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The General Hospital Articles Pages

2003 General Hospital Opinion Articles and Essays!

GH Commentary by Anna

Week of January 6, 2003 - "Slapping is the Game"

Line of the Week: 
To: Courtney and Jason 
From: Elizabeth 
"You can both go to hell for all I care."

Overall Commentary: Carly smacking Alexis was very uncalled for. It drives me crazy to see such nonsense. You know Alexis wanted to smack her stick figure back, but Carly would've snapped in two!

Journey is making me sick. I know I probably say this every week and I will continue to say it until they end this horror. My favorite scenes from the whole week were Liz finding out about Journey. I was yelling FINALLY! It's difficult to see one of your favorite characters going from the best, to the worst, to just not interesting anymore. I sometimes wonder what she did to make the writers mad at her. (Ask for her hubby's job back?) Who knows? All I know is that I so want Liason back together.

Liz's slap was precious. Everything Liz said I agreed with, even if she did end, it Courtney knew she still had feelings for Jason, she should've been told. I can't believe that Jason said when asked he never loved her. If that wasn't love I saw in his eyes back when, I don't know soaps! Or maybe he's just too good of an actor, he sure convinced me.

Our Summer/Laura is attracting both the young and the old. I wonder if they are trying to close the age gap. If so, dye Lucks hair and give Scotty a face-lift! I am glad that Luke was pushing her away so she can do her own thing and that Lucky found out she was a hooker. I hate when they drag things out unnecessarily. Though, it would've been nice if Lucky ran into her while she was at Luke's.

Jax really needs to stay out of things and he needs to be nicer to Alexis who is his only ally right now. I loved Brenda being upset about him wanting her to be declared insane. How insensitive is that after all that's she's been through.

General Comments: 
· Loving the new police station, it makes their horrible police force seem more real. 
· I like Scotty as the "Bad Guy" he plays it very well. 
· I was very glad that Zander was there to listen and be supportive of Liz. 
· I love how Ned is standing up to Faith and not letting her push him around, but I hate how he's treating Alexis. 
· Courtney and Ric could have possibilities. 
· College for Lucky is a good idea; he does need to find his own way in life. 
· Second favorite scene was Sky on the pier. She's such a wonderful actress.

'til next time, 

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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