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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

GH Commentary by Anna

Week of January 13, 2003 - "Let's Move On"

Line of the Week: 
To: Brenda 
From: Jason 
"You need to stop that idiot before he gets you put in prison."

Overall Commentary: I'm very tired of this murder trail. I found this week to be a little boring, but I did find a few highlights to share.

I liked the scene where Liz and Courtney were at Kelly's and after they heard the news about Ric. Liz saying, "This is awful." Courtney saying, "This is wonderful." I thought it showed where they were emotionally right now. Liz being there for Ric is a thing the old Liz would do. Being the good 'ole girl next door, gone bad, back to good. (I also think it might have to do with the fact that she's desperate for a friend right now). Now Courtney on the other hand is the good 'ole girl, going bad. Her lying to Sonny is only going to lead to something bad. Can't wait for that to happen!

Scenes between Jason and Brenda were my favorite. So many good/funny lines I had to choose the most accurate for my 'Line of the Week'. In particular the scenes where he was by her side at the hospital, you can see Brenda seeing another side to Jason. And when Courtney went in to give her the news of him leaving, her mentioning that Jason defended her was an added bonus. Now for Jason, he's softening to Brenda too. Him defending her to Carly was great! Carly just needs to back off.

Last but not least, the whole Zander storyline was very depressing to me. I hated seeing him destroy himself. And what makes it even worse, is that I know it's just the beginning. Cameron was a total jerk to him; I couldn't believe how mean he was! And where do they (as in Guza) get off having Gia be so nice to him? I loved his line where he says, "Did we become friends somewhere and no one told me?" So true Zander, so true. They didn't tell us either.

General Comments: 
· I like Laura & Lucky. So far, so good. 
· Jax and the gun scene was horrible. It was so unbelievable, as in bad acting! 
· Sonny giving Ric a hard time was expected and typical of Sonny, boring. Though they  both looked really good! 
· Monica was just so sweet to her dear son A.J. wasn't she - Not.

So let's move on from the murder, Monica being mean to A.J., Jax being an idiot, Q's not coming to Skye's aide, and Jason forgetting his love for Liz.

'til next time, 

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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