older co-workers, etc. I guess they figure that since Rebecca Herbst might
be leaving the show, they don't need Elizabeth's grandmother around. What
a terrible way to treat someone who's been with the show for that long,
let alone the loyal fans who like to be reminded of the show's history.
I was glad to hear Gail Baldwin's name mentioned; apparently Zander is
going to her for therapy. I hope we get to actually see her. While we're
on the subject, why didn't Kevin and Lucy go to Gail for marriage
counseling over on Port Charles? And for that matter, where the heck have
Victor and Mary been hiding on PC?
Hmmm…..sounds like ABC needs to stop listening to those idiots that think
only teenagers and 20-something's should be on soaps; they need to
remember that soaps are successful because they are MULTIGENERATIONAL and
have a lot of long-time fans that know their history! If you don't believe
me, take a look at the most successful show, Y&R, which has plenty of
people in all age groups. PC & Passions are down at the bottom and they
have hardly anyone over 50. I think that's a good hint of what viewers
want to see.The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.
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