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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

GH Opinion by Suzi

The Murder Case: 

1) Ever heard of the Witness Protection Program? He did have government connections!

2)The verdict is obviously wrong, or else A.J., Coleman, and Skye wouldn't be throwing that cash around... I'm proud of Skye for handing over evidence....You could tell it was her voice.....

Skye/Brenda/Jax- Well, this is going to get confusing...Jax, despite his months of protesting against Skye, will do something SHOCKING! Brenda is an idiot for not getting on the stupid plane... I kinda like this whole Skye/Coleman thing though...We'll have to see.

Brenda/Sonny/Carly- Brenda needs to keep her hands off Sonny...Carly and Sonny will have a small fight, then make up...All over what she saw in the courtroom...

Jason/Courtney & Liz/Ric- Liz and Ric are a hot 'couple'! Jason and Courtney have that innocent forbidden thing, but either make it SERIOUS or BREAK IT UP!

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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Page updated 8/14/12

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